The Tibetan world, one of the three giants of darkness, is so powerful that it can even cause the fear of the stars.

It's not like the "nine barbarians" of nature, but it's not like such a force.

Staring at the huge niche for a while, Lintian moved his eyes and looked around.

Darkness is like a veil, shrouded in this temple. There are many figures kneeling on the huge and vast Taoist field.

Every strong man, regardless of his accomplishments, looks pious and knocks on the ground with his head. In front of each person, there is a black lotus shaped incense burner, in which a stick of incense is lit.

The incense flickers and spreads out wisps of fragrance, refreshing.

The atmosphere was extremely solemn.

He noticed that the wisps of incense curling like fog made Lintian's pupils freeze.


Silently, the yuan God sitting in Lintian's sea opened his pupils, and his hands condensed a complex and obscure formula in front of him.

At the same time, Lintian's pupils showed a series of mysterious thoughts.

This is a secret technique recorded in the Taoist Scripture [strange door treasure book] taught by Bu operator, the eighth senior brother of Fangcun mountain. It is called "tianyantong".

When you use this secret method, you can see through the changes of the surrounding emptiness and the truth of everything in the world. It's the most wonderful.

Divination operator is known as the richest God of wealth in Fangcun mountain. The treasures owned by him can be regarded as the treasures of the world and the treasures of the heavens.

When he searched for treasures, it was "tianyantong" that played an indispensable role!

With the opening of the "heavenly eye", Lintian's vision changed.

Under the ground of the huge Taoist field, there is a spider web like crisscross array of Taoist patterns, with strange and obscure fluctuations.

The incense burners in front of those strong people who kneel down on the ground are located in the center of these Taoist patterns.

With the operation of the Tao pattern array, the incense lit in the censer quietly releases an imperceptible power.

And when these strong people worship piously, they are unaware that the wisps of Avenue wills from them are being extracted and poured into the censer in front of them!

Lintian was surprised when he saw this scene.

This huge Taoist field is like a place of sacrifice. Guided by the large array of Taoist patterns under the ground, using the censer as the medium, like countless tentacles, it regards the strong people who worship piously as "sacrifices" in order to extract the vows of the Avenue!

All living beings have the wish of all living beings, and every monk has made a grand wish of the holy way when he becomes holy, which can be regarded as the wish of the great road.

This is a boundless and magical power.

Some saints can even make Zen as "sages" with the wish of the great road.

For example, at the "Fengchan platform" in Kunlun ruins, Lintian was willing to Fengchan as a sage with his own way, so he got the supreme inheritance left by the Lord of Fangcun mountain.

No one is aware of this magical Avenue wish in practice, but almost all the avenue sought by every monk is affected by the avenue wish.

For example, when Lintian was sanctified at the top of the mountain, he made a great wish of the holy way, which was:

When I become holy,

My heart is the heart of heaven; My way is the main road!

When my Tao is proved,

Then take eternity as the crown and crown my head;

Take immortality as the garment and wear my body;

Take nature as a boot and walk on my feet!

After he became a saint, the road he sought was closely related to the great aspiration of the holy way he made in that year.

Now, the forces in the Tibetan world are extracting and collecting the avenue wills belonging to the strong by top secret means through the Tao pattern array. These acts are simply evil and frightening!

"Collect so many wishes... What does the Tibetan world really want to do?"

Lintian's heart was also rolling.

Nearly one third of the thirty-three regions in the dark world are controlled by the Tibetan world.

I don't know how many cities are distributed in each domain!

If there is a Tibetan temple in every city in these areas, you can draw the avenue vows of those devout worshippers for months and years

What an astonishing number?

"Sure enough, there is no such cheap thing in the world. Everyone who wants to seek refuge in the Tibetan world seems to have not paid any Daojing. What can be sent out is his own Avenue wish..."

Lintian was filled with emotion.

Today, he found this truth unintentionally, which made him more and more disgusted and excluded from the Tibetan world. These bald donkeys regard their opponents as heresy, but they... May be the biggest heresy in Buddhist practice!


Just as Lintian was about to leave, he suddenly noticed a group of familiar figures standing on the other side of the vast Taoist field.

It was the white haired old man, Ferrand and Lanling.

Beside them, there were two monks in black, a thin, dark middle-aged, quasi emperor triple cultivation.

One is an old monk with wrinkles all over. Like the old man with white hair, he is the first restoration of the imperial realm.

They are talking in divine sense and can't hear what they are talking about.

Lintian frowned and hid in the crowd without trace. He wanted to see what the white haired old man came for.

Before long, a incense stick in each incense burner burned out, and a line of black clad monks fished out, put away the incense burners, and put new incense burners on the Taoist field at the same time.

The strong men who knelt down in the tunnel got up and saluted the huge Buddhist niche respectfully before turning away.

Obviously, every seven days, they need to come from the time of devout worship and sacrifice a incense stick!

Lintian noticed that the incense burners were collected and put on a huge black lotus table.

The Black Lotus platform glowed, and the censers disappeared.

At this time, the old monk who was talking with the white haired old man came forward and raised his hand. The Black Lotus platform turned into the size of a fist and was held in his hand.

Then, the old monk turned back and handed it to the white haired old man with a smile.

When Lintian was going to continue watching, a dull voice suddenly sounded in his ear:

"Now it's your turn. Remember, you need to open your mind and be pious and grateful when worshipping. If you dare to have any different ideas, you will be captured at the first time."

He saw a monk in black standing not far away, looking at the place where Lintian was standing, looking solemn and opening his mouth.

Suddenly, all the strong men who had been waiting in that area, like Lintian, came to the huge ashram one after another, and knelt down obediently in front of the incense burner, looking pious.

Obviously, the sacrifice also needs to be carried out in batches.

Soon, Lintian was left standing there.

The monk in Black said in a deep voice, "why don't you go? Don't you know that if you want the protection of our Tibetan world, you should kneel here and worship with a pious heart?"

"In our practice, we don't kneel to the heaven, don't kneel to the ground, don't fear demons, don't fear gods and Buddhas. If our head is broken, it's nothing more than death and broken knees. We can't stand up in this life."

Lintian sighed softly, and there was some emotion in his heart. What he saw today opened his eyes, and there was a lingering hatred in his heart.

With that, he was about to turn and leave.

The black monk's face sank and said, "after entering the underground Tibetan temple, you still want to leave like this. What do you think of my Tibetan world? If you don't kneel down again, don't blame me for being impolite!"

The voice was cold and fierce, which attracted a lot of attention.

Many monks in black came from different places and stared at Lintian indifferently, as if he would be executed as a heresy if he dared to disobey.

"Well, isn't this the arrogant guy?"

The movement here also attracted the attention of the white haired old man and his party. Ferrand looked surprised and said, "why is he here?"

The blue spirit nearby showed a joking color and said, "it seems like another good play."

"Do you recognize this man?" The old monk asked.

"I don't know. I just met each other more than ten days ago." The old man with white hair looked indifferent.

The old monk in the imperial realm gave a cry, smiled at Lan Ling and said, "it's not easy for you to see a good play, girl?"

Then he waved his hand and gave an order to the monk in black in the distance: "wooden crane, solve this son quickly and don't disturb the peace here."

The monk in black, called Mu He, was the one who threatened Lintian. When he heard the words, the pheasant flashed in his eyes and ordered:

"This son is a heretic and deliberately comes to make trouble. Capture him, destroy his body and flesh, and refine his spirit into lamp oil. Only in this way can he redeem his sin!"


A group of monks in black came out under orders.

The atmosphere was at a draught.

Lintian was going to leave. Even though he was disgusted, he knew that it would not help to destroy this underground Tibetan temple and could not have any impact on the underground Tibetan world.

But he didn't expect to blink and become a heretic again!

Moreover, listening to the other party's tone, it is clear that he intends to kill himself and refine his spirit into lamp oil

Lintian couldn't help sighing again: "you want to die, don't blame me for being too ruthless..."


A group of monks in black rushed in, one by one looked indifferent, as if there was no emotional fluctuation, and the dark Buddha light was diffused all over the body, which was extremely powerful.


But before they rushed to Lintian's body, their attacks were all smashed and eliminated, turned into light and rain, and some treasures were broken on the spot, producing a harsh roar.

Those monks in black all contracted their pupils, but they were not afraid, but continued to rush.

This is how the heirs of Tibetans are not afraid of life and death. They will never stop until they reach their goals. This is what the practitioners of the heavens fear most.

Unfortunately, they met Lintian this time.

"Since you like to make people kneel so much, kneel down."

Lintian looked calm and stood still.

But as his voice came out, it was like thunder on the road, which blew up in the mood of the monks in black and produced boundless power of terror.

In an instant, they all twitched and made a loud noise like lightning. They all knelt down on the ground, bleeding and humming.


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