Golden Leaf City.

Majestic and magnificent, it is the largest city in this area of millions of miles. It has been controlled by the Zhenyu emperor family since ancient times.

Every day, there will be creatures of various tribes living in the nearby territory who come to Jinye city for trade, mostly in exchange for spiritual resources.

This makes Jinye City prosperous and prosperous. In terms of the scale of the city, it can be listed as one of the top 100 cities in the real dragon world.

"Rhubarb, we're here to inquire about the news. We can't act without my order."

Lintian reminded.

Rhubarb is too domineering and arrogant. If it is not restrained, it is definitely a troublemaker.

Rhubarb chuckled and looked contemptuous. "Don't worry, we don't care about ordinary goods at all. The gods in the sky will quarrel with those mole ants?"

This speech is very harsh. It belongs to the three outlooks and has problems.

But Lintian was too lazy to correct it. As long as he didn't make trouble, everything would be easy to say.

Then Lintian told Xi and summer solstice to stop breathing. He also wanted to keep a low profile so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Immediately, the group moved to the Chiba City in the distance.

Along the way, they saw many strange creatures. Some could recognize them, and some even saw rhubarb and Xi for the first time.

Like a living creature, like a foot tall dwarf, his legs are covered with roots and whiskers, a cluster of green branches and leaves on his head, triangular eyes, big nose, and his mouth is covered with fine snow-white tusks, which looks very ferocious.

It's hard to tell whether it's a kind of plant monster or a generation of fierce birds and animals. In short, it's very strange.

There are other creatures, like giant pinballs, jumping and escaping in the void. When people see them, they can't help but want to kick them

But soon, Lintian noticed that no matter what kind of creatures they were, they all looked surprised when they saw them, as if they were staring at a group of monsters.

Lintian frowned. What happened?

"Haven't you noticed that there is no human friar among the creatures you see all the way. Maybe that's why it makes them feel very strange when we appear."

Xi's voice is cold.

Lintian nodded and Xi's reminder made him suddenly realize that in the real dragon world, the human friars seemed to be very scarce.

Even if some creatures are transformed into human beings, their appearance and breath are essentially different from the human race.

"This dog's friend."

Suddenly, in the distance came a burly man with golden hair, eyes like copper bells, and thick arms like rocks covered with a layer of scales.

He looked at rhubarb, pointed to Lintian, summer solstice and Xi and said, "these are the human slaves you captured?"

Rhubarb stared at Lintian and they all frowned. In a word, it was a humiliation to the human race.

Looking at this burly man, his expression and words are very casual. Obviously, he has long been used to seeing the Terran as a humble existence like a slave.

Moreover, he talked directly with rhubarb, which virtually showed his attitude.

"What are you doing?" Asked rhubarb.

"My childe has a crush on this female slave." The burly man pointed to Xi, "if you want to buy her, please make an offer."

Rhubarb dog's eyes widened, as if unbelievable, "you... Want to buy her?"

The burly man frowned: "it's just a Cheap slave. Does my friend dislike me that the Golden Dragon and lion family can't afford it?"

As he said this, he threw a storage bag in front of rhubarb. "Here are 1000 real dragon treasure money. If you put it in the market, you can buy seventeen or eight people's cheap slaves."

Rhubarb laughed and said, "where is your childe?"

The burly man pointed to the distance, where there was a huge treasure ship in the void, gilded all over and shining in the sky.

When Lintian looked at them, he saw that the golden haired young man with incomparable bravery came out of the treasure boat. His eyes glanced over like electricity and said, "friend, I'm interested in that chick. Give me a face?"

There was pride in his words.

Rhubarb sighed lightly: "Lintian, I didn't take the initiative to cause trouble, but these unsightly bastards who foolishly came to die."

"What are you talking about?" The burly man was furious.

Rhubarb glanced at him, bang! The body of the latter was directly exploded, and the broken flesh and blood were directly erased.

Rhubarb disdained, "shouting and shouting, really when this seat doesn't care about mole ants?"

On the golden treasure ship in the distance, the young man in Chinese robes frowned and shouted, "how dare you kill the squire around me!"

Rhubarb really has no psychological pressure to kill this role, and even doesn't bother to talk nonsense.

It sweeps the dog's eyes and makes a "bang" sound in the dog's mouth.

The golden treasure ship in the distance exploded with a bang. The young man in Chinese robes didn't have time to escape. He directly exploded with the treasure ship.

From beginning to end, Lintian didn't stop. He would never be polite if rhubarb didn't do it.

This area is not far from the golden leaf city. Many nearby creatures were shocked when they saw the treasure ship belonging to the Golden Dragon and lion family exploding.

"How dare the lowly Terran fight against the Golden Dragon and lion?"

Many creatures of all races are incredible.

"For many years, Terrans have been like slaves and can only be enslaved. When dare they be so bold? Are these guys going to rebel?"

The noise sounded, and many eyes looked at Lintian and them, with doubt and consternation.

Hearing these voices, Lintian and others could not help frowning. The creatures of the real dragon seemed to be very unfriendly to the human race!

"Bold! How dare you make trouble in front of the Golden Leaf City? Go and catch all the human scum!"

Suddenly, in the golden leaf city far away, there was a thunderous drink that rang through the sky.

There was a ferocious figure standing on the upper floor of the city. Many creatures recognized that it was "Hou Kui", a great figure in the quasi imperial realm of the real emperor family!

At that time, a group of figures rushed out of the Golden Leaf City and rushed towards Lintian.


This time, Xi did it and waved it.

In the void, a group of dozens of figures, like flies swept by a hurricane, were torn apart one by one, their bodies exploded and filled with blood mist.

Wave, sweep Liuhe, destroy all Zhenyu city guards!

All the creatures present were stunned and screamed in horror. The scene became chaotic.

Lintian didn't expect that Xi would take the initiative and couldn't help looking at her. The latter said coldly, "with our strength, why should we bear it?"

As she spoke, her figure disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, she appeared on the city tower and grabbed the ferocious quasi emperor "Hou Kui".

The latter was murderous and arrogant before, but now he almost peed and said in horror: "who are you?"


Hou Kui's neck was broken, and his spirit was pulled out by Xi and searched by the imperial secret method.

Rhubarb was excited: "boy, see, this is the style of our generation. Of course, we have to keep a low profile when we should keep a low profile. When we should be arrogant, how can we care about the flood?"

Lintian's lips twitched and sighed: "I didn't expect that these ethnic creatures in the real dragon world would treat our generation of human friars like this."

The real dragon world is controlled by the real dragon one. Does this mean that in the eyes of the real dragon one, the Terran friars also exist as despicable as slaves?

"The inside information of Zhenyu emperor clan is quite good. There are two old guys with eight levels of emperor territory sitting in the town, and there are almost more than a dozen other people in the emperor territory."

In the distance, the chilly voice of Xi sounded from the city tower, "this family controls the territory of 30 million miles nearby, and its subordinates are more than 100 ethnic groups of different sizes."

"I can only find out if there is a clue about the real person. But I can only find out if there is a clue about the real person."

With that, Xi twisted his fingertips, and Hou Kui's yuan God was crushed inch by inch.

Lintian them moved the void and reached the city tower.

The Qianye city is extremely prosperous, but what happened here has caused panic in the nearby area. Many creatures of all ethnic groups are fleeing in panic, and the scene is extremely chaotic.

"In my opinion, if you wait here, the old thing of the real emperor family will come voluntarily."

As soon as Xi said this, he was immediately recognized by Lintian and rhubarb.

"I just wonder why the creatures of all ethnic groups living in this world humiliate and despise the strong of the human race."

Lintian then grabbed a colorful fierce bird and caught it.

There was no inquiry at all. Lintian's divine knowledge poured into the other yuan God and began to feel.

After a while, Lintian finally got some vague answers.

In the real dragon world, there are tens of thousands of living groups, and the real dragon is the respect of all ethnic groups and dominates the world.

About 100000 years ago, the then leader of the real dragon clan, the "emperor of the Ming Luo dragon", suddenly ordered that the human race be regarded as the sinner of the real dragon world and called on the creatures of all ethnic groups to carry out cold and bloody repression together.

In just a hundred years, the Terran forces living in the real dragon world are few and completely withered.

It was not until the emperor left the real dragon world and went to the other world that the real dragon world stopped persecuting the human race.

But at that time, in the huge real dragon world, there were no more than 100000 strong people who survived. They were completely reduced to the most humble ethnic group in the real dragon world. Up to now, they are still bullied, trampled and enslaved by the creatures of all ethnic groups.

This fact made Lintian feel cold. 100000 years ago, he slaughtered the strong of the human race in the whole real dragon world!

Why on earth is this?

"Rhubarb, do you know the Dragon Emperor Lintian asked.

"I know."

Rhubarb didn't think about the cableway, "this old worm once participated in the Taoist war of the emperors. It is said that the imperial territories of more than ten real dragons who came with him at that time were killed by Emperor Luzhen, while emperor mingluo was seriously injured and fled back to the real dragon world."

Lintian was stunned. The Taoist war broke out in ancient times 100000 years ago.

And the emperor Styron ordered the slaughter of the strong of the human race, which was also 100000 years ago. Is there any connection between this?

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