Lintian looked around and sat down casually, becoming one of the countless devout believers.

Between heaven and earth, the figure with its back to all living beings is free to explain the mystery of the Avenue:

"The solution of the great road is nothing more than a word of enlightenment. However, the Tao realized by all living beings in the world is different, just like the same mountain, which is seen as a peak on the side of the mountain, with different heights in distance and distance..."

"In our practice, we are dedicated to the Tao, but we are often obsessed with the Tao. How can we solve these problems? Different people have different methods. In my opinion, the ultimate goal of seeking the Tao is to transcend the Tao and learn from the Tao. In this way, we can not be tired of the Tao..."

... the great voice, like the morning bell and evening drum, reaches the heart of the people. The words are not obscure, but it makes people with different cultivation levels have different understanding.

After listening for a while, Lintian had to admit that the "Taoist master" had reached a shocking level in his cognition and understanding of the road.

Even ordinary imperial figures may not be able to elaborate some subtleties in such a simple, direct and simple way.

The greatest truths are the simplest.

The same is true of exposition Avenue.

The more obscure and complicated it is, the more unable it is to directly point to the essence of the road.

And the "master of Tao" knew the truth of the simplicity of the great road. The wonderful essence of the ten thousand ways in the heavens was easily explained by him, which was full of fun and often gave people a sense of enlightenment.

It's no wonder that some figures in the imperial realm can be dormant and kneel here piously, just like disciples listening to the teacher's instruction.

I listened like this for hours.

There are more and more monks near this square inch ruins, and none of the people who were listening to the avenue were willing to leave.

Up to this time, Lintian didn't find anything wrong, because the way described by "Lord Tao" was not a means to confuse people, but really teaching and dispelling confusion.

But Lintian was puzzled.

What is the purpose of an existence who has such profound attainments in the attainments of the great way... To explain the mysteries of the great way for those who come to practice day and night?

Is it really to choose a successor before the sermon leaves, as he preaches?

Until nearly twelve hours later.

"My Lord, listen to this Avenue all the time, but the one who enters this Avenue all the time."

"Remember, those who have not listened to the avenue for ten days shall not act privately, otherwise, I will expel them."

The voice just fell.


In the originally silent and solemn field, the crowd surged like water, and the dense figures all stood up excitedly, looking at the same place piously and enthusiastically.

At the same time, Lintian saw that in front of the huge lotus shaped holy mountain, there was a colorful corridor leading to the depths of the holy mountain, which was very mysterious.

The crowd that stood up almost rushed into the corridor. No matter how many people went in, they would disappear at the first time.

While other unqualified practitioners showed envy and seemed eager to follow suit.

Lintian's black eyes surged: "what's this for?"

"Brother, you don't even know this?" Yan Jun was surprised.

Meng Lianqing, who was sitting not far away, had said, "Lord Tao has regulations. Anyone who can listen to the avenue here for ten days can enter Lord Tao's courtyard and have the opportunity to be selected as his own disciple."

"Since Lord Tao Zun expounded the avenue a month ago, at least nearly 300000 monks have entered the courtyard."

"It is said that listening to the avenue in that courtyard will get unexpected benefits. Even if you are not selected as a pro disciple in the end, the benefits will be absolutely beyond imagination."

In her clear eyes, there was also a trace of longing and yearning. "This is also a layer by layer screening when choosing the pro disciple. No one will give up such an opportunity."

Hearing Meng Lianqing's explanation, those young talents nearby looked at Lintian with ridicule in their eyes. It seemed unexpected that this guy named Daoyuan didn't even understand these, so he came to listen to the avenue. It was too ignorant.

Of course, their hearts are more unbalanced. They didn't expect that Meng Lianqing would personally explain to such an ignorant person. It's just... It's so jealous.

Lintian didn't care about this at all. After listening to Meng Lianqing's explanation, he was surprised, "nearly 300000 monks have entered the 'gate land'!"

Lintian asked, "Miss Meng, do you know if anyone has walked out of the courtyard in recent years?"

Meng Lianqing was stunned, shook his head and said, "it should be... No?"

At this time, there was a burst of laughter around.

"Are you kidding? Being able to enter the door of the Taoist priest is the dream of any monk. A fool will leave unless he is expelled."

"Brother Daoyuan, are you too ignorant?"

"I'm ignorant. I really don't know why the dream fairy treats you differently."

... those young talents had long held back the imbalance. They all took this opportunity to sneer and ridicule, as if they were going to severely suppress Lintian and make Meng Lianqing completely disappointed with Lintian.

To their consternation, Lintian didn't say anything before Meng Lianqing frowned and said, "gentlemen, this is the Taoist priest's ashram. You're so noisy that you're not afraid to annoy Taoist priest?"

Everyone was speechless and uncertain. They became more and more angry, and their eyes to Lintian became worse and worse.

However, Lintian ignored them again. He frowned and keenly realized that it was wrong.

Even if you choose to inherit, why let hundreds of thousands of monks enter the unknown place?

What secrets are hidden in the courtyard?

In the distance, the monk who got up and left soon disappeared, and the shining corridor also disappeared.

The figure who sat high for nine days and turned his back to all living beings began to explain the mystery of the avenue again. Soon, all practitioners were immersed in it, and the atmosphere was solemn and peaceful.

Only Lintian frowned and his black eyes flashed.

If possible, he wants to go to the so-called "place of the door" now.

That's weird!

The return market continued to open, and the demon saint's secret land was not dangerous. Countless monks came in succession to listen to the mystery of the avenue.

All this seemed to be Zhuang Su and peaceful, but Lintian knew it best. A few years ago, Emperor Shi Tian had just been injured from here!

And under this square inch ruins, there is a suppression of an ancient wizard called evil spirit - lingxuanzi!

"Little friend, the situation is not good."

Suddenly, the moment less clock, which turned into the size of a little thumb and hung on Lintian's hair, suddenly opened, "I feel that the power of all living beings is being sacrificed and poured into a seal in that square inch of ruins."

"I suspect that all this is the layout of lingxuanzi. It seems that he wants to break the seal of suppressing himself with the help of the power of sacrifice!"

to sacrifice!

Lintian was shocked. If so, wouldn't it mean that hundreds of thousands of monks died here in just one month?

"No, he noticed my feeling." The sound of wujizhong was startled.

At that time, the voice of expounding the avenue suddenly stopped. At the same time, a group of people, full of supreme will power, quietly came to Lintian.

"Little friend, why are you the only one absent-minded when I explain the main road?" The great voice sounded.

All the practitioners who were immersed in listening in the field were stunned, confused and looked up. They didn't understand what had happened.

Many people also looked at Lintian's area.

Menglianqing and those young Junyan nearby all changed their faces and felt uncomfortable. What's the situation?

In this repressed and suspicious atmosphere, Lin Xun rose up, and his majestic figure immediately attracted the attention of countless eyes.

With dark eyes, he looked at the figure sitting high for nine days and said calmly, "your way is nonsense to me. Why should I let it dirty my ears?"


At this moment, the whole audience was shocked and countless people were stunned. Unexpectedly, there were people in the world who dared to evaluate the avenue expounded by Lord daozun.

It's... it's crazy!

Yan Jun, who had been sitting on Lintian's side, was completely dumbfounded, and his soul was almost scared out. This is the Taoist priest's ashram. How could brother Daoyuan... How could he

He suddenly grabbed Lintian's clothes and stammered, "brother, come on, apologize to your honor, come on!"

His face was white and his head was confused.

How can the Taoist priest, whom countless people admire, be so vilified and humiliated?

At the same time, Meng Lianqing was stunned. She didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary man would say such nonsense.

And those young Junyan around her also have a damn expression. Is this guy crazy?!

Immediately after that, the whole audience became agitated, and countless monks seemed to be angered and shouted one after another:

"Bold madman! How dare you be so presumptuous! Get down on your knees and make atonement for your honor!"

"Who is this son and which ethnic group he belongs to? It's rampant!"

"How dare you regard the great road expounded by the Taoist Lord as nonsense. You're a criminal. You deserve to die!"

... all kinds of angry voices were like boiling pots, which made Lintian become the target of thousands of people's criticism.

"Brother! Come on, apologize! Don't you want to live?"

At this moment, Yan Jun didn't stay away from it, but anxiously persuaded Lintian, which made Lintian a little surprised.

He said in his heart that after solving the matter here, he can give this person a piece of luck, so that he can live up to his maintenance.

"Evil, do not kneel down to atone!"

In the fury of the crowd, suddenly a violent drink rang out, and a figure rushed in and patted Lintian on the shoulder.

This is an old man in red robe. He is a quasi emperor. He can also be called the No. 1 big man among the forces of the adherents of the ancient ten thousand families.

Seeing that he made a bold move, the others were stunned at first, and immediately realized that this was to show to Taoist Zun and take this opportunity to take credit!

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