The battle has lasted three quarters of an hour.

Dangerous, difficult, bloody, filled with an atmosphere of depression and despair.

There were at least 300 strange beasts in the starry sky who died in Lintian's and summer solstice's hands, among which there were some cruel characters who were five or six times more than the emperor's territory.

It is always the summer solstice that kills these cruel characters.

Everyone knew that Lintian could not hold on to this time without the summer solstice.

Now, the wushengsha array is gone, Daoyun Tianshang is gone, and even the summer solstice is injured

The situation is in jeopardy!

Those gloating voices are still ringing and getting stronger.

The emperor of Fengling war only hates Kong and has a cavity of sadness and anger, but he can only watch!

But all this didn't seem to affect the man and woman who died in blood.

"In the past, my injuries were more serious than now, and the dangers I encountered were more desperate than now, so don't worry that I won't be able to support it."

Lintian was panting, and a smile came out on his pale cheek, as if to prove to the summer solstice that he rushed more and more fiercely.

In fact, he just worried that the summer solstice would be desperate to protect himself because he saw that he was seriously injured.

"Over the years, I have experienced at least hundreds of life and death battles and more than ten times of silence and nirvana. At the worst, only a broken body and a dying soul are left."

The voice of the solstice was clear and calm as before, "so don't compare with me in this kind of thing."

When she spoke like a spear, she stabbed her head in the sky.

Lintian grinned: "what, are you miserable? We... Are miserable enough."

When you speak, blood drips out of the corners of your lips.

The summer solstice was silent for a moment and said, "it won't be like this in the future."

Her breath became more and more fierce, but Lintian noticed that there was bright red blood flowing between her white right hand holding the white bone spear

It made his heart tremble.

Almost all of the most troublesome and terrible alien creatures in the starry sky were solved by one person at the summer solstice. How serious did she pay for this?

She didn't say, but Lintian couldn't tolerate this situation any longer!

"You know, being protected by you many times, I feel uncomfortable. I've been thinking, when can I Lintian no longer just stand behind you?"

Taking a deep breath, Lintian's bloodshot eyes suddenly said, "now, I have the answer, from now on, I want to stand in front of you forever!"

An indescribable smell of terror filled Lintian's bloody body.

He turned his head and smiled at the summer solstice: "remember, forever!"


It was as if he had completely broken his shackles. Lintian completely released his Taoism at this moment!

Like a furnace tripod that has been tempered for a long time, it boils, burns and runs in this bloody wind!

"This..." emperor Feng lingzhan shivered and looked up suddenly. He saw Lintian's figure burning like a big sun at the moment.

"What is this boy doing?"

"Broken territory!"

"Ridiculous! They are on the verge of death. How dare they break the boundary certificate? They are completely ignorant of life and death!"

The old monsters on the great wall were shocked and noticed the amazing change of Lintian's breath.

Emperor Zheng!

How many amazing romantic figures have been trapped by this word since ancient times?

How many people fell when we broke this territory?

As past people, those old monsters in the imperial realm know too well how terrible and dangerous it is to prove that they are the emperor.

Think back to the beginning, which of them was not fully prepared when they broke the environment? We should not only be ready, but also need many predecessors to protect the Dharma on one side for fear that any accident will break the dangerous situation.

At this time, Lintian was seriously injured and was on the verge of death. In front of him, there was a flood of strange animals.

In such a dangerous situation, he chose to break the environment, which is no different from looking for death!

"If he doesn't break the environment, he will die, and if he breaks the environment, he will die. This remaining evil has chosen to do so at this moment. It has obviously proved that he has no choice but to do something. He is at the end of his tether and has to fight desperately."

An old antique sneered, "unfortunately, this is destined to be a struggle before dying!"


When we were talking to each other, we felt a sudden tremor across the starry sky, stretching like an endless great wall.

After a while, endless dark clouds emerged in the starry sky, and the deadly breath of destruction was intertwined with the mysterious force of supreme order disaster.


The hordes of strange animals in the starry sky were restless, and they felt endless fear because of their instinctive consciousness of bloodthirsty and killing.

They screamed angrily and fled the area one after another. They dodged far away and didn't dare to come closer.

But they didn't leave, and their scarlet and cold pupils were still staring at Lintian's place, ready to move.

Lintian ignored this and said to the summer solstice, "no matter what happens later, you must not intervene, you know?"

Soft voice.

The summer solstice looked up at the sky. The clouds were as dark as ink. The atmosphere of order and disaster was like a mountain avalanche and tsunami.

The smell made her feel suffocated.

She was silent for a moment, nodded, turned and came to the distance, in front of Lintian and the strange beast in the starry sky!

She knew that this was Lintian's robbery. Even though she was in great danger, she still couldn't tolerate any accident.

Lintian smiled, took a deep breath and stared at the sky.

The robbery cloud is fierce, if chaos is dispersed, it belongs to the order of destruction, and the power is full, as if something is brewing.

At the same time, the starry sky fell into a strange dead silence atmosphere. It was quiet, and even those starry animals dared not neigh.

On the Great Wall, countless old monsters are creepy and throbbing in their hearts. The robbery clouds are heavy and spread all over the starry sky. It is as black as ink, just like the eternal night, which is oppressive.

They have also broken the environment to prove the emperor, but none of the natural disasters caused by them is as penetrating as they can see in front of them. No matter their cultivation level, their spirit and state of mind feel incomparably depressed.

Lintian stood alone. Although Zhou she was wounded with blood, he was ready to prove the emperor on the top of the starry sky with his strongest posture!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom~~~

The dull sound of thunder began to ring out in the depths of the robbery cloud. It was like a war drum played by a God, reaching people's hearts and making people sad to cough up blood.

That is awe inspiring and represents the power of God!

Lintian's eyes were calm, not sad or happy. His body, mind and spirit were unprecedentedly focused, just like a long gun, stuck in the void and looked up at the sky.


On the clouds, thousands of feet long silver arcs flashed and tore like ink robbing clouds, illuminating the starry sky, dazzling and unparalleled.

In an instant, the silver arc hit Lintian and made his body tremble.

This is not Taoism, but the real heavenly power, which is transformed by the supreme order and the original power.

Lintian was surrounded by a large amount of bright thunder, which was the aftershock of thunder. It spread around him, and seemed to destroy his vitality.

Lintian took a deep breath. He was like an abyss. In a moment, he dissolved and crushed the thunder power.

He jumped up and stepped in the air with his black hair flying.


The clouds of robbery rolled and the thunder made the sky tremble. In an instant, hundreds of thunder came. It was too violent and appeared in pieces, directly drowning Lintian's place.

Lintian fought with all his strength and didn't dare to have any carelessness. He tried his best to kill in the three ways of Qi refining, body refining and soul refining.

This is a great disaster that can be called peerless. If you were other monks, it would have been flying ash. Any lightning falling can even seriously threaten the lives of people in the imperial realm.

Because this is Lintian's robbery, which is the supreme punishment that has never appeared in many ages since ancient times.

Just looking at it from a distance, those old monsters in the imperial territory were shocked and turned pale, and they could not afford to gloat, because such natural disasters made them feel desperate.

It's terrible!

I have hardly seen it since ancient times!

People can't imagine how there can be such a terrible disaster of becoming emperor in this world.

Further away, the army of strange animals in the starry sky retreated for a long distance, avoided far away, and even trembled, and the scarlet pupils were filled with fear.

Such a natural disaster, so that they also suffered shock and despair.

Only Xia Zhili stood there, his black robe swaying, and his clear eyes brighter than the stars reflected the figure of Lintian who was robbing in the distance.

No one is looking for safety in Yilin more than her.

Boom! Boom!

The sky shook and the earth shook, and the thunder shook. In the depths of the robbery cloud, the smell of disaster seemed to be completely violent. Thick and dazzling thunder fell like the whip of order, lashing the world!

In just a moment, Lintian coughed up blood, his skin was torn, his hair was disheveled, and the thunder arc running on his body made him bloody and miserable.

But his eyes were still so firm, and his expression was still not sad or happy. He was like an indestructible spear fighting with the thunder robbery all over the sky.

In the confrontation with the natural disaster, he clearly felt that a new force emerged in the baptism of thunder and nourished his injury.

All his pores are glowing and the electric arc is flashing, which is a kind of destruction and a kind of training, beating his body and mind.

Lintian once practiced the great annihilation thunder Sutra. He had experienced countless natural disasters before. Naturally, it was clear that under the thunder disaster, there was great destruction, but there was also great Nirvana!

Through it, you can break the state, transform into a new state and embark on a higher road.

If you can't get through it, you will lose your soul and disappear.


Finally, Lin Xun took a breath, and the violent bombardment turned into thousands of silver thunder dissipated, and he survived.

However, Lintian was not given any chance to rest at all. A blood like light suddenly appeared in the dark cloud, which was strange and dazzling.

It was bloody robbery thunder and turned into a dense sword!


I really can't write tonight. I'll see how I'm doing tomorrow and strive for more!

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