Qianyuan hall.

Zhao Jingxuan made an order immediately after learning the news of the dispatch of the monster army.

Only one sentence——

"Mobilize all the power of the Empire and kill!"

She knows that there is no turning back arrow after starting the bow.

She knew better that since Lintian fought back so hard, he was destined not to let her down.

With this decree, the atmosphere of the whole Empire became more and more serious.

The sky kills the machine, and the stars move easily.

The ground sends out the killing machine, and the dragon and snake land.

Kill people again and again!

In such a large empire, groups of imperial armies can be seen everywhere, riding warships of various specifications, haunting different territories.

Countless monks, aware of the changes in the situation, spontaneously took part in the hunting of monsters.

Even those door lords in the Forbidden City began to deploy troops.

If the Empire dies, no matter the high-ranking dignitaries or the ordinary people living at the bottom, they can't escape the end of suffering.

Therefore, when the monster army began to invade on a large scale, and when the Empire also began to set off a comprehensive expedition, no matter who, can not stay out of it.


When he heard the news, Lintian had already left Qi can and others, left Yanbei province of the Empire and appeared in Yunguang province further north.

"Are these evil animals going to retaliate by invading the imperial territory on a large scale..."

Lintian's black eyes were cold.

"It seems that I didn't kill enough demon kings!"


He disappeared.

A few hours later, Yunguang went to the province and was in the daze of Mangshan.

This is the territory of Xuanyin king.

"Kill, mobilize all forces to kill the city. He Lintian wanted to save the whole empire? Delusion!"

In the Mangshan daze, the Xuanyin King roared like thunder.

His noumenon is a grey backed bull, and his temperament is the most wild and tyrannical.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

Countless monsters roared in groups, and the sound waves were like rolling thunder, stirring for nine days and ten places.

Looking around, it looks like a huge lake. In the Mangshan daze, there are fierce birds and monsters everywhere.

Just those scenes are numbing.

"Go and kill those humble humans. Only killing and blood can make them fear and make them realize how small and unbearable they are!"

The Xuanyin King roared.


But as soon as his voice fell, a sword Qi swept from the horizon, crossed the void, flashed gently, and the blood splashed.

The head of the Xuanyin king also flew into the void, and there was a kind of ferocity and consternation on his ugly cheek.


His headless body fell into the water and splashed.

At this moment, the monster army, which was shouting and roaring wildly, closed its mouth and looked confused. Unexpectedly, the fierce Xuanyin king, who was still giving orders, how could he die at once

The atmosphere was dead and silent.

In the distance, Lintian looked indifferent and waved his robe.


720 taixuan sword Qi swept out, dense and like tide, crisscross in the void, and evolved into a large sword array.

Every sword is shining with a frightening edge.

When the formation was formed, those sword Qi turned into nothingness and completely disappeared in the void.

At the level of eternal life, you can cultivate three sword arrays in [taixuan sword classic].

They are "great nothingness killing sword array", "great prison killing sword array" and "great freedom killing sword array".

At this time, Lintian used the great nothingness sword killing array, which was composed of 720 sword Qi. If the sword array was completed, it could kill the enemy invisibly!


Lintian was very excited.

In the Mangshan daze, countless monsters had no time to respond, and their bodies were cut off, just like the grass being harvested and falling down.

The blood, like the rolling tide, soon dyed the whole Mangshan daze red.

After a lapse of two days, when the Empire went to the province, the Xuanyin king was beheaded, and his demon army was beheaded and bloody!

The world was shocked again.


It's just the beginning, it's just the beginning.

From the moment he left the southwest province of the Empire and embarked on the journey, it was doomed that Lintian could not stop.

Moreover, Lintian could not stop because of the current situation of the Empire.

Five days later.

The eastern provinces of the Empire.

The land Dragon King, who was leading the monster army to attack a huge city, was killed by Lintian who fell from the sky with a broken blade to destroy his body and break his soul.

The monster army led by him collapsed and was chased and killed by the imperial army who came in time. Blood flowed all the way.

Nine days later.

Imperial Weishui province.

Knowing that the black sheep king killed by Lintian chose to escape at the first time, but on the way, he was blocked by Lintian and scratched his skin.

On that day, Lintian rewarded the imperial army with the meat of the king of ink sheep.

It is said that there were many delicious meals on that day, such as roast mutton, stewed mutton soup, roast lamb chops and so on. However, all the imperial soldiers who had eaten this delicious meal said that it was the most delicious and enjoyable meal they had eaten in their life and would be unforgettable all their life.

Eighteen days later.

After seven days of exploration in the northwest desert of the Empire, Lintian was in the heart of the desert and killed the king Yan Rong.

At that time, the fire rushed into the sky and screamed.

With the passage of time, similar things continue to happen.

As the news spread, the whole empire fell into a long-lasting shock.

Countless monks, countless imperial soldiers and countless imperial people were ecstatic, excited, excited, uproar and boiling

Until later, it seemed that because of too much shock, they gradually became numb.

Even, if no one heard that a demon king was killed by Lintian after a while, they would feel something abnormal.

Imperial Forbidden City, Qianyuan hall.

"Newspaper, the Empire's Heishui Province, the Silver Turtle King's ambush!"

News rang through the hall.

Zhao Jingxuan, sitting behind the desk, did not lift his head and said, "I see."

It's been two months.

In these two months, thirteen demon kings in one side of the Empire were killed by Lintian, and their forces collapsed.

Among them, there are great demons like the king of burning fusion, and there are also some cruel and notorious demon kings.

At the beginning, zhaojingxuan was also surprised.

But now she's used to it.

What really makes Zhao Jingxuan happy is that the situation of the empire is very good. Good news comes almost every day.

Some enemy occupied cities and territories have also been recovered one by one!

On the contrary, the major monster forces entrenched in the territory of the empire fell into a great crisis and retreated one after another. Their forces fell sharply and were much worse than before.

All these changes took place only in these two months!

"Your Highness, childe Lin can be a million masters with one sword. Such a great achievement is unprecedented. I haven't heard of it. I really don't know how to reward childe Lin."

An old minister smiled bitterly.

Others are also filled with emotion.

Lintian led the transformation of the imperial situation in the past two months. According to the military merit calculation, the military merit accumulated by him can be regarded as breaking the sky!

"Reward? Talk about it later."

Zhao Jingxuan couldn't help laughing. How could Lintian care about rewards for such accomplishments?

Unless you can give him a chance to be holy!

Thinking of this, Zhao Jingxuan suddenly remembered something and said, "how are you collecting the news about Lubo cliff?"

Immediately someone said, "there are already many eyebrows. However, due to the miscellaneous information and chaotic clues, it needs to be further sorted out."

Zhao Jingxuan nodded and said, "don't worry, the more perfect the better."

Immediately, she ordered, "also, check some news when my father and mother left for me."


Heifeng mountain, south of the Empire.

"Black robed king, you have known the news in the past two months. If you don't come forward to deal with Lintian, we will be destroyed!"

"The demon ancestor was so angry that he gave the order to die. Let us join hands to kill Lintian. Do you want to resist the order?"

"Black robed king, it's time to make a decision!"

On this day, a group of demon kings gathered here, frowning and staring at the closed door of the cave not far away.

In the past ten years, these demon kings have been all powerful and famous figures. Some characters can even be among the top ten demon kings of the Empire.

Such as white Bee King, fire rattan king and so on.

But at this time, they all look worried!

It was because Lintian killed so many demon kings that they all felt trembling and scared. They had to come to Heifeng mountain and ask the black robed king for help.

Others don't know, only they know that the black robed king is the closed disciple accepted by the demon ancestor, which is the most mysterious and low-key.

In these years, he has rarely appeared.

But no one dares to question his strength!

"Why did you... Provoke Lintian?"

A sigh came from the closed cave.

Those demon kings were stunned, and immediately their faces sank. Unexpectedly, they waited for a long time, but such a sentence came!

what do you mean?

Is this to blame them for taking the initiative to provoke Lintian?

"Black robed king, are you afraid?"

A demon king was furious and made a cold sound.

"No, I'm just saying that you're too stupid to provoke a role you can't afford, but in the end, you can only come to me for help. Don't you feel ashamed?"

The voice of the black robed king was flat and without waves.

"I'm not waiting to hear your mockery!"

The white queen bee spoke and looked cold. "If you can't do it, just give a happy word."

Suddenly, the black robed king was silent.

For a long time, his voice came from the closed Cave: "in less than three months, I will cross the holy robbery. At that time, I will do it."


Suddenly, the demon kings were shocked in their hearts, and their faces changed slightly. They were envious and jealous. Probably they didn't expect that the black robed king was already far ahead of them and was about to touch the Holy Land!

"Three months?"

The demon king frowned and was just about to say something when he was interrupted by the white queen bee and said, "as long as the black robed King becomes holy, it's not easy to kill Lintian?"

Then the White Queen took a deep breath, looked at the closed cave in the distance, and said decisively, "OK, we'll wait another three months!"


PS: today's 10 Watch burst. Let's start with a wave of 5 even watch! Old fellow iron must not forget to subscribe and monthly tickets.

(end of this chapter)

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