"No damage!"

Tu Wankong's pupils shrunk and turned pale immediately. "His body cultivation has also stepped into the highest Holy Land!"

In the distance, Lintian's whole body was shining, his eyes were like a cold flash of lightning, and every inch of pores of his body were floating with nine clear lights, just like a God.

Seeing this scene, Le Xuexiu's heart was also heavy.

They have become saints at the top of the mountain. They have a better understanding of the first-class body refining than others. They all know that it is more difficult and harsh for the body refiner to set foot in the holy land at the top of the mountain!

Among the seven of them, Tu Wankong is the only one who has set foot in the top holy land.

Among the eight regions, there are only a few physical saints among the 1000 top saints.

Tu Wankong hit hard before. It was terrible. He thought it was enough to hurt Lintian.

But now it seems that they guessed wrong!

In other words, they were wrong from the beginning, because they didn't realize that Lintian was also holy in his body cultivation!


Seeing that Lintian was all right, Xiao Yin and Ruo Wu were relieved.

"The strength is pretty good, but if you want to hurt me, you can't practice it for another 10000 years."

Lintian fixed his eyes on Tu Wankong in the distance, "now, you take my fist!"


With one step, he moved the void with the strength of his physique. Suddenly, he came to Tu Wankong and killed him with his fist.

The bright fist strength burst out the roaring sound of the dragon, as if to suppress the galaxy.

God is like the inheritance of Emperor Wu!

However, it was revealed by Lintian with the profound meaning of the nine clear holy body formula.

Between heaven and earth, as if filled with such a punch, the terrible Daoguang oppressed the space in the nearby area to collapse and burst.

"Not good!"

Tu Wankong's face changed.

Although he was a saint who was extremely refined and looked at himself with great self-confidence, when he faced Lintian's fist, he felt scared and scared of the dead!


He roared like a body poured by divine light, sending out the power of rushing into the sky and disturbing the situation in all directions.


The two collided. The flesh and blood of Tu Wankong's right arm from the palm to the arm were blown open inch by inch, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

The whole person was shocked and flew out.

He coughed up blood and looked horrified.

Compared with Lintian's power, he felt helpless, small and unshakable.


Tu Wankong was not given time to think, Lintian had already killed him.

In a flash, Lintian hit three punches.

In the first punch, Tu Wankong's body was like chaff. His Qi and blood rolled and his seven orifices bled. He was shocked to see Venus in front of his eyes.

The second fist, Tu Wankong retreated and dodged, but was oppressed by death, and his arms exploded.

The third fist, the terrible fist strength, completely explodes Tu Wankong's body defense, full of holes, flesh and blood, and I don't know how many bones are broken.


His body fell to the ground, but strangely, his whole body recovered in just a few breaths.

Only his pale face and weak breath can prove how serious the injury he had suffered before.

This is the sanctification of the flesh!

People like this, unless they crush and wipe out every inch of their flesh and blood, they may pick up a life with only a drop of blood.

"That's all."

Lintian looked cold and fiercely waved his sleeve, "next, I'll take you on the road!"


A big prison killing sword array composed of 3000 taixuan sword Qi condenses out, and the sword Qi is dense and shrouded.

Tu Wankong is completely cold.

"Stop him!"

Le Xuexiu and others tried their best to save him.

They had been besieging Lintian before, but Lintian was too fast and the power of attacking Tu Wankong was too terrible, which made them all suppressed.

Now, seeing that Tu Wankong couldn't support it, they began to work hard one by one.

If they are broken by each one, they are afraid that no one can leave alive today!


But at the same time, Lintian offered the broken blade.

White as snow, the illusory and magnificent broken blade drags a gorgeous light out of the sky, revealing the spirit of killing against the sky.

And Lintian's refining cultivation completely broke out at this moment.

Yuan Zi Jue, Ji Zi Jue, Zhu Zi Jue... Three kinds of inheritance forces urge the broken blade to strike the enemies in all directions in an instant!

Bang bang!

In the field, the broken blade flickered and chopped, sending out the fierce and towering cutting spirit, which destroyed all the offensive.

Whether it is le Xuexiu or other top saints, there is another burst of color change. Is this boy's refining power so terrible?

While Lintian himself was controlling the three thousand taixuan sword Qi and killing Tu Wankong.

Poof poof!

In the blink of an eye, Tu Wankong's body was cut into countless bloody scars, and the blood flowed like a waterfall.

He screamed in pain and struggled hard. He was a saint who refined his body, but like a caged animal, he was covered by the bright sword Qi!

In fact, he was seriously injured by Lintian's fist strength. Although he recovered from physical training, he was injured after all, not a real immortal.

"If you chop up your flesh and soul and temper them all, I don't know if you can come back to life?"

Lintian's eyes were cold.

As he spoke, his mind moved. On the surface of 3000 taixuan sword Qi, there emerged a series of waves belonging to the way of star annihilation swallowing the dome.

Whenever Tu Wankong's flesh and blood is cut off, he will suffer from the terrible annihilation force, devour and temper, and turn into nothing.

Tu Wankong screamed with pain. He was fully aware of the danger, but no matter how he struggled, it didn't help.

Lintian had a will to kill heart, how could he escape from the desperate situation again?

Every time, the body will be cut to pieces, but it will be covered by the sword again

In this cycle, his face became more and more white, his eyes became more and more dim, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

The most terrible thing is that every time he is cut to pieces, it's like suffering a cruel delay, which makes Tu Wankong almost collapse.

"Help me! Help me!"

Tu Wankong was completely frightened and roared like a beast.

In the distance, they were also anxious, but they could only watch helplessly, because their attack was completely blocked by the broken blade!

You can't break through all kinds of Taoism and sacrificing all kinds of holy treasures!

"Help me!"

Tu Wankong's consciousness was vague and he knew he could not support it. Before he died, he was unwilling to hiss and roar.

But in the end, I couldn't wait for help.


The three thousand sword array was covered, and its body was completely killed. The flesh and blood were tempered and annihilated, and completely erased from the world.

Seeing this, Lintian couldn't help feeling that he was a saint who refined himself... It's too hard to kill!

Fortunately, Tu Wankong is dead!

Lintian put away the three thousand taixuan sword Qi, which was full of the enemy's blood, and looked at Le Xuexiu and others.

On the sky, the blood light was like a curtain, and the sound of mourning rang through, making the world tremble.

"Tu Wankong is also dead..."

Le Xuexiu completely turned pale, his lips trembled, and there was no previous composure.

In the past, in the face of the strong in the ancient wasteland, he simply despised them and regarded them as two legged sheep, just like livestock slaughtered.

But now, he also began to panic and fear!

She Taihang in front, Tu Wankong in the back, all fell here, causing the holy meteorite vision of heaven and earth. Who can be afraid?

"Your master solved one of the most difficult to kill. Next... I'm afraid none of these old beasts can stop his attack."

If you dance, your mood swings and you open your mouth.

Xiaoyin nodded fiercely and said enthusiastically, "wait, I will become a saint as soon as possible. When I wake up the talent of killing God, I will certainly be able to kill these old animals like chickens like my master!"


When the two talked, Lintian in the field had already started to kill and no longer procrastinated.

The strength has been exposed. As long as the other five top saints are not stupid, they are likely not to work as hard as before, but will consider the way to escape and live.

At this time, we must make a quick decision!


Lintian's momentum was like a real dragon returning to the sea. The broken blade swept up, and 3000 taixuan sword Qi attacked again,

At the same time, with the strength of physical cultivation, he is not afraid of general attack and can run rampant without fear.

Before Lintian started to kill, he had already oppressed these top saints, not to mention now?

Soon, Le Xuexiu and other five people were oppressed to raise their heads. Everyone's face changed and they were afraid.

Too strong!

Since their rise to the top of the saints, they have never seen such an opponent against the sky. Just one person makes them helpless and have no power to parry!


Before long, the broken blade flashed and cut off a bloody head.

It was Tu Yanwen. At the beginning of the battle, he was the first one to attack Lintian, but he was badly hurt by Lintian.

This also made him the weakest opponent. At this moment, he was killed by Lintian on the spot!

His head was thrown into the air, his eyes were wide open and unbelievable, while his headless body had exploded in the void and blood rained like flying.

The third supreme saint, die!


Lintian didn't stop, blinked in the void, and stared at Feng Yun que.

Dressed in a blood red Taoist robe, this man is actually a butcher like character from the vein of black striped devil bee, and his means are extremely cruel.

When he noticed Lintian's eyes, Feng Yunque trembled in his heart, and then shouted, "little bastard, go to hell!"

An ancient blood mark soared into the air, on which 18 bloody road maps like purgatory were branded, including a sea of corpses, white bones, and the blood of all sentient beings

Blood burial seal!

A holy magic soldier, evil and bloody, and its power is also incredibly powerful.

If he didn't work hard, Feng Yunque wouldn't be willing to sacrifice this treasure that he regarded as the flesh of his heart.

Woo woo~~

Between heaven and earth, the Yin wind howled, the blood river was surging, and figures like bloody Luocha rushed out of the blood burial seal.

In the blink of an eye, heaven and earth turn into a bloody devil's field!

Even Lintian's eyes were frozen. How many strong people should be killed to refine such a bloody and terrible treasure?


At the next moment, Lintian's palm turned over and the tower appeared. The tower body was polished like a God's golden glass, filled with immortal brilliance.


As soon as he raised his hand and threw it, the endless tower of the avenue roared and dribbled out.

It's just a mysterious golden light flowing from the tower, which sweeps away the bloody gas between heaven and earth!


2 even more.

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