Lintian and Ruoyu were not even friends and had no friendship, but like Lintian, she decided to rescue Lintian after learning the news of Lintian's distress.

How could Lintian not be moved?

"You can heal yourself. At least here, no one can hurt you."

After a moment of silence, Lintian made a decision.

If the dance nods, there is no nonsense and starts meditation.

The injury she suffered this time was so serious that she even hurt the foundation of the avenue. It is still unknown whether she can completely repair it at present.

But she didn't regret it.

From Ruo Wu's point of view, in the battle for hegemony in the nine regions, there must be Lintian in the ancient wasteland!

No one knew better than her how terrible Lintian would be if he could become holy.

In those ten years, even if they were as dazzling as emperor SHAOHAO, they could not surpass Lintian's edge!

He was the first messenger in the battle field outside the ancient kingdom, and he was defeated alone.

At that time, both emperor SHAOHAO and Ruo dance had to sigh.

Only later, as the emperor SHAOHAO and she stepped into the absolute holy land one after another, they managed to get them out of the shadow of being dominated by Lintian, and took one step ahead of Lintian in the quest of the way, winning countless exclamations and admiration in the ancient wasteland.

But if the dance was clear, Lintian might not be able to set foot in the top holy land first, but as long as he set foot in this land, even she and Emperor SHAOHAO would be difficult to compete with Lintian!

Therefore, when she learned that Lintian was trapped in Shenlian forest this time, she would expose her trace for the first time and use herself as a bait to attract the top saint in the blood demon world.

To share the danger for Lintian.

In fact, Ruoyu's move really helped Lintian resolve a dilemma.

For example, Le Xuexiu originally planned to enter the forest of divine refining to pick up Le mujin, but on the way, he had to change his mind and leave halfway because he learned that Ruo Wu appeared in Bingfeng valley.

It also made Lintian avoid the possibility of being attacked by the top saint.

"Fortunately, he is safe and sound..."

If the dance is completely relaxed, completely abandon distractions and fall into deep meditation.

Her white and glittering body was stained with blood and scarred. Her red clothes were also broken. Her beautiful face was white and transparent, looking extremely haggard and miserable.

Lintian felt more and more at the bottom of his eyes.

If it weren't for saving herself, with her current strength, how could she be bitten by the seven top saints all the way?

"Master, she has probably hurt her own Daoji."

Xiaoyin is worried.

Lintian took a deep breath and said, "don't worry, no matter what way I try, I will help her completely repair her injury."


In the following days, Ruo dance will stay in the secret realm of the underground palace.

The outside world was changing, but Lintian and them were not affected at all.

In the pond filled with chaos, the demon butterfly is absorbing the power of the holy beast of the void, and its slender and gorgeous body is shining with holy luster.

Xiaoyin is also practicing with all his strength.

He realized that the underground palace may be extremely safe, but once he left, he was destined to face an unimaginable terrorist robbery.

Because there are seven top saints, such as Le Xuexiu, who block the area near the abyss.

Lintian understood the mystery of sanctification branded in the "guide to saints". Each top Saint caused different disasters when he was sanctified.

This is related to the difference of the path they seek.

But Lintian found one thing in common. In ancient times, every strong man who became a saint would make a great wish to become a saint.

Just like the golden cicada youth, his great wish is "may all living beings in the world become holy one day"!

For example, the emperor of taixuan sword is to "establish a heart for heaven and earth and open peace for the world"!

If there is no disaster to fight the emperor, it is "to kill to stop the war".

These aspirations have their own atmosphere and spirit.

However, in Lintian's opinion, no matter what great wish to become a saint, it was just a goal on the road.

This goal varies from person to person. There is no distinction between high and low, and it is not that the more shocking the ambition, the better.

The key lies in whether these aspirations come from the heart!

Contrary to the original intention, the great wish is a mirror flower and water moon. Even if you become a saint, you will collide with your state of mind in the future and won't achieve much.

On the contrary, the great wish from the original heart, even if it seems to be small, as long as it is sanctified, it can go with the wind and water on the way of practice.

As recorded in the "Introduction to saints", an emperor named "Long Hao" existed in the realm. His great wish when he became a saint was:

"When I become holy, I wish I could be immortal. When you protect my family, you can be safe without worry!"

The existence of such an emperor only wanted to protect the peace of his clan.

Say it, it may make people laugh.

But it is such a great wish to accompany Long Hao to become a saint until he casts the road of the great emperor!

"When I become holy..."

For a long time, Lintian murmured, and his eyes were deep and thoughtful.

When he was young, he just wanted to know his life experience.

Until he knew his life experience, he just wanted to know where his parents were now and who persecuted them.

And Mr. Lu, where is he now?

Similarly, he still has a lot to do.

If you open the door to heaven.

If we find out the culprit behind the operation and control of Yun Qingbai - quasi emperor Baqi!

... but all this seems to have something to do with yourself, but it really comes from the original vision

What is it?

"Yun Qingbai said that he didn't have a choice from the beginning. Now if he wants to come, why don't I?"

Lintian was stunned for a long time and couldn't help sighing.

From the beginning, he was burdened with many things, such as family hatred, the mystery of his life experience... Many fetters and causes and consequences, which prompted him to work hard and dare not relax a little.

Now, Lintian found that what he really wanted to do had nothing to do with it.

So, what do you want?

Lintian thought.

With the passage of time, Lintian was silent, like a clay statue, sitting there without any movement.


Two days later, Xiao Yin noticed that something was wrong with Lintian. He was obviously not meditating, and his breath was silent, just like a stone tablet.

"Don't disturb him."

Suddenly, Ruo Wu, who was not far away, opened her eyes and said, "he is thinking about a problem related to his future path and destiny."

Little silver moved: "is it related to the grand wish of the holy way?"

Ruo Wu nodded: "the grand wish of the holy way is mysterious and mysterious. It may not determine the strength of a monk, but it will affect the pursuit of the path in the future."

"It seems that the master is not far away from the broken territory..."

Small silver eyes are bright.

Ruo Wu smiled and said, "before, I was going to fight for my life and take him to Jue prison secret place to compete for a chance to become holy, but now it seems that the way he seeks has nothing to do with these opportunities."

Xiaoyin said proudly, "my master's way of seeking is always different from others, different from the world, different from ancient and modern times!"

If he was stunned, he looked in a rare trance. Looking at Lintian not far away, he thought, "maybe that's why he can walk alone in the ancient wasteland?"

"By the way, do you know that there are many opportunities in this secret place?"

Immediately, Ruo Wu asked Xiaoyin as soon as the conversation turned.


When Xiaoyin said this, he seemed to realize something and said, "did you get it too?"

If the dancing star's eyes were full, he nodded with a smile: "I was seriously injured before, and the foundation of the holy way was hurt, but in the previous cultivation, I experienced an incredible ordeal, and even repaired my 'Tao Injuries' as before!"

"Which building is the test?" Little silver's eyes brightened.

"Zhenyuan building."

Ruo Wu pointed to a building in the distance and exclaimed with a touch of exclamation, "this secret place is not simple. If your master can figure out his holy way and ambition this time, he is likely to break the place!"

Little silver grinned and said, "of course!"

Anyway, Xiao Yin likes to listen to those who praise Lintian.

Ruo Wu couldn't help laughing. She was jealous of Lintian because she could make a top insect king who ate God insects trust and follow her unconditionally.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this time, outside the secret area of the underground palace, there was a dull sound of breaking.

Little silver's eyes coagulated and said, "it must be those bastards of the blood devil ancient region!"

"Don't disturb him. I'll go with you."

If Wu grows up, her injury has completely recovered. At this time, her body is crystal clear and filled with the glory of the holy way. Her slender and slim figure is glittering and shining. She has a spirit of overlooking heaven and earth and being proud of the world alone.

This is the charm of the supreme sage!

Even ordinary true saints can only bow their heads!


Immediately, Xiaoyin left the underground palace with Ruo dance.

When they looked up, they saw that one body after another was thrown down over the abyss, including men and women, top figures and ordinary kings of longevity.

But without exception, before they were thrown into the abyss, they were tortured and killed. Some had broken limbs and arms, some had their bellies ripped, some had their heads twisted, and some turned into a pile of blood and flesh. They couldn't even identify themselves.

After these bodies fall, they are swallowed up by the space cracks densely covering the secret area of the underground palace. Even if they die, they can't even survive!

Little silver's eyes suddenly turned blood red and said, "those damn alien bastards!"

If the dance stands still, her face is also extremely cold. She feels suffocated by the taste of cutting me for fish.

"Let's send ten two legged sheep to meet you this time. If you don't come out three days later, I will send you another hundred two legged sheep!"

Over the abyss, there was a cold and indifferent voice of bloodthirsty repair, killing no match,

"As long as you can't shrink out, all the two legged sheep caught by my blood demon ancient region will die because of you!"

"Remember, these two legged sheep died because of you!"


2 even more!

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