Lintian stared at Ao Zhentian for a moment and couldn't help sighing: "at first, you strongly advised me to leave. Do you think that even if I came to Lintian, your real dragon could not allow me to take Jing Xuan and my children?"

Ao Zhentian shook his head: "I'm just worried that you will encounter accidents. Believe it or not, I... Don't want to lose your friend."

Lintian took a deep breath and said, "I see."

The voice was calm without waves.

But Ao Zhentian trembled and said, "brother Lin, don't mess around! The Dragon Palace world is far more terrible than you think."

Lintian said, "I understand you and respect your position, because we are friends, but you should also consider my feelings in this matter!"

Ao Zhentian turned pale and lost his soul.

"Yin Huan, do you want to be with him or go with me?"

Lintian looked at Yin Huan, "you should know that if the real dragon found you again, the consequences would be more serious than last time."

Yin Huan was stunned.

Ao Zhentian's eyes turned red with anger: "this time, even if it is to pay my life, I won't allow Yin Huan to suffer a little injustice!"

"Look at your current situation. What guarantees all this?"

Lintian said, "if it weren't for me, the woman you love would have become the plaything of those bastards!"

Yin Huan begged in a low voice and said, "brother Lin, stop talking. This time, I will be with Zhentian, even if I die."

Ao Zhentian was stunned by the sad and true voice. At the moment, the seventh crown prince of the real dragon was filled with tears and his mood was out of control.

"I'll take you away from Tianjian mountain. You can choose whether to leave the real dragon or stay."

After Lintian said that, he removed the power of prohibition, and a flag appeared in his palm, which sprinkled a dreamlike fluctuation of prohibition, enveloping him, Ao Zhentian and Yin Huan. Then he left together.

Outside the forbidden mountain.

"Holding this thing can cover your breath and not be noticed." Lintian took out another array flag with dense forbidden power and handed it to Ao Zhentian.

"Brother Lin..."

Ao Zhentian was about to say something when he was interrupted by Lintian, "if you still advise me, don't mention it again, or you can try to stop me."

While talking, Lintian raised his eyes and looked into the distance. He was about to leave.

Ao Zhentian gritted his teeth and threw a jade slip to Lintian, "this is the map of my dragon palace world. I have marked the size of the area above. If something happens..."

Then he took out a jade card from his body and threw it to Lintian, "this is my token, which can open the prohibition of leaving the Dragon Palace world."

"That's all I can do. I hope... You can take cousin Jing Xuan and my nephew with you."

"Yin Huan, let's go."

After that, he took Yin Huan and went straight away.

Lintian looked at the jade slips and tokens in his hand, as well as Ao Zhentian and Yin Huan who were far away. He was also surprised. He immediately said, "thank you."

Ao Zhentian didn't look back, while Yin Huan turned his head and waved to Lintian with a smile.


Lin Xunchang breathed out and opened the jade slips. The topographic map of the Dragon Palace world was described in detail. Different places were marked with detailed information.

For example, the Dragon Palace, the center of the world, is called "Avenue Wanlong Palace", which is the core of the real dragon. From ancient times to now, only the direct relatives of the real dragon can enter it.

Near the Wanlong Palace on the avenue, there is also a meandering and vigorous mountain range, like a coiled dragon.

This is the "ZuLong mountain", which is the birthplace of the real dragon. There are old antiques sitting in it all the year round. Generally, the people of the real dragon can't get close to it.

The ten thousand dragon immortals Association, which began decades ago, opened in the "dragon pool" of ZuLong mountain.

Soon, Lintian noticed 49 paths to the outside world, and each path was clearly marked by AO Zhentian.

After staring at the map carefully for a long time, Lintian put away the jade slips and jade cards together, and then he started and swept away.

"Hahaha, the real dragon is going to have bad luck!"

As soon as Lin Xun left, there was a crazy laugh in a dark prison deep in the forbidden mountain that day.

"All this is the evil result caused by the traitor of the Dragon Emperor Ming Luo. God has eyes, and great changes are finally about to happen!"

The sound rumbled and stirred. I don't know how many prisoners were imprisoned in Tianjian mountain. For a moment, they couldn't help being agitated.


"Come on, go and pick up the old bastards of the prisoner Niudi family!"


Before long, the guards who took care of Tianjian mountain rushed into Tianjian mountain like a tide, holding a whip with lightning luster.

But before long, someone panicked and said, "no, the seventh Prince is gone!"


For a moment, all the guards guarding Tianjian mountain turned pale and panicked.

The seven princes were forbidden to stay here, which was ordered by the patriarch himself, but now they disappeared. The consequences... Their guards can't afford it at all.

"Come on, there is news that great changes have taken place in Tianjian mountain!"

Someone roared and roared.

Before long, a group of figures moved across the sky in the far distance. The first one was a powerful old man dressed in Xuan robes and blond beard and hair, with a towering breath belonging to the imperial realm.

Ao Tiankun, named "Zhankun Dragon Emperor", is a great man with five attainments in the imperial realm.

After learning about what happened in Tianjian mountain, Ao Tiankun's face sank, frowned and said, "what about Hun Zhandi? Why isn't he here after such a big thing happened?"

The guards looked at each other and said humanely, "before, the fourth prince had brought people. It was Lord Hun Zhandi who personally received them. I saw them enter Tianjin mountain."

"Find it!" Ao Tiankun gave orders.

Soon, the Hun war emperor, who was seriously injured and fell into a coma, was found, but everyone was filled with horror.

No one expected that in this dragon palace world, there were people who dared to commit murder in Tianjian mountain!

Ao Tiankun's old face turned blue. When he waved his hand, he woke up the unconscious Hun war emperor.

"Say, what happened!? where are the four princes and the seven princes?" Ao Tiankun drank violently, and his eyes were terrible cold.

Even if they were both emperors, in his eyes, the Hun war emperor was just an elder worshipped, and he didn't deserve his respect.

Although Hun Zhandi felt ashamed and angry in his heart, he still bowed his head, endured his inner anger and told everything that had happened before.

"So you were hurt by the outsider, too? Let's see who the outsider is!"

Ao Tiankun's eyes twinkled and suddenly took out a bright and clear cyan treasure from his sleeve robe.


With the blue treasure book shining, many pictures suddenly appeared on the mirror.

Before long, Ao Tiankun saw that Ao Xuanfeng and his party arrived at the Dragon Palace world from the entrance with Lintian, and all the way to Tianjin mountain.

The Hun war emperor kept his head down, but he knew that the cyan treasure book was called "Sky Patrol treasure book". Every big man of the dragon family had one in his hand. Through this treasure, you can see the scenes that took place in the world of the Dragon Palace.

When talking with Lintian, he also specifically mentioned the existence of this treasure to Lintian.

At the same time, Ao Tiankun also saw Lintian and Hun war emperor entering the cave together.

Before long, Ao Xuanfeng and his party also entered it.

But in the end, Lintian was the only one who came out of the cave.

When seeing this, Ao Tiankun's old face was covered with frost, and a strong bad feeling filled his heart. The fourth crown prince... I'm afraid they have been captured by the outsider!

"Come on, go and see if the life and soul lamp of the fourth Prince is still on." As he commanded, he continued to check.

Until Lintian walked to the cliff where the seventh Prince Ao Zhentian was located, all the scenes disappeared.


Ao Tiankun's pupils narrowed and guessed a possibility. The outsider laid a forbidden array and covered the power of the Sky Patrol treasure!

It was not until a long time that Ao Tiankun saw clearly the Yaping where the seventh prince was originally imprisoned, but it was already empty. Not to mention the seventh prince, even the figure of the outsider disappeared.

"Damn it!"

Ao Tiankun's eyes flashed a terrible divine awn, "this person is obviously prepared, otherwise, it is impossible to avoid the investigation of the Sky Patrol treasure book!"

"Hun Zhuo war emperor, do you know this person's identity?" He looked at the Hun war emperor.

The Hun war emperor said, "the fourth prince only said that the thief came with the token of Lord Fuhai Dragon Emperor. His identity is very strange. I don't know anything else."

"Hum! What a waste!" Ao Tiankun hummed coldly and was so angry that he had to be angry.

Hun Kuo war emperor also roared in his heart, "when the fate of the Nine Emperors and my family changes in the future, at that time, we will see if you can still be the only one in the world!"

"The fourth Prince and the seventh Prince have disappeared... It seems that the outsider has a great plot..."

The son of the dragon must give this order. No matter where the thief is in the world, the son of the dragon must give this order


Immediately, many of the first-class roles of squires and bodyguards nearby took action.

At the same time, Ao Tiankun took out a treasure in the shape of a shell and said to the shell, "elders, there are foreign thieves sneaking into the world of the Dragon Palace..."

He finished what he had found one by one. Finally, his fingers worked hard. With a bang, the shell treasure burst into pieces, turned into a bright streamer, and roared away in all directions.

This is the "sound transmission shell", which is extremely magical. It can be heard by the same person holding the sound transmission shell at the first time.

After all this, Ao Tiankun took a deep breath and showed a cold look,

"Since ancient times, no one can break into the world of the dragon palace without dying except Lubo cliff. This time, I want to see how capable you are, but don't let me down!"

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