However, due to the popularity of the big Nightmare City and the deep fear of the "sword demon Daoyuan", the city leaders in the nearby territory all chose to bear it.

Wait and see!

After all, it is a dark world with broken order and the law of the jungle, not the outside world. The more eye-catching characters, the more likely they are to encounter accidents.

"At present, the big Nightmare City is occupied by the sword demon Daoyuan and Ji Leng, but after all, this city is one of many cities under the command of the black Kong Domain master. Before his life, crocodile Dao had a good relationship with some capable generals under the command of the black Kong Domain master."

"If you don't get the approval of these people, what sword demon Daoyuan, what cold plan, the more happy you jump now, the worse you die!"

A city leader made such an inference.

"Wait, in another half month, it's time to offer a confession to the Lord of black Kong Domain once a month. At that time, the soldiers under the Lord of black Kong domain will inevitably go to the big Nightmare City to help the Lord of black Kong domain collect their property. I'm not sure... That's when the great disaster of sword demon Daoyuan comes!"

Someone sneered.

"Half a month... You can bear it again."


Unlike the outside world, although the dark world is vast and comparable to the great world, it is like a place where spiritual power is exhausted.

The aura between heaven and earth is thin and bleak, and most of the mountains and rivers are poor.

Compared with the rich aura, the Hongmeng world with famous mountains and blessed lands can be seen everywhere, and the dark world is like a barren and barren land.

In addition, the dark world is extremely turbulent and the order is broken. Ordinary small forces can't last long.

Like the big Nightmare City, more than 100 City masters have been changed in just a thousand years!

There are only some giants that can survive longer in the dark world.

For example, the three giants of darkness, each with an ancient heritage, can be comparable to the six Avenue court and the ten world war clan.

But in the dark world, the vast majority of forces are showing a sign of precariousness, and no one can say when they will be destroyed.

Therefore, although Lintian's nickname of "sword devil deep" has become famous recently, it seems very eye-catching.

But for many old people living in the dark world, there is also a danger of destruction at any time!

Woo woo~~

The wind and sand raged between heaven and earth. Outside the big Nightmare City, there were vast mountains and rivers. The evil spirit was steaming everywhere, vaguely, and the bloody gas deposited for many years was diffuse.

Lintian was alone, sitting on the top of the city, drinking with wine gourd.

This is the 23rd day he came to the dark world, but he hasn't been able to wait until dawn.

What was the outcome of that war?

Lin can't guess.

Whether it's Xi or Yanxing, its strength has already reached a shocking level. Killing emperors is as powerful as killing chickens.

In the battle between the two, I'm afraid the imperial characters can't make a prediction!

"Master, you are here."

In the distance, Ji Leng came flying and looked obedient.

"What's up?"

Lintian didn't look back, maybe it was because there were too many battles and turbulence. The world in the dark world was filled with evil spirit, and the environment was very bad.

Especially outside the city, between mountains and rivers, the evil spirit is rolling and thick like smoke. Let alone practice, if you stay there for a long time, your mind will be tarnished.

This reminded Lintian of Muchuan's words that the dark world was never a place to reproduce, but a testing ground. Here, life is like grass mustard, and blood and fighting are endless.

No one wants to come to the dark world if they are not cornered.

In fact, it is true that the cultivation here can only rely on Tao crystals. Whoever can control more Tao crystals can become stronger and live longer.

Ji Leng whispered, "in three days, the two generals under the command of the Lord of the black Kong region will come to collect the tribute."

Lintian also knew that the forces under the leader of the black Kong domain controlled 109 cities in the cold airspace. Every month, the leaders of these cities need to pay tribute to the leader of the black Kong domain.

The so-called tribute is 60% of the wealth collected by each city every month!

Big Nightmare City is one of the many cities controlled by the Lord of heikong domain.

Now, although the crocodile Taoist priest is dead, Ji Leng is already the city master, and the tribute of the big Nightmare City naturally needs to be paid by Ji Leng.

"Then give it to them." Lintian Hun didn't care.

In this dark world, he didn't have the mind to expand his territory and influence. When he could avoid trouble, he didn't mind paying some price.

Ji Leng was stunned and said in a low voice, "senior, our forces have controlled four cities in the nearby territory, including Yanni City, Beituo city and Lingjiao city."

"The seven small Daojing mines controlled by these cities and some other mineral veins containing various ore divine materials have also been occupied by us."

"After a small estimation, we can collect about 3 million Tao crystals every day. In a month, it is 90 million Tao crystals. After excluding all expenses, we can still drop about 70 million."

Speaking of this, Ji Leng took a deep breath and said, "if you give 60% of the tribute to the black Kong Domain master... This is a lot of money."

These days, Ji Leng is like a belligerent who has beaten chicken blood. He fought in the north and south. First, he swallowed up the Yanni city of butcher Meng, followed by successively conquering Beituo city and Lingjiao city.

In fact, after learning the news that butcher Meng was killed, after learning that the situation was bad, the City owners of Beituo city and Lingjiao city had already abandoned the city with their wealth.

This is also one of the reasons why jileng can swallow the territory so easily.

However, Lintian still didn't expect that only four cities were under his control, and the Dao crystals collected in one day could reach an amazing three million!

90 million a month!

With Lintian's current vision and accomplishments, he was surprised when he learned this number.

However, after thinking for a moment, Lintian said calmly, "just follow the rules."

"Do you really want to turn in 60% of the tribute?"

I'm not calm about the cooling plan. I earn 70 million Tao crystals a month, but I have to hand over 60% of them. That's 42 million Tao crystals!

Who can stop the pain?

"Do you want to watch me go against the black Kong Domain master?"

Lintian glanced at him.

Ji Leng immediately burst into a cold sweat and quickly shook his head: "how dare you? I promise to act according to the meaning of my predecessors."

Through this, Ji Leng suddenly felt confused,

He couldn't understand the young man who claimed to be Daoyuan. His strength was so terrible, but he seemed to have no ambition at all.

For other strong men with such terrible combat power, they have been busy expanding their forces and earning more Tao crystals, so as to become stronger and live longer in the dark world.

But this abyss... It's pure hearted and has no ambition at all!

This undoubtedly seems too strange.

In the end, Ji Leng only thought of one possibility, that is, the other party either has a bigger plot or doesn't care about the Daojing handed over at all!

Either way, Ji Leng was more and more frightened when he thought about it, and he was more and more awed and afraid of Lintian.

He knows very well that his smartest way is to be the "city master" honestly!

In three days, the fingers snap.

Two capable generals under the leader of heikongyu came in time.

One looks like a young man, with vigorous posture, cold eyes like a knife, dressed in a scarlet cloak, named shanyong, and the other named Xing Lianqi, dressed in royal robes, short and fat as a ball.

Both are the triple cultivation of the quasi emperor.

Ji Leng, who had been waiting outside the big Nightmare City for a long time, immediately showed a warm and humble smile and greeted them when he saw their presence.

"Little Ji Leng, meet two adults!"


As soon as the sound fell, he was slapped and flew out. His cheeks were red and swollen, his mouth and nose gushed blood, and he fell to the ground in a panic.

It's said that you are a fierce man. I've heard that you killed the Taoist priest

Ji Leng got up and covered his red and swollen cheeks, looking uncertain.

He never expected that he would be slapped impolitely as soon as he met. The simple and rough means made him feel an unprecedented sense of humiliation.

He took a deep breath, bowed his head and said, "Sir, if you're here to avenge Taoist crocodile, you can do it now. If you're here to help Lord heikong collect tribute, please pay attention to your discretion."

Shan Yong's eyes flashed cold. As soon as he was about to start, he was stopped by the nearby xinglianqi.

"A little character, why get angry?"

Xinglianqi said with a smile, "what's more, Taoist crocodile is dead. In this dark world, dead people have no value."

After a pause, he said to Ji Leng, "are the tributes ready?"

Ji Leng nodded: "ready, the four cities of Dayan, Yanni, Beituo and Lingjiao add up to 42 million Daojing."

Xinglianqi praised: "I can see that you are a very instrumental role, but if only these, it is far from enough."

Ji Leng immediately understood and said, "I have prepared some small gifts for the two adults. I will wait for them to have a look."

Xinglianqi laughed, turned to shanyong and said, "you see, this guy is a smart man, much better than crocodile Taoist."

Immediately, he slapped his mouth and sighed, "just, it's still not enough..."

Ji Leng was stunned and reluctantly said with a smile: "my Lord, the so-called small water flows for a long time. When the small ones manage these four buildings well in the future, they will certainly hand in more tribute. Of course, they can't do without the benefits of you two."

Seeing Shan Yong suddenly hummed coldly, "Ji Leng, do you know that when we came here, we had made up our mind to get rid of you? Now you dare to bargain. Believe it or not, I will kill you now?"

The overwhelming murders spread out from shanyong and oppressed him so much that his cold breath was stifled, like falling into an ice cave.

At the same time, xinglianqi smiled and said, "well, for your sake, as long as you hand in 100 million Daojing this time, we won't investigate you for killing Taoist crocodile. How about it?"

100 million!

Ji Leng's heart is cold.

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