But in the end, Lintian nodded and agreed.

He was originally traveling around the world, in a carefree state of mind, and it was all right for him to participate in a grand meeting.

"Please hurry, childe."

A pretty woman smiles.

At this time, Lin xunqai noticed that the pretty woman in front of him was quite beautiful, petite and lovely. She had big eyes, moist and white skin, which was quite pleasing to the eyes.

The pretty woman is very active and leads the way ahead.

Lintian smiled and said nothing more.

Today, although his breath is as bland as flowing clouds, his bearing developed by years of expedition and cultivation is as profound as Yue Zhi and outstanding, which has suppressed all other monks nearby.

This is one of the reasons why charming women are so enthusiastic and proactive.

"Childe, my name is Xie Wei, from Qingqu Jianzong of Baoping Prefecture."

On the way, Xie Wei blinked her big eyes and asked happily, "how about you?"

Lintian said casually, "the name is not important. If we meet in the future, we will know each other."

It is not that he deliberately covers up, but that once his identity is exposed, it is destined to cause many unnecessary strange eyes.

In this way, I'm afraid it will steal the limelight of the host who is preparing for the event.

What's more, he just came to walk and have a look.

"Then you should also be a top man?"

Xie Wei said curiously.

Lintian said.

Seeing that he admitted, Xie Weishui's eyes suddenly brightened and said, "no wonder I see your bearing is so extraordinary. It turns out that you have entered the realm of Jue Ding."

"Those who can enter the realm of Jue Ding are all peerless figures, such as emperor SHAOHAO, Ruo Wu fairy, yuan fatian, King Xiao Jinyi Peng, and many, many..."

Xie Wei's eyebrows showed a trace of admiration. "Like elder martial brother Yi Tianlin, who held a thousand streams event this time, once entered the top of the mountain. Yi Tianlin is very great. His elder martial brother is Ye Maha, the most famous one who originated from the divine religion."

"By the way, young master, do you know them?"

Then Xie Wei blinked her big eyes and looked over.


Lintian was stunned and immediately smiled, "there should be few people who don't know them in the world."

When they spoke, they had already set foot on qianliu mountain.

The mountain stands in the center of the city, with beautiful bells and waterfalls falling from the top of the mountain, showing a magnificent spectacle of "thousands of streams racing and the Milky Way rolling back".

At this time, on the way ahead, a slim woman in purple came suddenly.

"Xie Wei, I asked you to meet elder martial brother Xia Liuchuan. Who is this man?"

The woman in purple said and looked at Lintian suspiciously.

The woman was tall, with sharp and cold eyes. She looked as cold as frost, with a sense of arrogance and arrogance.

Sure enough, Xie Wei's momentum suddenly weakened by three points and said, "elder martial sister Gu, this childe is also here to attend the grand meeting. By the way, he is also a top man."

Elder martial sister Gu was stunned. Seeing that Lintian's breath was plain, but his bearing was really extraordinary, she couldn't help but show a little hesitation.

Like this thousand stream grand event, we invite the world's first-class talents, especially Yi Tianlin, who is a famous King of the world.

If this person is a top person at present, he can't be neglected.

Thinking of this, elder martial sister Gu was about to say something. Suddenly, there was a noisy voice not far away. She saw a young man in silver robe coming up the mountain under the crowd of a group of people.

"Elder martial brother Yi Tianlin is coming!"

"Come on, get up and greet each other."

"Ha ha, I finally saw the true face of elder martial brother Yi Tianlin. Indeed, I am worthy of being a peerless figure from the origin cult."

Suddenly, many strong people on the mountain were startled, got up one after another, and looked at the silver robed youth surrounded by the stars and the moon.

Seeing this, elder martial sister Gu seemed very excited and hurriedly ordered, "Xie Wei, take this childe."

With that, she took the initiative to come forward. A bright smile appeared on her originally cold face and saluted the young man in silver robe.

As for Lintian, he was quickly forgotten by her.

"Don't mind, childe. One day, you will be like elder martial brother Yi Tianlin. After all, you are also a top man and have a bright future."

Xie Wei whispered to Lintian to cheer him up.

"Thank you for your kind words."

Lintian's heart was like this. With his current vision and experience, how could he care about this?

What makes him laugh is that Xie Wei compares Yi Tianlin with him, which... Is really ironic.

It should be noted that in those days, the emperor SHAOHAO, Ruoyu fairy, Mingzi, ye Maha and other characters could be remembered by Lintian.

But there is no Yi Tianlin.

If he guessed correctly, the other party was afraid that he could not even enter the Tianjiao gold list.

However, Lintian's state of mind was really different from that in the past. He didn't care about it, or he didn't care about it at all.


Xie Wei didn't know what to say. Compared with Yi Tianlin's popularity, Lintian, who was also a top figure, was ignored. The comparison was dazzling.

"Let's go. Don't comfort me. I'm just here to have a look and leave soon."

Lintian smiled.

Xie Wei gave a sound and led the way ahead.

On qianliu mountain, pavilions and pavilions were built, with papers, futons, melons and fruits, tea and wine for the strong who came to participate in the event to rest.

Lintian chose a place near the corner at random and sat down. Then he began to figure out the secret of the sage.

Occasionally I will pay attention to the chat content of other strong people, but most of them are small talk, and there is nothing worth paying attention to.

Seeing this, Xie Wei was sure that Lintian didn't care about the cold treatment. She was relieved and sat down at Lintian's side to pour wine and tea.

Lintian accepted it without refusing.

It is also a pleasant thing to have such a beautiful woman pour wine for herself.

Before long, Yi Tianlin and his party came up and sat down on the main seat in the center.

As he took his seat, the original lively atmosphere in the field was suddenly quiet, and his eyes looked at Yi Tianlin one after another.

This kind of treatment, which attracted the attention of the public, made Yi Tianlin smile and said in a loud voice, "I've kept you waiting. The reason why Yi came late is actually to collect a piece of information about the wave."

Lang qianheng!

Many people take a breath.

At present, langqianheng, a peerless figure from the ancient blood devil region, is the most popular in the ancient wilderness region.

Over the past period of time, I don't know how many top figures have been defeated in this person's hands, and their combat power is so powerful that it makes people tremble.

"Brother Yi, did you find out the bottom card of langqianheng?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

Yi Tianlin nodded: "this person comes from the 'huangquan demon sect' in the ancient blood demon domain, the natural 'body of secluded demons', controls the gifted divine power' 800 demon domain ', and has the cultivation of nine robberies in the eternal life..."

"His treasure is a pair of heaven devil blades and a pair of powerful magic holy treasures."

"His temperament is overbearing, arrogant and cold, and his fighting methods are also extremely fierce. If he is an enemy, he must go all out."

"In addition, according to the analysis of some elders, the combat power of this wave is at least not inferior to the ruthless role in the top 30 of the Tianjiao gold list."

When some words fell, the field was dead and silent. Everyone looked dignified and surprised, and his heart became heavier.

There is no doubt that this wave qianheng is definitely a first-class top figure, and the inside information is so powerful that it is chilling!

"Ranked in the top 30 of Tianjiao gold list?"

Lintian thought about it, and the secret way in his heart was almost the same level as that of Mingzi and white Dragon Court.

"Of course, at present, no one can give a clear answer to how strong this wave qianheng is, because you also know that no one can survive ten moves against this person over a period of time."

Yi Tianlin's voice was also heavy, "which means that if you want to know the details of each other, you should at least find a strong person who can compete with langqianheng."

The atmosphere in the field became more and more silent. Everyone looked at each other and felt very sad.

The blood devil ancient region is one of the great enemies of the ancient wasteland region. In the past countless years, it has forged an inseparable blood feud.

But now, there is a wave thousand constant coming across the domain boundary, coming to the ancient wasteland and threatening to challenge all the top figures in the ancient wasteland.

This is irritating, too arrogant and arrogant.

But recently, with langqianheng winning again and again, it is like a heavy blow, which makes the ancient wasteland completely in an uproar and can't lift its head.

"You don't have to worry. As far as I know, most of the real top figures in our ancient wasteland are closed and preparing for the competition of the nine regions. They haven't been born yet. If they know about langqianheng, someone will stand up."

When Yi Tianlin said this, he couldn't help smiling and said, "when I came here this time, I heard that senior brother Ye Maha is about to leave the customs!"

Suddenly, everyone in the field was in high spirits.

Ye Maha.

This is a peerless figure as dazzling as the sky and the sun. He once made such a great name in the realm of the top.

If he makes a move, maybe he can really press this wave of eternal arrogance!

"However, as far as I know, among the foreign envoys who came to the ancient wasteland this time, this wave qianheng is not the only one."

Suddenly, someone said.

Lang qianheng nodded: "yes, this is the second thing I want to tell you. The foreign envoys who came to the ancient wasteland this time, in addition to Lang qianheng from the blood demon ancient domain, there are seven other peerless characters from the other seven domains."

After a pause, he continued, "although we can't know their purpose at present, we can be sure that it's definitely not a good thing!"

For a time, everyone in the field had different thoughts.

Even Lintian was a little stunned. Then he knew that langqianheng was not the only peerless figure in the mission to the ancient wasteland.

The battle of the nine regions is coming, but at this time, the strong in the other eight regions form a mission to the ancient wasteland. What do they... Want to do?

"Never mind him, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth!"

Someone said coldly.

At this time, at the foot of the mountain, a sneer came out suddenly. It seemed low, but it rang clearly in everyone's ears.


(around 10:00 p.m. in the second watch, the plot continues to be tangled by Calvin)

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