Buzhou mountain disappeared, and the world suddenly became empty and far away.

Jintian xuanyue, Leng Xiujia and Xie Yuhua sat cross legged in different areas to meditate and prepare for breaking the environment.

There are still ten days left before the end of the action in Guxian restricted area, and Jintian xuanyue and they have not broken the boundary to advance.

If you leave here, you will undoubtedly miss an excellent opportunity to set foot in the top quasi imperial realm.

After all, the order of the main road in the ancient immortal forbidden area can easily avoid the taboo disaster from the depths of the sky!

Lintian and Ling Kezi stood in the distance.

Ling Kezi had given the booty to Lintian.

In the bloody battle in front of the dilapidated gate, there were more than 20 unparalleled characters killed by Lintian, including characters with great origins such as Wenyu and fengbeiling.

This also makes the booty collected by Ling Kezi extremely rich. There are as many as 16 imperial treasures alone!

There are war spears, swords, swords and divine seals... All of them are incomparably miraculous and incomparable to ordinary imperial treasures.

In addition, there are many treasures in storage, which contain a large number of miraculous drugs, rare treasures and spiritual materials... The value is immeasurable.

Because not only the number is huge, but also the value is amazing!

After counting for half a ring, Lintian handed lingkezi two imperial treasures and a storage bag filled with various treasures and said, "you can't work in vain. Here you are."

Ling Kezi resolutely refused: "brother Lin, you are harming me. As long as you take these treasures, no matter who they are, you will be crushed by the great forces behind the owner of these treasures after leaving the Guxian restricted area."

After a pause, he said with a strange look: "only brother Lin, you are not afraid of all this, so you'd better take it back."

Lintian was stunned and smiled: "you mean I don't worry about too much debt, and I'm not afraid of itching when there are too many lice?"

Ling Kezi was embarrassed and said, "I'm just telling the truth. After all, these imperial treasures have great origins. They are either the treasures of a sect or the important weapons of a group. Ordinary people... Don't dare to take them for themselves."

Lintian didn't hesitate to put away the treasure and said, "in ten days, the ancient immortal forbidden area will end. Now you're hanging around with me. I'm afraid you'll be affected when you leave..."

Before he finished, Ling Kezi straightened his chest and said, "don't worry, brother Lin, I'm not afraid of being involved."

He looked confident.

"That's good."

Lintian looked at Ling Kezi and thought.

He thought of xuanjiuyin and was not afraid to make friends with himself from beginning to end, but xuanjiuyin was supported by Xuanjia.

Where did Lingke Zi come from?

After thinking about it, Lintian shook his head. The monk's mouth was too strict. Even if he asked, he couldn't ask anything.

On the sky, a dark cloud of robbery appeared, and the smell of terror and taboo was quietly filled.

The golden sky xuanyue, who had been sitting cross legged, opened her eyes.

She's going through the robbery!

Almost at the same time, the mysterious power of the road order between heaven and earth surged into the sky, masking the taboo atmosphere of disaster.

Seeing this, Lintian took back his eyes. Under such circumstances, with the talent and inside information of the golden sky and the mysterious moon, he didn't worry about being unable to break the environment.

"Brother Lin, when you leave the Guxian forbidden area, your identity will be exposed. Everything you do here will be known by those big figures in the imperial realm for the first time. Don't you... Worry?"

Ling Kezi couldn't help asking.

Lintian seemed too calm, as if he didn't worry about what happened when he left.

"Is worrying useful?"

Lintian asked.

Ling Kezi, er, let out a sound and was speechless for a moment.

"Don't worry, it's just soldiers coming to block the water and cover the earth."

Lintian's black eyes were deep and calm.

He remembered the Third Elder martial sister ruosu once said that as long as he could seize that chaotic treasure in his hand, even if he exposed his identity, it was nothing.

Lintian had a strong premonition that those elder martial brothers and sisters of Fang cunshan... Certainly could not watch themselves suffer.

Similarly, Lintian held some cards in his hand. Even if he encountered great danger, he was sure to get out of trouble!

"Brother Lin."

Ling Kezi took a deep breath and said, "don't you want to know what I see from you?"

He seems to have made a decision.

Lintian's black eyes narrowed slightly, looked at the serious Lingke Zi, and couldn't help laughing: "it's not too late to talk about these things later."

Lingke Zilu was stunned and couldn't help but be anxious: "but if something happens to you when you leave the Guxian restricted area, isn't it..."

"Yes, if anything happens to me, what's the use of knowing something? So you should pray that I won't have an accident."

Lintian smiled and knocked on Ling Kezi's forehead.

Lingkezi scratched his head and wondered whether he had seen that if I said what I saw, I would be extremely terrible eaten back?

Or is he worried that knowing these things will affect his mood?

"Don't think about it. As long as Lin survives the coming disaster, he must have a good chat with you."

Lintian couldn't help knocking on Ling Kezi's forehead again. It was like a young monk with gentle eyebrows and eyes, charming and charming.


A day later.

The golden sky and the mysterious moon successfully broke through the realm and successfully entered the absolute top quasi imperial realm. The whole person's breath has changed, becoming more and more ethereal and cold, like an iceberg fairy, which is as beautiful as a picture.

Three days later.

Cold repair flail and break the environment successfully.

Seven days later.

Xie Yuhua succeeded in breaking the border.

If this is left outside, it will certainly cause a great sensation and attract countless strong people to watch the ceremony. After all, it's too difficult to set foot in the top quasi imperial realm.

But in this ancient immortal forbidden area, as long as the inside information is strong enough, it doesn't take much effort to break the territory!

In fact, as long as the strong people who are still living in the Guxian restricted area have almost broken through the territory and stepped into the territory of the absolute top quasi emperor.

These days, Lintian was in a clear state of mind, understood and tempered his own way, and there were no accidents and twists and turns.

In the outside world, wind and rain are coming.


"There are only three days left..."

The head of xuanhuang Taoist court taught taishuhong to make a voice like emotion.

For some time, they have been waiting here. Although they can't spy on what happened in the Guxian restricted area, they can roughly infer some situations through the extinguished life lights.

Until now, the 12 core heirs of Honghuang Daoting who entered the Guxian restricted area were completely annihilated.

There were only two of the 19 people who entered the Qiankun Taoist court.

There are 15 people in panwu Taoist court, and there are nine left.

Xuanhuang arrived at the Taoist court with 17 people, leaving eight.

Demon court

It is only the core successor of the Sixth Avenue court, and almost all of them have lost half. For example, the Honghuang and Qiankun Avenue courts were almost completely destroyed!

From this, we can infer how dangerous, cruel and bloody the situation in the Guxian restricted area is.

At present, there are only 29 life lights still on!

This number is enough to shake the heavens.

It should be noted that although there are only 108 strong people entering the Guxian forbidden area this time, each of them can be regarded as the most first-class figure in the world's top holy kingdom. At the end, there are only 29 people left. Undoubtedly, the casualties are too serious!

Just like in recent days, those great figures in the imperial realm were gloomy and silent.

Taishuhong knew that these old guys were holding a breath in their hearts.

"Yes, there are only three days left..."

The empress Huoling also sighed, "not to mention the forbidden area of ancient immortals, but to say that near the cloud mountain, it can be called the undercurrent surging and the wind and rain is coming."

All the emperors here look a little subtle.

A treasure of chaos draws the eyes of the heavens. In the dark, I don't know how many old monsters stare at the movement here.

Similarly, no one knows what a big storm will break out when the operation of Guxian restricted area ends three days later!

But there is no doubt that this storm is inevitable and is destined to break out.

But then who is the hunter and who is the prey is unknown.

"You say, how many people in our generation are there near the cloud mountain?"

Emperor Jueyin of Honghuang Daoting suddenly asked.

"How can there be less participation of the same people in such a big storm?"

Someone laughed.

"Are all the same people coming? That's not necessarily true."

Someone looked cold and fierce.

"Whoever wants to be involved in this storm, he has to weigh the consequences."

The fire spirit empress proudly said.

In a quiet valley far away from here.

The chess game between the old monk and the black robed boy has entered the most intense stage.

But neither of them could see any tension. One was more calm and calm than the other.

"The fire spirit female emperor of the heaven and earth Taoist court has a bad memory. If those lonely ghosts from Fangcun mountain come, how can she weigh the 'consequences' in her mouth? Does she think she is a chess player?"

The black robed boy hissed.

He wore a lotus corolla and a black robe. He looked like a teenager, but his eyes contained the breath of endless vicissitudes.

The "Shenxu emperor ancestor" of shenzhao guzong did not hide his disdain.

"It's hard to say who is a chess piece and who is a chess player. This storm is full of variables, and sometimes chess pieces may become chess players."

The old monk said indifferently that he was clean and wrinkled, wearing simple and clean monk clothes.

But in the dark world, he has a title that can make all sentient beings pale——

Nikon dizu!

Emperor Shenxu twirled a chess piece and said, "apart from others, if you set up such a big game, I'm afraid there will be another war between emperors and Taoism. Brother Dao, can you be prepared for it?"

Emperor Nikon nodded and said calmly, "do your best, listen to the destiny, get my luck and lose my life."

"Me too."

Like a young god, Xu dizu smiled, "but I'm a little different from you."


"What's the difference?" said the Nikon family

"I dare to work hard for that chaotic treasure."

Shenxu emperor Zu said and gently knocked the chess piece in his hand on the chessboard.

His words were casual, but emperor Nikon raised his eyebrows slightly and said meaningfully: "if so, I'll have to experience the style of Taoist brother at that time."

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