The dark color like ink covering the Hongmeng world began to disperse like a tide as the unknown emperor was defeated.

The breath of destruction, which oppressed people like the end of the day and frightened all living beings, also dissipated little by little.

"Is it over?"

"Great, this is not the end."

"It was so scary just now. I don't know what kind of terrorist disaster came. Fortunately, it's all over..."

"Just, what happened just now?"

I don't know how many uproar sounds sounded in different territories of the forty-nine states of Hongmeng world. Countless people were terrified. They were glad for this and felt a sense of survival.

"It's over. The nameless emperor was killed by douzhan emperor, the first successor of Fangcun mountain. The power of taboo order covering the heavens lost its control!"

"Doesn't this mean that Fang cunshan... Won this great chess game?"

"No, how could the nameless emperor be defeated? It's a supreme existence like the incarnation of heaven's punishment!"

Among the great forces such as xuanhuang Daoting, Qiankun Daoting, Honghuang Daoting, panwu Daoting, etc., there was also a sensation and an uproar at this time.

I don't know how many exclamations and incredible sounds sounded.

The unknown emperor was killed!?

This is definitely the most sensational event on the ancient star path in history, enough to affect the change of the whole world!

In this matchmaking game, the terrible power of Fangcun mountain also made these giants tremble and feel cold one by one.

Killing the emperor is like harvesting grass mustard, killing the emperor's ancestors is like killing chickens and monkeys, and even the nameless emperor, who represents the embodiment of the supreme "taboo order", has fallen.

It's scary!

Even people can't believe it!

It should be noted that since ancient times, there have been two large-scale catastrophes affecting the heavens on the ancient star path.

One is the ten square Taoist war in ancient times, and the other is the Taoist war of emperors in ancient times. In each war, there is the shadow of the unknown emperor.

He is like a shadow, covering the starry sky in the boundless years since ancient times. There has never been any power, and any strong person can shake him.

But today, such an eternal supreme existence


Such a sudden change is like the collapse of the sky.

"Hmm? As soon as the nameless emperor died, there seems to be an unprecedented change..."

There are also some old Dongs who have participated in the creation of nature. They are keenly aware that there has been a new change in the order power covering the heavens.

"The chance to go to the other side of the starry sky!"

Some antiques guessed the truth in an instant, and their hearts filled with unprecedented excitement.

"Hahaha, I see. Over the years, the power of taboo order has enveloped the world and blocked the road to the other side of the starry sky. Now, with the death of the unknown emperor, the power of taboo order has not dissipated, but the blocked road has reappeared!"

"In this way, I would like to thank the fighting emperor. If he hadn't worked hard to kill the nameless emperor, how could we seize such a great opportunity?"

"It's time to go to the other side of the starry sky. I heard that only on the other side of the starry sky can there be an eternal way..."

For a time, under the heavens that the world couldn't pay attention to, I don't know how many figures rushed out and rushed to the depths of the virtual starry sky.

These figures are almost all old antiques dormant in the boundless years. They have the inside information of skillfully seizing nature on the road of emperor territory.

After the sudden change of the power of taboo order, they perceived the opportunity at the first time and took action without hesitation.

Even some emperors broke through the customs and took action.

The other side of the starry sky!

In their eyes, the meaning of these four words is far from being understood by other practitioners in the world.

It is said that if you want to prove the immortality, you should look for it from the other side.

It is said that there is a supreme existence on the other side of the starry sky that controls the laws of "fate" and "time", which is regarded as the real master of the avenue.

Rumor has it that

Since the beginning of Taigu, rumors about the other side of the starry sky have been full of incredible colors, reverie and yearning.

For the old directors who returned to their ancestors in the imperial realm, it is impossible to break through a higher level on the road in this starry sky ancient road.

Only by reaching the other side of the starry sky, may they be able to reach a higher level!

But in the past years, the power of taboo order was like a shackle, blocking the path to the other side, so that no one in the world could reach it, so that many people could not help wondering whether this road had been cut off.

But today, they can see hope!

If we look at the whole starry sky, the ancient path and the heavens, we can find that in different star regions, different big worlds, different secret worlds and different places... Today, we have successively walked out of one terrible figure after another and rushed to the sky.

Some ancient ethnic groups suddenly found that the old antiques, which were regarded as "dead", walked out of the closed place with a look of ecstasy, hurriedly put down a "I'll go too", and moved away from the sky.

Even in the "cemetery" of some famous schools, buried ancestors burst out of their coffins and stepped into the sky with laughter, scaring countless disciples and grandchildren.

Obviously, those "ancestors" are not really dead

In short, today's ancient road in the starry sky can be described as lively and sensational. I don't know how many emperors and great emperors travel, shining like rain, and how many creatures are shocked and stunned by this scene.

This day, in the records of later history, is called "the day when emperors travel"!


Cloud mountain.

The eldest martial brother, Li Xuanwei and other descendants of Fang cunshan returned one after another and gathered together.

Taking their cultivation as the realm, they naturally noticed the "changes" that took place in the heavens, and they couldn't help laughing.

Jun Huan sneered: "when dealing with the nameless emperor, these old things disappeared one by one. As soon as the opportunity to lead to the other side of the starry sky appeared, they could run faster than rabbits."

Xueya laughed: "let them deal with the nameless emperor? It's hard to kill them."

Li Xuanwei commented seriously: "as long as they don't act as slaves to the unknown emperor like the Taoist forces of heaven and earth, flood and famine and panwu."

In a word, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"This jade slip records some things related to your mother Luo Qingyu and Lubo cliff."

On the other side, dusou and the old priest called Lintian to him, and dusou handed Lintian a jade slip.

"However, don't hope too much. Luboya has hidden many secrets to protect your mother. The things recorded in the jade slips are only some of my knowledge."

"We'll leave you later."

Old man Du told me.

Holding the jade slip in his palm, Lintian took a deep breath and said, "thank you for your success."

The old priest nearby looked kindly and said, "do you remember some miracles I divined for you? In the future, you must be careful in this ancient path in the starry sky. If you can't beat it, you'll run away without shame."

Lintian nodded.

Of course he remembered those "visions", but he never paid much attention to them.

In the final analysis, he was never a man who believed in fate.

"Xiaoyou, I'm going to take the bug with me this time to avoid the girl being too sad and I won't let her see you."

Xia xinglie came from a distance and made Lintian speechless.

He thought for a moment and said, "then please tell bug girl that when Lin xunruo goes to the other side of the starry sky, he will find her and express his gratitude to her."

He didn't know that Xia xinglie, the extremely evil sword emperor, risked so much risk and resolutely chose to help himself in this great chess game. Among them, Xia Xiaochong played an important role.

After hearing that Lintian had to find his own daughter, Xia xinglie was worried that his daughter, who looked like a baby with pimples, would be harmed by the boy.

Fortunately, Xia xinglie was comforted that Lintian wanted to see his daughter in the future. He didn't know when to wait.

"Younger martial brother."

Ruosu, Li Xuanwei, xueya, Pu Zhen, chijun, Chengyu, jingzhongyue and other descendants of Fangcun mountain all came to say goodbye to Lintian one by one.

I didn't know when to meet again, which made Lintian's heart filled with a trace of disappointment, but he quietly buried them in his heart and smiled to cherish each other with his senior brothers and sisters.

"This is what Jinchan asked me to give you when she left."

The elder martial brother also came. Although he was close at hand, Lintian could not see his face. He could only feel a sense of rebellion and fighting.

The elder martial brother handed Lintian a jade stationery, patted him on the shoulder and said, "the way of fighting is to break through between life and death. Younger martial brother, you have embarked on your own road. I look forward to one day, you can fight side by side with us."

Lintian felt proud and said, "elder martial brother and elder martial brothers and sisters will wait and see!"

Brother master nodded, turned around, waved and said, "let's go."

Younger martial brother is no longer a child, and this parting is not a real difference between life and death. Even if you say thousands of words, it seems hypocritical.

If they knew this, Lintian certainly knew it.

However, when the moment of parting really came, Lintian still couldn't help but feel a little reluctant and disappointed.

It's not easy to get together with your senior brothers and sisters. We have to leave in a hurry. Things in the world seem to be so changeable.


Elder martial brother's figure broke through the air.

Followed closely, followed by other descendants of Fangcun mountain.

Xia xinglie and Ji Xuan, the annihilating thunder emperor, are also among them. They will also go to the other shore of the starry sky with the descendants of Fangcun mountain.

Lintian stood alone in the field, watching those familiar figures break through the sky one by one, waving and smiling all the time.

But in my heart, there is something empty after all.

Suddenly, elder martial sister ruosu's gentle voice sounded like a gurgling spring in Lintian's heart lake:

"Younger martial brother, do you remember the second senior brother I told you about? Based on my understanding of the second senior brother, he certainly won't leave like this. If you really encounter something that can't be solved, you can go to the dark world for a walk. Instead of looking for it, he will notice your presence."

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