After calming down, Lintian couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "why do you think I can find the 'elder'

There was a different look in the red dress woman's face: "because the golden cicada once told me that my little friend came from Fangcun mountain."

Fangcun mountain!

Lintian's black eyes flashed and said, "go on."

It's not surprising that Jinchan can see that he has something to do with Fangcun mountain Taoism. What's strange is why he told Qianyu Jianhua?

The woman in red took another deep breath, as if trying to calm herself. Then she looked solemn and said:

"The elder who taught me Taoism came from Fangcun mountain. His Taoist name is' xueya ', ranking 19th among the descendants of Fangcun mountain."

"He... Should be Xiaoyou's senior brother!"

Lintian couldn't help but be stunned when the voice fell. The elder generation who opened the wisdom for Qianyu sword flower and taught Taoism was his 19th senior brother?

Think about it, today's Qianyu sword flowers have become emperor!

How high should my 19th senior brother's accomplishments be?

"Elder martial brother Xuankong said that I was recognized by the Lord of Fangcun mountain as a descendant and ranked 50th. But the key is... I have only seen elder martial brother Xuankong until now... Not to mention the Lord of Fangcun mountain, I don't even know where Fangcun mountain is..."

Lintian was lost in thought.

Elder martial brother Xuankong was the Xuankong ghost king. In the vain death city in the "Fu Tu Buddhist land" at the top of the mountain, it was the Xuankong ghost king who told Lintian something about Fangcun mountain.

However, Lintian seldom came into contact with "Fangcun mountain" because of his practice experience in recent years.

This makes him suddenly hear about the things related to the 19th senior brother "xueya", and he can't help feeling unprepared.

But obviously, the red dress woman has identified him as the younger martial brother of "xueya" and the descendant of Fangcun mountain.

"What do you want me to do when you find senior brother xueya?"

For a long time, Lin Xun asked aloud. Whether he admitted it or not, he had an inseparable relationship with Fangcun mountain.

It's like a mountain tower in his hands.

For example, the holy fighting method he practiced is one of the "nine methods" of fangcunshan town school!

The woman in red took out a bamboo sword only seven inches long and one finger wide.

The bamboo sword has become yellow and old-fashioned, and two meaningful and beautiful ancient characters "listening to snow" are engraved on it.

The woman in red dress held the sword in her hands and said earnestly with a trace of piety between her eyebrows: "I want to return this sword to senior xueya. Senior xueya once said that I will see you again in the future. This sword is a keepsake."

Listen to the snow bamboo sword!

In fact, the red dress woman is very reluctant to give up.

She still clearly remembers that 160000 years ago, she was still a weak and non intelligent plant spirit.

Timid, cowardly and helpless.

I can only hide in the crevice of the rock and secretly eat Xia and drink dew. I have to be frightened for a long time every time, because as long as there are monsters close, I will regard her as Chinese food.

After so many years, on a night of thunder and rain, what worried her most happened.

A money spotted Python demon suddenly appeared, and its huge mountain like body looked so terrible and ferocious in the rainy night with lightning flashing.

She had no time to dodge, so she was stared at by the python demon.

Until now, she remembers how desperate, lost and helpless she was at that moment, as if the shadow of death had been covered.

Between life and death, there is great terror.

At that time, she vowed that if anyone could save herself this time, she would repay her kindness with her own life and never regret it!

It seems that I heard her voice, or maybe the smell of the python demon was too publicity and ferocity, which attracted the attention of a monk passing by.

It was a man in a Confucian robe with broad sleeves and a noble demeanor. He mastered a book and came like a scholar in the night of torrential rain and thunder.

His manner was straightforward and natural, and his eyes were gentle and clear.

At that moment, she suddenly felt that all the despair, helplessness and confusion in her heart were gone, just like seeing a touch of sunshine, tearing the torrential night rain and shining into the eternal night, bringing an unspeakable warmth and light.

Then, the demon Python was held in his hand by him, shook his head and said with a smile, "how can you set foot on the demon correction path? I advise you to pay attention to a little wisdom before you have the opportunity to prove the path."

The demon Python turned into a human, knelt down and kowtowed three times, as if to express the grace of enlightenment, and then disappeared into the night.

The young man squatted down with soft eyes, looked at her and said, "you little flower is really poor. What's rare is that although you have no wisdom, you have a heart to the Tao. Anyway, since I saw you, I will open your wisdom and teach you the Tao industry, so that you won't be afraid from now on."

That voice, like the running water of a stream, infiltrated her heart and made her unforgettable all her life. Until now, she still firmly believes that this is the warmest voice she has heard in her life.

Later, the young man left. When he left, he took out a piece of ordinary green bamboo, cut it into a sword and engraved the word "listening to snow"

This snow listening bamboo sword has also become an item that the woman in red clothes cares about most since the boundless years. It is treasured like flesh in her heart.

Later, she learned that the gentle, forthright and unrestrained young man in Confucian robes was the 19th descendant of Fangcun mountain——

Snow cliff!


Staring at the woman in red for a moment, Lintian finally didn't refuse. He took the bamboo sword and said:

"I can't guarantee whether I can see senior brother 19 in the future, but as long as I see it, I will give it to him."

The woman said, "so excited, so good!"

Today, she is already a peak existence under the realm of an emperor. Her inside information and strength are strong enough to shake all living beings in the world.

But at this time, she was jumping and happy like a girl.

"Little friend, my name is Lingyu. I will repay your kindness in the future."

The woman in red took a deep breath, restrained her inner excitement and said seriously.

Lintian said, "I don't want you to repay me. I just want you to stay in the period of emperor Guan great wall and don't have any more trouble."

The red dress woman named Lingyu nodded without hesitation.


On that day, Mr. Shen saw Lintian off. Before leaving, he couldn't help asking, "little friend, what's your plan after you go back?"

Lintian was moved and said, "Sir, do you think I will be in danger if I go to sunset soup valley with my current strength?"

He's going to save the spirit of Wudi spirit bow!

However, the sunset soup valley was the nest of gold and black, which made Lintian dare not despise it.

Mr. Shen looked complicated. He probably guessed that Lintian's trip was destined to have nothing to do with the visit, and it was likely to be revenge.

After thinking about it, Mr. Shen said: "the strong quasi imperial realm of Jinwu, now also serve in the great wall of diguan. However, according to my speculation, there must be a sage king sitting in the sunset soup valley. With your current strength, you may not be afraid of Jinwu unless you step on the top of the great holy realm."

Lintian's black eyes flashed and nodded.

"Little friend, although the golden and black veins are notorious, they can be regarded as a force that can not be ignored in our ancient wasteland after all. In addition, several imperial figures in this family have gone out of the realm. Now they are practicing on the ancient path in the starry sky. If you fight against them..."

Before Mr. Shen finished, Lintian said with a smile, "don't worry, sir, I'm just going to save a 'friend' who was suppressed in the sunset soup valley."

Mr. Shen sighed in his heart, how could he not know that with the ferocity and arrogance of gold and black, how could he obediently hand over Lintian's "friend"?

However, he didn't give much advice on this matter.

Before long, a large moving array opened in the Yangguan pass. Not only Mr. Shen, but also Shunji, Mrs. mu, lingxiaozi and other old monsters came to see Lintian off.

The spirit feather of the woman in red is also there.

"Dear predecessors, farewell!"

Lintian stood in the array and bowed.

"Take care, boy!"

"If you have a chance in the future, come and see me more."

"Little friend, I'll see you next time. Let's play chess again."

Shunji, Mrs. mu, lingxiaozi and others all smiled and opened their mouths one after another.


With a strange wave, Lintian disappeared from the array.

For a time, everyone's mood fluctuated.

Lintian had only arrived at the great wall of diguan for less than three months, but he brought them too many surprises and shocks.

Everyone knows that as long as such a young man doesn't suffer, his future achievements on the road are destined to be above them!

"Don't worry that there is no confidant in the future. No one in the world knows you."

Mr. Shen put his hand on his back and spoke slowly.

On this day, recently, Lintian, who was already famous for the great wall of Zhendi pass, embarked on the journey back to the ancient wasteland and left.

Some people even secretly rejoiced that if they sent away a plague God, there would be too much blood and turbulence since Lintian arrived at the great wall of diguan.

Qiu Laodao and other quasi emperors were killed, and even Gu Liangqu was suppressed for 10000 years. All this is really frightening.

Now, this "plague God" like young generation finally left, which made many old monsters feel relieved.

It seemed that if Lintian stayed any longer, it would be a great disaster


Ancient wasteland, Shenji Pavilion.


With an obscure and strange wave, Lintian appeared on the altar in the secret world of Shenji Pavilion.

Lintian saw Yin Lao in coir raincoat and hat, sitting cross legged in the distance and keeping his eyes closed.

"I've seen you, master."

Lintian walked down the altar and said respectfully.

This trip to the great wall of diguan made him see the demeanor of many quasi imperial figures. By such comparison, he became more and more aware of the immeasurable cultivation of Yin Lao in front of him. He was absolutely a wonderful existence!

Yin Lao didn't make a sound, his face was withered and silent, like a clay statue, without any reaction.

Lintian didn't feel strange. He didn't say any more. He turned and walked away.

Until his back disappeared, old Yin, who had been sitting with his eyes closed, sighed: "this son's road is full of killing and looting. I don't know how many trials he will have to go through in the future to rise as an emperor and embark on a road unprecedented since ancient times..."


(the second is later ~)

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