Nan Qiu broke his tears into laughter and gave Lintian a white look. When he said something, he made a joke to comfort himself.

Lintian also smiled: "it's easy to laugh."

Unable to help himself, he took Nan Qiu out of the room.

"What are you going to do?"

Nan Qiu is a little confused.

"Go find the fart Mu Xiuyuan and give you a breath."

Lintian said casually.


Nan Qiu stays stunned. How can this empty, lost and frustrated guy take jokes seriously?


Nandong, who has been guarding outside the stone house, was stunned and almost couldn't believe his ears. What did the little white face say to seek revenge from Mu Xiuyuan?


"Where are you taking Nan Qiu?"

"Damn it, is he going to take the opportunity to enter and abduct sister Nan Qiu?"

When he saw Lintian walking out of the valley with the southern autumn Dynasty, many strong men of the Musang tribe came and surrounded him.

Everyone looks very ugly.

Today, Tianxing sword sect and Mu Xiuyuan entrusted Yunhuo tribe to withdraw their marriage, which is a great humiliation and blow to Musang tribe.

Within a few days, the whole Tianqu circle will regard their Musang tribe as a joke.

Lin Qiu thought he was going to leave when he got married?

"Brother Lin, let me go."

Nan Qiu is anxious.

Lintian stopped and ignored the people around him. He looked at Nanqiu and said, "how much hope do you have for revenge in the future, by yourself or by the people behind you?"

Nanqiu was shocked and her jade face changed.

Tianxing sword sect is the first sect in Tianqu world. Mu Xiuyuan is the first descendant of Tianxing sword sect. Do you want to revenge him?

Ten Musang tribes can't add up!

"Presumptuous! How dare you slander my Musang tribe."

The strong men of the nearby Musang tribe were angry.

Lintian still ignored, just looked at Nan Qiu and said, "trust me once?"

Nanqiu trembled and said, "is that ok?"

Lintian smiled, "why not?"

"You... Are arrogant!"

Many strong men of the Musang tribe could not help themselves. They wanted to capture Lintian and not let him take Nan Qiu away.


Treasure light sweeps up and Taoism sweeps across, with great momentum.

Lintian still ignored it and turned away with Nan Qiu.

His clothes fluttered and his head did not turn back, as if he had not noticed the overwhelming attacks behind him.

Nan Qiu couldn't calm down. Her heart was pulled up and she was shocked.

But the next moment, she was stunned.

The sky's attack and the treasure light, like the perishable fireworks, is not yet near, and is like a bubble after death.


She suddenly turned her head and looked at Lintian. For the first time, she realized that she never knew who brother Lin was.

In the distance, the strong men of Musang tribe were also dumbfounded and trembled. They looked at Lintian who was walking away with Nan Qiu, like a god man!

"Who on earth is he?"

Until Lintian and Nan Qiu disappeared, someone couldn't help asking.

Everyone looked at each other. They only knew that the man was carried back by Nan Qiu when hunting. They knew nothing else.

"Go and tell Uncle nine!"

Someone shouted.

Nan leipeng was hit too hard today. At the moment, he is sitting in a daze in his room, looking gloomy and decadent.

"It's over... Everything is over..."

Yunhuo tribe is the sworn enemy of Sangmu tribe. Now they are married to Mu Xiuyuan. How can there be room for the survival of Sangmu tribe in the future?

At the thought of this knife, Qi Nan was as sad as thunder.

"Uncle Jiu, the stranger took Nan Qiu away!"

When the people brought the news, Nan leipeng couldn't help getting angry. What a arrogant boy!

But when he knew what happened, especially when he learned that all the people could not hurt Lintian's hair, a flash of light flashed in Nan leipeng's eyes.

Is it

This son is also a hidden master?

Soon, Nan leipeng frowned and showed a burning color: "no! That Mu Xiuyuan is the first descendant of Tianxing sword sect, but he wants to take Nan Qiu for revenge. Even if he has strong combat power, what can he do to fight against Tianxing sword sect?"

"Once he fails, the Tianxing sword clan will blame him, and the Musang tribe will also be involved?"

"Today's Musang tribe... How can they withstand the anger of Tianxing sword sect?"

Thinking of this, Nan leipeng couldn't sit still any longer and roared: "quickly, mobilize people and follow me to Tianxing sword sect. In any case, stop that boy from doing stupid things!"



There were ripples in the void. Lintian manipulated the vast ark and fled over the sea of clouds. Although his speed was not as fast as moving, it was almost the same.

Along the way, Nan Qiu looked in a trance and was obviously very nervous.

Go to Tianxing sword sect for revenge?

She didn't dare think of such a thing before.

That's the overlord of Tianqu world and the Supreme Master in the eyes of countless monks!

Lintian said, "miss Nanqiu, do you know the way to leave Tianqu world?"

Nan Qiu said, "are you going?"

Lintian said, "well, I'll leave when I help you breathe."

"Brother Lin, where are you... From?" Nan Qiu couldn't help saying that she felt more and more unable to see through the man in front of her.

Lintian thought for a while and said, "a place far away from the ancient path in the starry sky."

Nan Qiu suddenly smiled: "you must be a great person to come here from such a distant place."

Next, Nan Qiu told Lintian that there was only one way to leave Tianqu world, that was to take the "boundary ship".

The boundary ship can easily pass through the world barrier, enter the starry sky, follow a fixed and reliable route, and then safely arrive at other places of the ancient starry road.

The value of boundary ships is extremely expensive. Only the huge forces on the ancient XingKong road can cast them. Tianqu circle is just a remote small circle on the ancient XingKong Road, and it has no ability to cast boundary ships at all.

However, according to Nan Qiu, during the "Tianqu King war", a boundary ship will arrive at Tianqu boundary.

At that time, some big people who came by boat will choose some strong people who performed well in the "Tianqu King war" and leave the Tianqu world together.

Hearing this, Lintian couldn't help asking, "where do you say these big people come from?"

Nanqiu's bright eyes showed a touch of longing: "Dayu world!"

Dayu world!

A big world on the ancient path of the stars can also be classified into the first-class ranks among the worlds of the stars.

Under the Dayu Kingdom, it controls 16 small worlds, and Tianqu kingdom is one of them.

Dayu Kingdom, the Yu family, a famous imperial family that shocked the stars, has inherited the ancient Taoist tradition, countless Lingshan blessed lands and countless romantic figures!

"In our Tianqu world, all the strong young people who arrive in the king's realm are eager to practice in the Dayu world. Like this' Tianqu King war ', the strong young people who finally rank among the top ten will be selected by some big people from the Dayu world and taken to the Dayu world for practice."

Nanqiu's voice is full of uncontrollable longing.

"If I can go to the Dayu world to practice, our Musang tribe will also benefit from it. The big man who took me away will give the tribe behind me a 'true talisman for accepting disciples'. With this talisman, I have a layer of protection, which is enough to frighten other forces."

Hearing this, Lintian realized.

"Dayu world..."

Lintian realized that if he wanted to know the news on the ancient path in the starry sky, he had to arrive here first.

For six years, he was not sure where ah Hu, Lao clam and ah Lu had gone when the Kunlun market ended

Nan Qiu suddenly sighed: "but now, I'm afraid I can't participate in the 'Tianqu King war'."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you can."

Lintian's black eyes were calm, and he had made a decision in his heart.


Snow mountain.

Tianxing sword sect stands here, where the first spiritual pulse of Tianqu world gathers. It is the holy land of cultivation in the hearts of practitioners of Tianqu world.

Ten days later, the "battle of the king of Tianqu" will begin on Xuelai mountain.

At the foot of Xuelai mountain is an ancient city.

During this period of time, many practitioners have gathered from all directions to observe this unprecedented event.

Some of the top figures of the thirteen and four clans are also preparing for the fist fight.

"Have you heard that this time from the Dayu community, it is a group of great figures from the 'Danding daozong'!"

"Dan Ding Taoist sect? This is the top three major sect in Dayu circle! The inside information can be traced back to the ancient times. The strong people in the sect gather together and their influence is extremely prosperous."

"I don't know which lucky people can be favored this time..."

In the city, the news about "Tianqu King war" is being discussed everywhere, making a lot of noise.

"Apart from that, have you heard that the first true preacher of Tianxing sword sect, Mu Xiuyuan, withdrew his engagement with a woman named Nan Qiu of Musang tribe?"

"True or false?"

"It's true. This morning, the Yunhuo tribe released the news that Mu Xiuyuan would make a marriage agreement with Yue Jin, the daughter of the head of their Yunhuo tribe!"

"Hahaha, this Musang tribe is also unlucky. Its power is not only declining, but now it has lost the powerful foreign aid of Mu Xiuyuan. In the future... I'm afraid it will be removed from the ranks of the thirteen tribes."

"Nan Qiu? Hehe, what qualifications does a woman with an unknown name have to match Mu Xiuyuan?"

The matter of Mu Xiuyuan's withdrawal from marriage also spread in the city, causing an uproar and constant uproar.

Mu Xiuyuan!

This is the most dazzling star in Tianqu world. It's hard not to attract people's attention for the divorce that happened to him.

Nan Qiu, who was demobilized by him, undoubtedly became a joke in the eyes of everyone.

"Eh, whose treasure boat is that? How brave. I don't know that it's forbidden to fly in the air under the Xuelai mountain and above the city?"

Suddenly, someone noticed that a treasure ship was snatched from the sky and stably suspended over the city. It was only thousands of feet away from the top of Xuelai mountain in the distance.

"Isn't this a death attempt?"

Soon, many monks in the city also found this scene, and they couldn't help feeling surprised and surprised.

This practice is tantamount to directly challenging the Tianxing sword sect!

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