Thousands of miles away from this snow mountain, it is the city of road protection.

On the towering city head, Bi Jianqiong, the six elders of the congenital demon sect, stood with his hands on his back and looked into the distance.

A thousand miles, with the divine power of his supreme holy land, he was enough to perceive the general situation.

"A woman who dares to follow the example of a moth to the fire and set off blood all the way. The soldier pointed directly at our base camp. Should she be stupid or courageous?"

Bi Jianqiong murmured.

Next to them, there are several top saints, who can't help laughing at their words.

When they heard that the woman named Ruo Wu didn't choose to escape from the blood demon world for the first time after she escaped from the Shenlian forest, but killed her in a dignified way towards the road city, they were stunned.

Is there such a person in this world who is not afraid of death?

After all, this is their base camp. There are dozens of saints just sitting on the top of this place. Who gave her the courage to die?

"A top female saint can't be a fool. She can only prove one thing. She really doesn't want to live."

Some people joked and joked.

"If you don't want to live, you need a reason. In my opinion, it's best to capture her alive, torture her, and ask her why she doesn't want to live."

There was a strange light in someone's eyes.

This is a supreme sage who looks like a graceful and beautiful young man, holding a gold and jade fan and wearing a Chinese robe. He is casual and elegant.

Strong jade!

One of the ten ethnic groups in the ancient kingdom of blood demons, silver Meizu is a top saint.

Everyone looked strange when they heard the speech.

Everyone knows that although strong jade is holy, it is because it seeks a way of "double cultivation, picking and mending", and it is the most greedy and lustful person.

This is not lust, but the art of collecting and tonifying Yin and Yang as one's own way. Strong jade can become holy at the top, and it is by no means comparable to ordinary lust demons.

However, it is true that Lieyu likes to collect beauties for his own enjoyment.

Obviously, he is eyeing Ruo dance again.

"Don't get me wrong. Although I have pity on the enemy, I also have the consciousness of destroying flowers."

Fierce jade smiled and whispered.

While talking to herself, Bi Jianqiong suddenly flashed a divine light in her eyes:


Almost at the same time, other top saints standing on the city tower spread their divine consciousness one after another.


The wind and snow filled the air and the mountains stretched.

In Le Tianheng, she Biyun and he Qingyan, the three people stand on their own in one corner. The finished shape formation is like three barriers across the world, which is impossible to open.

The invisible spirit of killing spreads around like a tide. Heaven and earth are silent and everything is killing.

When a saint is angry, millions of corpses will fall, bleeding and floating!

At present, Le Tianheng is sitting here, and the breath emitted from his body is enough to erase all the people under the Holy Land!

In the distance, Lintian's figure appeared, dressed in moon white clothes, with his hands on his back, walking in the wind and snow, like walking in a leisurely court.


Le Tianheng and others were stunned. They thought that if the dance would appear at the first time, but Lin xunxian appeared.

"Why did the boy come out first?"

On the upper floor of the city of road protection, Bi Jianqiong and other top saints also frowned.

Before, all their analysis was based on how to kill Ruo Wu, and Lintian was directly ignored.

However, the role that was ignored by them first appeared.

Of course, it was just a small accident. Soon, they were attracted by Ruo dance who appeared with Lintian.

Dressed in red, her figure is graceful and slender. Walking in the white wind and snow, her green silk is fluttering, and her beautiful jade face is suffused with holy luster, just like a fairy facing the dust.

"How beautiful!"

As soon as the fierce jade eyes brightened, they turned weird, licked the corners of their lips and said, "in any case, you must not kill her. Such a beauty is a first-class product, which can be met but not sought."

The others couldn't help laughing.

Bi Jianqiong frowned. He was keenly aware that Ruo Wu looked calm and calm. He didn't look like a stupid person like a moth to the fire.

She dares to come, does she have anything to rely on?

Immediately, Bijian Qiong shook his head dumbly. The place thousands of miles away was the base of their blood devil ancient region.

Even if the other party relies on it, it's no different from hitting the stone with an egg!

At the same time, the eyes of Le Tianheng and other three top saints also moved away from Lintian and fell on Ruo Wu.

This woman is the must kill object worthy of their attention!

Between heaven and earth, the atmosphere became more and more oppressive and silent, and even the wind whining like ghosts crying and wolves howling was still.

If the dance was stunned, he realized that there were three murders to lock himself firmly. On the contrary, Lin Xun became a role that no one cared about.

She couldn't help laughing and whispering, "it seems that they don't know the fact that you have become holy, and they don't believe that Le Xuexiu and others were actually killed by you."

Lintian, who was walking in front of him, said: "isn't that better? There are about 29000 miles along the way. Along the way, you, Xiaoyin and Xiaotian keep killing and cutting, but I don't have much chance to fight. Now, it's my turn to play."

If the lip angle of the dance is warped: "quick battle, quick decision?"

Lintian said, "there are some old things watching the war thousands of miles away. I should give them a surprise."

If dance nods: "that's settled."

When they talked, they came to the top of a snow mountain, thousands of feet away, which is the top of the mountain where Le Tianheng and them stood.

When they looked at each other, a terrible crash of air engines sounded like thunder in the dead atmosphere.

For a moment, the world trembled, the mountains shook, and the heavy snow collapsed like a waterfall and turned into a torrent.


Almost at the same time, if the dancing figure flashed, it took the lead to sweep out, dressed in red and dancing, like a rosefinch flying under the sky.

A flick of the sleeve.

The endless divine flame is like the Yangtze River, spreading all over the world, melting in the void and incinerating thousands of mountains and snow!

"Do it!"

In the thunderous roar, Le Tianheng, she Biyun and he Qingyan also attacked, one by one, with towering prestige.


A long and narrow bloody Sabre was chopped out of the sky by Le Tianheng. Heaven, earth, mountains and rivers were like canvas. It was suddenly cut away!


She Biyun vomited from her lips, and a colorful flying sword swept out. It was young and magnificent, with a peerless sharp edge, and swept away.


He Qingyan's attack is the most domineering and fierce. His body several feet high burns golden brilliance. With one step, the void collapses and Yin and Yang reverses.

The right arm then waved and punched, and the power burst out made nine days and ten places tremble, and the dull roar was just like the big drum beat by God and man.

There is no nonsense. In the moment of facing each other, the battle broke out!


On the wall of the city of the moat, someone caresses and praises.

Bi Jianqiong also nodded secretly. The sage dueled. If he didn't fight, he would have been killed. His hand must have the power of thunder and sweeping the court.

Le Tianheng's performance is really outstanding.


In the battlefield, if you dance for a moment, you will be besieged by three top saints, and nearby mountains will collapse, burst and be flattened by the terrible divine light.

All eyes were fixed on Ruo Wu, showing a dull and cold meaning.

No accident, the overall situation is settled!

And Lintian, in the midst of no one's attention, raised his face, and in his cold black eyes, there was a killing opportunity, which was fleeting.

On his body, the terrible smell covered by lion dragon gas is like a volcano that has been suppressed for 100000 years.


The glowing Taoist light breaks through the clouds in the sky and illuminates the mountains and rivers.


During the battle, Le Tianheng and others' faces changed slightly. Subconsciously, they separated a wisp of divine consciousness and looked at it.


At the top of the city, Bi Jian Qiong and other top saints were shocked. They shifted their attention and looked at the place where the blazing light rushed out.

At this time, Lintian had already shot.

His black hair fluttered and his whole body was covered with bright and brilliant light, just like a big day rushing out of the abyss, and his arrogance swept the whole audience.

With one step, all sides are in chaos, showing the trend of earth shaking and everything collapsing.

"Not good!"

Le Tianheng and others changed again and realized a mistake.

Before, they all regarded Ruoyu as the first-class target and ignored Lintian. They thought that he was not holy and was not worth a sunburn.

But now, they know that this son has become holy!

"No wonder you have nothing to fear, I see!"

At the head of the city, the green sword Qiong hunted in clothes and clothes, and the divine awn in his eyes was frightening. He suddenly understood why Ruo Wu dared to kill all the way.

It turned out that Lintian was her dependence!

Beside Bi Jianqiong, a group of top saints were also stunned and felt unprepared.

Without entering the secret realm of Jue prison and competing for the opportunity to become holy on the top of Jue mountain, the young man like an ant has become holy on the top of Jue mountain?

How is this possible?

The accident happened so suddenly that they were dazzled.

In the battlefield, if the dancing star's eyes shine: "the real killing will begin from now on!"

After the initial shock, Le Tianheng and them have recovered.

As top saints, they have rich fighting experience and stable state of mind, which are far from ordinary and comparable.

The reason why Lintian was surprised before was that he realized that Lintian's top was holy. If he thought that he could catch them off guard, he would be very wrong!

At this time, Lintian had already started.


As soon as Lin Xunfu made a move, he moved time and space, which was as fast as a flash of light.

Shua Shua!

Three thousand taixuan sword Qi came out of the body, evolved into the sword array, and went to cover Le Tianheng.

In Lintian's hands, the wordless pagoda appeared and was controlled by him and broke out at the same time.

Since Lintian decided to surprise the other party, how could Lintian keep his hand?

In the battlefield, there was a sudden chaos, and the sword array swept through. It was dense, crisscross and fierce.


Le Tianheng's face suddenly changed, and he was so frightened that the souls of the dead came out. Lintian felt suffocated by the power released by this blow.

Obviously, the other party is an extraordinary saint!

Thinking of this, Le Tianheng was cold all over.


(6 p.m., 3 more will be broken, old fellow iron smashed votes! Whatever the vote, what's wrong? Let's make the old fish cool.

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