A dustbrush, named "three thousand floating and sinking", comes from the hand of the Lord of Fangcun mountain, just like the no end tower of the avenue.

In Lintian's eyes, this brush seemed to have no striking place.

It is two feet and four inches long. It is polished like white jade. It is clear and warm. The handle is in full bloom. A hanging dust blowing silk is floating on the top, as thin as ox hair, dispersing strands of obscure luster.

As elder martial brother Ge Jiubao said, there may be no noticeable damage to it.

But the next moment, with Ge Yupu's wrist shaking, a dust brush rose, and turned into a divine rainbow like a great road divine chain, intertwined in the void.

At a glance, the mind is like falling, the road is floating and sinking, and life and death are impermanent!

"Although this treasure is seriously damaged, it still has its original strength. It is still a great treasure."

Ge Yupu spoke and told Lintian the wonderful use of "three thousand floating and sinking".

Lintian realized that he was out of sight!

This handle of dusting can be turned into a kind of imprisoning force. If it is like a cage of the main road, it makes people fall into it. It is like floating and sinking, and life is not up to them.

This is the time when the demon alone is suppressed.

The 1800 chains hanging on suoshen Tianfeng are actually the visions derived from 1800 dusting filaments.

Lintian's dust blowing silk was the original power of "three thousand ups and downs", which played a key role in the confrontation with the single demon emperor before Ge Yupu!

"The power of this treasure is worn out too much, so Kong Datian can occasionally kill external monks over the years. If it is intact, let alone Kong Datian, even if the seven demon emperors work together, it will be suppressed under this handle!"

Ge Yupu's voice has a touch of pride.

Has he ever seen the real power of this treasure with his own eyes.

Lintian could suppress the seven ancient demon emperors when he was perfect! Such a treasure is at least a great imperial soldier, even stronger!

Ge Yupu told: "younger martial brother, you should keep this treasure properly. Don't let it leak unless it's critical. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be recognized and bring disaster to you."

When he spoke, he handed Lintian the "three thousand ups and downs" and said, "I hope that one day, you can completely repair this treasure and make it regain its former glory. In this way, you can live up to its name."

Lintian nodded in awe.

Ge Yupu showed a heartfelt smile and said, "my deadline has come. At this last moment, younger martial brother, do you have anything to ask me?"

Lintian felt a little uncomfortable and said, "elder martial brother, there is really no hope of living?"

Ge Yupu shook his head.

Lintian couldn't help sighing and looked complicated.

Xuankong ghost king is dead

The elder martial brother who controls the "battle holy method" also left a mantle. I don't know whether he will die or die

Now, Ge Yupu will also die, which made Lintian in a trance. How many descendants of Fangcun mountain are still alive in this world?

Now, where are they?

Lintian told Ge Yupu this doubt.

"In the battle of the emperors, we lost five successors in Fangcun mountain. Each of them is the best in the Empire. They are junior brother Ji Xiu, junior brother Wu Zang, junior sister Wen Liu, senior brother Gu Qingqu and junior brother Xuan Yuanzi."

Ge Yupu said, "as for other martial brothers, some followed the master, some traveled to the depths of Zhou Xu a long time ago, and some wandered on the ancient path in the starry sky, either for seeking Tao or proving Tao..."

Lintian couldn't help saying, "but don't they know that you are trapped here, Ninth senior brother?"

Ge Yupu scratched his head and said, "when I decided to guard here, I asked the master's consent. I won't tell other martial brothers about it."

Lintian sighed.

What else can he say?

From the beginning, Ge Yupu was already ready. For him, death may really be an end without regret.

"Younger martial brother..."

Ge Yupu opened his mouth and his voice became ethereal.

Lintian noticed that a continuous light rain was flying away from GE Yupu, which made his figure become nihilistic and was about to disappear completely.

"Would you like to drink with me again?"

Ge Yupu was a dull man, but at the last moment, he seemed very heroic and free and easy. He raised a jar of wine and looked at Lintian.

Lintian's nose was a little sour. He took a deep breath and raised a jar of wine.

Ge Yupu laughed and drank freely.


The empty wine jar fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

Ge Yupu's figure also disappeared completely.

In the void, only a touch of light is left. In the light and shadow, it is like a mountain like figure, striding towards the end of nothingness!

Then, this light turned into a wisp of obscure power and poured into Lin Xunmei's heart.

"I have the Yellow court method, which generates five gods from the accumulation. The Dantian is divided into three flavors, the Xuanhua turning wheel, the wonderful, true and micro place, and the Taoist platform opens the Heaven Gate..."

Lintian's heart was filled with magic tricks.

In the end, these Tao sounds are condensed into a [Avenue Huangting Sutra]!

Oriental jiayimu, southern bingdinghuo, central Wuji soil, Western gengxinjin, northern renkui water.

Therefore, "yellow" is the color of the center. The "court" is also in the four sides, inside and outside.

Huangting Sutra expounds the wonderful meaning of "above the avenue, I am the center".

This is the way Ge Yupu asked for. It is his perception and summary of the road. It was concluded as a sutra and left to Lintian when he was dying.

I don't know how long later, Lintian woke up, was stunned for a moment, picked up the wine jar and drank silently.

It was not until later years that Lin Xun learned that in the battle of the emperors, there was a dull man holding a battle axe, like a woodcutter in the mountains, who cut 19 emperors in succession. His power was like light, reflecting the heavens!

Since then, no one knows the name of "Huangting emperor" whenever the imperial realm exists.

But few people know that Huangting emperor comes from Fangcun mountain, ranking ninth and named Ge Yupu!



With the deafening sound, the tall and steep suoshen Tianfeng collapsed and dissipated into smoke and dust.

Lintian and ah Hu stood at a distance, looking very complicated.

At the foot of a fierce mountain that makes practitioners turn pale when talking, there is a shocking secret and inside story.

Ge Yupu, the ninth descendant of Fangcun mountain, and Kong Datian, the first of the seven demon emperors of ancient times

Two people who can be called supreme giants have fought so far because of a war between emperors and Taoism!

In the end, Kong Datian was suppressed in the avenue without end tower. Within ten years, it will be completely changed and eliminated.

And Ge Yupu has disappeared today.

In his middle age, the woodcutter with a simple and wooden temperament drank and talked with Lintian, a young martial brother, like a sincere and amiable elder.

He gave "three thousand ups and downs" to Lintian and instructed Lintian to remember to collect the colorful feathers left by Kong Datian after his death

Even when he passed away, he didn't forget to teach Lintian the "Huangting Sutra of the great road" he had contracted in his life.

Lintian felt sad and inexplicably disappointed.

Senior brother 9 is not rebellious, unrestrained, romantic and wise

He is as simple as wood and dull as stone. He can contact with it, but he is approachable. He will even forget that he was a terrible existence that once dominated the Taoist war of emperors.

He said that he was just a woodcutter, the stupidest one among the descendants of Fangcun mountain. Even the master said that he had goose bumps.

But in Lintian's heart, the ninth senior brother Ge Yupu was the most respected person! He is a towering and trustworthy elder!

Taking a deep breath, Lintian restrained his rolling emotion. Lintian's eyes were firm and murmured:

"Elder martial brother, sooner or later, I will inquire into the inside story of the outstanding emperor daozhan and avenge you. At that time, I will drink with you again..."

Lintian would not forget that GE Yupu said angrily that he would have killed Kong Dutian if "Brahma Buddha" had not helped him secretly.

I won't forget that GE Yupu has been guilty and blaming herself for not killing Kong Dutian!

"Brahma Buddha, Kong Dutian..."

Lintian's dark eyes were cold, and he remembered it.

"Brother Lin."

Ah Hu spoke aside.


Lintian looked around.

"The dead are gone."


Lintian took a long breath, his black eyes flashed cold and said, "ah Hu, if Meng Yi saw me alive, would he think it was a ghost?"

Ah Hu was stunned and couldn't help but smile on his ruddy lips: "let's meet this' good friend '?"


Lintian smiled and agreed.

Ah Hu Dai's eyebrows suddenly rose and said, "but where should we go?"

Lintian felt a voice in his heart:

"If you have something to decide, you can ask floating and sinking."

He's stiff all over, Ninth senior brother?

However, after searching all over the world, he didn't see any breath of Ge Yupu, which made Lintian sigh in his heart.

After thinking about it, he took out "three thousand ups and downs".

"Fengchan platform?"

Lintian said to himself.


A wisp of dust rose, like a soft spring breeze, pointing far away.

Elder martial brother Wen Ruxun said, "you are so stupid that you can't beat me......"

He had guessed that this must be the successor arranged by the ninth senior brother Ge Yupu for himself!

Before he thought about how to act in the forbidden area of "Fengchan platform", senior brother, he had already prepared for himself like spring breeze and rain.

"Ah Hu, go!"

Lintian didn't hesitate any longer. He strode forward and hunted in white clothes. His figure was like a relegated immortal.

Ah Hu chased up with a smile.

She was acutely aware that Lintian seemed to be happy again.

Far away, their figures disappeared in the vast gray world.

On the ruins after the collapse of suoshen Tianfeng, a figure like nothingness stood, coir raincoat and hat like a woodcutter.

Looking at the direction where Lintian and ah Hu left, he scratched his head and laughed.

"If you don't make a decision, you can ask Fu Shen... Younger martial brother, you must remember..."

Gradually, this nihilistic figure disappeared little by little.

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