Seeing the fearless appearance of the dark blood Saint witch, Niu Zhenyu couldn't help laughing angrily: "what if you hurt an arm? Do you think I can't kill you an old thing?"

The dark blood saint's face was expressionless: "want to lose both? Yes, put your horse here."


Niu Zhenyu's body suddenly appeared a terrible black light, which rose into the sky and was awe inspiring.

Almost at the same time, around the thin figure of the dark blood Saint witch, a wisp of blood light flowed and evolved into the law of the holy way, undulating like a tide.

Woo woo~~

Heaven and earth are repressed, and the void vibrates, producing a deafening roar.

The two true saints, although they were seriously injured, still seemed so terrible.

Cattle swallow the sky and dark spirit, light floating and sunny all turn pale, shocked, and retreat back.



Almost at the same time, Niu Zhenyu and the dark blood holy witch rushed up.

However, unexpectedly, the two are still on the way. Suddenly, they flash and use the method of space movement to disappear.

At the next moment, they both appeared in the dormant area before Lintian!


Niu Zhenyu did not hesitate to clap it with a slap, which made the void collapse, and the terrible power of the holy way was like a landslide and tsunami.

The dark blood Saint witch sacrificed the white bone hammer, turned it into a white light, hammered it hard, and just domineered the extreme.

All this seems very sudden. From the dispute between the two to the killing of the opportunity, and then to the action, it's only a moment before and after. It's incredibly fast.

But they didn't kill each other, but attacked Lintian together!

Obviously, the two true saints were aware of Lintian's existence before. They pretended not to know, but they had already passed through the ditch in the dark.

The dispute and conflict between the two just now must be just acting. It can't be true!


The sky is falling apart, and the sun and moon are not shining.

Is it unusual for the two saints to strike with a premeditated blow?

It can be seen that the land thousands of miles around is like collapse and destruction, and the terrible holy light is swept by the turbulence, flashing a luster that is enough to chill the world.


Niu tuntian and dark Lingzhen were shocked. Then they realized that something was wrong. It was not that the two saints wanted to kill each other, but to deal with another opponent!

It's just, who's the opponent?

They held back their inner shock and looked into the field.

At the same time, Niu Zhenyu and the dark blood Saint witch changed their faces. They were bound to win a joint blow and failed!

It's incredible to them.

"Old beast, since I dare to come near, I really think I'm here to die?"

In the distance, there was a sneer, and Lintian's tall figure was reflected in the smoke. His clothes made a sound in the wind.

Behind him, a pair of dark wings of burning God glittered with illusory luster.

Before, it was with the power of the wing of the burning God that he narrowly avoided this premeditated killing.


Niu tuntian, dark Lingzhen and guangfuqing all cried out in disbelief. They didn't expect that the target of the two saints would be him!

Under the holy land, all are like mole ants, but now there are two saints working together to plot and kill a mole ant, which is naturally too surprising.

The faces of Niu Zhenyu and the dark blood Saint were all heavy.

Previously, the dark blood Saint told Niu Zhenyu secretly that although Lintian was a mole ant, he could not be underestimated. He held a treasure that threatened the saint.

Therefore, Niu Zhenyu, as a saint, chose to join hands with the dark blood saint to deal with Lintian, a young man who was like an ant in his eyes.

Originally, Niu Zhenyu thought it was a fuss, but at this time, Niu Zhenyu found that he was wrong, very wrong.

The two saints had planned a long time to kill, but they were all avoided. Is this what an ordinary mole ant can do?

"You guessed we would do it?"

The dark blood saint was still unbelievable and looked ugly.

"I didn't guess, but I'm sure that with my cultivation, it's impossible to hide the feelings of the two true saints, but you two old beasts are so funny and deliberately act like you don't know. You're true saints. Don't you think it's humiliating to use this way?"

Lintian scoffed.

Yes, he was sure from the beginning that when he approached, even if there was lion dragon Qi to cover up his breath, he couldn't hide the saint's ears and eyes at all.

Therefore, when I saw the fake performances of Niu Zhenyu and the dark blood Saint witch, I felt very ridiculous. At the same time, I had already been vigilant.

Therefore, we can avoid the joint sniping of the two saints at the first time by relying on the power of the wing of the burning God.

Hearing Lintian's undisguised sarcastic words, Niu Zhenyu and the dark blood Saint became more and more ugly and extremely blue.

Being avoided by a mole ant is enough humiliation to damage their face. Now they are still ridiculed and ridiculed, how can they not be angry?

"Oh, sharp teeth and sharp mouth. Do you think you can run away this time?"

The dark blood Saint witch's voice was loud, and the killing machine was wanton. The Qi machine around him was like a sharp blade, which firmly locked Lintian in the distance.

Lintian didn't escape. He even seemed to see through the dark blood saint's mind and said calmly: "no nonsense, you old beast, don't worry. I won't use that bottle that makes you uneasy this time, and I won't use anyone's help."

The dark blood saint was stunned and seemed incredible.

Niu Zhenyu was a little suspicious. In common, mole ants like Lintian would be scared out of control when facing a true saint.

But Lintian seemed very calm at this time, and that calm was definitely not pretended!

For a moment, Niu Zhenyu had a feeling of indecision. His face was cloudy and sunny. He tried to look at the young man in the distance, as if trying to find some disguised flaws from his look.

But what disappointed him was that Lintian's calm attitude had absolutely no trace of disguise.

The dark blood Saint witch was also stunned. He glanced at Niu Zhenyu who was indifferent nearby, and his heart was also surprised.

This seems incredible!

At least for niutuntian, dark Lingzhen, guangfuqing and others, they almost couldn't believe their eyes.

You two are so holy!

Even though they have been seriously injured, but now they have doubts in the face of an mole ant?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Niu tuntian would never believe that there would be such crazy and unreasonable things in the world!

"What on earth do you want to do?"

With a bang, the dark blood Saint fiercely clenched his teeth, and the power emitted from his body became more and more terrible, making the world turn pale.

"A fight with you, of course."

Lintian smiled and showed his white teeth, "of course, it's better to kill you."

Niu Zhenyu laughed angrily. This little bastard is so crazy!

"Do it."

The dark blood holy witch killed every word.


Niu Zhenyu nodded and agreed without hesitation. Further hesitation in the current situation will only make them more embarrassed and disgraced.

But at this time, Lintian burst out laughing, his black hair fluttered, and a terrible light burst out of his cold eyes: "it should have been so long ago!"


Before the voice fell, Lintian took the initiative to attack at this moment.

And to the two true saints!

Such a scene has never happened in the past, but now it has happened in front of them, making them open their mouths and blank their minds.

Is this fucking crazy?

But no matter what they think, the battle has broken out!


The world is turbulent, and huge earthquakes are like thunder.

At the moment, Lintian's body was shining, surging with the bright and holy light of the nine clear path, which evolved into the vision of the abyss.

And its spirit and Qi refining power also reached the peak in an instant, and the whole person burned like a big stove.

The anger of Jain, the holy method of fighting, the constant pole and no leakage... All the secret methods of operating martial arts are also fully displayed.

It can be said that the cultivation of Qi refining, body refining and soul refining reached the nine robberies of longevity. After going through the most dangerous and ruthless forbidden robberies, Lintian attacked with all his strength at this moment!

But his gesture, which fell into the eyes of the two saints, was like the greatest provocation in the world, which made them hate and break their teeth.

Without hesitation, they made a bold attack.


For a time, this place turned upside down and turned into a dangerous battlefield like doomsday destruction.

The terrible breath made the three subconsciously avoid it, and they were shocked again and again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the battlefield, Lintian's momentum was like a rainbow, but even so, when the two true saints came out in anger, he was still shaken back and flew many times.

His whole body was like a sandbag, and he seemed to have no power to parry.

This made Niu tuntian feel relieved and relaxed. It was normal that he Lintian had not become a saint after all. How could he compete with the true saint?

And still two!

The battle at present has shown that Lintian's provocative behavior is completely beyond his power. Moths put to the fire, which is ridiculous!

"Arrogant and arrogant, who do you really think you are, who can challenge the majesty of the holy land?"

Niu tuntian sneered.

"I'll see how he dies!"

Dark spirit is really gnashing his teeth and looks fierce.

Only the ecstasy and lightness between the bright and sunny faces were gradually replaced by a touch of fear, horror and dignified emotion.

Lintian was really losing ground.


He was not killed!

You two are really saints, but you failed to crush an mole ant at the first time. This itself seems too abnormal and appalling!

Guangfuqing couldn't even think of it. Looking at the past and present, looking at the world, which strong man could fight against the sage with the cultivation of long habitat like Lintian!

Also, two true saints!

When he realized that Niu tuntian and dark spirit were still ecstatic and were looking forward to the moment when Lintian was wiped out, guangfuqing couldn't help feeling a deep sadness. They were both strong in the long habitat, but compared with Lintian, it was enough to make any of them ashamed!

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