Barren mountains and rivers, vertical and horizontal gullies, and dust all over the sky.

There is no grass here. There is no vitality and fluctuation. Only the raging wind roars like a sharp knife, whimpering like ghosts and gods crying.

Lintian's divine sense spread. A moment later, a haze appeared in his eyebrows.

There is more than no vitality here. Even the power of the avenue doesn't exist and can't be sensed!

Only when the heaven and earth are covered with the power of the great road can we accumulate the mysterious power of Reiki, vitality, chaos and so on.

It's like the water in the river, and the monk is like a fish struggling in the water. Without water, what practice can we talk about?


Lintian rose up in the air, and his figure soared into the sky, thousands of feet, thousands of feet

Soon, he came to the dome of the sky and looked down from the void. Only then did he notice that the place where he had just stood was a star.

However, this star looks extremely desolate and dim.

"Where is this?"

Lintian looked uncertain. If he was placed in one world, there would be world order and weekly rules.

But here, there is no sense of belonging to the "world".


Lintian continued to soar, and gradually, he saw many stars in his vision, some bright, some dim, some converged into Nebula circulation, and some turned into stars

"Above the stars?"

Lintian was stunned.

What you can see in front of you is undoubtedly extremely magnificent and magnificent. The stars are uneven and the sky is boundless. The vast scenery is intoxicating.

But after a long time, it can not help but give people a sense of loneliness and confusion. It's like being lost in it. I don't know the way back and the way ahead.

Before long, Lintian came to a bright star and flew away. His divine consciousness spread and searched for a long time, and Lintian frowned more and more.

Here, there is still no life and Avenue!

Lintian didn't believe in evil. In the following time, his figure twinkled, shuttled through the stars, appeared on the surface of one star after another, searched for a long time, and explored for a long time

But in the end, nothing!

It seems that the huge starry sky on this side is abandoned by the avenue and has no vitality at all.

And Lintian was like a prisoner in exile

How did this happen?

After several hours, Lintian stood on the starry sky, looking uncertain.

Without vitality and Avenue power, it means that there will be no power to practice. Over time, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Just as the secular people are doomed to starve to death without food, if the practitioners have no vitality and power for practice, they are also doomed to gradually weaken... Until death!


Suddenly, Lintian turned his hand, and a bronze instrument with ancient shape emerged.

It is shaped like a lamp, covered with dense and obscure Avenue texture on the surface, and the place of the lamp wick is a pointer like a dragon and snake.

Zhou Tianqian machine lead!

It's a treasure that I got when I broke through the secret territory of Tongtian.

When you lose yourself in the boundless sea of stars, fall into the confusion of heaven and earth, and fall into the fierce dilemma by mistake... You can use this treasure to infer your way of life!


With Lintian urging this treasure, the dragon and snake like pointer glowed and hummed, and finally the brilliance was restrained, and the pointer was fixed in one direction.

Lintian's eyebrows were cleared away, and it was feasible!

At the next moment, he took action, guided the way with "thousands of opportunities around the sky", fled the starry sky and swept away in the distance.

Time goes by bit

Zhou Tianqian's pointer occasionally shifted direction, and Lintian also adjusted the direction of feidun.

In the vast starry sky, only he flew away alone and did not encounter any danger along the way, but the ubiquitous loneliness and silence made people depressed.

Three days later.

Lintian had to stop and fly away from the stars. His physical strength was almost dry.


A moment later, Lintian appeared on a star, took out some magic medicine, and began to cross knee meditation to recover his strength.

There was no vitality and Avenue in the vast starry sky. Fortunately, Lintian stored a lot of magic drugs and spiritual objects, so that he didn't have to worry about replenishing his strength for a long time.

But Lintian felt a sense of crisis.

He has been flying away for several days, but he still hasn't found a way to live. If it takes a long time, no matter how many treasures he has, he is destined to be completely consumed one day!

"In the next time, we must save our energy and not waste any more. However, saving is not appropriate. We must come up with a safe way..."

While meditating, Lintian thought.

"There is no vitality, no power of the road, just like being abandoned by heaven. I have never experienced such experience before. For me, it is an unprecedented training opportunity!"

"I have become a sage. The next step is the realm of the sage king. If I can break through this situation like a 'desperate situation', the transformation is bound to be no small matter..."

Thinking of this, Lintian suddenly thought, "there's no avenue here. If you break through the realm, will it lead to the" holy Road King robbery "

"This damn place... Has some meaning!"

Finally, Lintian smiled. Unconsciously, his state of mind had changed quietly.

Previously, he regarded the starry sky as a cage, desolate and lifeless, and even the avenue did not exist. It was depressing. It was like being exiled and eager to jump out of the cage.

But now, he found that such a place like a "desperate situation" is a rare place for training!

If you can survive in such a desperate situation, what other desperate situation will you not survive in the future?

Moreover, in the practice, you can also experience the feelings you have never experienced before. This experience is also destined to have an immeasurable beneficial effect on your own Taoism!

After a stick of incense.

Lintian took action again.

In the starry sky, his figure was completely relaxed, and he accurately controlled every inch of his body with huge divine power, so as to save the physical strength he had to consume when flying away.

At the same time, he was in an empty state of mind. He was pondering and understanding the Huangting Sutra of the great road to temper the God of the five internal organs in his body.

No matter desperate or not, as long as the state of mind is the same, there is a place for practice everywhere!

This time, Lintian's strength was on the verge of drying up after flying away for five days. Compared with the last time, if he was supported by the same strength, he lasted for two more days!

"Yes, there's progress. Just use your power accurately, and you'll last longer in the future..."

Lintian had a clear understanding.

The great sage is large and immeasurable. Of course, his power is amazing.

But it is undoubtedly a waste to blindly strive for greatness, but not fully and perfectly use these forces accurately!

"In the past, I was able to fight the enemies by relying on the strength and strength of my foundation and path, but I didn't make the most of my strength..."

Realizing this, Lintian broke a layer of shackles and gushed out a spring of understanding.

"The cook can dismember a cow without any effort. What he relies on is his deep understanding of things and the way to use his own power. When the skill is in line with the way, it is the most perfect use of power..."

"This kind of power can be used not only to fly away, but also in combat."

"At that time, maybe we can lower ten meetings and break ten thousand laws with one law!"

... this feeling lasted for several days. Lin xunqai woke up from meditation. He looked up at the starry sky with deep and bright black eyes.


Lintian set out again.

This time, ten days later, his whole body was exhausted.

"This is the magic of power..."

Based on the stars, Lintian was so moved.

From this day on, he completely emptied himself, no longer stuck to looking for a way to live, shuttled through the starry sky alone, and practiced and realized all the time.

Occasionally sleepy and tired, they sit still and recover.

Walking is also Zen, sitting is also Zen.

Walking on the starry sky, you can understand the Tao and nature.

The wonderful meaning will be in your heart, and the desperate situation will knock at the door!


Six months later.

Lintian's figure was like a feather, floating forward in the void around the stars. His mind was on the edge of sleep, and the Lingtai was a little clear.

In the land of the five internal organs, there is a thunderous roar, and the charm of five colors, five Yun, five elements and five virtues is flowing.

Trance, such as chaos, like sleeping, not sleeping in the real Tao fetus!

This situation lasted for a full three months.


That day, Lintian's body suddenly trembled and suddenly straightened up his spine.

At this moment, the Qi machine he had accumulated for a long time was completely released, and the five internal organs suddenly burst out of the land of green, red, black, yellow and white, condensing halos like embryos in the void, breathing and breathing, producing a wonderful rhythm like life.

Five zang organs divine fetus!

The Huangting Sutra of Da Dao is divided into four realms, namely, five Yun realm, five color realm, five flavor realm and five virtue realm

At the beginning of his cultivation, Lintian easily entered the territory of the five intelligences with his cultivation in the top holy land, and accumulated a wisp of Taoist palace spirits in the land of the five zang organs.

The true spirits of these Taoist palaces are like illusory FA Xiang, which is extremely vague, showing five kinds of divine Brilliance: green, red, yellow, white and black.

With the breakthrough of the five viscera Sutra, he has reached the new level of "five viscera Sutra", and now he has reached the five viscera Sutra!

In this environment, the five true spirits in the land of the five internal organs will condense into reality and show their own "hue". For example, the true spirit of green wood will show the hue of "eternal green and vitality".

At this time, the five zang organs divine fetus reflects five completely different "hues"!

Until reaching the "five flavor realm", the five true spirits will break out of the shell in the "five zang organs divine fetus" and have their own "flavor", just like everyone's different charm.

The "Five Virtues" have their own divine knowledge and Tao practice!

At this point, the "God of the five internal organs" can be tempered and transformed into five Dharma bodies. Each cultivation is not weaker than the original, and each has magical powers and mystery.

On this day, Lintian, as a sage, made a breakthrough from the later cultivation of the great holy land to the greatest perfection!

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