The shuttle flits back and forth, just like weaving clothes.

But the thunder sword of cloud lightsaber ancestor was dissolved silently.

Lintian was standing behind ruosu, but when he saw this scene, he didn't feel anything. He only felt a power that shocked his mind.

Those powers are far beyond imagination. They can't understand now.

But he knows that if this sword cuts at any imperial figure present, it will seal his throat!

But seeing ruosu as if he didn't care, he said, "the way I seek is to see the big from the small and know from the small. It's just like spring breeze turns into rain and see the true chapter in silence."


The fist of emperor qiangu came, filled with the highest pressure, and the nearby void collapsed. However, the area where Lintian, ruosu and xueya were located was as solid as gold and had not suffered any impact.

And the terrible fist strength was also quietly disintegrated by the power of "Tianyi array".


The Taoist robe elder from the Honghuang Taoist court offered a fire dragon tripod and poured thousands of divine flames, drowning this area.

But it was dissolved by the "array of heavenly clothes" only in a moment.


The old man in the Taoist robe is called "Zhenjue emperor Zu". The fire dragon tripod controlled by him is also an extraordinary treasure. Its combat power is strong enough to make all emperors in the world afraid.

But at this time, his face suddenly changed.

Not only him, but also Yunguang sword ancestor and qiangu sword ancestor.

The three attacked together, but they were all resisted without shaking each other. This is undoubtedly very incredible.

Ruozu said to himself: "younger martial brother, each sand, stone, plant and tree is like a boundary. When you know the great road of cultivation, you can't ignore the small part of the road. In this way, you can understand the beauty of 'satisfactory size'."

Her posture of talking and laughing like no one else seemed so out of place in this dangerous situation.

But whoever looked at her looked very dignified.


Yunguang, qiangu and Zhenjue took a deep breath and attacked again.

The power controlled by Emperor Zu is naturally extraordinary terror. When you read it, you can command all dharmas and deduce the supreme Dharma.


The world is turbulent, and there are signs of collapse and destruction.

Fortunately, yunzhishan is located in the far north of the Hongmeng world and adjacent to the vast "unknown land". It is so sparsely populated that it did not cause too many innocent casualties after the outbreak of this large-scale "battle of emperors and ancestors".

But even so, the state where yunzhishan is located is still affected, just like a big earthquake. I don't know how many cities tremble or how many creatures turn pale in horror.

Even the practitioners were frightened and terrified.

Because in their eyes, there were too many unimaginable terrorist visions reflected in the sky that day, just like the expedition of the gods, filled with an amazing smell of destruction.

The scarlet blood dyed the curtain of heaven into a strange red.

Like the end of the day!


Like this, Lintian, a strong man at the quasi imperial level, could not perceive the mystery.

That taste is like a mole ant, watching the Dragon fighting in the sky. I only know that the battle is boundless and terrible, but I can't know where the terror is.

At this moment, he only saw elder martial sister ruosu conclude the "array of heavenly clothes" like a needle and thread. One person alone blocked the attack of the three emperors and ancestors, and he still looked at ease and calm.

I only saw elder martial brother xueya reciting Taoist Scriptures. He was mighty and boundless.

In the depths of the sky that day, the same was true of the battle between elder martial brother Pu Zhen and elder martial sister junhuan.

In this battlefield, Lintian felt so small for the first time, as if he had become an insignificant spectator.

Let's not interfere. Without the protection of senior brothers and sisters, we would have been wiped out by the aftermath of the battle between heaven and earth!

Lintian couldn't help thinking about the ten way war in ancient times, the Taoist war of emperors in ancient times... Is it so terrible?


There was a terrible roar, the earth moved and the sky shook. Vaguely, it seemed that stars were shattered and fell from outside of Zhou Xu.

In this battlefield, there are scenes of collapse of mountains and rivers and destruction of all things. The grand Tao sound and turbulent divine light make this place chaotic and turbulent.

Some emperors have to dodge!


Before long, Emperor Yunguang coughed up blood and was entangled by laws like silk threads. He was almost bound to kill him, which made him pale in horror. Without hesitation, he had to withdraw.

But when he turned around, he suddenly found that the world had been isolated, and he himself could not find a way out as if he were trapped in a cage!

At the same time, ruosu's gentle voice sounded: "younger martial brother, you see, it's seamless. Since it's in formation and no one can escape, what about Emperor Zu? It's just like a turtle in a jar."

"At this time, she is still explaining Tao Ye to the little thing? Do she still have their opponents in her eyes?"

Yun Guangjian Zu's face turned red and his heart gushed out an unspeakable shame and anger. He didn't know how many years he hadn't experienced the feeling of being ignored.


The cloud lightsaber roared.


His figure reflects infinite Taoist light, condenses the supreme law power, and releases all his ancestral Taoism.

However, no matter how he attacks, it is futile. The array of heavenly clothes is too magical. It is like cutting off heaven and earth, abandoning the avenue, trapping him in it and unable to escape.

The most frightening thing is that yunguangjian Zu found that the stronger his attack power, the more terrible the oppressive force generated by this array.

It feels like a "cocoon bound" bug. The more you struggle, the stronger the power of restraint!

"How could it be so... How could it be so..."

The ancestor of Yun Guangjian, an old man in the ancestral realm who has lived for an unknown number of years, sees an unknown number of dangers and storms, but at this moment, he feels a burst of fear and helplessness.

At the same time, the ancient emperors and Zhenjue emperors also suffered from such difficulties.

They all felt unimaginable. They were obviously fighting, but unconsciously, they were trapped in the big world.

The most terrible thing is that when they turn back and plan to withdraw, they find that they are alone in the array.

Like a person abandoned by heaven and earth, he is in a desperate prison!

For a time, they looked like crazy, nearly as if they were trying hard, but like the ancestor of cloud lightsaber, they were unable to break free.


"What's going on?"

"I can't see through..."

"What a terrible means, those three emperors will not... Have..."

Cloud mountain, all the emperors trembled and turned pale in horror. They almost couldn't believe their eyes.

Although they dare not mix in the fierce fighting before, they have been paying attention to it all the time.

But until this time, they found that the three ancestors of yunguangjian, qiangu emperor and Zhenjue emperor in the battlefield had disappeared at some time!

The divine light is steaming, the road sound is roaring, and the smoke is diffuse. Only a flying shuttle crisscross in the air, drawing countless dense Avenue textures like silk thread to cover the void.

How high and terrible are the three emperors that disappeared like this?

Looking at the distance, ruosu was graceful and comfortable. He talked to Lintian like an outsider and seemed so calm.

Everyone's heart is cold. What's going on?

"They're trapped!"

In the dark, a deep voice sounded, just like a word waking up the person in a dream, making everyone stiff.

Trapped in the array!?

What terrible array should there be in this world to trap the three emperors without knowing it?


He saw ruosu suddenly raise his hand.


The shuttle that shuttles through the void suddenly buzzes. In the void, the array of heavenly clothes condensed by countless silk threads suddenly shrinks and keeps getting smaller... Smaller

Finally, the array turned into three cocoon like things and fell into ruosu's hand together with the flying shuttle.

At this moment, the emperors in the field seemed to guess something, showing a creepy color.

Is it

The three emperors were trapped in the three cocoons as small as pigeon eggs?

If you want to fight this, all the emperors are almost lost. Their scalp is numb. The body of emperor Zu can cover the sky and the power of emperor Zu can cover the heavens!

In the eyes of the figures in the imperial realm, the ancestral realm is already a supreme existence like immortality, with vast supernatural powers and omnipotence.

Who dares to imagine that such a person will be trapped in a small cocoon?

In the dark, I don't know how many people tremble.

"Elder martial sister, they shouldn't..."

Lintian couldn't help asking. He was also confused and guessed something.

"Yes, these three old bones are trapped in this' cocoon of heavenly clothes'. Have you ever seen a silkworm chrysalis? A small insect makes a cocoon and binds itself before it can degenerate into a butterfly."

Ruosu smiled gently, "however, if you fall into my 'cocoon of heavenly clothes', you will only be trapped to death in the end."

A word, the stone breaks the earth!

This confirms everyone's speculation, but this fact seems so terrible and strange that people can't accept it.

Pan Wu Daoting cloud lightsaber ancestor, qiangu emperor ancestor of heaven and earth Daoting and Zhenjue emperor ancestor of Honghuang Daoting... Who dares to believe that the three ancestors of one Tao are trapped in the cocoon like insects?

Who has ever heard that the fate of the ancestor of the Tao will be reduced to the point of insects?

"This... This..."

Lintian was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Although it was clear that elder martial sister ruosu's means would be extremely powerful, after all, she was the third descendant of Fangcun mountain, Lintian still didn't expect that elder martial sister ruosu's means would be so incredible!

At present, three cocoon like things were in her palm, which made Lintian think of a sentence inexplicably:

Play with emperor Zu in the palm!

"This is the killing move of Tianyi array. It's called cocooning and self binding. The secret lies in the eight characters of 'seeing a little, knowing a little, and being as big or small as you like'."

Ruosu whispered to Lintian.

"Emperor Zu, in the eyes of all practitioners in the heavens, is like the Supreme God. It is huge and immeasurable, but in my eyes, there is no difference between emperor Zu and all things in the heavens."

"It's enough to see the big and know the small."

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