It snowed heavily this time, with cloud makeup wrapped in plain clothes, and the Yujing city was white.

On the street, Lintian walked alone, his eyes were dull. He walked aimlessly, covered with snow and his black hair was frosty.

A hound rushed out and waved his tail proudly at Lintian.

It's just a dog, but he's wearing a well cut Chinese dress with a string of purple and gold bells tied around his neck.


Lintian shouted despairingly.

He turned his eyes and glanced at the dog. The latter trembled and shivered. As if he had been greatly frightened, he ran away with his tail between his hands.

In this situation, people can't help but think of the sentence "panic is like a lost dog".

Lintian looked back, but he thought that he hadn't tasted dog meat for a long time

"Wangcai, Wangcai!"

In the distance, a group of servants hurriedly chased the fleeing hound.

"Beggar, stop!"

A beautiful maidservant who looked bossy blocked Lintian's way, pointed to Lintian's nose and shouted.

"What did you do to scare my wife's dog... Eh, you are... You are the young master?"

The sound of drinking and scolding stopped suddenly.

The maid recognized Lintian and opened her eyes as if she couldn't believe it.

Lintian also recognized that the woman in front of him was the maid grass who served him very young.

Only after the Lin family was ruined, he had not seen each other for many years.

Depending on the situation, the other party's life is very good after leaving the Lin family. Although she still looks like a maid, she is neatly dressed, wearing royal clothes and mink fur, and exuding a sense of wealth and honor.

"It's you, grass."

Lintian thought it was necessary to say hello to each other. After all, Xiaocao was an "acquaintance" in the past.

"Don't call me grass!"

Suddenly, the maid's face sank and said with a sneer, "do you still think you're the young master of the Lin family? Look at you now. You're not as good as a dog. You still want to cling to me? I tell you, if you dare to tell others in the future that I'm the maid around you, I won't spare you first!"

She seemed very excited and anxious to get rid of her relationship with Lintian.

Lintian looked at her for a moment, said nothing and walked forward.

From beginning to end, there was no emotional fluctuation, which surprised the grass.

After the accident, she was angry. She rushed up again and said, "did you hear what I said? You are indeed a fool. After living for so many years, you are not as good as a dog. Your parents are dead, and the Lin family is ruined. Even you are expelled from the Lin family. It is uncertain that one day, you will be frozen to death by the cold wind and heavy snow, and no one will collect the body for you!"

Lintian was still moving forward, as if he hadn't heard.

This made Xiaocao more and more angry. He gnashed his teeth and said, "I'm really a fool. No wonder my wife would choose to withdraw from marriage. Who would be willing to marry a thoughtless fool like you?"

Lintian paused and said, "madam?"

Seeing that the fool finally had such a little reaction, the grass was like winning a battle. His eyebrows and eyes were full of pride and disdain: "do you remember your wife? Yes, my wife is Wang ziluan!"

Now in Yujing City, who doesn't know the name of Wang ziluan? Wang ziluan's husband, Huangfu Shaoyu, is one of the few great men.

It is said that Huangfu Shaoyu has been appointed as the successor of Qingyun sect. He will take charge of Qingyun sect sooner or later!

"What, are you feeling bad now? Feeling angry?"

Xiaocao sneered, "unfortunately, if I were my wife, I would never have married such a thoughtless fool like you!"

"Remember when you asked me, didn't you get angry?"

Lintian frowned and seemed to be in a difficult memory. He said, "at that time, I said she didn't deserve my anger."

The grass was stunned and said, "now?"

Lintian said, "so it is now."

When he said this, his originally dull eyes, like the lake surface dispelled by the fog, became clear without any impurities.

There is an unspeakable unwillingness and powerlessness in Xiaocao's heart. Can't this fool even feel ridicule, ridicule, shame and blow?

Really... A fool born with the vision of heaven and earth!

For other normal men, I'm afraid I'm already angry and burst out in anger, but when I look at him, I don't have such a little reaction!

Xiaocao has a crazy impulse at the moment. He feels that if he says more words to the fool, he will cough up blood with anger.

"Little grass girl, Wangcai found it."

In the distance, the slaves came back happily with the hound in beautiful clothes.

The grass moved in his heart, pointed to Lintian beside him and said with gnashing teeth, "he was the one who scared Wangcai just now. Do you know what to do?"

Suddenly, the servants looked at Lintian badly, and they were ready to move.

Lintian seemed unaware of it, but when he saw the fat hound, his stomach growled again.


Wangcai, the hound, let out a shrill bark. Like being overly frightened, he suddenly took off, spread his feet and jumped wildly into the distance.

Everyone was stunned.

Don't rush back if Wangcao loses something

Everyone hurried to catch up.

"This dog is interesting."

Lintian smiled, his eyes were clear and clean, like the flying snow, which was so clear that he was trembling.

Xiaocao was stunned. If she remembered correctly, it was the first time she saw Lintian laughing in these years.

Immediately, she was annoyed, just a fool giggling. Is it worth paying attention to?

"Remember my words. If I dare to hear you talk about your relationship with me in the future, I'll be the first to kill you!"

The grass took a deep breath, put down a cruel word and hurried away.

Lintian was stunned, which seemed strange and regretful. He sighed and walked into the vast snow world.

"Eh, isn't that the stupid young master of your Lin family? Tut tut Tut, look at him. He's no different from a beggar."

In a restaurant, there were many friends and a warm atmosphere. A group of young dandies and young masters of the younger generation in Yujing city gathered together to talk and laugh.

However, when a young man near the window suddenly said this sentence, many people immediately laughed and looked at the street outside.

There, there was heavy snow, and a young man in only thin clothes walked alone, covered by heavy snow and alone.

"It's really him. Who can imagine that the guy who loved everything in those days has now been reduced to the streets?"

"Ha ha, this fool can be expelled from the Lin family now."

"Alas, the Lin family was so beautiful in those days, but now it is cold and poor. Things are changeable."

Everyone sighed.

Of course, this is a kind of pity from above, and there is no lack of schadenfreude.

Among you, there are also some children of the Lin family, but they can only sit in the most corner seats, and no one cares.

Those young people dare to talk about the Lin family unscrupulously, but they dare not get angry or angry. There is no way. Times have changed. The Lin family is no longer the first force in the jade capital

"Damn bastard, why don't you die!"

Those children of the Lin family secretly gnawed their teeth and thought that Lintian's appearance had lost their face. They had no place to vent their anger, and they could only vent it on Lintian's head.

"Everybody, that guy's last name is no longer Lin. it has nothing to do with us anymore."

A son of the Lin family couldn't help but make a noise.

"Hahaha, look, even the Lin family don't want to recognize that fool. It's really pathetic."

In the restaurant, there was a burst of laughter.

Those Lin children looked stiff and didn't talk.

"Alas, this fool is so pathetic. Give him a bone to eat."

A king's son stood up, picked up a chicken bone, threw it out across the window and fell at Lintian's feet.

"Fool, eat quickly and don't starve to death."

The prince's son shouted.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the restaurant was quiet. This behavior was undoubtedly humiliating Lintian, which was more cruel than slapping him in the face.

But no one said anything.

Because that is the son of the Wang family. Today's Wang family is the first force in the jade capital. It is more powerful than the Lin family in those days.

The reason is that the Wang family has a good son-in-law - Huangfu Shaoyu.

His name is Zixiang Wang's younger brother, Zixiang Wang's.

If Wang ziluan had not retired, Wang Zilong would have called Lintian's brother-in-law, but now... Of course, everything is different.

Lintian was a fool who was reduced to the streets, and Wang Zilong was like the first dandy young master in the jade capital. His brother-in-law was a famous figure, Huang Fu Shaoyu!

At present, Wang Zilong humiliated Lintian by throwing bones. Although everyone saw it, who would dare to say anything?

Even those children of the Lin family kept silent and bowed their heads to eat sullen wine, but their hearts became more and more painful. They hated Lintian. Why didn't he freeze to death in this heavy snow?

On the street, Lintian stopped, looked at the chicken bones under his feet, looked at the restaurant in the distance, and the dandies in the restaurant who were pointing fingers at him, and then——

He bent down and picked up the chicken bone, shook it towards the restaurant and said, "in the future, I'll repay you by coming to the door."

After that, he put the chicken bones away and gradually disappeared in the distance.

In the restaurant, everyone laughed, some people bent over with laughter, and tears almost came out.

Yes, no one expected that in the face of such humiliation, that fool Lintian... Picked up the chicken bone!

Even Wang Zilong was stunned. He was surprised and muttered: "he's really a fool. He has to come to the door to repay me. Is he going to give me a chicken bone? It's crazy..."

In the end, he couldn't help laughing.

In the restaurant, the laughter grew louder and louder.

Only those children of the Lin family are becoming more and more uncomfortable and on pins and needles.

On the same day, the foolish young master of the Lin family was reduced to the streets. The news of picking up the chicken bones lost by Wang Zilong spread like wildfire and became another joke in the city.


PS: as usual, two shifts in a row.

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