Yu Yunhe, the direct descendant of the current patriarch of the imperial family Yu, is a famous dandy in the world of Dayu.

How can blue clothes not know this person?

It was precisely because she knew that she would treat Yu Yunhe so coldly when she first met.

But she didn't expect that the subordinate with Yu Yunhe was a hidden master of Daowen!

It almost made her can't believe it.

How could a master of Daowen get mixed up with a ignorant dandy?

Blue colored clothes frowned and said, "Yunzheng, why do I feel something wrong? Do you want to participate in the 'secret land of Dayu'?"

Yu Yunzheng's heart tightened, and he also felt unimaginable. Within the Yu family of the imperial family, Yu Yunhe's identity is indeed very unusual, but everyone knows that the son of the patriarch is a gold and jade, and the dandy in it can't be used much.

Yuyun River can become a great saint at the top of the mountain, which is completely accumulated by the blood talent and countless resources of a very unusual person!

Even when he became a disciple of the Danding Taoist sect, his father came forward and managed to do it with great efforts.

It is inconceivable that such a "younger brother" who has never been regarded by Yu Yunzheng from beginning to end, now appears with a Taoist pattern master.

"Does he also realize that if he doesn't fight for the opportunity, he will lose his inheritance right to the patriarchal position after the patriarchal Dabi?"

Yu Yunzheng looked uncertain.


"That's great!"

A burst of exclamation and uproar broke out near the task hall in the distance.

The blue dress asked, "Mo Lao, can you see the young man's attainments in Taoist patterns?"

Mo Lao pondered, "if you let me test one or two, maybe you can see some clues."

The eyes of blue clothes flickered: "then please don't do it again."

Mo Lao was also curious about when Dayu came out of such a young master of Taoist patterns, and Wen Yan agreed immediately.

After a little thought, he took out a jade slip with the smell of years and handed it to the blue colored clothes around him.

"This is an obscure forbidden array that I saw in an ancient relic when I was traveling in a small world. With my ability, I can only copy this array, but I can't see the mystery."

Mo Lao sighed with emotion, "over the years, I don't deduce this array all the time, but I still can't understand it. If this son can crack it, it is enough to prove that his attainments in the holy stripe are much better than me."

"How is that possible?"

Yu Yunzheng immediately laughed.

In the Dayu Kingdom, the number of Taoist pattern masters is extremely small, and Mo Lao is the most senior one. He was famous all over the world many years ago and was regarded as one of the "four Avenue pattern masters".

Even Mo Lao can't crack an ancient Road ban. Can ordinary people crack it?

"That's good. Take this opportunity to kill each other's arrogance!"

The eyes in blue clothes were cold.

In the distant crowd, Yu Yunhe was beaming and elated. That appearance made blue clothes uncomfortable.

She handed the jade slips given by Mo Lao to the attendants around her and said, "go and give them to Hu Ming. It's just a task that has just been released. If anyone can crack it, 100000 Daojing will be rewarded."


Yu Yunzheng was surprised.

The blue colored clothes said with a smile, "why should you be surprised? You thought the boy could break the ban? It's just a bait to produce so many crystals."


"How much money have you made?"

Lintian asked casually after finishing the last task.

Yu Yunhe glowed on his face and said excitedly, "at present, there are 393 confirmed tasks, and a total of 323600 Tao crystals can be paid!"

More than 320000 Daojing!

This is a huge fortune for such domineering dandies as him.

"If you are in the great holy land, these Taoist crystals are only equivalent to the cultivation needs of less than a year..."

When Lin Jing could break through these opportunities, he could only frown for a short time.

In the final analysis, we still have to make money!

Tao Jing can be used not only for cultivation, but also as a kind of currency. It is indispensable for purchasing goods and taking a boat.


Lintian didn't raise his head, so he decided to take this opportunity to make a good profit, so as to save himself from worrying about it in the future.

Hu Ming stepped forward and said respectfully, "childe, this is a task just released, which is related to cracking the Taoist pattern forbidden array. The reward is 100000 Daojing. Are you interested?"


There was a sound of cold breath in the field, which caused a complete sensation.

One task, with a price of 100000 crystals, rarely appears in the Yunyan treasure building, even in the whole Dayu community.

This is amazing!

But similarly, the curiosity of everyone present was suddenly aroused.

What kind of task is it that makes the task publisher not hesitate to drop such amazing rewards?

The only thing we can be sure of is that this task is doomed to be extremely difficult and difficult. I'm afraid the general Taoist pattern master can't do it!

At this time, Yu Yunhe was surprised and shouted, "is the guy who released the task out of his mind?"

The blue dress in the distance was very satisfied with the sensation, but when she heard Yu Yunhe's words, her pretty face was gloomy, and her eyes were full of cold.

This bastard, it's a mess!

Yu Yunzheng hurriedly said, "colorful clothes calm down. I'll help you punish him later."

Lintian was stunned at this time. He was surprised. He took the jade slip in his hand and began to look at it.

The atmosphere in the field became silent, and all eyes looked at Lintian.

Including blue clothes, Yu Yunzheng and Mo Lao are also paying close attention.


Will you take the task?

After half a ring, Lintian said, "yes."

A few words, if shocked by thunder, will make everyone present boiling, just like witnessing an unprecedented good play will be staged.

The task of 100000 Taoist crystals, the other party has the courage to take over!

LAN Caiyi and Yu Yunzheng looked at each other, and then both looked at Mo Lao.

Mo Lao himself was a little stunned and said, "this son really took it. Didn't he see the power of the ban on the ancient road?"

Blue Caiyi took a deep breath and said, "next, he may not succeed. Let's wait and see."

Yu Yunzheng nodded, deeply convinced.

He was so confident in Mo Lao's strength that he didn't believe Lintian could complete the task that even Mo Lao couldn't do!

Lintian began to move.

He looked flat and calm. Only from his appearance, he couldn't see any tension or pressure.

A tidal wave of divine consciousness poured into the jade slips, and the pattern of the ancient forbidden array came into my mind.

He began to deduce

As time went by, the atmosphere in the mission hall became tense and depressed. Everyone held their breath for fear of disturbing Lintian.

At this moment, everyone stared at Lintian without blinking.

Unlike blue clothes and Yu Yunzheng, as a master of Taoist patterns, he had no prejudice and bad feelings towards Lintian.

He was just curious about when such a young master of Taoist patterns appeared in the Dayu world. He had never heard of it before.

Yuyun River also began to get nervous.

Previously, Lintian completed any task in a very short time without any obstacles.

But this time, half an hour had passed, Lintian still didn't respond, which made Yu Yunhe nervous?

Other people in the audience also noticed this scene, and they all made a sweat for Lintian.

"It seems that he can't."

Yu Yunzheng was relieved and laughed loudly.

The blue colored clothes said confidently, "I said earlier that Mo Lao can't crack the Tao ban. Can he crack it by a guy who doesn't know where to come from?"

Mo Lao explained: "this array is extremely obscure. It's obviously impossible to crack it in such a short time. I've been trapped by this problem for many years. It's not the same so far. I can't do anything about it?"

After a pause, he continued: "I feel that even if this son can't break this array, he is no longer comparable to ordinary people."

Yu Yunzheng felt a little uncomfortable and said with a smile: "in my opinion, old Mo thinks highly of this son. He can hang out with my six unskilled younger brothers. He must not be a good thing in himself."

Mo Lao frowned and didn't answer.

At this time, Lintian, who had not been moving, put away his divine knowledge and handed the jade slips to Hu Ming.

All at once, the whole audience was refreshed.

Did it succeed?

"Childe, is it feasible?"

Hu Ming couldn't help asking.

"It has been cracked, and the method is recorded."

Lintian said casually.

In a word, the mood suppressed for a long time caused a complete sensation and an uproar.

Yu Yunhe was excited on his face and his eyes glowed, like looking at God and man. Doesn't this mean that 100000 Tao crystals have been obtained?

"It's impossible!"

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Then, Yu Yunhe saw that Yu Yunzheng and his party in blue clothes were coming this way, and each looked very ugly.

"Blue clothes!"

"Look, master Mo!"

"Unexpectedly, he came to our Yunyan city."

There was a stir in the field, and many people recognized the identity of master Mo and master LAN Caiyi.

Yu Yunhe was very upset and said expressionless, "third brother, what is impossible? I remember you don't seem to understand the holy stripe at all?"

Yu Yunzheng snorted coldly, "I don't understand. Naturally, some people understand. Master Mo, please have a look and see if this son has really broken this array!"

Yu Yunhe was stunned at first. He immediately realized something and shouted, "what? Shouldn't you have sent this task?"

"Sixth brother, you've become smart."

Yu Yunzheng said coldly and did not deny it.

Yu Yunhe said with an ugly face, "so when you release this task, you want to embarrass us on purpose and see our jokes?"

Yu Yunzheng did not deny it and looked at master mo.

At this time, master Mo also looked puzzled, surprised, excited and curious. He didn't care about other things. What he cared about was whether Lintian really broke the formation.

It should be noted that this problem has almost become a knot in his heart!

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