In the black-and-white chess cage, the dense chess squares are floating and flickering, and the sword Qi like destroying the sky and the earth is gathering momentum madly.

Each sword Qi is condensed with the painstaking efforts of Zhibai's whole life. It's not too much to say that it is the ultimate release of his Taoism.

At this moment, Zhibai's whole person was like burning, his Qi machine was like thunder, and his eyebrows were full of determination and madness.

When you want to decide the outcome of a chess game, you have no regrets when you fall!


A violent drink resounded through the.

Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!

The sword Qi was cut down one after another, pulling all the power of the black-and-white chess cage. There were a lot of terrorist visions, as if they were going to destroy the world.

But see——

Lintian smiled at this moment, and his pupils reflected the shadow of the sword all over the sky.

"Lin is ready now, so he waits for this time..."

With a long sigh, Lintian's figure suddenly turned into chaos.

Chaos is like one, in the shape of a flood furnace and the shape of an abyss, but there is a magnificent and complete picture of the vast world, including the longitude and latitude of heaven and earth, the sun, moon and stars, the virtual Vientiane of the week, the rotation of the four seasons and the changes of all things

But when you look carefully, it's chaotic and nameless!

This was Lintian's realm of Tao, which was completely released at this moment.


The earth shaking roar resounded through the.

See all over the sky trembling, one after another enough to kill ghosts and gods, like comets falling from the sky, falling into chaos and being completely swallowed.

Then, behind Lintian, the dense black-and-white chess boxes exploded one by one, and suffered terrible destruction and swallowing.


Zhibai coughed up blood, dilated pupils, cold hands and feet, and an unspeakable shock filled his heart. It's incredible.

How could

How could this happen

The black-and-white chess cage is the most perfect way he has honed. He regards the road as chess and the cultivator as his son. Those who fall into the chess cage can't escape being killed.

It's like playing chess with heaven!

Who has ever seen "heaven" defeated?

In the black and white chess cage, he knows that white is "heaven"!

Life or death, the fall is ruthless!

But now, his "heaven" has failed


The turbulence of the black and white chess cage is like a world collapsing and sinking, and the terrible chaotic shadow is like a big mouth, swallowing everything

Zhibai's whole body was soaked with cold sweat and his face was very white. His whole body trembled slightly because of reluctance, confusion and shock.

The black-and-white chess cage is the embodiment of his Taoism. When he is damaged, he also suffers an extremely terrible counterattack.

The bright red blood dripped from the corners of his lips, the luster in his eyes became dim, and the injury was becoming more and more serious!

He looked at this scene as if it was destruction, but he couldn't believe it

He only felt that his lifelong quest and pride were falling down under this scene!

"Why... Why are both the best ways, but my way is so unbearable... This... Is my chessboard..."

A low murmur resounded from the white lips of Zhibai.


So far, the black and white chess cage completely collapsed in front of Zhibai.

Lintian's figure was like the brightest light before dawn. He broke through the game and stood by the emptiness. His clothes were spotless.

As early as the people present who were paying close attention to this unprecedented battle, when they saw this scene, they were stunned at first, and then showed shock.


Some people can't believe it.

"When you are in danger, you can finally break the game. If you defeat Zhibai in front of the most powerful force!"

Someone took a breath.

"Lintian was too powerful. How did he do it?"

Someone was stunned.

No one knows, because the battle took place in the black and white chess cage, and only Zhibai knows the fighting and fighting in it.

"In the battle of the best way, I know that Bai has lost..."

Mi boundless sighed softly.

Looking at all the people present, there are only a few who can be seen by him. Zhibai is one of them.

But unfortunately, he has lost.


The moon suddenly clenched tightly in her heart.

At this time, people saw Zhibai.

His hair was disheveled, his mind was stained with blood, his eyes were dim, his face was white, like a demon, and he was silent.

Everyone is aware that this battle of Taoism has caused an unimaginable heavy blow to such a peerless demon as Zhibai!

"Brother Zhibai."

The moon like fire couldn't help shouting.

"I lost..."

Knowing Bai's bitterness, he smiled and looked lonely. He looked at Lintian in the distance: "brother Lin's strong Taoism has opened my eyes and convinced me."

After a pause, he took a deep breath: "according to the previous agreement, brother Lin can take anything on his lower body, including... His life!"

The whole audience was silent. Many people were moved and looked at Lintian one after another.

"Brother Lin, since the outcome is decided, can you... Forgive me and know for once?"

Yue Ruhuo couldn't help pleading.

People like him are all proud and Clank. They will never bow their heads and beg for mercy unless they have to.

But at this time, the moon is like fire. Obviously, I can't care about these.

Lintian said calmly, "you want Lin's fortune, but Lin is not interested in your life. Since you admit defeat and leave a treasure, leave here now. That's all."

This requirement is extremely serious for other practitioners and is difficult to accept.

After all, this is in front of the dilapidated gate of Guxian restricted area. Letting people leave means that they will miss an opportunity to compete for chaos treasure!

Who is willing to accept it?

But for Zhibai, compared with losing his life, this requirement is extremely lenient, which surprised him.

"Thank you, brother Lin!"

See the moon like fire has said, "to express my sincerity, I will leave with Zhibai and no longer participate in the competition for that chaotic treasure."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience was in an uproar!

No one expected that Yue Ruhuo would make such a decision to know Bai, which would be too much.

"Brother Yue, you..."

Zhibai couldn't help but be surprised, but before he finished, he was interrupted by Yue Ruhuo: "it's so decided."

Zhibai has a warm current in his heart. He has just been frustrated and his mood is gloomy. The action of the moon like fire is like a touch of light, which shines into his mind and dispels the gloom.

"Good brother!"

Zhibai grinned and seemed to get out of this fiasco completely.

"Brother Lin, please accept it."

He took out a small blue jade bottle and handed it to Lintian in the distance.

When he saw the bottle, the moon was like fire, and his pupils narrowed. He immediately smiled and said, "it seems that you really see it open. It's good, it's good."

"Come on, my brother doesn't seek fame or chance, so don't get in the way here."

Zhibai arched his hand to Lintian and turned away.

"Everything in the world is like clouds. Only our Avenue is true. Brother Lin, goodbye."

Yue Ruhuo said and went away side by side with Zhibai.

Watching the two leave, the hearts of the heroes in the field fluctuated, and some people were glad that there were two very difficult competitors missing.

Some people admire and dare to break and give up. What a hero!

"In the future, there will be these two sons on the road of emperor Zheng."

A premonition emerged in MI boundless's heart.

"Forgive you, I just want to be on the road in the future, not too lonely... I hope... I can see you again in the future."

Lintian played with the small blue jade bottle in his hand and murmured in his heart.

Inside the jade bottle is sealed with a pill called "Guiyuan rongdao pill", which ranks second in the list of holy drugs in the heavens!

Compared with the third ranked "xuanhuang Jiuqiao pill", it is more rare. It only appeared in the ancient times and is invisible like a legend.

And Zhibai left this treasure as the price of defeat!

Lintian was surprised. His impression of Zhibai changed a lot.

Suddenly, Tang Su said, "brother Lin, you know Bai and the moon have gone like fire, and although you have won a great victory, your physical strength must be consumed. Do you believe that many people are secretly happy now?"

In a word, it makes the atmosphere delicate.

Many people are secretly gnashing their teeth. Tang Su is just a big horn. Some thoughts that can only be kept secret must be pointed out.


Lintian's black eyes scanned the field and said calmly, "if so, Lin doesn't mind. Kill some more people who don't open their eyes."

The words are casual, but they show a domineering style.

In the past, he was so strong. Now he has gone through a big war and is so strong that some strong people present can't help frowning and suspicious.

Doesn't this guy know what convergence is?

In other words, he is not worried about the danger he will face because of physical exertion?

However, no one dared to respond to Lintian's words at this moment!

The defeat of Zhibai made them more aware of Lintian's power and horror. No one would be stupid enough to fight with Lintian.

Take the medicine, sit down and take it back.

The previous battle really consumed him a lot of physical strength, but it was not serious. Therefore, he was not worried about whether someone would jump out and provoke him again.

As time goes by, the calm before the dilapidated door is restored.

The heroes stood in different areas, vigilant around, waiting silently.

Others talked by voice, as if they were discussing countermeasures.

But Lintian was too lazy to care about all this.

"Hahaha, brother Lin, brother Lin, finally let me know your real origin."

Half an hour later, a sudden laugh rang out, and a young xuanjiuyin in sackcloth came from a distance with a smile.

He was tired, lazy and careless. He ignored all the eyes around him and went straight to Lintian.

"I'm the remnant of Fangcun mountain. I'm not worried about implicating you?" Lintian looked at him.

When facing the aggressive questioning of the empress Huoling behind the scenes in the mysterious yellow realm, Xuan Jiuyin once spoke out for Lintian.

Lintian was surprised. He didn't expect that this guy who liked to watch the fun would help himself in that situation.

Although he seemed to overestimate himself, Lintian could not be ungrateful.

"Don't be afraid of the devil's house when you are too big. What are you afraid of?"

Xuan Jiuyin said and sat down beside Lintian, talking and laughing.

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