Fog vast array, shrouded in heaven and earth, silently rolling, silent.

But on the sky, there was dazzling blood color all the time, and the sound of Saint meteor mourning rang through.


The strong men of the eight regions hiding in the distant array have been stagnant there, and they are cold all over, like falling into an ice cave.

Can't see, can't touch, but everyone knows that there are one after another extreme saints in distress, falling into the vast array of fog.

Every face is full of fear.

Nearly a hundred top saints and a group of true saints! But he was slaughtered like this?

How big is that?

Why are saints trapped like mustard?

"Thirty ninth. If you add those who died in the hands of that guy, there are fifty-six people!"

The stone breaks the sea, the face is iron blue, and the eyes and canthus are about to crack.

This time, he was invited to come. Originally, he was a little sniffy and thought that xueqingyi's such a big formation was completely a labor force.

But now, he understood why xueqingyi was so cautious and careful!

The other party, alone, broke through the siege of 30 top saints, with outstanding combat power and frightening power.

This makes Shi POHAI feel palpitation and incomparable pressure.

At this time, the other party trapped a group of top saints with a readily arranged array. This method is unimaginable!

Looking at the blood color of the sky that day and listening to the sound of the holy meteorite echoing in the four fields, the face of the stone breaking sea also became very ugly.

"Is this your layout?"

Hua Hongxiao's face was cold. He couldn't calm down and questioned.

Xueqingyi clenched his hands and breathed deeply for several times before he could restrain his anger and suffocation.

"No one wants to see this scene, but the situation is not too bad. Please look, the power of the big array is decreasing sharply!"

Xueqingyi pointed to the distance, and his voice showed a deep hatred, "I promise, when this array breaks up, I will be the first to kill this son!"

He almost broke his teeth.

This time, he endured for a long time and tried his best to layout. He thought it was enough to destroy Lintian.

But who ever thought

But so many accidents happened!


In the array that covers the sky and the sun.

Lintian's figure twinkled. He looked cold and black eyed, just like a master cruising and killing prey in his territory.

Wherever you pass, all saints fall!

With his current combat power, and in the large array he has arranged, every shot has the power to shake the sky and earth and break and kill ten directions.

No matter how strong your holy treasure is and how wonderful your Taoism is, I will fight it alone!


A holy voice full of unparalleled killing power resounded through the air. A supreme sage turned into a Kui cow beast and roared.

The sound wave is like a tide, like falling thunder in the nine days.

Kui Niu, the mythical beast, like zhenhou and Pulao, dominates with the way of sound wave. Kui Niu, one of the highest holy places, can even break thousands of miles of mountains and rivers with a roar and shake the stars!

"No matter how loud your voice is, it's futile."

Lintian didn't look at it either, but when his voice sounded, the profound meaning of Pu prison roar turned away.

That one word after another is like the symbol of the avenue, which is dazzling and roaring away.

It's like following the law with words and words!


Kui Niu's roar was directly broken. Even with the power of his absolute top holy land, he could not resist the terrorist impact. His body exploded in the air and destroyed both form and spirit.

Such scenes and scenes are constantly happening in the big array.

Some top saints were killed by Yuan Tu sword, some were killed by broken blade, some were killed by taixuan sword Qi, and some were crushed by Dayan's broken empty fingers

Among them, there are old antiques that have been established for a long time, amazing rising stars, legitimate saints of great families with extraordinary origins, gorgeous fairies who follow the ancient tradition, and

But without exception, they were all killed by Lintian!

The shrill scream, the unwilling roar, the angry and crazy roar... Sounded one after another.

It's not easy to practice, and it's even more difficult to seek the avenue. Who can achieve the highest holy land is not the lucky one who has worked hard, experienced many hardships and stood out from the crowd?

But when death comes, everything is empty, and there is only a dead bone!

At this moment, for those extreme saints trapped in the array, it was like a year, which seemed extremely painful.

The emotions of despair, helplessness, panic and panic hit their hearts and minds like a raging wave, making them look bleak.


But soon, someone noticed that the fog in all directions began to collapse, and their own perceptual power also spread.

"Hahaha, there is no way to defeat people. This array will collapse!"

Someone laughed wildly.

"Hold on, hold on!"

Someone shouted.

At the same time, Lintian suddenly stopped and frowned imperceptibly, and the power would be destroyed.

"There are 29 people left..."

In an instant, Lintian sensed that there were only those top saints left, and they had all gathered together.

Taking a deep breath, Lintian took out the meaningless spirit bow and two magic arrows.


"It's finally breaking up!"

The blood blue and scarlet eyes brightened and excited.

"This time, I want this son to die!"

Shi Po Hai's face is cold and killing is like a tide.


Hua Hongxiao didn't talk nonsense. He took out a long, narrow and bright knife with an ancient style. The blade was branded with the pattern of Saint weeping blood, which looked very ferocious.

Previously, all three had a stomach of hate and anger. They could only watch the extreme saints trapped in the array be killed, and they were about to torture them crazy.

Now, finally, it's time for them to fight back.


Blood green clothes gave orders, and the sound shook the sky.

Near them, there were more than 500 strong people in the true holy land. When they heard the speech, they all offered an apricot yellow flag, staggered with each other and stood separately.

In an instant, apricot yellow flags swayed and filled with dazzling sword Qi. Each sword Qi showed a mysterious and sacred atmosphere.

Hundreds of sword Qi swept up and suddenly gathered into a vast sword like heaven. Its light rushed straight at the bullfight, shook the star man and dominated the universe!

Looking carefully, the vast sword is like hundreds of sages sitting among them, one by one with great majesty.

"Holy Spirit battle?"

Shi Po Hai's eyes narrowed.

Battle array is a kind of combat means of mutual assistance and cooperation, which is not uncommon.

For example, in ordinary times, when the two armies face each other, they will arrange battle formations and control them with tactics, which can often achieve miraculous results in the fight.

After reaching the holy land, it is different to arrange the battle array. They often have extremely demanding requirements, because they have different ways to seek and different forces, so it is difficult to make a perfect fit.

However, Shi POHAI has also heard that there is a unique method of "battle array" in the ancient blood demon domain.

As long as each person in the holy land wears a treasure called "battle array Rune", through the echo between the battle array runes, the power of a group of saints can be combined and twisted into a rope, so as to wield unimaginable terror power.

"Yes, the battle array is called 'Heavenly walk', which means to walk on behalf of heaven. If there were 800 true saints to cooperate together, the combat power would be enough to kill the opponents in the great holy land."

Xueqing Yi said in a deep voice, "what's hateful is that just now some Zhensheng was involved in the fog array, and now only more than 500 people are left to set up the array, but even so, the power of this battle array, even me, dare not challenge it."

Hearing this, Shi Po Hai and Hua Hong Xiao all showed a different color.

Blood green clothes is one of the eight wonders of the green world. It is the leader of the blood devil ancient region, but it dare not challenge. It can be imagined how powerful this battle array is.

"Unexpectedly, brother Xue is so well prepared this time. With this array, it's easy to kill the boy surnamed Lin!"

Shi Po Hai laughed.


At this time, there was a shocking turbulence in the distance, and the sky blocking array covering heaven and earth burst at this moment.

Suddenly, there was a clear vision, revealing the figure of a group of top saints.

"What, there are only more than 20 people left?"

A cry of surprise rang out.

Blood blue clothes, stone broken sea, huahongxiao and others do not forbid color change.

In less than a quarter of an hour, there are only 29 of the hundreds of top saints left. Undoubtedly, the casualties are too heavy!

As for those true Holy Land figures involved in the battle array, none of them survived. Obviously, they were all destroyed!

Such cruel blows made everyone in the audience angry, gloomy, and looked at the distant coast.

There, Lintian's figure stood on the ground of emptiness, his clothes were neat, his whole body was flowing with pure brightness and rhyme, and he was as ethereal as a relegated immortal.

But at this time, they only felt a stabbing pain in front of them. The spirits had a feeling of being stabbed, and their pores stood up.

That's because of a bow!

A ferocious bow made of many white bones and skeletons. The bloody bowstring has been pulled full. Around the bow, the wind and thunder are surging, and the void sinks and collapses silently, reflecting incredible scenes of holy meteorites.

A golden crow cries blood, a big day falls, and a saint is killed!

On the bow string, a dark and dumb arrow is put on it. The fierce and fierce spirit is everywhere when the arrow is pointed in the distance!


Xueqingyi, shipohai and huahongxiao were all cold in their hearts and realized that something was wrong.

But when they wanted to stop it, it was too late.


The sound of bowstring was like thunder, and it rang through the ten directions. The dark and dumb blue arrow swept out, just like a divine rainbow flying out of the nine sky, and directly cut a straight crack in the void.

The fierce spirit of unparalleled terror swept out with the arrow, turned into a fiery and terrible light, and roared away.


At the next moment, the 29 top saints who had just extricated themselves from the array were like being hit by a comet.

The void there was submerged by the fierce spirit of terror.

In the distance, xueqingyi and others were all taut, and their looks suddenly changed. What a terrible arrow!

When the bloody scene in the world is flying, it's like blood in the purgatory!


PS: don't worry, you must finish this battle tonight. Don't sleep if you can't finish it!

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