Then Qingying told Lintian something.

A few months ago, after Lintian killed Baqi emperor, shenzhaoguzong sent Tiancong sword emperor and the Tibetan world sent Tiandu Buddha Lord to kill Lintian.

Both of them are terrorist beings listed as the "three wonders of assassination". Each combat power is above the great Baqi emperor, and what they are best at is the way of assassination.

But on the way, both of them were stopped.

Those who took action were emperor mieqiongwu and rhubarb under the command of the Lord of Tongque building.

Hearing this, Lintian's back was also cold. Then he realized that in the dark, the second senior brother had already helped himself resolve a bloody robbery!

It was also at this time that Lin Xun knew the identity of the drunken man and the rhubarb dog who had picked him up on the sea of indefinite blood.

I am more considerate of the second senior brother's intentions.

It's not that he's gone, but that he just wants to see how capable he is!

And nirvana, which will appear in a year, is a test.

After thinking for a while, Lintian asked, "the girl once said that if I came to meet you, I would tell me a good thing without harm. What's the matter?"

Qingying smiled and said, "master Zhong Qiu, the second elder martial brother of the childe, was in this hidden place to prove Taoism as emperor and embarked on the path of Jue Ding emperor. Now the childe is also the triple heaven cultivation of Jue Ding quasi emperor. He will also prepare for proving Taoism and becoming Emperor. This good thing has something to do with it."

Even though Lintian was prepared, he was surprised by these words, which had something to do with preaching for the emperor?

This is a "good thing" that he didn't think of at all!

"This is also arranged by my second senior brother?" Lintian said.

Qing Ying nodded and said, "it really has something to do with the elder Zhong Qiu. However, it also has something to do with the unexpected people of the young master."

Lintian was stunned: "please give me your advice."

"Emperor Luzhen." The green baby's lips gently spit out three words, and the star's eyes are filled with heartfelt respect.

Lin xungang's hand holding the tea cup stiffened and said, "who are you talking about?"

Qingying said seriously, "emperor Luzhen, that is, Mr. Lu, who raised you."

Lintian's heart was like turning over rivers and seas, and his eyes were flickering. How could this dark place of fog hidden Zhai, which is related to preaching for the emperor, be related to Mr. Lu?

At this moment, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Over the years, Lintian had determined that Mr. Lu, who was chased by Yanxing, was not dead, but he didn't know where Mr. Lu went.

There's no clue at all!

Qing Ying's unique and pleasant voice with magnetism sounded: "the emperor of the deer array has been named the uncrowned emperor by the strong in the heavens. Few people in the world know that the emperor of the deer array has another identity, that is, the Lord of the fog hidden Zhai."

"If he hadn't planned it by the old man, the power of fog hidden Zhai would never have spread all over the ancient path in the starry sky as it is now."

"Even senior Zhong Qiu thought that if he was not limited by cultivation, the achievements of emperor Luzhen on the avenue would not be under him!"

"After all, in the Taoist war of the ancient emperors, Emperor Luzhen, based on the cultivation of the quasi imperial realm, was able to set up the no life and kill array, which ranked ninth in the heavens, killed the five emperors and severely damaged the eight emperors, shaking the whole starry sky."

"It can be imagined that if emperor Luzhen really became emperor, how powerful his power would be."

Speaking of the end, the green baby's voice could not help but take a hint of leisurely fascination, and made no secret of his inner respect and admiration.

Lintian listened in amazement.

In my mind, I was thinking of the grumpy and grumpy old man who was imprisoned in the mine when I was a child, and Mr. Lu, who was very demanding for his spiritual tattoo cultivation

It turned out that he was not only the master of Zhao Yuanji of the Obsidian Empire, but also created Qinglu college, and not only left the inheritance of the nine changes of robbing the dragon in the holy stripe master commune.

He is also the "uncrowned emperor" who was famous in the starry sky. He is the master of fog hidden Zhai in the dark world!

Lintian asked, "what's your relationship with Mr. Lu?"


Green Baby thought for a moment and then said, "since I was sensible, I have helped him take care of all kinds of affairs in the fog hidden room. I wanted to worship him as a teacher, but he never promised, but he didn't interfere with me. I went to read some ancient books related to the holy stripe written by him."

There was a trace of disappointment in her pair of star eyes, "in my heart, I have always regarded his father or master, but he seems to have always regarded me as a maid..."

Lintian was silent.

It's hard for him to say anything about this kind of thing.

"Later, he disappeared behind the scenes of the Taoist war of the ancient emperors. Master Zhong Qiu went to look for him, but he didn't find him. Only in recent years did I know that he went to a place called the Obsidian empire."

Qing Ying said this and looked at Lintian, "you should understand now that emperor Luzhen went to the place you went out when you were young."

Lintian could not help sighing.

Why doesn't he understand?

"These are the ancient books written by Emperor Luzhen in those years. They are all related to the holy stripe. They have been kept by me for many years. Now it's time to return them to their original owners."

Qing Ying took out a jade slip polished from a piece of animal bone and handed it to Lintian, "it records the no life and kill array ranked ninth in the heavens, and there is also a incomplete array promoted by the emperor of deer array, which is called 'Dao die and die in the sky'," he said

"Although it's just a incomplete array that hasn't been completely perfected, it has far more power than the non life and death array!"

Lintian held the jade slip in his hand, and the divine sense felt a little, and the dense lines of Taoist patterns and text notes came into his mind.

No matter the tracks of Taoist patterns or every handwriting, Lintian felt familiar with them for a long time. He didn't have to judge at all. He knew it was written by Mr. Lu.

"Thank you."

Lintian took a deep breath, put away the jade slips and thanked them.

The green baby smiled and said, "thank you. My duty is to work for the emperor of the deer array."

The two talked while drinking tea.

Lintian soon learned that Xi had been saved by the second senior brother Zhong Qiu, and now she was recovering in a safe place.

Yanxing, the woman, was lucky enough to get her life back and disappeared. According to Qingying, the power of Tongque building is searching for the whereabouts of the woman everywhere. As long as she finds the other party, she will kill her at the first time.

However, Qingying also said that Zhong Qiu, the second senior brother, suspected that the girl had left and asked for help from emperor Shi with the help of taboo order.

Anyway, after knowing that Xi was all right, the stone that had been pressing on Lintian's heart finally fell to the ground, and he felt more relaxed than ever.

At the same time, Lintian also learned some secrets related to the third plunder.

When this disaster comes, Nirvana will appear from heaven. This is a world related to the immortal supreme Road, which is derived from the original order power of the ancient path in the starry sky.

This means that the power of taboo order controlled by Emperor Shi Tian can not intervene!

Unlike other secret worlds, Nirvana is in heaven, and there is likely to be the law of "reincarnation of years". The test faced by the strong who enter it will also become extremely dangerous.

Once you enter reincarnation, there are only two results, either sink into it and lose yourself.

Or we can transform from it to the utmost and realize the great nirvana of our own Taoism, so as to get out of trouble.

In addition to the test of "reincarnation", Nirvana is in the sky and is also full of extremely terrible killing and looting. There will be foreign demons invading and terrorist figures from exotic stars sniping!

It's all because the immortal supreme road is too terrible. Once someone becomes the only lotus on this road, he will have the terrible connotation of "immortality and respect only me" on the road of emperor territory!

Lintian was shocked when he knew these secrets. He had known some news about the third disaster before.

But most of them are vague, and no one can tell why.

For example, the core purpose of the "wonderful lotus event" now being held in Wanxing city is also to discuss some mysteries and matters related to "Nirvana in heaven".

Inside information such as that can never spread to the outside world.

At this time, what Qingying told him was undoubtedly inside information, which Lintian didn't know before.

At the thought that this immortal supreme road was actually related to the law of "reincarnation of years", which would lead to the sniping of foreign demons and foreign stars, Lintian was agitated.

Just the eight characters of "immortality, only I respect" are indeed too rebellious, and it is also too jealous and crazy.

"However, before the third disaster, all this was just speculation, because the nirvana was in heaven and had never appeared in the past years. No one dared to determine what would happen there."

Qing Ying said, "the only thing you can chew is that if you want to have the opportunity and qualification to enter Nirvana when it comes from heaven, you must have two conditions."

"Which two?" Lintian asked.

"The first kind is the strong who set foot on the road to the top of the mountain. Regardless of their accomplishments, even the friars in the lower five realms are qualified to enter."

"The second is the characters who step into the realm of God. As long as their strength is within the nine categories of the realm of the emperor, they can enter it."

As soon as Qingying finished speaking, Lintian's heart sank.

Baqi the great emperor was an eight fold existence in the imperial realm. Those forces were terrible. He was forced to defeat him by all means.

If there are nine cruel people in the imperial realm who also participate in the competition of Nirvana, who can be their opponent?

On this ancient road in the starry sky, there may be very few old monsters with nine cultivation accomplishments in the imperial realm.

But when Nirvana appears from heaven, how can these old monsters refuse the temptation to become "immortal, only me"?

How can other strong players compete if they are involved?

It's no different from looking for death!

Green Baby seemed to see Lintian's worry and whispered, "you don't have to worry about it. The stronger your strength is, the more terrible you will suffer."

"If the general strong are just fireflies, then these old monsters are a light that will attract the most terrible dangers to them."


PS: there will be a 5-hour explosion this weekend, and there will also be a big explosion at the end of this month!

During this month, it will be changed from time to time.

In particular, the goldfish said that the increase is 3 or 4, but the explosion is definitely 4 or more!

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