Three days later.

Lintian's red fire Taoist body and black water Taoist body, together with Gu Xi, who was completely healed, left the Yuanshi Taoist school quietly.

Qingmu Taoist body, platinum Taoist body and loess Taoist body are left to sit on the Xixin peak.

In the years of Reiki recovery, there were many corridors from the ancient wasteland to the lower boundary, but in the past three years, almost all the corridors had been broken by Lintian.

However, it was not difficult for Lintian to cross the void to the ancient wasteland.

A day later.

Ancient wasteland, yunqi mountains.

Lintian's red fire and black water path appeared one after another.

Almost at the first time, Lintian realized that compared with that time, the ancient wasteland had changed, and the spirit between heaven and earth was dense, more than ten times richer than before.

"It seems that the news is true. The recovery of aura has not only affected the lower boundary, but also ushered in a drastic change in the ancient wasteland..."

"However, looking at this situation, although the ancient wasteland also has Reiki recovery, it is far from being compared with the core place of the origin of 10000 Tao in the lower boundary."

"It's no wonder that those road leaders in the ancient wasteland will go to the lower world to compete for territory. In the future, the ancient wasteland... Is destined to be compared by the lower world."

In Lintian's opinion, the ultimate form of the lower boundary in the Reiki recovery must be a place of God show comparable to the Middle Earth state of Hongmeng world.

As for this ancient wasteland, it will become the foil of the lower world!

"I'll go to Cangwu holy mountain and find the soul yuan root of Cangwu Holy tree."

Before long, chihuodaoti immediately set out on the road and went to the original territory of xiheng boundary.

As early as returning to the lower world, Lintian had learned from wujizhong that the soul root of Cangwu divine tree was probably the "king of channeling medicine" he had seen that year!

This time Lintian sent two people to act together, one is to rescue the disciple Su Bai, and the other is to find the Cangwu sacred tree.

As long as this divine material is gathered together, he can condense a chaotic divine tree seedling!

It was not until the red fire Taoist body went away that the black water Taoist body released Gu Xi from the treasure.

Then, they rushed to the great wall of diguan together.


Lintian showed that the space moved, and the whole person was like a streamer. Every flicker was like a changing star, and thousands of mountains and rivers were left behind.

Along the way, Lintian clearly felt that although the Reiki recovery of the ancient wasteland was not as good as that of the lower boundary, the strength it could accommodate was much stronger than that of the lower boundary, so that his five cultivation accomplishments of the imperial realm were only suppressed at the three peak levels of the imperial realm.

"I just don't know if those old people were still at the great wall of diguan..."

While he was on his way, Lintian also remembered his first trip to the great wall of diguan.

At that time, it was Yin Lao of Shenji Pavilion who led him across the long empty path to reach the great wall of diguan.

There, Lintian met many old monsters, such as Shun Ji, Mrs. mu, Ling Xiaozi and so on.

Lintian's eyes were filled with emotion when he thought of the past.

At that time, he was only the cultivation of the true holy land, and was regarded as a younger generation by a group of prospective emperors. Now, he has long been the supreme emperor of the starry sky!

Time has changed, this is not what it used to be!

Two days later.

Far away, a black line stretches and fluctuates between heaven and earth. The boundlessness is like an infinite length. It is too huge to be seen high and far.

But when you look carefully, you can tell that it is a great wall winding between heaven and earth, incomparably vast and towering, covering the sky and the earth!

Just looking at it from a distance makes people feel small, because the city is too vast. Around the city, there are stars rotating, as if they were eternal, which has been the case since ancient times.




Even the stars can only rotate around the city. How huge is it?

This is Yang Guan, this is Yang Guan!

Diguan is one of the many "cities" of the Great Wall!

Lintian was shocked by this scene when he first came.

Now come again, still can not help but feel waves.

This city was built by a group of emperors in the ancient times, collecting stars from outside the territory. It spans the world like an eternal barrier against foreign enemies.

And there are countless huge cities like this in the great wall of diguan!

It is no exaggeration to say that the great wall of diguan can be praised as "the first natural graben of ancient famine and the place where the emperor stops".

Moreover, Lintian knew that the main battlefield of the Taigu ten way war was near the great wall of diguan.

At that time, in order to fight against the taboo order power of the unknown emperor, I don't know how many great emperor figures threw their heads here and sprinkled hot blood to compose an unparalleled legend of pouring blood and fire.

Behind the battle of the ten directions, the great wall of diguan has become the strongest defense line in the ancient wasteland. For countless years, it has been defending here against foreign enemies in the eight regions!

"Who is it?"

Suddenly, a violent drink came from the towering gate of Yangguan.

Immediately after, a figure with blue armor, scrawled beard and hair, firm face and iron blood terror rushed out of thin air.

Around him, the light and rain of the avenue are like waterfalls and torrents, and the killing gas disturbs the wind and cloud. At first glance, he is a powerful figure who has been on the battlefield for a long time.

Seeing the other side, Lintian was stunned and said with a smile, "master Shunji, long time no see."

The other side was Shun Ji. When he first came to the imperial pass of the Great Wall, Lintian was asked by Shun Ji, who was guarding the gate.

Seeing Shun Ji's eyes stunned, he immediately shouted, "it's you boy! Why are you back?"

He smiled and came forward to give Lintian a warm hug.

"I'll save people." Lintian said that he saw at a glance that Shun Ji had set foot in the imperial realm after many years of absence. However, it was obvious that he had just broken through and had only one important accomplishment in the imperial realm.

"Save people?"

Shun Ji was stunned. "Who?"

"Su Bai." Lintian said.

Shun Ji suddenly said, "it's the young man. He's really a great hero. He has a lot of accomplishments. He's not as good as you were back then. After arriving at Yangguan, he has made a lot of outstanding military achievements and is very popular. Just..."

Speaking of this, he showed a sad color and his voice became low. "Only not long ago, when he killed the enemy outside the city, he was suddenly ambushed, so that his whereabouts are unknown and he hasn't come back yet."

"At that time, many old monsters in the city went out to rescue themselves, but the battlefield was too chaotic and turbulent. We searched for a long time and didn't see their trace..."

"Alas, you don't know. We all feel guilty because of the disappearance of this son."

Shun Ji sighed, "after all, talents like this son in the world... It's too rare..."

At last, Shun Ji suddenly remembered something and said, "by the way, who is he?"

"A registered disciple received a long time ago." Lintian said.

Shun Ji was stunned and his eyes were complicated: "I see, but I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed this time. Outside the great wall of diguan, the foreign enemies in the eight regions are fierce. Fierce and cruel bloody battles break out every day. It's too difficult to find someone who doesn't know his whereabouts again."

Lintian was silent and said, "Sir, do you think Su Bai is dead?"

Shun Ji shook his head: "we have searched the battlefield and found no trace of this son falling. Many people suspect that this son may have been captured alive."

"Live capture?"

Lintian's dark eyes were deep, "who was the enemy who ambushed him at that time?"

Shun Ji said, "a group of prospective emperors in the ancient region of daruo are suspected to have the smell of an emperor."

"Dalao ancient region..."

Lintian's eyes were deep. Da Luo ancient region was a world of sword cultivation. When he was on the battlefield of the nine regions, he had a duel with Jian Qingchen, one of the eight wonders of the green world.

If it is true that Da Luo ancient region captured Su Bai alive, is it because of Su Bai's sword bone talent?

That's really possible!

"Lao Shun, come on! The battle is about to break out!" Suddenly, a hurried voice came from the Yangguan pass.

Shun Ji was stunned and immediately showed a fierce look, "fuck you, it's less than three days, and those aliens are coming again? It's really haunting..."

He looked at Lintian, "little friend, why don't you take a rest in the Yangguan first and catch up with you when I come back from killing the enemy."

"I'm with you." Lintian said.

"You? I'm afraid you don't know yet. Today's diguan Great Wall is different from that of the past. With the recovery of aura, the enemies of the eight regions have launched many comprehensive attacks in recent decades, and many imperial figures haunt them..."

Shun Ji hesitated a little, but he was stunned halfway through the conversation, because Lintian was filled with a breath belonging to the Empire!

"Are you qualified?" Lintian asked with a smile.

"Enough! Enough!"

Shun Ji's eyes lit up and exclaimed, "I've been fighting here for many years. It's not easy to seize the opportunity to become emperor at one stroke more than ten years ago. I haven't seen you for many years. Your boy is already an emperor!"

"Let's go. It's not too late. I'll take you to see how spectacular the bloody battle on the great wall of diguan is."

With that, he had turned and rushed to the Chaoyang pass.

Lintian thought about it and put Gu Xi into the treasure again. The cultivation of the latter was only holy land. Once he was affected, he might suffer.

Then he followed Shun Jifei to escape.

Inside the Yangguan pass.

The atmosphere is oppressive and killing. In the vast city comparable to one side of the world, many figures are moving towards the same place.

These figures are all permeated with the spirit of iron blood killing and cutting. Those who have experienced the battlefield for a long time and have the weakest strength have the level of quasi imperial territory.

The leader of the team was two imperial figures, but their faces were strange, and Lintian had never seen them before.

After Shun Ji's introduction, Lintian knew that the two Empire figures were called "Cong Yun Zhan emperor", and the Empire was double.

A number of "thousand snow war emperor", the emperor's territory is one.

Like Shun Ji, the old people who have been stationed on the great wall of diguan for many years have become emperor in recent decades.

When Lin Xun asked about the familiar old people such as Mrs. Mu and Ling Xiaozi, Shun Ji showed a melancholy look, and his eyes were red.

For a long time, he shook his head and sighed: "they... All took a step ahead of me..."


PS: I almost forgot a big thing.

The time for stealing New Year's red envelopes is coming again. Children's shoes open WeChat, search for the official account "xiaojinyu233", add attention. Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, goldfish will send a big new year's red envelope on the official account.

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