"How can such a grand event be less than my yechen?"

With the sound, the night Chen, dressed in purple, carrying a long sword and purple hair, floated in the scene and between the eyebrows.

"Young master Ziwei mountain!"

Many strong men's faces changed again.

Yeshi of crape myrtle mountain, long ago, there was an emperor who shocked the world. He was regarded as the crape myrtle sword emperor. When it comes to prestige, he is even a little better than the demon Wu Emperor!

A descendant of Qingfeng Valley may not deserve much attention.

But when there is another Ziwei mountain that is not inferior to Qingfeng Valley, the situation is different.

The most important thing is that yechen and xiaocangtian are not ordinary young people, but the most famous saints in the whole ancient wasteland!

Who dares to underestimate?

It should be noted that in the battlefield of the nine regions, only dozens of absolute top true saints have emerged in the whole ancient wasteland camp.

When ye Chen and Xiao Cangtian returned to the ancient wasteland, they might not shine as brightly as Lintian, but ordinary saints in the world had to bow their heads in front of them to show their respect!

Not to mention, behind them, there are two ancient forces, Qingfeng Valley and Ziwei mountain. Who can not be afraid?

Lintian was also slightly stunned.

He never told anyone when he came.

But the old clam smiled and said, "brother, during your closed period, ARU and I were idle and bored, so we casually mentioned it to those old friends."

Lintian realized that he could not help laughing and crying, but he also knew that old clam and Alu must be worried about themselves.

"Are you going to be hostile to Jinwu? Can you afford the consequences?"

Wu Hengtian's face was gloomy and he shouted loudly.

"Hehe, what about hostility?"

Laugh at the sky.

"No matter how serious the consequences are, they can't compare to fighting side by side with their brothers."

Yechen said lazily.

Their attitude made Jinwu all powerful people look gloomy.

An old monster said angrily, "it's just two young people who don't know their importance. It's just to catch them alive later. It's just to replace their elders and teach them a lesson, so as to save them from meddling in things they shouldn't meddle in later."

Wu Hengtian took a deep breath and said, "it's the only way."


Laughing, the sky and the night star look strange.


At this time, the void fluctuated, you hengzhen came out of the scene with a jade robe, a broad eyebrow and a firm look.

His eyebrows were clear, he nodded slightly to Lintian, then looked at the sunset soup Valley in the distance and reported to himself:

"Sun and Moon Temple, come and teach me!"


Closely followed, ye Maha, dressed in a wide sleeved black robe and with narrow, long and sharp eyes, also appeared in the scene. As soon as his eyes swept the field, he smiled and said, "fortunately, it's not too late."

Then he took his hand on his back and stood side by side with Lintian and his party. He looked indifferent and said, "originated from the divine religion Ye Maha, today he vowed to go in and out with brother Lin!"

The atmosphere in the field became depressed, dead and silent at this moment.

A group of old monsters with golden and black veins have straight eyes and changeable faces.

And some young people who were in the same vein were stunned. In a flash, the most outstanding top saints in the ancient Taoist tradition came one after another, and they all had to fight side by side with Lintian!

Who can believe it?

"What a bunch of arrogant young people. Do you really think I have a good pulse of gold and black?"

Wu Hengtian's face was blue and angry.

He never expected such an incredible thing to happen.

Is this what Lintian relied on?

But if he thinks that this can make him bow his head and let Tianke go under pressure, he is very wrong!

The golden black vein has existed since ancient times, and has also experienced many dangers, but it has never been afraid.

A group of top saints unite to turn the sky?

fond dream!

"Today, I'm bullying you. Why? Come on, do you do it yourself or do we do it?"

Aru shouted.

"Don't worry, wait for me!"

Shua! A dazzling sword Qi came through the sky, turned into the figure of Yue Jianming, and fell to the ground.

"Brother Lin, finally meet again." Yue Jianming arched his hands.

Lintian nodded and said with emotion, "I didn't expect you to come too."

"If I don't come, I will regret it all my life."

Yue Jianming showed his snow-white teeth and smiled brightly.

"It's so lively, brother Lin. if there is such a grand event next time, you must inform me at the first time. Look, many people come before me."

In a voice as clear as the sounds of nature, Ji Xingyao, dressed in white, came floating in the air. She was as beautiful as an immortal and had a unique appearance.

Lintian smiled bitterly and touched his nose. This time, he didn't intend to tell anyone.

"Miss Ji is right. I'm also most tired of being late than others."


A golden rainbow turns the ground and makes the earth tremble. The golden light flies out, reflecting a magnificent and strong figure, covered with gold and emitting a terrible violent atmosphere.

It is yuan fatian, a descendant of Yu Xiang.

"Here comes your monkey?"

Aru was surprised.

Yuan FA said coldly, "why can't I come?"

Aru said, "so... Wang jinfeipeng is here too?"


The voice that answered him was a voice with an air of loneliness and pride.

Seeing the strong wind on the sky, a large winged golden Peng suddenly came, and a pair of wings were like clouds hanging from the sky, flowing golden awns and boundless power.

Suddenly, he had turned into an ordinary young man, with only a pair of golden eyes, which were as hot as the sun.

Little golden winged Peng king!

In the distance, everyone in Jinwu vein was stunned. They felt that their eyes were spent and their faces changed many times.

In the past, it was hard to see a top saint, but now, the most famous group of top saints in the ancient wasteland are pouring in!

Who can not be shaken and shocked?

What disturbed Wu Hengtian most was that these top saints came because of Lintian alone. For Lintian, these young people dared to tear their faces with Jin Wu!

"Patriarch, what should I do? It's a little tricky."

An old monster whispered with worry.

Take a look at the top saints who came to help Lintian, who didn't stand behind a terrible ancient power?

Which one is not the top figure in the true holy land?

"This is our territory of Jinwu. They deserve to die if they dare to come!"

Wu Hengtian gritted his teeth and his voice was cold.

Today, if his golden and black veins bow to a group of young people and spread out, he must become a laughing stock in the ancient wasteland!

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Lintian, is that all you have

The sound was like thunder.


The voice that answered him was as sonorous as the intersection of swords.

A brave young man bathed in the divine flame came to tear the void, and his momentum was wantonly publicized.

It's chilingxiao!

Wu Hengtian's face became ugly.

The strong in Jinwu have been speechless and look uncertain.

Once upon a time, they were treated like this in Jinwu vein?

Undoubtedly, the current situation is very bad, which also caught Wu Hengtian by surprise. Even if they are angry, they dare not act rashly.

This situation also makes them have to fear!

But when they all thought it would be over, there was another wave in the nearby void.

"It seems that we didn't come too late."

"This is the best."

"It feels like we've returned to the nine regions battlefield again. How happy we were to fight side by side at that time!"

During the conversation, when a man and a woman came out of the scene, the man's figure was majestic and had the tendency to look down on the mountains and rivers. The woman's appearance was gorgeous and her figure was slender, just like a fairy walking in the glow of fire.

It's emperor SHAOHAO and Ruoyu!

For a time, Wu Hengtian felt silly.

As for the others who are strong in gold and black, they are also silent and in a state of melancholy.

Is this the power of Lintian, the "first man in the nine regions"?

In the distance, Lintian, old clam, ALU, big blackbird, Xiaotian, yechen, Yue Jianming, you hengzhen, ye Maha

A group of top saints stand side by side, each of whom can be called the pride of the world. Their elegant demeanor is unparalleled, just like the brightest stars in the sky.

Now, they all gathered around Lintian!

Such a scene can be recorded in the annals of the ancient wasteland and become a good story loved by millions of generations later.

After all, after that, these represent the most dazzling group of young people on the way to the top of the ancient wasteland. It is bound to be very difficult to get together!

Meanwhile, Lintian couldn't help his blood surging up and his pride suddenly rose.

He fought with Lintian alone. Although he had countless enemies, he also had a group of sincere friends!

Now, they come one after another and choose to fight side by side with themselves again!

Old clam, ARU and others were also in a high mood at the moment. In a trance, they thought of the bloody battle in the battlefield of the nine regions.

At that time, they laughed and talked about how happy they were to kill by drinking the enemy's blood!

But now, their opponent has changed into Jinwu.

Before the sunset soup Valley, the atmosphere became more and more depressed.

The faces of those who are strong in gold and black are as gloomy as water and extremely ugly. Such a scene makes them feel very difficult to ride a tiger and feel in a dilemma.

"That's all."

Suddenly, Wu Hengtian sighed, "don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face, you young people come from different great forces. Although I'm not afraid of the golden and black vein, as a fellow in the ancient wasteland, I can't do too much."

Those who are strong in gold and black are all stunned. Has the patriarch changed his mind?

Lintian and others looked at him coldly. No one believed that Wu Hengtian, an old monster, would bow his head so easily.

Sure enough, I saw Wu Hengtian at the next moment and said, "to avoid hurting the innocent, now I can give you a chance to take Tianke away. The premise is that you need to compete with the strong man in Jinwu for three games. If you win all three games, I will complete you and take Tianke away."

After a pause, he looked straight at Lintian and said, "if you lose... Hehe, don't take Tianke away, your life will be explained here!"


(three company watch first!)

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