The sea of fire rolled and the black boat came through the waves.

On the ship, a woman dressed in snow-white chimera finally showed her true face. It was a beautiful and pale face with eyes like a spring and eyebrows like a distant mountain.

She looked absentminded, excited and her voice trembled at the moment, as if she had seen the flying and unrestrained figure in those years, appearing in front of her after a long time.

This woman is naturally a ginger star finch!

A poor woman who has been imprisoned here for nearly 100000 years.

Lintian realized at the first time that the other party had recognized the wrong person. Although he couldn't bear it, he still explained: "senior, you recognized the wrong person."

"How can I be wrong? I will never mistake the breath of constant pole without leakage!"

Jiang xingque looked very excited. He came to Lintian with an excited trance in his eyes. "Brother Xuankong, you're really pretending. Those old things in my family must have been cheated by you. You must take me away this time."

The voice was nervous and pleading.

Lintian found for the first time that a woman who had been imprisoned for nearly 100000 years would look so pathetic and distressing.

Just because she has practiced the method of constant pole and no leakage, she mistook herself as Xuankong. It can be imagined how she missed senior brother Xuankong in these boundless years.

Her crazy, trance and excited every move told her how much she cared about senior brother Xuankong.

This made Lintian's heart ache.

How wonderful it would be if senior brother Xuankong lived and saw such a scene!

After a moment of silence, Lintian sighed softly and dared not look into each other's eyes. He said, "Sir, my name is Lintian. I'm brother Xuankong's brother. This time I'm entrusted by brother Xuankong to return an item to the elder..."

"Brother Xuankong, you're lying to me, aren't you?"

Jiang xingque is like a lonely child. Her voice is begging, and her crystal tears are rotating in her eyes.


Lintian was speechless and could not speak any more.

When the palm of his hand turned over, a light cyan bamboo leaf hairpin appeared.

Jiang xingque, who was originally in a trance and eager to drop, was stunned. His eyes stared at the hairpin and seemed to recall countless past memories.

In the distance, the sea of molten fire rolled and roared. Jiang xingque was dressed in snow-white chimera. She stood there with clear tears rolling down her eyes.

Lintian suddenly regretted that he shouldn't have taken it out early. In that case, yuan xingque wouldn't be so sad.

For a long time, yuan xingque seemed to be calm again. A pair of eyes showed a rare tenderness, stared at Lintian and said, "you... Just think it's Xuankong. Would you please take this hairpin for me?"

Lintian nodded without hesitation.

Yuan xingque showed a heartfelt smile, turned around, turned his thin and slim figure back to Lintian and murmured, "brother Xuankong, you said that as long as you saw this hairpin, you were still alive. Now, you finally let me wait for your news..."

Lintian raised his hand, took up Jiang xingque's long black hair, moved gently on his head, picked up the light blue hairpin and gently inserted it obliquely.

"What you said is right. I was entrusted by senior brother Xuankong to bring this thing to find you."

Lintian whispered.

When Jiang xingque turned around, there were no tears in his eyes. His face was like water. He looked extremely calm.

Without the excitement, trance and stupidity before, it seems to have completely calmed down.

"Thank you, younger martial brother."

Jiang xingque saluted, "this is the best news I have heard in countless years."

Lin xunlian hurriedly said, "don't be like this, senior. This is what I should do as a younger martial brother."

"You are my husband's younger martial brother. How can you match your predecessors and call me sister-in-law."

Jiang xingque smiled.

Her face was beautiful, her appearance was very beautiful, her behavior was quiet and gentle, but her face looked very pale.


Lintian nodded.

Next, Jiang xingque took Lintian to the black boat moored in the fire sea.

After sitting down, Jiang xingque asked Lintian a lot about Xuankong.

Lintian told them one by one, but he deliberately concealed the fact that Xuankong was trapped in the dead city and finally left the world.

Jiang xingque looked very calm from beginning to end. After saying many mysterious things, she also asked about Lin Xun.

Lintian would not hide it. He told him how he became a disciple of Fangcun mountain and how he sought the path in these years.

Maybe it's because a person has been trapped for too long. Jiang xingque listened with interest.

Later, when he learned that Lintian would go to Zhongtu Dao state in half a year to participate in the "discourse event" held by the Sixth Avenue court, Jiang xingque frowned.

When he learned that Lintian had a way to hide his identity and was not afraid to be found, Jiang xingque was relieved.

"Younger martial brother, among the six Avenue courts in those years, Honghuang, Qiankun and panwu Avenue courts were the most hostile to Fangcun mountain, and they were also the most active in dealing with Fangcun mountain."

Jiang xingque mused, "although you have a complete strategy to cover up your identity, you must be careful if you go to the grand gathering of discussing Taoism."

"As far as I know, among the six Avenue courts, there are old antiques who are called ancestors in the imperial territory. If they stare at you, it will be a great disaster."

Lintian was awestruck and said, "I will."

Then he couldn't help saying, "sister-in-law, what's the attitude of the other three Avenue courts except the three Avenue Court on our inch mountain?"

"The xuanhuang Taoist court is the most neutral, and the two do not help each other."

Jiang xingque said, "the evil Taoist Court adopted the attitude of watching the fire from the shore and watching the tiger fight. Although the collapse of the Taoist tradition of Fangcun mountain had little to do with the evil Taoist court, the evil Taoist court also shot to seize some inheritance of Fangcun mountain later."

"As for Guiyuan Taoist court..."

Speaking of this, Jiang xingque shook his head: "this Taoist court is the most mysterious. It never appeared before and after the Taoist war of the ancient emperors."

Lintian had heard that Guiyuan Taoist court should be the most detached force in the Sixth Avenue court. It was almost invisible and isolated from the world.

There are very few descendants of this sect, but every descendant has the cultivation of the imperial realm.

All schools are great emperors, and one will return to the yuan forever!

This is the Guiyuan Taoist court.

"In fact, in dealing with Fangcun mountain, not only some ethnic groups of Honghuang, panwu and Qiankun three Avenue courts, but also some forces in the Tenth World War."

"Such as the Kong family, the Xu family and the Kun family... Such as the blood Lin war family, the heavenly Ghost War family and the Taowu war family in the Tenth World War family..."

"The wall falls and everyone pushes. The inheritance power of Fangcun mountain is too strong. When Fangcun mountain encounters great difficulties, who doesn't want to take a share?"

When Jiang xingque said this, he couldn't help sighing: "it's a pity that Fangcun mountain Taoist tradition was finally destroyed..."

Lintian's heart was full of ups and downs, and then he said, "I only know that maybe the gate of Fangcun mountain collapsed and the power disappeared, but as long as we descendants of Fangcun mountain are still alive, Fangcun mountain will be there!"

The voice is unequivocal!

Even if they are just lonely ghosts scattered in the sky, they will suffer a lot of revenge once their identity is exposed.

But as long as you live, you can pass on the firewood of Fangcun mountain from generation to generation!

Jiang xingque stared at Lintian and said, "younger martial brother, your senior brother Xuankong once said that the most powerful power of Fangcun mountain lies not in how much power it has, nor in how much inheritance it has, but in having you descendants!"

"If people are alive, it means that Fangcun mountain daotong is still alive!"

Lintian nodded, deeply convinced.

"Younger martial brother, I can't help you with your participation in the event of discussing Taoism. However, I can tell you why your senior brother Xuankong was known as the secret of 'invincible holy land under the heavens'."

Speaking of this, Jiang xingque showed a touch of pride and pride.

That is the man she loves most and the greatest pride in her heart.

Lintian was shocked and filled with curiosity: "sister-in-law, please give me some advice."

Jiang xingque's eyes were gentle, as if recalling the past, and said: "after stepping into the holy land, your senior brother Xuankong spent less than a hundred years, and then successively honored himself in the three realms of true saint, great saint and holy king, which are unmatched and unmatched!"

"At that time, he was alone, so that all his peers in heaven and earth could not lift their heads."

"At that time, xuanhuangdaoting was disturbed many times and had to revise the ranking on the list of the three holy places in advance."

"As long as your senior brother Xuankong ranks first, no one can shake his position. Even the peerless pride of the Sixth Avenue court and the leaders of the Tenth World War family... Can't do it all!"

"At that time, there was a popular saying in the ancient path of the starry sky. Who could be invincible in the holy land? Who dared to say invincible? Only one person in the dark sky of Fangcun mountain!"

"This is called 'under the heavens, the holy land is invincible'!"

Hearing this, Lintian couldn't help breathing cold and longing. He never thought that senior brother Xuankong trapped in the dead city had such a bright and brilliant past!

"Unfortunately, before he could break through the holy land, the Taoist war of the emperors broke out. Otherwise, with his talent and heritage, he was destined to be so dazzling all the time."

Jiang xingque's voice was sentimental. It took a long time to restrain his mood and said with a smile, "younger martial brother, you know, before becoming a saint, your elder martial brother Xuankong was the most insignificant role in Fangcun mountain. He was shy and shy. He would blush when talking to girls and couldn't say anything."

"He always said that he was a herder. When he was a child, his family was poor. In order to support his family, he helped his family herd sheep when he was very young. Because of poverty and thin body, he was often ridiculed by his peers, so that his heart has always been very low self-esteem and lonely."

"Until later, by chance, he entered Fangcun mountain to practice, and Xuankong has been helping to take care of the spirit birds and animals on Fangcun mountain."

"However, all changes begin from the moment he becomes holy!"

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