The starry sky is vast, and the boundary ship of fog hidden Zhai is stared at by countless fierce eyes along the way, and the passengers on board are all uncomfortable.

It's like driving into the fierce mountains and waters at once. All you see is killing!

The tough middle-aged man looked very calm and said: "you don't have to worry. Those guys you see along the way can only beg for food in the starry sky, not to mention what powerful roles they are."

"I'm not boasting. In this dark world, generally speaking, no one dares to provoke my fog hidden Zhai!"

His words are full of confidence and confidence.

But before everyone could feel at ease, a scream sounded on the ship: "someone... Someone is coming!"

The vigorous middle-aged man was stunned and looked up.

Far away in the starry sky, a solitary and slender figure came. She was dressed in a purple robe, with purple hair and a spear on her back. Her beautiful face was cold and indifferent.

She was clearly alone, but when she came, the nearby stars rolled up silently, and countless stars trembled and tottered.

Some ferocious people in ambush on the stars had no time to dodge, and their bodies exploded silently and turned into bloody fragments.

With purple clothes, purple hair and a spear, she walked all the way, just like the killing master in the world, and the starry sky trembled!

The flying ship stopped abruptly and stopped there. It was like being held by an invisible hand.

On the ship, the tough middle-aged man turned pale and soaked in cold sweat. An unspeakable fear spread all over the body like a cold current.

Before, he also said that in the dark world, generally no one dared to provoke the fog hidden Zhai.

But in an instant, there was an unexpected big killing and robbery!

At this moment, the tough middle-aged couldn't even say a word and didn't even dare to move.

All the other passengers on board were creepy, like falling into an ice cave.

Who is this?

How could it be so terrible?

The atmosphere is also suppressed to the extreme, making it difficult to breathe.

In the far distance, the woman in purple stopped and glanced at the ship with indifferent and unemotional eyes.

Her eyes almost trembled and her heart almost collapsed.

"Evil barrier, you finally appear..."

The woman in purple spoke, and her indifferent voice was still floating. She had shot.

The slender, white palm poked out and grabbed it in the void.


Around the boundary ship, the void suddenly collapsed inward, like a broken water ball. The terrible void turbulence splashed and produced an earth shaking roar.

The ship of sight will also be crushed, and a ray of order as bright as a dream will sweep up.

In an instant——

The collapse roaring void suddenly stagnated and stopped, just like being imprisoned and frozen, and the turbulent flow of terrorist forces nearby also stood there strangely.

After that, it dissipated and annihilated together, and only the boundary ship in the violent turbulence was safe and sound!

At the same time, a graceful and illusory figure came out of the boundary ship and stood by the emptiness. There were strands of order and rules intertwined all over the body, and the light and rain flowed like an immortal God.

This man, of course, is Xi!


Lintian's stern figure rushed up and stood beside Xi. Qingjun's face was full of dignity. He never thought that the purple woman named Yan Xing came so fast.

How did she find herself?

"It turned out that someone was sheltering around."

In the distance, the eyes of Yan Xing, a woman in purple, twinkled with a strange and frightening purple God, stared at Xi and said indifferently, "just, you can't stop it."

With a wave of Xi's sleeve robe, the boundary ship of fog hidden Zhai was immediately moved away and disappeared in this star region.

Then, she said, "leaf, take him away and give me the bitch."

A "bitch", you can also see that Xi's heart hates and disdains Yanxing.


The leaves swept out and agreed without hesitation. A wisp of sword haze appeared in the figure, which coerced Lintian and swept away to the dark world in the distance.

"You go after the evil."

Yan Xing frowned and didn't do anything. He just gave an order.

The appearance of Xi made her smell a trace of danger and made her afraid to be distracted at this time.


In the void, two figures emerged, a man in gray robes and an old man in Chinese clothes. Both of them were filled with the horror of the imperial realm.

In an instant, they had chased the leaves.

Xi's eyebrows also wrinkled, and she also didn't stop her.

"Now, it's just you and me."

Yan Xing took off the battle spear he was carrying and carried it in his hand at will. In the eyes of a pair of demonic purple Mans, a cold killing intention emerged, "how about life and death?"


Xi stretched out her graceful and slender figure and said seriously, "I haven't fought with all my strength for a long time. If you show me very disappointed, I promise you will die ugly."

Yan Xing chuckled and said, "OK."

She flashed and waved her spear.


The starry sky suddenly fell into chaos. Countless shaky stars burst into pieces at this moment, and the turbulence spread in ten directions.

"I'm tied up in fighting here. Do you dare to fight here?"

The figure of Xi danced, and in a moment, it moved across the boundless starry sky.

"Why not?"

With a step and a bang, Yan Xing broke through the bondage of the void and chased after it.


"God, what a terrible existence is that?"

"At least... At least it should be a battle between emperors!"

"Emperor's territory? I think it's the ancestral territory. I didn't see the stars tremble as soon as the woman appeared, and was awed by her majesty?"


In the far distance, she was helped by Xi and escaped from the world ship. The smart middle-aged and others recovered from the panic and shock.

Although Xi and Yanxing have disappeared, they are self mutilated in this starry sky, leaving a terrible smell belonging to them, which makes the dead take risks.

"Talk about this. What are you doing? Let's go!"

A tough middle-aged man gives orders.


In the starry sky, the light turned into leaves flickers and moves the void.

"Leaf, do you think Xi will be okay?"

Lintian was worried.


Ye doesn't think about cableway, "although she, like me, has lost some memories of the past, I can feel that she must have been an extremely wonderful existence in the past."

Lintian sighed: "yes, she is really incredible."

As a gatekeeper, she has spent a long and incomparable time on this ancient path in the starry sky. Every time she appears, everything will be solved.

Even in the ancient wasteland, there was never a trace of fear in the face of the killing of taboo order forces.

She forgot who she was.

All she knew was that when she woke up, she was already in the secret realm of heaven.

A long time ago, Xuan Shangchen, the master of the Xuan family, once entered the secret realm of heaven, and also broke through the nine gates of Qingyun Avenue. He even pushed the door of heaven open a gap.

Although he failed in the end, today's Xuan Shangchen is the master of the Xuan family. He has the power of heaven and earth. He is regarded as the most powerful sword emperor in the starry sky!

And Xi has witnessed the growth of Xuan Shangchen!

From this point alone, we can see how extraordinary the origin of Xi is.

However, this time, Xi's opponent was also unimaginably strong. As early as ancient times, he came from the other side of the starry sky. After hunting, Lu Boya and Luo Qingyu could only hide in the lower world

Lintian could not help worrying about Xi.

"Lintian, they are catching up."

Ye suddenly made a sound, "one imperial territory has four levels and one imperial territory has five levels. If it's one-to-one, I'm still sure. If it's one-to-two... I can only work hard."

Lintian couldn't help looking back.

In the starry sky behind him, two terrible figures in the imperial realm were like a fiery rainbow, tearing the shackles of the void and catching up at a shocking moving speed.

When he was on the "Tongshan mountain" of Shenji Taoism, Lintian had seen these two people, both of whom were old monsters in the imperial realm who obeyed Yanxing's orders.

But Lintian didn't expect that the cultivation of the other party was so terrible!

"Lintian, there's another tricky thing."

Ye Zi said, "the star field where the dark world is located is also covered with the power of taboo order. If you can't quickly solve the two people behind you, I'm afraid you will be targeted by the power of taboo order."

Lintian's pupil contracted.

Yanxing is terrible enough. If it causes the induction of the power of taboo order and startles the new nameless Emperor

The consequences are unthinkable.

For a moment, Lintian felt heavy.

Before Lintian really reached the dark world, a terrible disaster came, which Lintian didn't think of before.

"Lintian, I'll stay and stop them. Go to the dark world alone."

Ye Zi seemed to make a decision, "if I can survive, I'll find you."

His voice was as calm as ever.

However, Lintian's face suddenly changed and he refused without hesitation: "Ye, you must listen to me this time! It's just to kill two old dogs. You don't have to fight hard!"

Last time, when he was besieged by the ice bite sword emperor and others, Ye was desperate. That scene was still vivid. Would Lintian let this happen again?

The leaf whispered, "Lintian, I am a sword spirit and am not afraid of death. Since ancient times, the existence of instrument spirit is to stop death for its master. Although you are not my master, you can die for you once... Why not?"

Lin asked, "what is the sword spirit? Who his mother stipulated that the sword spirit must die like an idiot? Remember, if I find this place in the forest, even if it is really at the end of the road, it will die together!"

The leaves were stunned.

Lintian's angry words gave him an unprecedented impact, made him silent for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "I suddenly remembered that someone had said a word to me before."

"What do you say?"

Ye Zi took a deep breath and said, "it's better to live and die together than to live alone. In this way, even death is happy!"

Lintian suddenly resonated and said, "big husband, I think so!"


His dark eyes were deep. "We haven't reached the end of the mountain yet. Leaf, if I can fight for a moment for you, can you kill those two old dogs?"

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