(children's shoes remind me that the numbers in the previous chapter 1433 are repeated, but it is troublesome to modify and has no impact on the content. Please modify it later)


According to the mysterious woman, the blood killing battlefield in the night does lead to another world.

The world is transformed by the body of a fallen emperor!

In its body, a hole and an orifice form a boundary, so it can be called the distribution of countless different worlds, large and small.

It's impossible to know who the fallen emperor was before.

But what is certain is that this is an extremely amazing and vulgar emperor, a supreme figure that makes mysterious women admire.

It was also at this time that Lin Xun realized that "the land of body and mind can transform heaven and earth", which is a sign to distinguish a figure in the imperial realm!

Imagine that a monk's body is like the universe of the universe, and all kinds of acupoints, viscera, limbs and bones can be transformed into a world. How terrible is this?

This is the imperial realm!

The thought that the place he was standing in was a world formed by a tiny hole of a powerful emperor made Lintian tremble.

However, Lintian could not calm down at the thought that the object he had been fighting for more than half a year was a trace of murderous spirit left when the empire fell, and his power was eroded by years.

How terrible should the living Empire be?

Lintian thought of the supreme figures in the ancient times, such as the emperor of taixuan sword, the emperor of no disaster war, Xingjia Holy Buddha, and also thought of the emperor of Xingyan war, who was probably his uncle

Immediately, he suddenly looked at the mysterious woman and said, "senior, do you also have..."

The mysterious woman seemed to have expected Lintian's question, and interrupted, "it was before, now... I can't distinguish myself..."

Voice, with a trace of unspeakable disappointment.

She has been thinking about this problem for too long!

Since she became the "gatekeeper" of the secret realm of heaven, she could not tell who she was and what accomplishments she had.

Just like in her mind, she lost some extremely important memories.

She tried to look for clues in the past, but so far she has found nothing.

Moreover, in the boundless years after becoming a "gatekeeper", she has never forgotten anything.

But the mysterious woman knows that her most precious memory is gone

She knew better that if she could retrieve her memory, she might understand why she became the gatekeeper of the secret land of heaven, and her stay was boundless years.

Lintian was also stunned. He didn't even know what cultivation he was?

This is ridiculous.

But his intuition told Lintian that the mysterious woman in front of him didn't care to lie at all. The reason was very simple, it was not necessary at all.

"Soon, it will completely turn into an original force and disappear, and the night world of blood killing battlefield will disappear. All because a big opportunity will come soon."

The mysterious woman said and left with Lintian.


Yuncang mountain.

When he returned to his stone house, Lintian felt a dream for a moment.

I can't help thinking of the eight months of training in the dark.

Who dares to imagine that the dark world, which is regarded as a dark hell, could be transformed by the remains of a powerful emperor?

After half a ring, Lin Xun gradually recovered his composure.

No matter what else, at least, his physical cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, there is no shortage of their own Taoism!

"The cultivation of Qi refining and soul refining has been in the eight robberies of eternal life, and the cultivation of body refining has now reached the point of seven robberies of eternal life, and it is getting closer and closer to the time when the forbidden road robbers come..."

Lintian's black eyes flashed.

Before becoming holy, banning robbery was like a natural moat, which oppressed Lintian. When he thought of this robbery, Lintian had an unspeakable sense of urgency.

He vaguely had a hunch that when his body refining, Qi refining and soul refining accomplishments all broke through to the point of nine robberies in his eternal life, this great disaster was destined to come!

"After participating in the guandaoshan theory, I must leave for mulberry forest land. Only there may be an opportunity for me to break the ban on road robbery..."

Lintian took a deep breath and made a decision in his heart.


"It's less than half a month before the debate on guandaoshan. Hasn't Lintian passed the pass yet?"

Recently, there have been more and more discussions about this in the imperial camp.

Because another debate on guandaoshan will begin in half a month. At that time, there will be a showdown between the imperial camp and the alliance of all ethnic groups.

In the end, there will be a winner who will step on Guandao mountain and see the scars of the Avenue!

"The list has been determined. Lintian must be going to war. This time, maybe our empire will be ashamed and win this debate!"

Some people are looking forward to it.

"Although there are ten thousand strong people in the alliance, we can't be too optimistic. Although there are ten thousand strong people in the alliance, there are also ten thousand strong people in the alliance."

"If we only compete for the number of top people, we are still at an obvious disadvantage."

Some people frown and worry.

At this time, Zhao Xingye found Lintian and said, "are you ready?"

Lintian smiled, "you can start at any time."

Seeing Lintian looked calm and calm, Zhao Xingye couldn't help laughing, "I'm waiting for you to surprise me."

Lintian thought for a while, but he couldn't help saying, "I'm only worried a little now."

Zhao Xingye's heart was tight. At this time, this guy was not sure of winning. She couldn't help but eyebrow: "what are you worried about? Just say it. I can solve it and satisfy you."

Lin xunlian hurriedly said, "Er, elder misunderstood. I'm just worried that my opponent's performance is unbearable..."

Zhao Xingye was stunned, and then a smile appeared on his charming face. At the end, he couldn't help laughing: "this is the most crazy sentence I've heard in recent years. Of course, it also makes me feel happy."


Lintian smiled and didn't explain anything.

Can he say that from entering the bloodkilling battlefield, his only goal is to enter mulberry woodland?

That is the place where the sage, the great sage, the sage king, and even the quasi emperor characters may appear!

As for the confrontation with the strong of the other two camps, to be honest, Lintian didn't care too much.

Of course, he can't say these words, otherwise, Zhao Xingye is afraid to doubt whether he is complacent

Two days later in the morning.

Lintian, Li Duxing, song Wuke, Shi Yu, Gong Ming and other top figures in ten camps set foot on a treasure ship.

"Brother Lin, we are waiting for your triumph!"

"Li Daoyou, be sure to help us out."

"We must win!"

In the camp, all the strong men gathered together to see Lintian off.

Among them, Ning Meng, ye Xiaoqi and others, although their combat power was good, they were a little worse than Lintian's ten people, so they were unable to participate in the debate on guandaoshan.

This makes them quite regretful.

"Lintian, we must destroy those eggs!"

Ning Meng shouted and made the whole audience laugh. Some women couldn't help but blush and spit and scold.

"Anyway, just do your best and listen to fate."

Ye Xiaoqi was worried and told Lintian and Shi Yu.

Shi Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes and didn't have a good way: "the journey is coming, but you say such frustrating words. When I come back, I have to clean up you fat man."

Lintian smiled and waved his hand without saying anything.

"Let's go."

Zhao Xingye drove the treasure boat and carried the people away through the air.


"In this debate, we and the Ten Nations Alliance will all send out ten strong players. The rules of the debate are very simple. Draw lots to determine the order of appearance. Compete with the strong players of the other side one by one to defeat or kill the other side."

"The winner can continue to challenge or choose to leave the field for a rest. In short, the debate is over when he defeats all the other parties."

On the treasure ship, Zhao Xingye explained the rules, concise and comprehensive.

"In previous debates, our empire lost more and won less. No, strictly speaking, it won only once, but there were enough 34 top people who lost in the debate!"

At last, Zhao Xingye's face was full of gloom and hatred.

"Those... Are the pillars of our empire. Every one of them is a top figure in ten thousand. They all have hope to set foot in the holy land."

"But they died in the debate!"

"They died for the Empire. This revenge must be avenged!"

On the treasure ship, everyone looked determined and firm. Many people were sad and thought of their companions who had died in the previous debate.

It's a debate, but it's actually a life and death struggle!

Fortunately, you will be seriously injured and get lucky to get back a life.

But luck is a minority after all. In the debate, the enemy will not miss any possibility of killing his opponent!

This is the guandaoshan debate, bloody and cruel.

Among the three camps, in order to cut off the top figures in each other's forces, they will go all out in the debate at all costs!

Lin xunqai has never participated in the guandaoshan debate since he first came to the bloodkilling battlefield for about two years, but when he heard these things, he also had an unspeakable suffocation in his heart.

"Remember, as long as you debate, you should go all out!"

Zhao Xingye warned.

Everyone nodded.

This time, can the Empire change its previous decline and win the debate?

They don't know, but they will do their best!

Half a day later.

Far away, a towering mountain in the shape of an inverted bell appeared in the field of vision.

The mountain is jagged and piled up with strange stones. It is bare, without vegetation or strong aura.

But it seems to give people an unspeakable sense of oppression.

This is guandaoshan!

Every three years, on the cliff side stone wall at the top of the mountain, there will be a road score map, which is unpredictable.

Here, every three years, there will be a debate between the three camps, and bloody and cruel battles will break out.

Here, many imperial strongmen have been killed by the enemy and lost their halberds in hatred!

Looking at the mountain from a distance, Lin Xunchang vomited turbid air and looked flat.

This time, Lin Xun came, and the result was destined to be rewritten!

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