"The truth?"

The purple haired woman said indifferently, "the truth is that Luo Qingpeng stole the secret territory of Tongtian, and you Lubo cliff is an accomplice."

Lu Boya smiled, and his expression was full of ridicule: "your master may be able to cover up the sky, but without the secret realm of heaven, it is impossible to be truly immortal and invincible. It is doomed that the truth may be covered up, but the truth will come out in the end!"


Behind the purple haired woman, the silver spear suddenly swept out, like a silver thunder, shattering the void and sending out a terrible killing spirit.

"If you, Luo Qingyu and the evil son are all dead, do you think... There's still time to get to the bottom?"

Her graceful figure was filled with murderous spirit.

"Do you want to continue?"

Luboya said, "since I dare to show up here, do you think I will be caught without a hand?"

When he spoke, it was like a golden leaf, and suddenly appeared like a golden vein!

"An original leaf of ten thousand immortal trees!"

Suddenly, the woman with purple hair made a sound in surprise. She had been without emotional fluctuations before, but at this time, she was rarely nervous or even angry.


Without hesitation, she made a move. The silver spear swept out. It was as sharp as a rainbow. With a few blows, it seemed to pierce the universe and destroy the Avenue!

But I saw a sneer from Lubo cliff, and the golden leaves at the fingertips suddenly swept up.


Suddenly, the leaves turned into a vast universe, flowing the immortal breath.



Lintian felt that the picture in front of him suddenly exploded, and he couldn't see anything.

His face was uncertain and his mood fluctuated.

The previous scenes made Lintian realize that both luboya and his mother Luo Qingpeng had unknown secrets!

He took a deep breath and began to think silently.

Before the boundless years, Luo Qingyu was injured and his original blood was destroyed. He fled with the secret land of heaven, crossed the ancient path in the starry sky and came to the lower world

Then, Luo Qingyu fell into the silence of endless years because of his serious injury. He didn't wake up until decades ago, but he lost many memories

This is the saying of Lubo cliff!

According to Lintian's conjecture, after losing his memory, his mother Luo Qingpeng began to live in the Empire, took the imperial examination, entered Qinglu college with the first place in the imperial national examination, and then got to know his father Lin Wenjing

Until after the bloody massacre of the Lin family that year, his mother Luo Qingyu disappeared again!

Mr. Lu must have escaped with his mother Luo Qingyu, crossed the ancient path in the starry sky and came to this lower boundary.

And as a guardian, he has been secretly protecting Luo Qingyu.

When the bloody massacre of the Lin family happened that year, Mr. Lu took action to save his infant. In the next ten years, he hid in that mine prison.


Thinking of this, Lintian also remembered that in the conversation between luboya and the purple haired woman, he also mentioned the "brother" of his mother Luo Qingpeng.

And it was clearly said that when he fled that year, his "brother" already had the strength of the saint Kingdom, and in the boundless years when he arrived in this realm, he was afraid that he had already become an emperor kingdom!

"The purple haired woman said that my mother's blood was destroyed and she couldn't open the door to heaven. At the same time, her brother missed the qualification to open the door to heaven because of his cultivation..."

"It can be inferred that my mother's brother should also have the same original spiritual pulse as me. Is it... Him?"

Thinking of this, Lintian thought of a person like a flash of lightning.

The figure of the man is huge and crazy. He runs wildly in the depths of the void around the stars. Where he passes, stars annihilate and explode

Finally, the figure stays in nothingness, because there is no way ahead, empty and no way ahead.

The man became disappointed, melancholy and lonely, and gave a slight sigh.

"I use heaven and earth as a chess game, ancient and modern as a chess grid, Na Da Dao as a chess manual, and my life as a chess piece. I want to play chess with heaven..."

"But in the end, I lost..."

In that voice, there was endless reluctance and anger.

"The road is broken. Where should I go?"

Suddenly, the man straightened his spine, and a terrible light burst out of his eyes. The whole figure of Weian was like burning, bursting into immeasurable light.


"Build a broken road with my body!"

"Guide the obstacles ahead with my soul!"

Then the man turned into immeasurable light and rushed into the empty nothingness and disappeared again.

This scene was seen by Lintian when he understood the way of stars annihilating and swallowing the sky in the forest of Steles in Cangwu mountain at the Taoist Lantern Festival.

Later, in front of the star chess sea in front of the immortal mountain, Lin Xun knew that the crazy figure was "star annihilation war emperor"!

A real emperor!

But now

Lintian had an uncontrollable thought that the star annihilated the war Emperor... It was probably the brother of his mother Luo Qingpeng.

That's your uncle!

"It must be so. He controls the way of star annihilation and swallowing the dome. He must also have the talent of abyss swallowing the dome. According to Mr. Lu, only the mother can have such blood talent..."

Lintian's mood fluctuated and his face was uncertain.

What he saw today made him unable to calm down at all!

"Just, mother, who were they chased and killed by?"

Lintian was stunned.

Now, he can be sure that his mother Luo Qingyu and Mr. Lu do not belong to this world, but come from somewhere on the other side of the ancient star road.

It can also be determined that perhaps it is because of the existence of "Tongtian secret land" that their mother suffered a big chase!

And this Chase has been going on for endless years, and the other party still doesn't stop.

It can be seen that for those enemies, the secret territory of heaven is so important!

"If so, I'm afraid the big hand who destroyed the prison in the mine came from one of those enemies..."

Although Lintian inferred many truths, he found that after knowing these truths, more and more doubts appeared.

For example, where did their mother Luo Qingpeng come from?

Who are those enemies?

What amazing secrets are hidden in the secret territory of Tongtian, so that the enemy will not give up until now?

Mother Luo Qingyu, after the bloody massacre of the Lin family that year, where did she and her father Lin Wenjing go if they didn't die?

Why... Mr. Lu never tells himself these secrets?

Are you worried that you won't be able to bear it when you know the truth?

... all the doubts made Lintian stunned for a long time.

"Lintian... Unexpectedly, this is the name given by his mother. As Mr. Lu said, is he going to find the truth and answer in the future?" Lintian murmured in his heart.

In the courtyard, weeds swayed and cobwebs were everywhere. The strange restraining force that had originally covered the courtyard had long disappeared.

The twilight is deep.

Lintian, who had been silent for a long time, walked into the courtyard where he had lived.

He knew that Mr. Lu had come a few years ago and knew something about himself. He was very pleased and happy.

He also knew that it was in this courtyard that the purple haired woman appeared and staged an amazing duel with Mr. Lu.

But Lintian didn't know what the final result was.

He stood under the Blue Willow where Mr. Lu had stood, thinking silently.

Night soon fell, and the stars were bright and bright, casting a clear light, enveloping Fei Yun Village in a quiet atmosphere.

"No! Mr. Lu must still be alive!"

Suddenly, Lintian's eyes brightened and he remembered something.

When I arrived before, the courtyard was covered with a strange force of forbidden array.

It is precisely because of the power of this forbidden array that time seems to go back a few years before he saw the confrontation between Mr. Lu and the purple haired woman.

To be sure, this prohibition was laid down by Mr. Lu, so that he can see it one day!

I'm afraid people in the world can't imagine that such prohibitions will still exist in such a small village that has long been abandoned!

If Mr. Lu died in a duel with the purple haired woman, how could he leave such a ban?

"Mr. Lu is still alive... Mother, they... Must be waiting for themselves to find the truth of that year..."

Lintian was in a low mood and suddenly became excited, and his black eyes became very firm.

Ancient path in the starry sky!

One day, he must go for a walk!

That night, Lintian stood alone under the blue willow tree and stood silently all night.

Until dawn, it was bright, and he turned away.


Behind him, Fei Yun Village, which had been deserted for many years and was empty, was destroyed and turned into smoke.

However, when he came to an ancient forest, Lintian suddenly stopped, and he suddenly remembered something.

That year, he saw the summer solstice being chased and killed by a witch brute force in the depths of the forest!


Lintian thought about it and walked into the forest.

However, to his disappointment, over the years, there have been no traces and clues in the forest.

"How did she appear at the summer solstice? Who were her parents? Why was she chased and killed by a witch brute force?"

Lintian couldn't help laughing bitterly when he thought of this.

Over the years, in order to find the secret of his life experience, he has had enough twists and turns, but in comparison, the origin of the summer solstice is obviously more mysterious.

In those years, she appeared out of thin air. She had no father or mother and was alone. The strangest thing is that she was only willing to follow her

Inexplicably, Lintian remembered a sentence that had been said by the summer solstice a long time ago.

"Lintian, remember, my world is so small that you can only live in it."

Thinking of this, Lintian couldn't help sighing. He didn't know where the little girl was now

A moment later.

On the east side of the city, Lintian stood by the emptiness. Looking back, he took another look at the three thousand mountains, and resolutely broke through the air and swayed away.

The past is like smoke.

The journey is ahead!

(end of this chapter)

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