One blow killed tao yao, and the blood stirred the whole audience.

Everyone felt a terrible killing intention on Lintian, and they couldn't help but have a strong premonition.

Lintian didn't care about the details of becoming emperor. He came to kill people!

"Come on, follow up."

"A world shaking war is about to break out!"

At this moment, all the nearby monks came back, shouting excitedly and bleeding.

Before, both Nie Fu and tao yao were extremely overbearing, arrogant and domineering. Lintian's attack made them feel happy and spit out evil.

When seeing Lintian killing the Dragon subduing way, many people followed up without hesitation. Everyone knows that Lintian's appearance is bound to set off a bloody storm on Yulong mountain!


As soon as he stepped on the Dragon subduing path, Lintian immediately felt that the space was full of taboo rules and could not move and escape at all.

Moreover, the winding mountain road looks only a few feet wide, but it gives people a sense of vastness.

Overlay space?

Lintian felt while walking.


Suddenly, there was a loud cry on the road, "this place has been blocked. Roll down the mountain!"

Lintian grabbed his hand.


The void was rolling like a tide. Near a rock dozens of feet away, a figure was caught and photographed like a chicken.

This is also a cruel role of the blood Lin war family, but before they could struggle, their bodies were pinched and burst, and the blood rain poured down like a waterfall.

Lintian didn't look back and continued to climb the mountain.

Seeing this, many monks who followed Lintian couldn't help breathing cold. They were too overbearing, and their combat power was amazing.

"Master, it has been found out that three days ago, King xiaojinji Peng and Yuan fatian appeared here. The former was suppressed by Gu cangxin and the latter by Kun Jiulin."

Xiao Yin was whispering in Lintian's ear. He had just swallowed some of tao yao's ghost and found some valuable news.

"However, they were not killed. They said they would use their lives to coerce their master. You should arrest them with your hands tied."

Lintian's black eyes flashed, "so, they are really here, aiming at me?"

Xiao Yin nodded and told Lintian some news.

At the top of Yulong mountain, there are many powerful figures from Honghuang Daoting, Qiankun Daoting, Xuelin war clan, Taowu war clan and other great forces.

The most direct purpose of their layout here is to kill Lintian and seize the flying fairy order.

Among these tyrants, there were Tao Jianxing, Gu cangxin, Kun Jiulin and other names that Lintian was familiar with, as well as some unfamiliar ones.

Many of them are the top and dazzling figures among the top saints. They can be said to be strong like a forest. Such a gathering of forces is enough to make any monk afraid!

"By the way, in the memory of tao yao's spirit, at the beginning, someone did climb the mountain top with a flying fairy order and enter a mysterious restricted area, and there were more than one."

Xiaoyin said quickly, "some of the strong men walking with Gu cangxin have entered the mysterious forbidden area with the flying fairy order won by King jinfeipeng from childhood."

"I see."

Lintian's heart was full of murders.

Before long, another figure appeared on the mountain road, dressed in dark green robes and holding a bronze spear. He looked cold.

It was Nie Fu who had just left the foot of the mountain!

"Hmm? Lintian! You..."

Nie Fu was stunned at first, and then his eyes suddenly shrunk. Without hesitation, he folded and was about to rush to the top of the mountain.

He realized the bad news and wanted to convey the news.


The broken blade suddenly swept out and flashed in the void like a streamer. Nie Fu's legs were cut off and his upper body hit the mountain path with a dull hum and pain.

At first, at the foot of the mountain, Nie Fu was in charge of the pass. He regarded the heroes as nothing, ridiculed and provoked wantonly, and no one dared to confront them.

But now, just one cut, he suffered heavy damage and his legs were cut off!

The bloody scene made those monks who followed Lintian shocked again. It seemed that Lintian was more terrible than the rumors!

This time, Lintian didn't hurt, but took out a silver rope, tied Nie Fu's body and dragged him to the ground.

Like dragging a dying animal!

Many people are palpitating. Nie Fu is a descendant of the Honghuang Taoist court. Who dares to humiliate him in this way because of his identity?

But Lintian did that without blinking.


A gray arrow came from the front of the mountain path. It was incredibly fast, tearing the void and opening a straight crack.

Lintian didn't look at it. He raised his hand and threw it. This arrow shot away in the direction of plundering at a faster speed.


The dull sound of piercing the body sounded, and someone screamed.

There was a man in Chinese clothes and brocade clothes. His chest was pierced, his face was white, and his body twitched in a pool of blood.

Lintian was impolite and tied the man to a rope like Nie Fu. He was dragged forward by Lintian.

The stone steps rise layer by layer.

The two prey were dragged, and their bodies collided with the stone steps from time to time. Although they could not cause substantial damage, they seemed extremely ashamed and embarrassed.

They screamed, yelled and yelled, but they were useless. Lintian who walked in front never looked back.

Soon, the enemy appeared again on the mountain path. There were more than ten people, men and women, all of whom were very powerful and far more than ordinary monks.

Seeing this, the monks who followed Lintian thought Lintian would be in trouble, but the next moment, they stayed.

When Lintian came forward, thousands of blazing, vast and fierce sword Qi suddenly swept out of his body, which was dense and condensed into sword mountains and killed.

Desha Jianshan!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The earth shaking roar rang through, and more than a dozen men and women were also aware of the danger, offered up their secret treasures, and exerted their Taoism to attack with all their strength.

But everything is in vain. Every sword mountain is so thick and terrible that it can't be imagined. It is full of unparalleled killing gas and branded with the meaning of taixuan sword.

What treasures and laws cannot withstand a single blow, what is completely crushed and vanished in the void.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen men and women were also suppressed. Their bodies were black and blue, bloody and staggered with shocking sword marks.

The whole audience froze.

It's thrilling to kill one-on-one like killing a chicken.

Now, in the case of one to many, Lintian still suppressed all the enemies with one blow, which was beyond everyone's imagination.

Without exception, these oppressed strong men were tied one by one, like a grasshopper on a rope, dragged behind Lintian.

Bang Bang... Their bodies collided with the stone steps, and the dull sound was like a shocking bloody note, which was frightening.

"He is going to completely tear his face with those great power heirs!"

Someone was shocked and lost his voice.

"Looking at the starry sky and the ancient road, who dares to treat those great power heirs like him?"

Those practitioners who followed in the rear originally came to see the excitement, but now they are all numb with fear and have ups and downs of mind.

Lintian was so cruel and reckless that they couldn't imagine.

Yulong mountain is extremely towering, and the mountain path is as long as a dragon. Because it can't escape and move, the speed of picking up steps is relatively slow.

Just, no one will feel bored and suffering.

Because along the way, Lintian was like a sharp cone. He rushed forward all the way, tearing open one barrier after another controlled by the enemy!

In the following time, the number of prey dragged on the rope in Lintian's hand gradually increased.

Whether men or women, whether descendants of Honghuang Daoting and Qiankun Daoting, or descendants of Xuelin war clan and Taowu war clan.

All suppressed!

No one was Lintian's opponent, and no one could stop Lintian's climbing.

The layers of stone steps along the way were stained with blood.

From the beginning to the end, Lintian looked indifferent, like walking around, and his mood did not fluctuate.

No one knows how angry he was when it was determined that the game in volongshan was against him!

Did you think he didn't dare to kill Lintian?

Today, I'll kill you!


Halfway up the mountain, a pine stands in the snow.

A group of men and women gathered, sat on the ground, boiled snow, cooked tea, drank and talked, which was very comfortable.

Led by a lazy young man with long hair.

While sipping the tea, he said with a smile, "this game was originally arranged for Lintian. Unexpectedly, he caught two prey with the same flying fairy order. It was a surprise."

The others couldn't help laughing.

"It is said that these two prey have a close relationship with Lintian, and I wonder if Lintian would come to help when he heard about it."

Some people are thoughtful.

"I want him to come!"

Someone's eyes were cold. "This son is rampant and cruel. He killed senior brother Yan Chunjun. If we don't revenge this revenge, we descendants of the heaven and earth Taoist court must be laughed at to death!"

First, the lazy young man was about to say something when his face suddenly changed.

At the same time, a dull and dense crash banged out from the mountain path far below.

"This is..."

Many people were stunned.

"Here he is!"

The leading young man's languid color faded and his face became dignified.




The group of men and women who were cooking snow and tea all got up and showed an incredible look. Did the guy really come?

It looks funny.

It should be noted that they set up this game, which was aimed at Lintian.

But now that Lintian really came, they couldn't believe it. It seemed that they didn't expect Lintian to be so bold and reckless!

Then, in their divine perception, they all saw a bloody and cruel picture, which made them stare like lightning.

On the misty ancient mountain road, a young man in moon white picked up the steps, just like a traveler looking for seclusion in mountaineering, with a leisurely demeanor.

But behind him, a rope wound on layers of stone steps, and a bloody body was tied on the rope like a grasshopper. There were dozens of them.

Before that, the dull crashing sound came from the collision between these bodies and the stone steps when they were dragged forward!

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