The purple mountain is towering, the clouds on the sky are thick and heavy, the thunder and lightning are intertwined, and the roar is like a war drum.

The terrible atmosphere of destruction plunged heaven and earth into a suffocating atmosphere.

The sword Qingchen took his hand on his back and stood not far away. He looked at a graceful shadow standing on the top of the purple mountain from a distance, with a secret smile on his lips.

Not long ago, he entered this secret place to find an opportunity related to the "holy way" and further create his own method.

But I never thought that this opportunity had already been taken by others.

Then he found this woman in purple as jade and as beautiful as an immortal.

Looking at it with the sword Qingchen's eyes, I noticed at a glance that this woman has a unique charm, which is extremely unusual.

"No one can get the road mark in this secret place. If you really succeed in this robbery, I don't mind keeping you alive."

Sword Qingchen murmured in his heart.

Dressed in a feather coat and with a flying sword obliquely inserted into a bun, he has a beautiful appearance and looks like a young noble childe.


Suddenly, Jian Qingchen noticed something and looked back.

At this moment, in his eyes as calm as a lake, a frightening divine awn suddenly appeared, like a heavenly sword flashing in the depths of his pupils, which can cut off all things and crush the stars!


Suddenly, at the top of Zishan mountain, Zhao Jingxuan, who was quietly waiting for the robbery, lowered his head and saw the sword dust standing on a mountain rock far away.

Her clear eyes contracted slightly and her heart was tense. She never thought that someone would hide nearby before a catastrophe related to the success or failure of the Avenue!


This is not hiding, but the other party's cultivation is too profound. There is no need to hide. He just stands there at will, so that he can't be aware of it!

Aware of this, Zhao Jingxuan couldn't help pursing his lips and sighing in his heart.

At the beginning of the nine regions battlefield, she was moved to this secluded world.

Because she couldn't find a way out, she had to wait here.

For more than a year, she lived alone in a bamboo building, meditated alone, arranged flowers alone, and thought about things on her mind

Not long ago, during the retreat, she inadvertently realized a brand of Avenue and obtained an incredible "Avenue perception".

Also because of this avenue sentiment, she seized an opportunity to become a saint at one fell swoop!

Today is the time for her to survive the robbery, and after a year of precipitation, she has already made full preparations for it.

Even though the sky was terrible, her heart was fearless and calm.

But when you notice the figure of Jian Qingchen, her calm heart lake will inevitably produce a trace of turbulence after all!

The most taboo is to be disturbed by the outside world.

And this supreme holy robbery is even more terrible. If there is a slight change in your mind, you will be taken advantage of by the force of disaster.

This is the so-called pulling one hair and moving the whole body!

For a time, Zhao Jingxuan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He didn't come early or late. Was it a robbery in the dark, deliberately trying to make me suffer when I became holy at the top?


When the idea just came into my mind, a earth shaking explosion suddenly occurred in the depths of the long-standing robbery clouds in the sky, shaking everything in all directions.

Zhao Jingxuan's face changed slightly.

If her previous state of mind was like that of Gu Jing bubo, then at this time, a trace of turbulence caused by the emergence of Jian Qingchen was like a hole tearing her state of mind. At this time of robbery, it undoubtedly became a fatal flaw!

For a moment, she couldn't help but have a dark look on her eyebrows.

But just then, a voice suddenly sounded——

"Jing Xuan, you can go through the robbery with peace of mind. I'm here!"

The sound was so familiar that it haunted Zhao Jingxuan's mind many times in the year, which made Zhao Jingxuan think for the first time that it was an illusion caused by a flaw in his state of mind.

But immediately, she realized that it was wrong.

Because in the distance, there is a familiar figure, breaking through the void.

Dressed in moon white clothes and black hair, his figure is still as steep and lofty as before, just like the sky falling down, and can't press across his spine!

"It's really this guy..."

Zhao Jingxuan's heart trembled, and his crystal clear eyes widened. The beautiful face that had been haunted by a haze glowed with an amazing brilliance.

"I'm here!"

"I'm here!"

That insipid but unswerving voice echoed in heaven and earth and lingered in his ears. Zhao Jingxuan's nose was sour and his eyes were slightly red.

She took a deep breath, raised her delicate white chin slightly, and said in a proud tone, "what's the meaning of such a fate for me?"

Pleasant and clear, like the sound of nature, is permeated with a cheerful and confident style.

All these changes are just because

Here he is!

In the distance, Lintian also smiled with a rare touch of tenderness in his eyes.


On the sky, the thunder was dazzling, like a python dragon roaring out. At this moment, it finally came.

Zhao Jingxuan's clothes danced, and her graceful figure rose out of thin air. Her expression was focused, calm and beautiful. Her beautiful face took a look of arrogance.

In the state of mind, there is no ripple!


At the same time, Lintian looked at the young man standing with his hands on his back.

"Sword dust?" He asked.

Jian Qingchen nodded, looked at Lintian, who was an uninvited guest, and said thoughtfully, "if you can break through the blockade of a group of top saints and enter here, it seems that you are Lintian."

He has a leisurely manner and appears very calm. In fact, he is an extremely restrained conceit, showing the style of a peerless Tianjiao.

Even Lintian had to admit that he was able to join the ranks of the eight wonders of the green world and was regarded as the first person in the young generation of Kendo in the Da Luo sword domain. This sword Qingchen was really different from other top saints.

"In the ancient wasteland, maybe there is only yunqingbai's style. Can you compete with this person?"

Lintian thought of Yun Qingbai.

However, Yun Qingbai is a swordsmanship wizard who does not hide his strength. His pride and conceit are also disdained to cover up. He is like a glorious peerless sword, with a sharp edge like the sun and hanging high in the sky.

It's a kind of heavy sword, but it's hard to see if it's shallow and deep.

"It's interesting to meet you here, but it seems that you didn't come to kill me."

When Jian Qingchen spoke, he glanced at Zhao Jingxuan, who was crossing the robbery in the distance, "is it for her?"

Lintian said frankly, "yes, so... Are you going to leave by yourself, or will I take you on the road?"

Jian Qingchen smiled: "Why are you so anxious? I'm curious about you. Why don't you take this opportunity to have a chat?"

When they talk, it's like an ordinary chat, but the area where they are based has long been filled with an invisible smell of terror.

Those mountains, rocks, plants and trees turn into powder in silence!

On the sky, there was thunder and lightning, which surprised both heaven and earth, but as soon as the breath of such doom approached this area, it was swept away.

This is a silent confrontation and invisible confrontation. It seems like ordinary gossip. In fact, it is more dangerous and terrible than the real deforestation!

"So you're going to stay?"

Lintian raised his eyebrows.

Jian Qingchen sighed, looked at Zhao Jingxuan, who had been robbed in the distance, and said, "it's a pity. I was going to take her away after she became a saint, and I can follow me to fight in the world in the future, but now it seems that if I want to take her in, I'm afraid I have to pass you first."

Lintian said, "that's why you didn't do it?"

Jian Qingchen nodded: "don't you see that the real dragon blood is flowing in the girl's body. If she can survive the robbery and become the saint of the top, it will be enough to awaken the real talent power of the real dragon, a dragon woman who is the saint of the top... It will cause a shock on the ancient path in the starry sky!"

"After all, it's so rare to be born like a dragon. It's like a real son. After all, it's too rare."

Lintian's black eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes also looked at Zhao Jingxuan who was crossing the robbery in the distance. He remembered what Yan zhanqiu, the descendant of Lingbao holy land, said a long time ago:

"You don't know how noble younger martial sister Jing Xuan is. There are few in the world who can match her, but you can't be there!"

At that time, Lintian thought Yan zhanqiu was talking about venting anger and jealousy.

But now it seems that Yan zhanqiu obviously already knows that Zhao Jingxuan's origin is not simple.

This is normal. It is said that Yan zhanqiu's mother family is inextricably related to the real dragon. It is reasonable to know some details of Zhao Jingxuan.

"You're right, and in my opinion, she is unique, and there is only one person in the world."

Lintian said seriously, "you didn't do it before because you were greedy and wanted to possess what you shouldn't have. Am I right?"

Jian Qingchen smiled: "this is not greed, but joy at seeing and hunting. As for whether to possess or not, what you say doesn't count."

"So you haven't given up?"

Lintian looked calmer and colder.

"If you decide to do it now, there will only be one final result."

Jian Qingchen smiled at the corner of his lips and looked straight at Lintian: "either I die or you two die together."

"What's more, you can see that the girl who worries you is going through the robbery. This is the critical moment of becoming a saint at the top. If she becomes a saint step by step, she will lose her heart. What do you think will happen if she is disturbed?"

Lintian's dark eyes were cold, and he said, "I didn't expect that people like you would be so shameless."

Lintian said, "I don't care about this kind of fact, I don't care about you."

From beginning to end, he was conceited and calm, confident and fearless!

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