The man in Tsing Yi laughed first: "it seems that this Taoist friend is not a fool."

Meng Xingzi looked ugly and stared at the man in blue. Then he said to Lintian, "brother Lin, that fierce soul is as treacherous as a ghost. It's deliberately provoking..."

Lintian interrupted, "the last chance."

There was a frightening chill in the voice.

Meng Xingzi's forehead was in a cold sweat and looked flustered. "Brother Lin, what are you... What are you doubting? Don't be fooled by that evil!"

But I saw the man in blue on the top of the mountain in the distance say, "let me tell you. A month ago, this man came here with a group of associates. He happened to see an ancient treasure born in the sky, so he fought together."

"Unfortunately, I was there and found that treasure earlier than them..."

Meng Xingzi looked blue and shouted, "shut up! Brother Lin, don't listen to his nonsense!"

"Don't panic. It doesn't hurt to listen to his nonsense."

Lintian raised his hand and patted Meng Xingzi on the shoulder. The latter was immediately imprisoned, unable to speak, and burst into a cold sweat.

The man in Tsing Yi smiled and continued: "Taoist friends also know that I am transformed by a fierce soul. In your eyes, I am an alien who can be killed by one person, but after all, I have awakened my intelligence and have my own temperament and pride."

"At that time, Meng Xingzi's companions were defeated by me one by one, but I didn't kill them. I only asked Meng Xingzi to hand over the treasure in exchange for the lives of his companions."

"But who ever thought, ha ha."

A sneer appeared in the look of the man in blue. "Who ever thought of this Taoist friend of Meng Xingzi... But he escaped with the treasure alone."

At the moment, Meng Xingzi, who was imprisoned there, was very angry and struggling. He seemed to want to explain something, but it didn't help at all.


Lintian frowned, looked at Meng Xingzi, put away the power of imprisonment, "is the truth really so?"

Meng Xingzi gasped and said anxiously, "it's all fake. How can I, Meng Xingzi, abandon my fellow disciples for a treasure? This evil obstacle is clearly spitting blood and stirring up discord!"

"Spiteful? Look who these people are."

The man in blue smiled and waved his hand.

A group of figures emerged, men and women, all depressed and dying.

When they saw Meng Xingzi, they showed anger and hatred one by one, and some people even shouted abuse.

"Meng Xingzi! You and I have been friends for hundreds of years. I take you as my brother, but you abandon us for a treasure. You... Are so cruel!"

"I listened to your orders and tried my best to help you win the treasure, but you escaped alone after you got the treasure!"

Those men and women looked very excited one by one, as if they wanted to swallow Meng Xingzi alive.

Looking at Meng Xingzi again, he was already pale, trembling, flustered and shouted: "you... How are you still alive? No, you must be controlled by that evil obstacle. When I competed for the treasure, I clearly saw that you were in trouble..."

He looked at Lintian and begged, "brother Lin, don't be cheated by that evil evil. I did lie before. I was deeply disdained when I got the treasure and left.

Lintian said calmly, "because you are not sure to kill me, you can only slowly figure it out first. If I am really fooled, you will take further action."

"What action?" The man in blue raised his eyebrows.

Lintian said, "for example, lead me into the mountain where you are and use the forbidden array power covered in the mountain to deal with me?"

The man in blue was stunned. He suddenly raised his hand and said, "it's amazing. Taoist friends are worthy of their insight. It's hard for me to admire them."

After a pause, he smiled and said, "however, you guessed wrong. The reason why you deceived you was not that you were not sure to kill you, just to have some fun."

A sad look appeared in his eyes: "a long time ago, I awakened my wisdom, but for countless years, I have been trapped in this ghost place called dark purgatory by you. I also want to leave... But no matter what I do, I can't get rid of the power here..."

"After a long time, you will feel very bored, lonely and... Suffering..." the man in Tsing Yi sighed.

Lintian looked indifferent, and there was no emotion.

The man in blue looks like a scholar full of knowledge. He has an open and aboveboard atmosphere. In fact, he is as clever as a spring and as treacherous as a ghost. It is difficult to distinguish whether what he says is true or false.

Lintian didn't want to distinguish any more.

When his palm turned, the incomplete spear emerged and said directly, "with your wisdom, it should not be difficult to guess. I'm here for this treasure."

The man in blue was stunned. He didn't think Lintian was interested in what he said.

After half a ring, he nodded and said, "yes, it's easy to guess who gets such a half piece of baby will also think about where the other half of the baby is."

"Do you know where the other half is?" Lintian asked directly.

The man in blue couldn't help laughing. "Why should I tell you?"


Lintian also smiled, stepped forward and hunted in clothes, which made him look like another person in a moment.

The pupil of the man in Tsing Yi narrowed slightly and immediately sighed: "it's really boring. This dispute since ancient times will inevitably be solved by fighting in the end..."

With a sigh, he waved his sleeve.


The bloody thunder covering the sky rolled violently, and the bloody figures swept out of the thunder, just like the evil spirits rushing out of hell.

That impressively is countless fierce souls, which appear like the sky and the earth!

"Taoist friend, if you can survive this disaster, I will tell you where the other half of the avenue Wutian spear is."

The man in blue smiled and opened his mouth. He stood on the top of the mountain and stood alone. At this moment, he was no longer like a scholar, but like the master of the world!

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