A little restraint?

Why restraint?

Who would despise the power of imperial soldiers beyond a level?

But Lin Xun's words were reasonable and justified, which made Lian jiuxiao unable to refute.

Yes, this is the guest's request!

The emperor has found a unique weapon and asked Lin to steal it

"Can you all remember the scenes of refining utensils just now?" Lian jiuxiao asked.

All the old monsters nearby nodded.

Lian jiuxiao was satisfied and said, "that's good." He looked at Lintian, "Taoist Lin, do you want to have a rest?"

He wanted to strike while the iron was hot and ask Lintian for some doubts when he was watching the refining tool just now.

"Forget it, just keep coming."

Lintian felt his strength. Before, the weapon refining only used less than 20% of his strength, and he could continue to refine it.

Besides, just now, refining tools can only be regarded as a small test, just a warm-up.

Lian jiuxiao gave an order and sent Lintian a weapon refining task again.


At the same time, the city of wanhuodi has been a sensation.

"The master of mysterious Taoist patterns came to the No. 1 workshop of the divine arts, and his elegant demeanor was so prosperous that all the great figures of the divine arts emperor family were heartbroken!"

"The latest news is that this mysterious craftsman, named Lin Daoyuan, has unimaginable attainments in Taoist patterns. He wants to refine his own imperial soldiers this time!"

"Since ancient times, Lin Daoyuan has become the first outsider to enter the No. 1 secret world!"

... a piece of news, like thunder, resounded through the city of fire, causing an unprecedented uproar.

In the realm of immortal Phoenix, who knows that the emperor family of divine engineering can be called one of the best in the world in terms of weapon refining?

But now, it's incredible that Lin Daoyuan can convince all the old monsters of the Shengong emperor family!

"How proud of the divine craftsman emperor family in refining utensils, but they were convinced by an outsider. Where is Lin Daoyuan sacred?"

Many big forces were alarmed and sent people to investigate.

For a time, there was a sea of people near the No. 1 God workshop, which was surrounded by an endless stream.

Huang Cangtian, who decided to stay here today, was surprised by such a grand occasion. He immediately issued an order and sent many experts from Xianhuang's line to come and sit in the dark.

He suspected that the strong men of white tiger and Xuanwu would be attracted. After all, the matter was so sensational that anyone with some thoughts would come to investigate.

And if we can take this opportunity to find them one by one and kill them

Why not?

Huang Cangtian thought of this and couldn't help thinking that it was good. The ancestor was silent in the deepest part of the fire sea under the No. 1 God workshop. The greater the sensation caused by Lintian, the more powerful people he attracted. It could also play a role in hiding people's eyes and ears.

At least, if the power of the white tiger and the Xuanwu clan is killed, the strong distributed around here... Is a natural defense line!


That evening.

Mang Tong, the elder of the green Python emperor family, came in a hurry with doubts.

He just got the news that the imperial soldiers customized in the God workshop not long ago had been successfully refined, which surprised him very much.

Because when he customized the imperial soldiers at that time, he entrusted a lot of relationships and sent a lot of human favor. Only then did he get the promise of the God workshop that he would refine his imperial soldiers within three months.

Mangtong is satisfied with this result, because as far as he knows, some orders for customized imperial soldiers have even been arranged ten years later!

But mangtongwan didn't expect that before half a month, he received the news that the imperial soldiers had been successfully refined!

Of course, this is an unexpected joy.

Until he arrived outside the No.1 God workshop, mangtong was surprised to find that it was late, but the nearby area was very lively, full of figures and a sea of people.

Even, at a glance, he recognized the existence of many imperial territories from major forces!

After a little inquiry, mangtong knew that it was a mysterious figure named Lin Daoyuan who had caused such a great stir.

"Brother mangtong, go to the God workshop to get the imperial soldiers. It is said that Lin Daoyuan spent less than three hours refining an imperial soldier for you."

Someone who knew mangtong in the imperial realm spoke with curiosity, "you must remember that when you take out the imperial soldiers, let me also open my eyes."

"Yes, but we are very curious about how powerful Lin Daoyuan is, which makes the Shengong emperor so upset."

Many people spoke one after another.

Mangtong answered in a hurry and went into the workshop.

Before long, the crowd gathered around the God workshop found that mangtong's figure came out.

However, there was a trance in his expression, which seemed to be out of his mind and looked very abnormal.

"Brother mangtong, what on earth?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Countless eyes looked at mangtong with great curiosity.

Mangtong was stunned for a while and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "hahaha, it's worth the trip. As for the emperor soldiers of this seat... Hahaha, this seat can only say that it's completely beyond our expectation!"

Then he went away.

That excited, proud and excited look is deeply branded in everyone's mind.

There are also many people secretly scolding that the old guy is so hateful that he dares to hang his appetite!

However, mangtong's performance still caused a sensation in the audience. There is no doubt that Lin Daoyuan's weapon refining means are extremely excellent, but no one knows how much.

This also makes people more and more curious. It can be said that the heart is itchy.

Seeing this, Huang Cangtian, who was sitting in the dark, moved in his heart and conveyed the order: "spread today's affairs quickly. We want the whole Xianhuang world to know that there is a Lin Daoyuan who is like a God and man in the No. 1 God workshop of Jiazi today!"

"Remember, be sure to publicize mangtong's deeds. This is a living example and can't be wasted."


On the same day, Xianhuang launched forces to spread the news and spread it to all the borders of Xianhuang at an incredible speed.

Overnight, the name of Lin Daoyuan resounded over the immortal Phoenix world!

Also because the immortal Phoenix pulse secretly added fuel to the fire, so that I don't know how many old monsters in the imperial realm entrenched all over the world were alarmed and set off one after another to the wanhuo imperial city.

Emperor soldiers are extremely attractive to any old monster.

It's not enough for any one emperor to be able to make more than one emperor in the palace.

Therefore, in just a few days, the number of people in the imperial realm who appeared in the wanhuodi city doubled, and with the passage of time, the number of people in the imperial realm who came is still increasing

The location of the No.1 Workshop seems to be the most popular area in wanhuo imperial city. The once rare figures in the imperial realm can be seen everywhere now.

the splendor of the occasion surpassed anything heretofore seen!

In this regard, Huang Cangtian can not help but be satisfied.

A great disaster is coming for Xianhuang. White tiger and Xuanwu, together with a Luo family on the other side, are enough to make Xianhuang feel great pressure.

But now, the emperor figures from all over the Xianhuang world are coming one after another to gather in the wanhuo Imperial City, especially the No. 1 God workshop, which has become the focus of attention of all emperors.

Under such circumstances, even if the white tiger and Xuanwu want to invade, they have to weigh the consequences!

"Lintian is really a lucky star of our family..." Huang Cangtian sighed in his heart. Previously, he didn't expect that Lintian's appearance could cause such a big noise.

Lintian was unaware of all this.

He is practicing his hand. It has been several years since he decided to refine his own imperial soldiers after he set foot in the imperial territory that year.

Over the years, he has been thinking about what kind of shape the emperor soldiers who can match their own Taoism should be.

Until he entered the fire Empire City and saw the forms and mysteries of the imperial soldiers of the divine emperor family, Lintian had gradually conceived some ideas in his heart.

Now his practice is nothing more than preparing himself for refining his own imperial soldiers.


The ancient bronze stove roared, and the divine fire glowed and burned fiercely. Countless magical Taoist symbols rolled and fled in the stove tripod, reflecting all kinds of magical visions.

Lintian stood there, his sleeves and robes flying, and his face was focused and quiet.

In the distance, Lian jiuxiao and other old monsters were also absorbed, their eyes blinked, and their expressions were full of the luster of hunger for knowledge.

It has been four days. With their attention, Lintian has successfully refined nine lower level imperial soldiers and three middle level imperial soldiers.

On average, three imperial soldiers are refined every day.

None of them failed.

None of them is "excellent".

None of them exceeded the expectations of everyone present!

For Lian jiuxiao and others, they have been shocked and surprised too much in the past four days, and they have lost their manners again and again.

If they had been convinced by Lintian's methods before, they seemed to be enthusiastically respected and respected when they treated Lintian now!

They also finally realized that what is called skillful mastery, what is wonderful natural success, and what is God like attainments in Tao patterns!

It is impossible to describe the feelings in their hearts in words. At present, they are like the most devout and studious scholars. They are dedicated, determined and hard-working, and dare not have any distraction, lest they miss some rare and precious secrets of refining tools.

Even the great master of Taoist patterns, Lian Qingqi, is no exception.

For Luojia, there was only one feeling. The old folks of the divine craftsman Empire were completely crazy and immersed in Lintian's skill of refining tools.

When she looked at Lintian again, she felt for the first time that it was only a few decades, but the gap between herself and her good friend... Had already become very far away

Even, it makes her feel unreachable and can only look up.

In these four days, in the dark of the secret world, there was a mysterious idea. Occasionally, he couldn't help but appear and looked at Lintian who was refining tools from a distance.

But it will soon disappear, which is almost invisible.

Even though Lintian was immersed in the refining vessel, he never noticed this scene again.

At the same time, in wanhuodi City, because Lintian refined imperial soldiers, there was another tsunami like uproar.

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