
In the fierce battle, Lintian had forgotten the time and where he was now. All the thoughts in his mind didn't exist.

The land of body and mind is burning like fire.

When he was a teenager, senior brother Puzhen was so powerful that he was abnormal. His Taoism, will, state of mind and fighting methods were the most powerful in the world. He was so powerful that he couldn't imagine.

In the past, Lintian was often regarded as a monster and could not be measured by common sense.

But now, Lintian felt that Pu Zhen was such a monster when he was young, and his combat power was not like that of a Zhenwu realm!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The fist force roared, producing earth shaking roar.

Lintian didn't remember how many times he was injured, and his strength felt exhausted.

But in my heart, I feel like a burning war, my heart is open and roaring.


Over the long river of years, Lin Xun fought like a madman. He punched fiercely. A simple punch was like a roaring furnace, making an earth shaking roar.

At this moment, there was a trace of stagnation in the rolling years, which seemed to be deterred by the terrible will contained in such fist strength.

Following closely, young Park Zhen's already illusory and vague figure disintegrated inch by inch under this punch and turned into light and rain all over the sky.

Lintian gasped for breath and stared at the scene. After a long time, he grinned and said, "senior brother Park Zhen, accept!"

At this moment, he defeated Pu Zhen, a young man who ranked first in the combat effectiveness of Zhenwu realm in ancient and modern times, and was crowned on the long river of ancient and modern times!

At your feet, the river flows, and the waves wash away the heroes.

A strange wave of order appeared and enveloped Lintian's figure, which made his exhausted body recover in an instant.

At the same time, a figure transformed by order came out of the long river of those years and reflected in Lintian's vision.

"With your strength, you can remember the history of the Qing Dynasty and be the first person in Zhenwu territory in ancient and modern times."

In a word, Lintian was shocked.

Bearing in mind the history of the Qing Dynasty means that if one's own Taoism in Zhenwu realm can be forever loaded into the order of the origin of the avenue of stars, it will not be obliterated by the changes of years!

This is supreme glory.

Just like the nine figures defeated by Lintian who were listed in the top nine in ancient and modern times, although they were not real people, their achievements were always remembered, never dissipated and never faded!

For Lintian, this achievement undoubtedly proved that his way of re cultivation was "the only way that has never existed in ancient and modern times"!

"If you enter this door, you can enter the Linggang world. If you refuse, you can get out of reincarnation."

The order figure said, and suddenly an obscure wave rolled, and a door transformed by the reincarnation of years emerged.

Lintian's black eyes were shining.

Before entering the Zhenwu world, the order force once said that if you want to return from reincarnation, you need to leave your own road brand in the Zhenwu world.

Obviously, now I have succeeded!

It took only ten months to achieve this step, far less than the deadline of ten years.

But now, Lintian had a choice.

If you enter that reincarnation portal, you will enter the "Linggang world". You don't have to guess at all. Lintian knew that the "Linggang world" must be the same as the "Zhenwu world".

Five realms of Cultivation: Zhenwu, Linggang, Linghai, Dongtian and Yanlun!

This is also known as the lower five realms.

The test of Linggang world must also be a path of Nirvana, which is only related to Linggang territory.

If you don't enter the Linggang world, you can leave this reincarnation directly now and return to nirvana. No one can tell what you will face at that time.

Lintian thought for a moment and asked, "can I ask, is the Zhenwu world real or illusory?"

"Everything is true."

Order, no mood swings.

Lintian finally determined that Qian yuliu, green bamboo, Su QingHan, Su Qingchou... These people, like themselves, had lives!

"But why can't they embark on a higher path than Zhenwu?" Lintian couldn't help asking.

The order figure didn't answer.

In other words, he was transformed by order and had no consciousness and wisdom at all. What he could answer Lintian was only what he could "know".

After a moment of silence, Lin Xun shook his head and asked no more questions. This mystery involving one side of the world order is doomed to be beyond his reach today.

He took a deep breath and stepped into the reincarnation portal. As his figure disappeared, the portal disappeared.

The figure of order disappeared together.

Only the rolling years flow continuously.

Incredibly, at this time, in the long river of years, a pair of clear and deep eyes suddenly opened.

"After all, there is only one lotus in the world. This line of variables finally appears... Now, it depends on whether this lotus can bloom..."

The long sound resounds through, like a ethereal Dao sound.

At the beginning of Taigu, the Lord of Fangcun mountain paid a heavy price to deduce the original order power of the starry sky, and finally left a Taoist verse.

Now, the "mystery" imprinted in this Taoist verse is already being staged!


Zhenwu world.

It was nine days since Lintian entered Zhenwu mountain.

Qian yuliu has been waiting.

Deep down, she just wants an answer.


The figure of the lotus suddenly appeared, like a long, obscure figure in the field of cultivation.

Qian yuliu was excited at once. She knew this figure too well. It was the person who had been waiting for nine days.

"Friend way!"

Qian yuliu greeted him, and his star eyes were full of joy.

Su QingHan was stunned on his face and said, "I... where am I?"

Qian Yu's cheerful footsteps stopped abruptly, and the joy in the star eyes solidified, saying, "do you remember who you are?"

Su QingHan said without hesitation, "Su QingHan, who are you

He looked puzzled.

A word, like a basin of cold water, quenched the joy of Qian yuliu's heart.

She finally dared to confirm that the person in front of her was no longer that person!

"You really don't remember what happened these days?" Qian yuliu couldn't help asking.

Su QingHan frowned and thought hard. He shook his head for a long time and said, "I vaguely remember that I slept at home, but when I woke up, I appeared here."

Hearing the speech, an unspeakable sense of disappointment surged into Qian yuliu's heart. She was stunned to see Su QingHan half ring. She suddenly lost her interest and waved, "you go, I recognize the wrong person."

She turned and left.

Su QingHan or Su QingHan, just missing a... Interesting soul.

On the way, Qian yuliu took out a sealed letter, which was given by Lintian himself the night before Zhenwu Dabi, and asked her to open it behind the scenes.

She couldn't bear to wait, so she didn't open it.

But now

She almost summoned up courage before she opened the letter with difficulty and took out the letterhead.

On the letterhead, there is a cultivation method related to Linggang territory, which also elaborates all the mysteries of Linggang territory!

At this moment, it was like a brand-new door opened in front of Qian yuliu.

"If I can break the boundary in the future, I will go to the starry world you said to have a look!" Qian yuliu quietly clenched his jade hand.


Su QingHan, who was famous in Zhenwu world and won the first place in Zhenwu contest, returned to Su's home.

His appearance caused a sensation not only in the whole clan, but also in Longyuan city. All the people of the Su family fell into ecstasy.

With the passage of time, Su QingHan gradually learned a lot of incredible things that happened to him but he didn't know. He also realized that in his body that he couldn't practice, there was a perfect top Zhenwu realm and a full range of Taoism

Later, he heard his maid Qingzhu say that it was a reincarnation who awakened in his body and changed the trajectory of his life in ten months

Later, Su QingHan gradually knew that in the Zhenwu world, many reincarnations had awakened and appeared.

In the years to come, the whole world, including Daqian, Dachu and Dawei, has undergone unprecedented upheavals due to the emergence of reincarnation.

"Zhenwu Dabi, which will begin in a few years, is our opportunity to leave reincarnation!"

Almost every person who is awakened and aware of reincarnation clearly judges that only by participating in the Zhenwu competition can he brand his whole body into this world and leave this world.

"In the last Zhenwu Dabi, daqiansu QingHan ranked first. It was a waste that could not be cultivated ten months before Zhenwu Dabi. Would this guy also be a reincarnator?"

"It must be so!"

"Who is he? How did he wake up so early?"

... every reincarnation is surprised and incredible.

"It must be that guy."

After Xuan Jiuyin and Ling Kezi woke up, they almost immediately concluded that Lintian must be the one who woke up in Su QingHan.

They went to Su's house to look for it together, and then saw the golden sky xuanyue turned into green bamboo, and obtained the cultivation method from the latter.

However, they felt disappointed when they thought that Lintian had left Zhenwu world in just ten months before them.

It's really hard to catch up with that guy!

In fact, this reincarnation test has a ten-year deadline, which is to awaken many reincarnators and participate in the ten-year Zhenwu contest.

But it was obvious that Lintian was an odd number. He was nearly ten years ahead of other reincarnations. He was the first to Nirvana from reincarnation!


Linggang world.

In Daliang City, the heavy snow is like goose feather, and the cold wind is cold.

But the streets were still bustling with traffic.

A skinny, yellow skinned, shabby and thin dressed young beggar could not bear the hardships of wind and snow after all. His figure stumbled and fell on the way of begging.

In the wind and snow, a gorgeous chariot galloped from a distance. The vigorous middle-aged man driving the carriage could not help frowning at the sight of this scene.

But I have no intention of stopping.

He raised his whip, intended to ride the chariot, and ran over the thin body that was obviously frozen to death in the wind and snow.


PS: I went a long way today and got home in the afternoon. The second is later~

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