Fengchan opportunity!

At the first sight, everyone at the scene saw that Zhuan Yuheng had realized an opportunity in the avenue of heaven in the universe and had the opportunity to become a Buddhist.


The universe is deep and vast. One of the stars is shining brightly, and a wisp of golden light will cover Zhuan for a moment.

He walked towards the five color Taoist altar in the distance. His figure was bright and sacred.

Finally, he ascended the Taoist altar and stood on it, and the whole human breath began to produce a wonderful and obscure transformation.


Finally, the bright star melted into a thick waterfall of golden light and fell down, which was completely absorbed by Zhuan Yiheng.

It was also at this time that the sound of Tao resounded through. In Zhuan Yuheng's sky, there was a faint "image of all sentient beings" emerging, which was immeasurable.

Zhuan Yiheng is like a master, accepting the beliefs and worship of all sentient beings.

"Seal the Zen with the wishes of all living beings!"

Lintian and others were shocked. Some were envious, some were amazed, and some seemed disappointed.

After a moment, all the visions disappeared.

On the five color altar, an ancient black stone tablet emerged, filled with wisps of light and chaos.

Fengchan road monument!

Only when Fengchan is a sage can he have his own Taoist stele and seal his will and name on it.

This monument will forever exist at a height of 9000 feet above the Fengchan platform and receive the blessing of Qi from heaven!

For a time, everyone in the field couldn't help feeling a little restless.

The ancient path of the starry sky has been circulating all the time. Anyone who can walk out of the Kunlun ruins alive can have the opportunity to prove the way and become emperor in the years to come!

Although it's just an opportunity, it's enough to make countless half step emperors and quasi emperors crazy!

This opportunity refers to the power of God's Qi obtained from the tablet of Fengchan Road on this Fengchan platform.

On the five color Taoist altar, Zhuan Yuheng engraved his own name on the stone tablet with his own will power.

With a burst of light and haze rising into the sky, this monument to the Zen path rose into the sky and slowly rushed up into the air.

A thousand feet.

Two thousand feet.

Three thousand feet.

... it was not until it reached a place of 7000 feet that this monument to the Zen path stopped, suspended in the air and covered by the light of stars.

"Seven thousand feet high, powerful!"

It was amazing.

Lintian was stunned, so he heard ah Hu quickly Preach:

"The higher the position of the tablet of fengzen, the stronger the transformation after fengzen becomes a sage, and the more power of God's Qi will be obtained."

"It's really not easy for this Zhuan Yiheng's tablet to be suspended at a height of 7000 feet."

Lintian realized that.

In his vision, high above the Fengchan platform, there are dense Fengchan road tablets suspended, some bright and bright, like stars, and some dim as meteorites.

Moreover, the height of these Fengchan road monuments is indeed different.

At a distance of 3000 feet, there are the largest number of Fengchan road tablets, most of which are dull and like meteorites.

At a distance of six thousand feet, it was relatively rare. With Lintian's divine sense, he could accurately judge that there were 798 road tablets there.

Today, Zhuan Yuheng's tablet of Fengchan road is also located in this area, and the position is very forward.

At a distance of nine thousand feet, the number has become increasingly scarce. There are only 49 Buddhist tablets, and most of them are below nine thousand feet and above eight thousand feet.

Only a few three road monuments can reach the area of 9000 feet.

The road monuments in this area are bright and prosperous, brighter than the stars, and the weather is grand, which is far from ordinary and comparable.

These are all the years since ancient times. They were left by the powerful sages on the Fengchan platform!

Lintian felt something strange. Zhuan was one of the top ten saints in the starry sky list, but his Zen worship monument could only be suspended at a height of 7000 feet.

In such contrast, what terrible strong men left those Buddhist tablets far beyond Zhuan Yiheng?

"What a pity..."

On the five color Taoist altar, Zhuan gave a sigh for a moment.

For others, it is a great creation to be able to canonize the Tao and keep the Taoist tablet here forever.

But obviously, Zhuan Yiheng was not satisfied.

He shook his head, turned and walked down the colorful altar.

For a moment, Lintian felt the change of his power.

Like a leader of the holy way, the breath is full of majesty!

This is the charm of sages, which is different from saints. The so-called "think together when you see the sages" and become sages. If you have the inside information of becoming the king of the supreme sage!

Everyone's pupils narrowed slightly, and they all showed different colors.

Zhuan Heng ignored these for a moment. He found a place at will and sat cross legged, as if to meditate and feel the changes in his whole body.

This made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

In the past years, it has happened more than once that a peerless figure once became a sage and stopped others from seizing nature!

Every time, there was constant bleeding and amazing casualties.

Fortunately, Zhuan Yuheng didn't do that.

In the next time, no matter Hua Xingli, Tang Su, Lintian and ah Hu, they all abandoned their thoughts and began to meditate.

The universe is vast, cold and grand. There are hundreds of millions of stars shining in it, and the essential power of the avenue of heaven is contained in it.

Just catch a chance in those roads, and you can become a sage like Zhuan Yuheng!

Time goes by bit.


The familiar fluctuation of the avenue sounded again. A star in the sky shone brightly and dropped a wisp of red light beam to bathe a thin man in light cyan armor.

"Nie Jianchen! How could it be him..."

Some people were surprised. They didn't think it would be the second chance for the thin man to realize a wisp of opportunity.

Like Zhuan Yuheng, Nie Jianchen stepped onto the five color Taoist altar step by step, the Qi machine of his whole body changed, and the "image of all living beings" also appeared above his head.

This proves that he also closed Zen with the help of "the will of all sentient beings".

Soon, a tablet of fengzen appeared. When Nie Jianchen left his name on it, Zhuan, sitting cross legged in the distance, opened his eyes.

But when he saw that Nie Jianchen's tablet of Zen worship was only suspended in the air at a height of 5000 feet, Zhuan Yiheng closed his eyes again.

Even so, Nie Jianchen was full of joy and energy.

He strode down the five color Taoist altar and looked around. Finally, like Zhuan Yuheng, he chose a position to meditate.

People look different and have different moods.


Lintian was the only one who didn't pay attention to these things. He was meditating and felt that his divine consciousness was like flying up to the sky and deep in the universe

An unspeakable feeling of vastness and loneliness arises spontaneously.

The boundless universe is so big that it is like boundless. Being in it makes people feel a sense of smallness and confusion.

I don't know where is the future and where is the return journey!

Gradually, Lintian's divine knowledge flew deeper and farther, and all he saw along the way were the vast stars and the cold and lonely Zhou Xu


Lintian didn't realize that on him, the dark copper block left by the "treasure smelting mother furnace" quietly made an obscure ripple.

At the same time, Lintian's divine sense caught a boiling, dazzling and tumbling virtual area, which turned into a huge flame vortex.

In front of this flame vortex, the giant is no different from the tiny mole ants. It is too big, like a huge black hole in the universe, but it is flowing with terrible flames.

The stars near the flame whirlpool are as if they were burning, red and incomparably red, throwing rolling fire and divine flame.

In a flash, Lintian's divine sense was very painful.

But at the same time, there are also obscure and mysterious feelings——

Treasure refining Daoyuan!

There is a treasure under the heaven.

The treasure smelting mother furnace that once refined the soldiers of the Nine Emperors was born from the flame vortex called "the source of treasure smelting Taoism"!

Lintian felt a wave.

He didn't expect that when he sensed the opportunity of Fengchan, he could have an insight into such a shocking secret!

Until his mind calmed down, Lintian's divine consciousness continued to sweep away into the depths of the universe. Along the way, he had many senses, but he finally got nothing.

However, his state of mind was extremely calm and clear.

Because he didn't have any idea of what he wanted to get. Whether it was by the wish of all sentient beings or by the wish of the road, it was no longer a problem for him.

I don't know how long later, Lintian's divine consciousness had flown out of an unknown distance. He kept feeling deep in the vast universe, which made his spirit feel tired and powerless.

"The great sage is big and boundless, but in front of this vast universe... It seems too small..."

Lintian felt an unspeakable loneliness in his heart. The vast sea of stars and the boundless emptiness around him were like walking alone, cold and silent, unspeakable depression, helplessness and confusion.

Gradually, his consciousness seemed to melt and lost in the boundless universe.


Suddenly, Lintian was instinctively alert.

The divine consciousness spreading in the depths of the universe is also a sudden meal. Even if the vast universe continues to deepen, when will it end?

But if you don't go deep, how can you feel the opportunity contained in the universe?

Originally, Lintian was just curious and didn't ask for anything, but when he really began to feel, the divine consciousness had sensed the depths of the universe and gave up like this, but he was unwilling.


Try again!

Lintian abandoned his thoughts, and his divine consciousness continued to feel deep in the universe.

The familiar feelings of loneliness, depression, helplessness and confusion arose again, but Lintian no longer paid attention to them.

His divine sense is like the moon full of the blue sea, and the moon shines in the well, which is no longer affected by the light and cloud shadow of the sky.

Gradually, his consciousness showed a blank, not lax and lost, but a sense of total selflessness after no distractions.

I don't know how long, a sound like morning bell and evening drum rang through his heart, looming and ethereal.

In Lintian's divine sense, it was like being electrocuted, and it was like being beaten to the head, resulting in a magical feeling!


(I'm sending you the mending report. I still owe you a change! And at the end of the last chapter, ah Hu wrote Wen Qingxue... It has been revised!)

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