There was chaos between heaven and earth, and Lintian's shadow was dense, covering the battlefield and crisscrossing.

Hundreds of old monsters in the imperial realm were panicked.

Although it was judged at once that this was the method of separation, when they really went to duel with the three thousand figures, they all found that the combat power of those separation was not generally strong!


In the blast, a strong man in the imperial realm was besieged by more than a dozen individuals with the power of the supreme quasi imperial realm, and was killed in an instant.

On the other side, a triple old monster in the imperial territory was invincible and fought with all his strength. Although he defeated several of the sieges, he was seriously injured and his body was bleeding.

This made his eyes and canthus want to crack. I can't believe it. It was just Lintian's separation, but it hurt him three times!

At the same time, in different areas of the battlefield, those old monsters also felt the power of their separation after experiencing the initial panic.

If an ordinary important person in the imperial realm is besieged, he will definitely die and have no life.

If the emperor's territory is double, he has a chance to struggle, but he will also be besieged and killed.

The emperor territory triple has the power to kill these separated bodies, but will be injured for this!

Only the antiques above the four levels of the imperial realm can suppress and kill these separatists without fear of such siege.

But even so, all the old monsters in the presence were still unbelievable. Their separation power was so strong. How powerful should Lintian be?


The world began to swing more and more. The blood rain was like flying, and the boundless light of terror spread, making all ten sides tremble.

The three thousand parts of the body of Blackwater are constantly defeated and disappeared, but similarly, there are old monsters in the imperial territory who are killed.

At the same time, Aoki, platinum, loess and red fire are fighting fiercely with some ruthless characters of the five and six imperial territories.

After Lintian stepped into the realm of the supreme emperor, the five Avenue body also had the combat power no less than his own.

Just like the Blackwater system, it can besiege the whole audience with "three thousand weak waters", which is boundless terror.

Similarly, the other four main road bodies have the same prestige and heritage. In the battle at this time, each of them broke out unparalleled and respected fighting power.

Thanks to these Taoist bodies, Lintian was not besieged by five or six old antiques in the imperial territory.

On the sky, from the view of Fengling war emperor.

Throughout the battlefield, there were devastating torrents of roads everywhere, and the dazzling brilliance swept and spread like the Yangtze River, startling nine days and ten places.

Hundreds of old monsters in the imperial realm fell into a bloody battle. With the passage of time, they continued to die.

Lintian, on the other hand, was as powerful as a rainbow, and maneuvered like a God, like an abyss covering the sky and the earth. He swept the battlefield and fought wildly, just like an unparalleled power!

It's incredible that the pupils of emperor Zhan are dilated.

A young man who has just become emperor, a man and hundreds of old monsters in the imperial realm from the starry sky. This scale of Imperial War has never appeared in the past years!

Like the ten party Dao war and the Dao war of emperors, although there are many imperial territories involved, there is no one to fight against all enemies as it is now!

Fengling war emperor is sure that if today's war is spread, the whole ancient star path is destined to fall into the extreme sensation and shock.

Lintian, who attacked all emperors on his own, was destined to shine through the ages and become a "giant in the sky" who could shake the ancient path in the starry sky by stamping his feet!

Even if we look at the ancient and modern times and the heavens, we can't find a comparable one!

Click, click

There was a crisp sound of eating melons in my ears. I fell into a terrible wind, and the lips and corners of the emperor twitched. My heart was strange and unspeakable.

In the face of such unprecedented Imperial War, the summer solstice girl still has a posture of eating melons and watching the play, which... Is very strange


In the chaotic and turbulent bloody battlefield, some characters under the triple Empire chose to run for their lives without hesitation.

In fact, up to now, the existence at such levels as them has suffered the most serious threat and the largest number of falls.

On the contrary, Lintian has not been suppressed until now, which makes them almost see no hope of winning!

What's more, they are from different forces. They are not monolithic. How can they work hard just because they are afraid of an order from the emperor of heaven?


Only escape!

For a moment, I saw that in the battlefield, like chickens flying and dogs jumping, each figure was like a lost dog, fleeing in all directions.

"If you run away now, don't you worry about the settlement of emperor Shi after autumn?"

The cangliu war emperor of the Honghuang Taoist court drank violently and his face was blue with anger. These bastards fled first when they were in the limelight. They were so spineless!

"If you don't escape, you have to be buried with your old man?"

"Old cangliu, if you are willing to be a dog for emperor Shi, don't run away this time!"

A voice of shouting abuse sounded.

Zang Liuzhan emperor was so angry that his lungs almost burst open. What is mob? That's it!

When it's profitable, they run faster than anyone else. When something goes wrong, they run fastest!


The terrible Taoist light swept in, and Lintian's green wood Taoist body was killed, which made the emperor of cangliu dare not be distracted any more. He fought with all his strength and vented his anger in the fight.

"Have fun!"

On the sky, witnessing this scene, the emperor of Fengling war was hot-blooded and excited, "girl, are you going to chase those fugitives?"

The summer solstice ate the melon in his hand, took out another one and broke it off and said, "the current situation is not that the army is defeated like a mountain. Although Lintian is strong, there are many thorny old things."

Feng lingzhan emperor looked carefully, and sure enough, he found that most of those who fled were under the triple of emperor territory. Like those above the quadruple of emperor territory, there were still a large number of people, at least hundreds of people.

Among them, there are more than ten of the six levels of imperial territory alone, and dozens of the five levels of imperial territory. The strong lineup must not be underestimated.

On the contrary, Lintian's three thousand bodies had already broken up, which could not pose much threat to those old monsters with more than four levels of Empire.

And his self and the five Avenue body are now restrained and besieged!

"This has been extremely wonderful......" Feng lingzhan emperor murmured.

One person can fight against hundreds of old monsters in the imperial realm. Up to now, they can't suppress the five and six aspects of the imperial realm. How terrible is this?

"The real battle starts from this moment." The summer solstice ate melons and commented seriously, "those goods just now have not been seen enough."

How many people in the world dare to despise the emperor so much?


A hanging sword Qi startles the air, gorgeous and unparalleled.

Yunguang sword emperor and several old monsters in the imperial realm tried their best to kill Lintian, one by one.

"I'd like to see how long you can last for a little thing who has just become emperor!"

The cloud light sword emperor gnashed his teeth and shocked the world with the spirit of killing and cutting. He is a five fold sword repairman in the imperial realm and an unparalleled sword emperor!

"Whoever escapes today is the grandson of Lin Daoyuan. Bah, Lin Daoyuan is not as bad as you!"

At this time, Lintian's breath became more and more obscure and deep, like a chaotic abyss, which burst out a peerless breath, with an invincible trend!

He punched to kill.


With one punch, the world collapsed.

"Little thing, you'll be scared later!"

The cloud light sword emperor roared and wielded the sword Qi to resist the attack.

But in an instant, his sword spirit was crushed, and the whole person was staggered. If there were no other old monsters to besiege and contain Lintian, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Later? Lin will take you on the road now!"

With that, Lintian shook his hand, and a nine inch sword Qi suddenly appeared. It was like a scabbard from the ages, and the dazzling sword Qi rushed into the sky and the earth.

Pull the sword.

Nine inches forever!

The profound meaning of this sword is like drawing a sword to ask the sky. Who can stand the power of the enemy? There is a kind of fierce attack on the nine days, regardless of who I am.


The old monsters besieged nearby were shocked by the sword and turned pale. Their pupils were filled with horror. It was inconceivable that Lintian could have such anti sky combat power under the siege.

The emperor of cloud light sword sent out a strange cry and was shocked and angry. He was the first to bear the brunt. He was locked by the sword and could not get rid of it even if he dodged.

No matter how you resist, you will be defeated by this sword!

"Help me -" the cloud light sword emperor panicked and roared.

But as soon as the sound sounded, it suddenly stopped and saw——


The sword Qi smashed the sky and killed him in the air. His body was crushed by the vast sword Qi and turned into a rain of blood and dissipated completely.

A generation of the world-class sword emperor with five levels of imperial territory died under one sword!

This is also the first five figures in the imperial realm to be killed since the beginning of this battle. When witnessing this scene, those six old monsters in the imperial realm were shocked and their scalp numbed.

Looking at Lintian again, the whole body was vast and magnificent. It was like an immortal day. Taking a picture of the world alone, it covered the arrogance of many old antiques!

At this moment, those four important figures in the imperial realm who were still struggling in the battlefield also felt boundless cold and their fighting spirit was turbulent.

How powerful the Yunguang sword emperor was, but he was also under siege and was killed by Lintian's sword!

They couldn't imagine that without the suppression of those six old monsters in the imperial realm, who would be Lintian's opponent?

Without any hesitation, these four figures in the imperial realm also fled.

"Another batch has been eliminated."

The melon eating summer solstice voice was clear with a trace of surprise, "in such a contrast, Lintian who stepped into the Jue Ding emperor realm... Was better than me?"

She seemed to be a little hard to believe, as if her consciousness had always stayed in the cognition that Lintian could only be protected by her, and she had always been better than Lintian.

Fengling Zhandi looked strange. He almost forgot that the melon eating girl around him was also an anti heaven character


I just came back from my hometown. The second is later~~

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