Lintian opened the courtyard door.

His mother is deaf, but we have to wait for so long.

The squire who was knocking at the door raised his hand, which was still in the air, and hit Lintian's door.

If you don't agree, just do it!

The squire was obviously used to running wild, otherwise he would never dare to act so arrogant and domineering.

Lintian seldom encountered this kind of thing in recent years, so he was surprised.

However, he is not slow.

The paw of the squire was directly grasped by Lintian and could not enter.

Unexpectedly, the squire was not surprised but angry and said, "dog, you dare to stop it. Are you impatient?"

Then he kicked Lintian.

This is very strong, as if he can only do it, and the other party can only pose passively and be beaten.

A squire dares to be so arrogant. It can be imagined that he must have great confidence. Otherwise, this role would have been killed many times.


As soon as the squire kicked out, his wrist was broken by Lintian, and he screamed with pain. His figure staggered and was directly suppressed by Lintian.

This series of actions is done at one go.

Lintian didn't make a sound and looked indifferent, but his black eyes were cold.

He came to the door for no reason. When he knocked on the door, he was so rude and arrogant. If he hadn't understood the reason, Lintian would have killed this kind of thing.


"How dare you touch my people in Xingsha mountain!"

"I really don't know how to live or die..."

Around the man in the Red Flamingo cloak, a group of squires shouted and glared at Lintian, looking unbelievable.

The vigorous middle-aged man of the fog hidden Zhai was also stunned. He quickly spread a voice and said, "senior, you must calm down and be patient. These are the people of Xingsha mountain..."

According to the explanation of the tough middle-aged, Xingsha mountain is a huge force in the dark world, and its influence is second only to the three giants of the dark.

The man in a flaming red crane cloak is the direct son of a supreme elder of Xingsha mountain. His name is Shi Lezhi. His status is very noble.

There is no shortage of ferocious and vicious characters in turbulent and dangerous places such as the dark world, but few people are willing to offend Shi Lezhi.

The reason is that his Lao Tzu is an extremely short-sighted and grumpy devil with the title of "devouring the evil emperor"!

In addition, the power of Xingsha mountain is also extremely powerful. Especially in recent years, it has faintly caught up with the three giants of darkness.

"Oh, interesting."

Shi Lezhi, dressed in a flaming red crane cloak, laughed.

The squire who was suppressed and knelt down crawled over and cried angrily, "young master, you have to decide for the little one!"

"Isn't it a shame?"

Shi Lezhi slapped it.


The squire's head exploded directly, and his blood spilled. A few drops of blood fell on Shi Lezhi's face, but he didn't care. Instead, he stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked it gently, which made people shudder.

The squires around him turned pale and were silent.

"My friend, just now my squire was too rude. Now he has paid the price for it."

Shi Lezhi looked at Lintian with a soft voice, "as the old saying goes, beating a dog depends on the master. In front of me, do you have to pay some price for forcing my squire to kneel?"

The tough middle-aged man nearby was sweating and hurriedly said, "childe Shi, those who don't know are innocent. This elder is a distinguished guest of our fog hidden Zhai. Do you think you can accommodate one or two?"

"Don't blame me for being rude if you talk more."

Shi Lezhi glanced at him.

The tough middle-aged man immediately shut up and winked at Lintian frequently, as if telling him that if you can bear it, don't be impulsive.

Lintian turned a blind eye and said, "give you a chance and disappear from my eyes now, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

Shi Lezhi was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Those squires around him also looked stunned, as if they couldn't believe that others dared to speak to their little Lord like this.

"You seem to have a lot of confidence."

He looked at Lintian like a stone.

However, from his perspective, he could not see how terrible the ordinary young man was.

In addition, he has been used to it since his practice. Even if he meets some stronger beings than him, he is afraid to provoke him easily because he is afraid of his identity.

Therefore, Lintian's strong posture at the moment made Shi Lezhi uncomfortable.

He frowned and asked, "is this the first time you have come to the dark world by boat?"

This is a test.

But Lintian was impatient.

The God of the three giants of darkness, according to the ancient sect and the Tibetan world, doesn't know how many people he killed. How can he care about a childe of Xingsha mountain?

His eyes were cold, he looked at the tough middle-aged man next to him and said, "if I kill them, will it affect your fog hidden Zhai?"

In a word, it made the tough middle-aged hair all over. He hurriedly said, "please calm down, sir. If you have something to say, why do you want to fight and kill?"

"Hahaha, did you hear that this guy threatened to kill us."

Shi Lezhi was very angry and smiled. He thought he had endured enough. Who ever thought that the man opposite was completely ignorant of good and evil!

Those squires also laughed with cold eyes. This guy was the first time to go to the dark world. He didn't know the weight of Xingsha mountain!

"Why don't you get down and apologize to my young master?"

One person drinks too much and his whole body is killing and steaming.

Other squires also shouted and denounced one by one.

"Ignorance comes at a price."

Lintian was impatient and sighed.


At the next moment, a terrible and boundless killing came out like a raging storm.

In the public view, Lintian, who was originally ordinary, turned into a God from the purgatory of killing!

Bang bang!

There was a loud noise. The squires had no time to struggle, so they knelt down under the pressure of Lintian's terror. Heads hit the ground one by one, and the kneecaps were broken, and the screams were heard one after another.

"No --!"

Shi Lezhi roared, his long hair flying, and struggled with all his strength.

But just for a moment, the body was oppressed by the holy mountain, lying on the ground like a dog biting shit, and the whole skin was cracked and gurgling blood.

A tough, middle-aged man is stunned, like being struck by lightning.

Those retinues are all strong men from Xingsha mountain. The strong ones have the cultivation of quasi imperial realm, and the weak ones also have the ability of Saint King realm.

But now, they are suppressed before they have time to struggle!

The most terrible thing is that the other party didn't make a move. Just the power they exuded made them powerless to struggle against!

It should be noted that the forces in the dark world are different from the outside world. Most of the descendants gathered in each sect are vicious characters who fall into the dark world, and there are many poor and vicious people who lick their blood with a knife.

Especially in Xingsha mountain, the descendants of the sect are mixed with dragons and snakes. There are murderers who become bandits, giant evil owls whose hands are stained with blood, and demons who have committed heinous crimes in the outside world

Among the retinues who follow Shi Lezhi, there are many such ferocious people.

But now, all on their knees!

Including Shi Lezhi, such a noble and incomparable role, is no exception!

When looking at Lintian again, the fierce middle-aged eyes had brought deep awe.

"Come on, why did you come to me?"

Lintian looked down at Shi Lezhi on the ground with deep eyes.

"Kill me if you have seed!"

Shi Lezhi's face was full of anger and his eyes were about to crack. For the first time in his life, he was defeated in such a mess. It was also the first time he tasted the taste of kneeling down and being humiliated.

"Who said that?"

Lintian looked away and looked at the squires.

The squires looked at each other, and there was no answer.

Lintian bent his fingers.


A squire was stabbed through a bleeding hole in the middle of his eyebrow and died silently on the spot.

"You say."

Lintian looked at one of them.

The man trembled all over and said, "young Lord, he... I heard that you took the purple jade token of green baby girl on this ship. I suspect there is something fishy between you and green baby girl, so I'm going to come... Come and ask."

Lintian frowned.

Green baby is the woman who holds a blood umbrella, wears a green skirt and exudes a strange and mysterious atmosphere.

In the underground world of Lin'an City, Lintian was amazed by the unique charm of this woman.

In order to compensate Lintian, this woman gave Lintian a purple token.

This time Lintian took the boundary ship of fog hidden Zhai and was able to stay in the single family courtyard on the top floor. It was really because he was holding the purple token that he received such special care.

When the palm of his hand turned over, the purple token appeared, "is that why?"

"It's not about tokens."

The squire hesitated a little, ignored Shi Lezhi's murderous eyes and said, "everyone in the dark world knows that my young master is infatuated with green baby girl and regards her as flesh in his heart..."

Lintian realized that it was because he got this token that Shi Lezhi suspected that he had a strong relationship with Qingying, so he came here to find out.

"If you can't catch up with other girls, stop others from contacting. You're so overbearing." Lintian sneered.

Shi Lezhi, who was kneeling on the ground, looked uncertain. He clenched his teeth and said, "what's the relationship with Qingying?"

"It doesn't matter."

Lintian answered casually.

But Shi Lezhi didn't believe it and said angrily, "it doesn't matter. She will give you the purple jade order she carried close to her body? That's the baby she has been wearing since she was a child! I haven't taken it out for me to see in the years I've been pursuing her!"

"But now, this token has fallen into your hands. You still say it has nothing to do with her. Do you really think I'm an idiot?"

The voice was filled with hard to hide resentment.

Lintian looked strange and looked strange. He made trouble for a long time. This guy really came to trouble himself because of inexplicable jealousy

He couldn't help saying, "your name is very good."

Shi Lezhi was stunned: "what do you mean?"

Lintian replied seriously, "I think you really lost your mind."


Plus more about 11:30 in the evening!

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