
The body of the sword Qingchen was cut in an instant, then exploded, and the blood rain flew like a waterfall.

Yuan Tu sword produces a passionate chant and absorbs the holy blood of the sword.

Lintian was panting, and his cheeks were pale and almost transparent.

It should be noted that from the beginning, he used the two killing moves of "one hundred and eight thousand Swords" and "there is no return" respectively, and only then did he hurt the sword and clear the dust.

In addition, in order to kill the sword and clear the dust, Lintian successively used treasures such as the infinite bottle of the avenue, the magic power of prohibiting death, the endless tower of the avenue, the broken blade and so on!

It was no exaggeration to say that this battle was the first enemy Lintian had met since he set foot in the holy land.

Of course, the reason why Lintian exposed so many means was very simple. He was worried that Zhao Jingxuan was disturbed!

If not, Lintian was confident to suppress the other party even if he didn't use the treasures at the bottom of the box in a fair duel.

However, Lintian was deeply impressed by the power of sword Qingchen.

Even before, in order to avoid the other party's reckless counterattack, Lintian was like a fish on the way. The fish did take the bait, but if he wanted to catch it successfully, he had to use up his strength a little bit and polish it. In this way, he could catch it.

Just like chasing sword Qingchen just now, if he is pressed too tightly, he is likely to do his best to fight back, which will undoubtedly lead to unexpected danger.

Jian Qingchen thought he had the hope of running for his life and kept struggling to escape. Virtually, his remaining strength was consumed again and again.

Until I finally had to fight with Lintian, the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry, so there was no way to return to the sky!


With a wave of Lintian's sleeve robe, a blazing light swept out and wiped away the blood and flesh left by the sword dust.

"Xiaoyin, Xiaotian, you clean the booty."

Lintian gave an order, then turned back and rushed to Zhao Jingxuan's place.

Zhao Jingxuan is the only person he cares about most.

As for the death of Jian Qingchen, it is insignificant.

The thunder roared and the lightning fled. Under the sky, Zhao Jingxuan was still crossing the robbery. His situation was neither good nor too dangerous.

Seeing this, Lintian relaxed from a tense state.

He sat cross legged at random and began to meditate.

This battle was the first time Lintian had used the power of forbidden death since he became a top saint. Unlike in the past, it consumed a lot of physical strength, but it didn't exhaust his physical strength.

Moreover, when using the anti death magic power, you can use it with ease with the movement of your mind, instead of running with all your strength to urge it as before.

Besides, Lintian was quite satisfied with the power of the infinite bottle of the road. The most wonderful thing about this bottle was that the accumulated power was enough to release doubled power!

Even the power of the supreme holy land.

After the broken blade was transformed into a holy soldier, Lintian was satisfied with its power, which was obviously stronger than yuan Tu sword.

The reason is very simple. Only when the three inheritance forces of "Yuan", "Ji" and "Zhu" are exerted together, the power of broken blade is far from that of other holy treasures.

However, the yuan Tu sword also has a unique function, that is, the more holy blood it is contaminated with, the stronger its ferocity!

After a stick of incense.

Lintian suddenly opened his eyes.

On the sky, the robbery clouds are collapsing rapidly, and under the sky, a graceful shadow bathes in the bright thunder, emitting a holy smell all over.

Lintian's eyes suddenly straightened.

Because at this time, Zhao Jingxuan's body was greasy and smooth, and his attractive figure was completely revealed at this moment.

She had obviously just succeeded in the robbery and fell into a kind of understanding, which she was unaware of.

So Lintian saw such a "thrilling" picture.

Lintian's heart beat violently, and his heart lake rippled like an electric shock.

Zhao Jingxuan is very beautiful. Her beauty is like a beautiful and refined hibiscus, her body is like curd, her face and facial features are delicate and clear, just like a fairy coming out of the painting.

But at this time, her perfect body was exposed in the air. The pictures made Lintian have a stunning shock,

The only thing that made Lintian speechless was that at this time, Zhao Jingxuan was surrounded by glittering thunder, which made her beauty faint.

When Lintian couldn't help but want to taste the beauty further, he saw Zhao Jingxuan, and suddenly an ancient dragon shadow appeared around her, lifelike and winding around her.

Bursts of low dragon chants, then surging between heaven and earth, produce a palpitating dragon power.

Beauty is like jade, accompanied by a dragon, standing high above the sky, as holy as a fairy, with a kind of supreme majesty!

Real dragon?

Lintian's mind suddenly woke up and showed a different color. After the successful robbery, did Jing Xuan really awaken the talent of the real dragon in her blood?

"Does it look good?"

Suddenly, Zhao Jingxuan on the sky opened his eyes and looked at Lintian from a distance. A beautiful white face was smiling.

When she spoke, she made a move with a plain hand and covered her slender body in a jade robe. She stepped into the void and walked towards Lintian.

Lintian was stunned and said, "what's good about crossing the robbery?"

Zhao Jingxuan blinked shuilingling's eyes, bit Shuirun's lips and said, "dare you touch your conscience to speak?"

Her temperament has changed. There is a holy smell. Her voice is Ding Dong and pleasant, just like the sound of nature.

While talking, she sat beside Lintian casually, with her elbows supporting her white chin, and turned her head to stare at Lintian's side face.

Lintian looked straight at me and sighed: "my conscience told me that the robbery was really not good-looking. You don't know. Just now I killed the guy who wanted to do wrong to you. I haven't recovered my strength yet."

As soon as the voice fell, I felt a pain in my waist and was severely twisted. I saw Zhao Jingxuan smiling and saying, "don't change the topic, you Lin demon God are so timid that you dare not recognize it if you dare to see it?"

Lintian took a breath and knew that he couldn't pack it anymore. He turned his head and stared at Zhao Jingxuan's beautiful face. His eyes were burning and said, "just, I admit I'm cowardly, okay?"

Zhao Jingxuan was stunned.

At that moment, Lintian took her into his arms and kissed her.

At this moment, all the robbery clouds on the horizon broke up, the sky was clear, and a quiet and peaceful atmosphere was filled between heaven and earth again.

In the distance, xiaoyinxing said: "I'm rich this time. That sword Qingchen is worthy of being one of the eight wonders of the green world. There are so many good things on me. If the owner knows, he must be very happy."


The split sky demon butterfly flapped its wings and blocked little silver.

"What's the matter?"

The little silver sword eyebrow picked.

The next moment, he was stunned. Seeing the scene being staged in the distance, he was shocked and almost jumped up.

I don't know whether he is a greedy man or not since I murmured: "I didn't like the master for a long time, but I didn't know if he was a greedy woman......"

"How many years?" Xiao Tian is so strange.

"Let me see, at that time, the master was still a little monk in Linggang territory. It has been almost decades now..."

"No confidante?"

"Of course, but the master has never been interested in him, and only Miss Zhao has kept the master concerned."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yin suddenly remembered a man, "no, there is also a summer solstice girl."

Xiao Tianyou sighed: "too few. Since ancient times, who is famous around the world has not been accompanied by many beautiful women? Master, he... Is so pathetic."

"It's pathetic of you to say so." Xiao Yin sighed.


Suddenly, Zhao Jingxuan's sweet and ethereal voice sounded. Xiaoyin and Xiaotian looked up and saw that Zhao Jingxuan had come to them and looked at them with a smile.

Both of them felt a burst of hair and felt a murderous spirit coming to their faces. They shook their heads and laughed.

Just in my heart, Xiaoyin and Xiaotian sigh. Even if the owner wants to find more confidants, I'm afraid they have to pass Miss Zhao first.

As for Lintian, he looked at all this with a smile, but his lips hurt a little, which made his smile show his teeth.

"Master, your mouth is bleeding."

Little silver shouted fiercely.

Suddenly, Lintian's smile solidified, while Zhao Jingxuan blushed and his eyes were ashamed.


On the same day, they left the secret place.

To sum up, it has been three months since I left the camp, and there is only about one month left from the time when yuanci secret land came.

On the day when Lintian and his disciples left, many strong men from the Luo kingdom came to the entrance of this secret place.

"No, there was a battle here!"

One of the top saints suddenly changed his face. "Looking at the traces left in the field, it's clear that a great enemy has invaded here. Come on! Enter the secret territory and have a look at the little Lord!"

But when they entered the secret place and searched for a long time, everyone's face became very blue and gloomy.

In this secret place, there are also world-shaking duels, and through the residual breath in the field, it is enough to recognize that jianqingchen has suffered a terrible blow!

Even, it may have died!

However, none of them can believe this and can't accept it.

Jian Qingchen, this is the first person of the younger generation in the ancient region of daruo, and the leader of their camp. If he suffers

That will give them a heavy blow to the ancient wasteland camp!

In this way, what else can they compete with other domains?

"No one is allowed to divulge this news, otherwise, I will kill his nine families!"

Finally, a highly respected supreme sage took a deep breath and made a decision.

"Also, check it as soon as possible. Recently, what enemies have appeared in this area. Check who the murderer is as soon as possible. See people alive and dead!"

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