Immediately, Lian Hongxiu hummed coldly, "this matter has been spread in wanhuo imperial city. If you want to inquire, anyone can know."

Lintian smiled calmly and said, "but I also know that the bottleneck you have encountered has plagued you for about 1500 years, and until now, you have not been able to find a way to break through the bottleneck."

Lian tea was suddenly surprised and blurted out: "how do you know?"

She can't calm down. Even within the divine emperor family, few can accurately tell when she encountered the bottleneck.

But now, it was revealed by an outsider!

Lintian smiled and pointed to a flying sword in the counter, "the refining time marked by this imperial soldier was 3500 years ago, which was also the beginning of this imperial soldier. When you were refining the weapon, you had begun to make some new attempts to break through the accomplishments of refining the weapon."

Lian Hongxiu suddenly saw that when he looked at Lintian, he had become different. Even if he was a man of cultivation, if he didn't know how to refine tools, he couldn't see such a subtle clue from a treasure.

Even the master of refining utensils can hardly be found without careful screening.

But the young man did it!

But Lintian said to himself: "After refining this flying sword, each of these treasures you refined can be called high-quality products. They are ingenious and unique, but there are faint signs that the sword is on the wrong side. The reason is that there is no substantive breakthrough in the core attainments of refining, but it can be seen that you have spent a lot of effort to make a breakthrough. This is also the reason why I judge that the bottleneck you encounter has not been broken through so far."

After talking, Lian Hongxiu was stunned and looked uncertain. Lintian's words made her mood roll and even tremble.

Because what Lintian said was absolutely right. Every word and sentence accurately opened up the dilemma she was facing in the process of refining weapons!

Yao Tao, who is nearby, has been stunned. Is this guest... A great expert?

She knows better than anyone about the high status of tea refining in the imperial family of divine engineering and her deep attainments in refining utensils.

But now, an outsider has broken the bottleneck encountered in refining tea only by observing those treasures, which is undoubtedly incredible!

After half a ring, Lian Hongxiu woke up like a dream. When he treated Lintian, he had respect and respect, "dare you ask your name?"

"Lin Daoyuan."

Lintian said casually, "if there is nothing else, Lintian will leave first."

Then he was about to leave. He had seen all the treasures in the God workshop one by one. It was a harvest and gave him a lot of inspiration.

Next, he plans to continue to visit other workshops.

"Wait a minute."

Lian Hongxiu hurriedly said, "Taoist friend, I had no eyes before and ignored Taoist friend. Can you stay a moment and let me apologize?"

Then he bowed to Lintian with hope.

She has an uncontrollable idea in her heart. Will a person who can break the bottleneck he meets in such a short time also give himself guidance and give himself a chance to break the bottleneck?

Yao Tao opened her mouth wide and was silly. She dared to swear that this was the first time she had seen Lian Hongxiu treat a guest so respectfully!

In the past, even the great figures in the imperial realm who call the wind and rain have never been so respected!

"You want me to show you?" Lintian's words broke the heart of refining tea.

Lian Hongxiu looked a little chatty, but he nodded calmly: "if Taoist friends can give me advice and help me break through the bottleneck, I can promise unconditionally as long as I can pay the price!"

Lintian thought for a moment and said, "well, take me to other workshops first."

Is this a promise?

Lian Hongxiu was not sure, but he agreed happily and said, "I'm very happy."

"Let's go."

Lintian smiled and walked out.

Lian Hongxiu hurriedly followed suit.

Looking at this scene at the bottom of her eyes, the maid Yao Tao's eyes became crazy and her heart trembled. The style of the elder... How charming


Jiazi No. 9 God workshop.

When it was said that Lian Hongxiu came with a young imperial figure, Lian Yuntian, the master of refining utensils who was sitting here, almost thought that it was a great figure from Xianhuang and hurried out to meet him.

But when he saw Lintian, he couldn't help wondering, who is this guy? How can you be so proud to accompany Hongxiu all the way?

When Lian Hongxiu said what he had just experienced, Lian Yuntian's first reaction was:

This guy is probably a liar!

Who doesn't know that in the whole Xianhuang world, if they are the second in the refining process, no one dares to be the first?

But now, refining tea actually places the hope of breaking through the bottleneck on an outsider, which is... Ridiculous!

However, Lian Yuntian didn't expose it to his face, but looked at Lintian calmly and decided to try Lintian's ability in person and prove it with facts. Maybe Lian Hongxiu who believed in evil could wake up.

After Lintian appreciated the treasures of the ninth God workshop, Lian Yuntian smiled and said, "in Lin Daoyou's opinion, how about these imperial soldiers I refined?"

Lintian glanced at him indifferently and nodded, "yes."

Just good?

Hearing this evaluation, as like as two peas in the red sky, the eyes of the people were also angry.

Lian Yuntian took a deep breath, restrained his displeasure and said, "can you please comment on Lin Daoyou in detail?"

Lian tea also showed a curious color.

But Lintian said with a smile, "you really want to hear it?"

"Of course." Lian Yuntian said without hesitation that he could not wait to expose Lintian's deceitful routine.

"Taoist friends' attainments in refining tools can be called exquisite and strong. The refined imperial soldiers are very good..."

Lintian thought about it.

Lian Yun sneered in his heart. It's no use praising you. If you don't say one, two or three this time, I'll expose your liar trick to your face!

"What a pity." "If you don't stop at this level, you'll stop at this level."

"Karma?" Lian Yuntian frowned, "what does that mean?"

Lintian pointed to the counter and said, "look, these treasures are all written by you. The appearance and charm of each sample are the same. There is no breakthrough and change, and it shows a sense of uniformity. This can only mean that you have been complacent in refining weapons, and you are getting deeper and deeper. It is more difficult to break through and forge ahead in the future..."

Lian Yuntian became angry after saying something. "Nonsense! How can I be complacent?"

Lintian smiled disapprovingly: "then I ask you, have you ever refined a top-level imperial soldier that breaks through the mystery in the past 8000 years? Or have you ever refined a treasure that can be better than the imperial soldiers in these counters?"

Lian Yuntian was speechless.

"Eight thousand years, time is not short, but you can only refine such a level of imperial soldiers. Isn't it... Complacency?"

Lintian sighed, "if you don't get rid of the mental barrier, you have no hope to break through again in this life. Taoist friends should take care of themselves."

After that, he turned and left, and Lian Hongxiu hurriedly followed up.

She saw all the previous scenes in her eyes and fully agreed with Lintian's evaluation. It was absolutely penetrating and analyzed all the difficulties of refining the sky!

Lian Yuntian stood there blankly. Originally, he regarded Lintian as a liar and planned to expose him without any trace.

But now, he was sweating cold sweat. He felt that he was stripped naked and his secrets were exposed.

After half a ring, he suddenly uttered a strange cry, "Lin Daoyou, wait!" Also hurried to catch up.

Seeing Lian Yuntian catching up, Lian Hongxiu couldn't help laughing. The old guy was suspicious and suspicious before. Now he's catching up like himself.

At the same time, she became more and more curious about Lintian's origin. In the past, she had never heard of such a person in the fairy Phoenix world.

Who is he?

Why do you have such profound attainments?

Thinking in this way, they came to the No. 8 God workshop.

With the company of refining tea and refining cloud sky, it is naturally unobstructed.

Lintian once again began to browse the imperial soldiers displayed on the counter. Only by seeing more can he know more, and only by touching the kind can he bypass. Along the way, Lintian was deeply inspired by the refining methods and magical effects of those imperial soldiers.

In my mind, I gradually have more specific ideas about the design of my own imperial soldiers.

This made Lintian feel that he had a sense of harvest and felt that it was a worthwhile trip.

Until he was content to leave and went to the next god workshop, Lian Hongxiu suddenly said:

"Taoist friend, the refining flying armor sitting here is an old master figure of our Shengong imperial family. He is refining an imperial soldier now. Are you interested in watching it?"

Lintian was stunned, "is that ok?"

As far as he knows, when refining such treasures as imperial soldiers, the most taboo is to be disturbed by the outside world.

"Of course it works."

Lian Yuntian smiled, "Taoist friends, please follow me."

Then he led the way to the God workshop. At the end of the winding corridor, there was a small secret world.

As Lian Yuntian took out the token and waved it gently, a portal was quietly opened and a group of people poured in.


In this secret world, the fire is as red as fire, a long river of molten slurry is surging and flowing, thousands of fire waves are rolled up, and the sound of agitation is as loud as thunder.

An ancient bronze cauldron is suspended over the long river of molten slurry, dispersing amazing power fluctuations.

In front of the bronze stove tripod, sat a scrawled old man across his knees. It seemed that he had encountered great problems. His eyes were dull, his eyebrows were locked, and his mouth was talking about something.

From beginning to end, I didn't notice that Lintian and his party had come in.

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