
Almost instinctively, the grass subconsciously replied.

Immediately, she was at a loss. What's the matter with herself? How could she be frightened by a fool?

An unspeakable anger and shame rushed into her heart. When she met Lintian's clear and deep eyes, she suddenly felt cold, like being stared at by a supreme God.

And she is just a tiny mole ant!

"Did Lintian ever treat you badly?"

Lintian asked, he looked neither sad nor happy, and Gu Jing was not bo.

The grass shook his head subconsciously.

Her mind went blank. What the hell was going on?

"His mother, this fool is nonsense. It's so much. Why do you think that the grass girl will read you away?"

One of the squires was impatient and shouted, "brothers, send us the young master of the Lin family on the road!"


He pulled out a sharp knife, raised his hand and struck it.

Lintian glanced at him.

At a glance, an incredible thing happened.

The cleaved knife broke and powdered inch by inch in the void, followed by the palm, arm, body and head held by the squire

It's like a snowman blown open. Before the flesh and blood splashed, it fell to the ground.

This strange and incredible scene made the other squires stare, and their eyes almost jumped out. They were stunned.

"You... You..."

They trembled, their faces changed, and they couldn't speak neatly.

"Do you think a fool like me can only be slaughtered and don't know how to kill?"

Lintian glanced at them.

Then, these powerful and extremely fierce king's squires were blown open inch by inch, and the bright red blood dyed the white blood scarlet, shocking.

Xiaocao was completely stupid, out of control and screamed: "you're not that fool, who are you!"

Lintian said calmly, "I am me. I have never changed and will not change."


Xiaocao was excited and looked pale. "If you were that fool, why would you watch the Lin family break down and both parents die? Let the Lin family expel you, and even... Pick up chicken bones left by others regardless of shame and dignity?"

Lintian said, "because I didn't understand at that time, but now I do."

The grass looked confused: "is it so simple?"

"It's not easy."

Lintian sighed, looked at the two tombs and said, "I've thought about this problem for many years. If I thought about it earlier, they wouldn't die..."

The grass stood there.

For the first time, she found that although she had followed Lintian for many years, she never seemed to know him.

Is this... Really a fool?

"If you die like this, you will be very unwilling. Come with me."

Lintian said and walked away.

Dressed in white and carrying his hands on his back, he no longer looked so down-to-earth when walking in the wind and snow. On the contrary, he gave people a momentum that although the mountains and rivers are large, he can only bow down at my feet.

The grass, like a ghost, chased up.

It seems that if she dares to disobey or refuse, she has committed an unforgivable and heinous crime!


Yujing city.

When he appeared in the city again, Lintian was no longer that Lintian.

Or he should have been like this.

"Eh, isn't this the fool? It's rare that he hasn't been frozen to death."

It is still the restaurant, there are still many dandies at the party, and those Lin children are still sitting in the corner.

When hearing the discussion about Lintian, those Lin children were so angry that they turned black. Why did the fool appear again?

"Tut Tut, did you become addicted to eating after picking up a chicken bone yesterday?"

Some people sneer.

"Come on, find me some chicken bones and I'll feed him!"

Some people rolled up their sleeves and picked up chicken bones to follow Wang Zilong's example and give Lintian some bones to eat.

Others followed.

A son of Lin family couldn't help it any more. He rushed to the window and shouted with a ferocious look: "Lintian, why don't you die? Don't you think our Lin family is not ashamed enough? Get out! Get out! I won't see you in the city again!"


As soon as his voice fell, he was slapped and flew out by a dandy and scolded, "go away, don't ruin our interest!"

The Lin family's son fell head broken and bleeding, but he could only bear it and didn't dare to say anything.

In his heart, he became more and more angry with Lintian!

Lintian saw this scene, and he could even see clearly that the children of the Lin family were angry and oppressed.

I also saw the playful appearance of those dandies who wanted to have fun with themselves in a posture of teasing and playing.

However, there is only Wang Zilong.

Lintian felt a little regretful, but he didn't think about it any more, because he might see it later.

"Lintian, come on, then these bones. If you can learn to bark twice, I'm not sure if you're in a good mood, I'll give you a glass of wine."

A young man in Chinese robes stood at the window, smiling and throwing out a lot of bones.

The others watched excitedly.

Only those Lin children looked as gloomy as water. They were not angry for Lintian, but because Lintian lost their face!

Those bones flew out

Lintian stopped and looked at the scene without emotion.

However, those scattered and flying bones suddenly stood still in the air, like being gripped by an invisible hand.


The dandies who were waiting excitedly to see if Lintian could pick up bones were stunned. The original lively atmosphere was also silent.


At this time, a bone suddenly turned upside down, like a sword, and suddenly cut through the void.

Standing at the window, the young man in Chinese robes who had thrown a handful of bones out of the window solidified his smile at this moment.

A bone pierced its throat and embedded it in the skin and flesh, and the blood flowed down with it.

The young man in Chinese robes stared and covered his throat. He wanted to say something, but he could only make a voice of "ho... Ho".


Immediately, as soon as his body was soft, he lay down on the ground.

The other dandies at the scene finally realized that something was wrong. Their faces changed greatly and they jumped with surprise. For a moment, the restaurant was in a mess.


But at this time, the bones that stagnated in the air were like a sharp and unparalleled sword, reversed and rushed into the restaurant.

Then, every dandy's throat was pierced through a blood hole, and they couldn't dodge or shout.

That piece of bone, all accurate terrible, fast terrible, fierce terrible!

And the real peerless sword, there seems to be no difference.

In the restaurant, the noisy atmosphere was replaced by a terrible silence, with corpses lying in a pool of blood.

Everyone's throat is pierced and gurgling blood.

Before, the place was very lively. These dandies instructed the country and talked loudly. They regarded Lintian as the object of ridicule and shamed him recklessly.

And now

All dead!

Those Lin children didn't die, but they were paralyzed with fear, trembling all over and blank in their minds.

They don't know who the killer is.

Because Lintian stood outside the street and just looked up at it. In addition, he didn't do anything else from beginning to end.

But only Xiaocao knew that it was Lintian who killed those dandies!

In the Cemetery outside the city, Lintian had killed those King's servants in the same way.

Everything, just because Lintian looked at them more

This makes Xiaocao feel more and more trembling and confused. She doesn't understand that a fool who has been ridiculed, trampled and humiliated for more than 20 years and has long become a laughing stock in the city seems to become another person in a twinkling of an eye.

She really doesn't understand.

At this time, Lintian took back his eyes and walked forward with his hands on his back like nothing.

The appearance of light clouds and light wind made Xiaocao's heart more and more confused. He couldn't help saying, "there's a big force behind the people you killed. They'll certainly not let you go!"

She thought Lintian would be afraid, or at least have some reaction.

But Lintian didn't. from beginning to end, his steps were orderly, so calm, calm and composed.

The grass was stunned, bit his teeth and kept up.

In the rear, there was a loud cry from the restaurant.

Even Xiaocao knows that with the death of those dandies, today's Yujing city is destined to set off a big storm!

But she couldn't care about it.

"You... Are you going to Wang's house?"

When he noticed Lintian's direction and pointed to the position occupied by the Wang family, the grass could not help but freeze and cry out.

"You'd better calm down, otherwise, I'm afraid I can't bear it next. Well, in that case, I'll miss a lot of interesting things."

Lintian's words were not plain.

Xiaocao bit his teeth and stared at Lintian's back. He said in his heart, "if you really want to go to the king's house, what's the difference between going to the king's house and dying? I wish you would go earlier!"

On such a thought, her heart was much calmer.

The Wang family is the most powerful force in the jade capital. There are many experts in the clan. The most important thing is, who doesn't know that the most proud son-in-law of the Wang family, Huangfu Shaoyu, also came back with Wang ziluan?

Huangfu Shaoyu, this is the successor of Qingyun sect!

Before long, Lintian saw the king's residence.

Covering an area of more than 100 mu, the gate of the mansion is built tall and towering. There are stone statues of auspicious animals squatting in front of the gate. There are a team of bodyguards standing on both sides. Each one has a powerful breath and is extremely frightening.

At this time, in front of the gate of the royal residence, there are many treasure chariots, animal carts and mounts.

One by one, the dignitaries in the city were introduced into the mansion one by one after handing out their worship posts.

This is called "busy traffic and crowded houses".

Since last night, the great people who came to visit the Wang family have been like running water, which shows how powerful the Wang family is in Yujing city.

In contrast, today's Lin family is more than just a few people. It has hardly fallen into the embarrassment of no one's interest.


PS: make up the chapter I owed yesterday. I still owe 2 more last time. Goldfish still remembers that you can rest assured that you will return them one by one!

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