A mountain that once wiped out the existence of the Empire!

Lintian and ah Hu were deeply worried.


Lintian did it and cut it out.

With a puff, Meng Yi's figure broke up like foam and turned into light rain.

Hundreds of miles away, Meng Yi's laughter came from afar: "brother Lin, don't bother. Since I dare to do so, how can I put myself in danger?"

"Water mirror turns into shadow, which is a secret method of inheritance in a poor and strange way. It is somewhat similar to 'turning thousands of people into one body'. However, water mirror turns into shadow is an extremely magical hiding method, which can turn into a lifelike figure in a silent breath, and its original statue has long been far away."

Ah Hu's voice was a little unwilling, "I should have guessed that Meng Yi was the one who made trouble along the way!"

As soon as he entered the blood moon wasteland, he bumped into the dead tree of the buried spirit. According to the common sense, they could have avoided it without danger.

But it happened that those corpses were shocked!

Even if there is a flying fairy order, these fierce creatures are also fierce and not afraid of death. This is too abnormal.

Until later, the strangeness and danger they encountered along the way were extremely rare and extremely frequent, far from being comparable in the past.

This kind of abnormality may have something to do with bad luck?

Now, ah Hu fully understands and finally dares to be sure that Meng Yi is guiding the path along the way, and only he can cause this kind of abnormality!

Unfortunately, it is undoubtedly a step too late to figure it out now.

"From the beginning, I didn't completely believe this person, but unexpectedly, he calculated it once."

Lintian frowned, "it's not too late. Let's leave here first."


Before the voice fell, a sky shaking dense collision sounded, and a chain hanging like a dragon pierced the void and swept across the sky peak in the distance.

The chain glowed like a black dragon. Seeing the space as nothing, it immediately appeared on Lintian's head and shrouded down.

At the next moment, Lintian and ah Hu were bound like zongzi and appeared in front of suoshen Tianfeng.


The terrible demon chain fell, and the two figures were severely suppressed at the bottom of the mountain and disappeared into the rolling chaotic mist.


In the far distance, Meng Yi stood by his emptiness. A volume of sealed inscriptions of Fengchan appeared on his head, flowing out an obscure light and covering his figure.

"Brother Meng, what's going on?"

At this moment, Ji Qian finally realized that Meng Yi had laid a huge trap along the way and calculated Lin Xun and ah Hu!

Brother Lin was so angry that he was saved by us, didn't he

Jiang Peng also showed confusion and anger.

Meng Yi didn't notice the way he killed Lintian and her. At this moment, she felt cold.

Meng Yi looked indifferent and said with a smile, "I was the one who brought the corpse. I was going to kill Lintian and them with the help of these murderers. Who thought... There was an accident."


Ji Qian and Jiang Peng were all excited. Then they all figured out that this calculation had started as early as entering the blood moon wasteland!

"To be honest, brother Ji, I did everything I could along the way. I was going to kill Lintian with the help of those terrible disasters and evil things, but they solved them every time."

When Meng Yi said this, he couldn't help sighing, "even I have to admit that Lintian's means are really great. No, it should be against the sky. Among the peers of the ancient star road, only a small group of people can compare with him."

Soon, he looked lost again, "but it's a pity that Lintian's treasure, a mysterious pagoda that once appeared in the 'Taoist war of emperors', a bronze glare that can easily defeat the buried spirit and fierce corpse, a broken blade with an air against the sky, a pair of accessories of the Ming River sword emperor in those years,' a Bi Yuan Tu sword ', a mysterious mutton jade bottle..."

He was like a family treasure, because he had already focused on Lintian's treasure along the way.

But in the end, he sighed: "this time, it's all gone..."

Suoshen Tianfeng, the most terrible mountain in the forbidden area of "Fengchan platform", once wiped out the real imperial realm!

Lintian and ah Hu were imprisoned and suppressed. Not only did they die, but also their treasures would collapse!

This is what makes Meng Yi sad.

Ji Qian said with a gloomy face, "but why do you insist on dealing with brother Lin and making friends with him?"

"Yes, along the way, brother Lin has never been negligent and helped us many times. Why kill him?"

Jiang is also somewhat unacceptable.

Meng Yi looked colder, glanced at them and said, "at first, you regarded this son as an enemy and coveted his treasures. Why do you still sympathize and pity this son now?"

"Remember, I'm helping you!"

Then he floated away.

Ji Qian and Jiang Peng both looked uncertain and were extremely uncomfortable. Meng Yi's behavior made them not only angry, but also cold.

His mind is so deep that no one can guess when he will kill you without a trace!

"Meng Yi, I'll ask you why?"

Ji Qian shouted.

When he was young, he and Meng Yi were friends, but now he suddenly found that he seemed to know each other completely.

"I made a deal with Wen Qingxue. As long as we can kill Lintian, Wen Qingxue will help me win the holy way and the nature of Fengchan on the Fengchan platform."

Meng Yi didn't answer, "you two, it's just a dispute over the road. I'm not related to Lintian, and I don't have hatred. The reason why I killed him is just for my way."

"Also, if you don't keep up, you will no longer be able to enter the Fengchan platform."

Hearing the speech, Ji Qian said angrily, "the battle of the bullshit Avenue is nothing more than a conspiracy. Go, I'll treat Ji Qian as a friend without you from now on!"

Meng Yi's far away figure paused, half ring, and the corner of his lips began to sneer: "they are already the supreme sage, and they are so childish..."

Then he never looked back.

"Elder martial brother, you did the right thing!"

Jiang Zhen took a deep breath and said, "Meng Yi is just a despicable person, no matter how strong his combat power and means are."

Ji Qian looked gloomy: "I didn't expect that he would become like this... Just let's think about how to survive in this forbidden area..."

"It's just a pity that brother Lin and other heroes were so intolerable that they walked out of the ancient wasteland. As a result, they died in the hands of shameless villains like Meng Yi before entering the ancient path of the starry sky."

Jiang Heng sighed.


Lock God Tianfeng.

It looks like a natural moat, with 188 monster chains as thick as a black dragon hanging down, rolling chaos and steaming gas, covering this fierce mountain that makes countless people talk and turn pale, mysterious and strange.

No one knows that at the bottom of this mountain is a dark sealed world, because all the strong who are bound and suppressed here are dead

Bang bang!

Lintian and ah Hu's body was smashed to the ground, and Venus appeared in front of them. Their muscles and bones were almost broken, and they couldn't help humming.

Although they were bound, they looked up for the first time and their divine consciousness spread.

The dark, dark world is covered with darkness.

The earth is full of broken bones, broken and rotten armor and treasures. When you look at it, you can't see the head!

Isn't this just under the lock God sky peak?

Lintian and ah Hu looked at each other and wanted to struggle, but their strength was imprisoned, and they couldn't even lift a finger.

"Two small prey... Are not enough for me to fill my teeth. Is the world getting worse and worse now? Or are all the imperial children on the ancient XingKong road dead after the wars of the emperors?"

A hoarse and difficult voice sounded, like I hadn't spoken for a long time, but the disappointment in words was not concealed.


For a moment, Lintian and ah Hu only felt a light on their body, and the black chain tied to them suddenly moved to the dark in the distance.

Then, they saw that the dark sky covered in the far distance was like collapsing, reflecting an ancient Taoist platform.

On the podium, there was a thin figure sitting cross legged, disheveled, bound by dark chains, dense, like a suppressed prisoner.

The chain that bound Lintian and him was just taken out of this thin shadow.

Strangely, when the chain was retracted, it was severely whipped on the thin figure, causing the latter to howl like a fierce beast.

His body trembled violently, as if in great pain, and the dark chains around him clattered and emitted an obscure light.

No matter how he struggled, his figure was finally trapped on that podium and couldn't move a step.


Finally, after the chain returned, it turned into the thickness of the thumb and stabbed into the withered and thin shoulder blade, penetrating and winding.

Lintian and ah Hu were stunned.

Originally, they thought that the chain on the lock God Tianfeng was a strange and terrible thing. If they were imprisoned, they would be suppressed and erased.

But now it seems that what these chains really want to deal with is not the monk who mistakenly entered suoshen Tianfeng, but the thin and dry shadow suppressed here for many years!

Who is he?

Why was it suppressed by suoshen Tianfeng?

The most terrible thing is that just now it was clear that it was this thin shadow that triggered the power and controlled a chain bound to him before they captured them here!

But similarly, the thin shadow also paid a heavy price for it. After the chain broke away from his control, it launched a counterattack and whipped and suppressed him!

Hoo hoo~

On the podium, the withered and thin figure gasped for breath. Only after half a sound did he recover from the boundless pain and send out a hoarse voice full of resentment:

"Old Bodhi, old Bodhi, when we get out of trouble, we will destroy your Fangcun mountain orthodoxy!!!"


I got home in time. The second one was delivered. I didn't owe it~

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