Yuan Qingheng thought and opened his slender white palm and fingers.


A thin silver flying shuttle emerged, with introverted edges on both sides, sharp as a sword at both ends, and strands of strange inscriptions twisted like earthworms branded on the surface.

With the mysterious smell of rain, it appears to be immortal.

At one glance, Lintian's pupils suddenly contracted. The breath contained in this treasure made him smell a deadly threat!

"This is an imitation of our immortal artifact 'the flying shuttle of cosmic light', which contains the original power of immortal order. With this treasure, let alone reaching this world, it doesn't take much effort to go to other worlds."

Yuan Qingheng noticed the change in Lintian's eyes and couldn't help showing a look of pride, "what's more, the ancient path in the starry sky is nothing more than one of the thousands of worlds. For countless years, although it has been shrouded by the eight grade thunder order controlled by the Luo family, it can't stop me if I want to come."

These words made Lintian keenly catch some news.

The ancient path in the starry sky is only one of the world!

The taboo order power controlled by the Luo family is called "thunder order" and is listed in the "eighth grade of the earth level"!

This made Lintian realize that the order power born in the origin of heaven and earth was also divided into grades.

"Girl, can you tell me something about the world?" Lintian asked.

Yuan Qingheng frowned, "don't you think you have too many problems?"

Lintian smiled: "I finally met a distinguished person from the other side of the world. Lin is inevitably curious. Don't worry, girl, it's just a chat. I'm not sure... We can still be friends."

Yuan Qingheng chuckled, and a playful look flashed in his beautiful eyes: "be a friend with me? You're really brave."

"It has nothing to do with courage." Lintian smiled and whispered.

He can't see that yuan Qingheng's identity is destined to be no small matter. Even on the other side of the world, he is also an extremely special role.

Because of this, Lintian would not let the other party leave so easily. He was very curious about the other side of the world.

"Cut the crap. I'll only answer you three more questions." Yuanqing Hengdao.

Lintian thought and agreed.

He was the first to raise questions related to the world.

Yuan Qingheng was not surprised and gave an answer.

It turns out that in the eyes of yuan Qingheng and their practitioners of the other side world, "the other side world" is called the "eternal true world" and the land of eternal immortality.

Outside the eternal true world, there are many astrological planes, which are collectively referred to as the "great universe".

The ancient path in the starry sky is one of the thousands of worlds.

According to yuan Qingheng, according to the division of the power of the world, today's ancient star road can only be among the top 100.

After knowing this, Lintian felt a surge in his heart. Then he realized that his previous cognition was still limited.

Only in the vast world, the status of the ancient star road can only be listed in the top 100.

The "eternal real world" called the other side is a place above the world!

"A long time ago, many giants with the power of heaven and earth were born in the ancient star road. At that time, that is, Taigu in your mouth. At the beginning, the ancient star road ranked firmly among the top three in the world, and even won the first place several times."

It's a pity that the ancient path has fallen into the eternal sky, and then the ancient path has fallen into the eternal sky. It's a pity that the ancient path has fallen into the eternal sky

"What catastrophe?" Lintian raised his eyebrow and asked.

Yuan Qingheng's eyes flashed a trace of cunning, "is this the second question?"

Lintian saw that the woman would not tell herself honestly. He thought and said, "this kind of thing should not be a secret. I will know it sooner or later."

After a pause, he asked the second question: "how does the original order force divide the grade?"

Yuan Qingheng was stunned. After half a sound, he seemed to realize it. He said, "as the supreme emperor, you still don't know the division of order and power. This ancient path in the starry sky... Has really fallen to this level?"

Lintian looked at her quietly and said, "don't you also be trapped here?"

Yuan Qingheng said coldly, "I just don't want to waste my cards."

Then she threw a jade slip in her hand and threw it to Lintian, "it records the division of the original order and power."

Lintian looked around, and there was a wave in his heart.

It turns out that in the eternal real world on the other side, the cognition of order power has already reached an unimaginable level, and a perfect division system has been formed.

The power of order, born in the source of chaos, is condensed by the source avenue that maintains the operation of one world, which can be called the source law of the world.

These forces are divided into three levels and nine grades according to different powers.

The third order is earth order, heaven order and God order.

Each level is divided into one to nine grades.

Generally speaking, the power of earth order is terrible. In the eternal real world, many immortal emperors control more than one power of earth order.

For example, the taboo order force now covering the sky above the ancient star road is the thunder order force of "ground level eight grades" controlled by the Luo family on the other side.

As for the power of heaven order, it can be called the top level. Generally, it is only controlled by some of the most powerful giants.

The power of divine order is rare.

Even in the eternal real world, only the "eternal Protoss" standing on the top of the world and above all ethnic groups can control it.

After knowing this, Lintian had more doubts.

The order power controlled by the Luo family on the other side is no more than the eighth grade of the earth. It can cover the ancient path in the starry sky and deter all living beings in the world.

How terrible should the power of order be that day?

And the power of divine order... How incredible should it be?

And what terrible existence is the "eternal Protoss"?

Lintian was only sure that the Immortal Emperor family was a giant enough to surpass the ancient path in the starry sky.

The eternal Protoss, even the Immortal Emperor, can only look up!

"The eternal real world, the vast world, the power of three-level and nine grade order... It seems that the world on the other side is far more vast and powerful than I imagined..."

Lintian could not help feeling.

"I'm curious about how you set foot on the Jue Ding emperor realm. After all, without the blessing of the original order power of the starry sky, the Jue Ding emperor realm is doomed to never appear again on the ancient path of the starry sky."

Suddenly, yuan Qingheng asked.

"Want to know? Yes, you can answer me more questions, and I'll tell you." Lintian said.

Yuan Qingheng was stunned and couldn't help laughing: "even if you don't say it, I can find out."

The implication is that you want to bargain with me?

no way!

Lintian didn't care, so he directly asked the third question: "what's the status of the Luo family on the other side in the eternal real world?"

Yuan Qingheng thought for a moment and said, "in the eyes of ordinary forces, the Luo family on the other side of the river is a dominant behemoth. Under its command, it is impossible to control many universal worlds."

"Among the same immortal emperors, it can be regarded as... Medium level, not high or low. It can't be compared with the top immortal emperors, but it's not comparable with ordinary immortal emperors."

Speaking of this, yuan Qingheng thought of something and said, "in fact, the Luo family on the other side of the river used to be among the best. It can be called the leader of the Immortal Emperor family. Its power is as powerful as the sun. Unfortunately, with the disappearance of the Lord of heaven, this family is much worse than before."

She looked at Lintian, "of course, for your ancient path in the starry sky, the existence of the Luo family on the other side is no different from the Supreme God."

Lintian looked indifferent: "what about the yuan clan behind you?"

Yuan Qingheng's lips curled up a radian. "Although this is the fourth problem, I might as well tell you that in the past, the Luo family on the other side may be able to compare with my yuan family. As for now... There is no significance of comparison at all."

Lintian suddenly realized that the Yuan emperor family was probably one of the top giants of the Immortal Emperor family.

Otherwise, Yuanqing Hengduan dare not judge like this.

It's no wonder that this woman showed great confidence from the beginning. Even if she was trapped, she didn't reduce her pride.

Lintian suddenly said, "do you know the immortal clan behind the three treasures of Wanhua spear, Kaitian axe, killing sword and annihilating halberd?"

In those days, when Nirvana was in heaven and the great catastrophe before he became emperor came, three men and one woman came across the boundless starry sky, showing the supreme power of terror.

It was also the will power of the square inch Lord that defeated the three men and one woman, and told Lintian that the forces behind the four people were four immortal families.

Seeing yuan Qingheng's eyes shrink imperceptibly, he seems surprised, "you know that these four are in charge of the order of heaven..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly reacted and sneered, "you have enough questions. This is the fifth question."

Lintian smiled: "I can see that these four immortal families are destined to be very difficult. At least, you don't dare to rely on them."

"Do you think I will be fooled by such a childish method?" Yuan Qingheng glanced at Lintian.

According to Lin Xun's words, you should be above the four immortal families, but at least you should be above the order of the other family

"You continue to encourage me to see if I will answer you again."

Yuan Qingheng put his arms around his chest, and a pair of beautiful starlike eyes showed disdain. Your little trick can't hide my eyes at all.

Lintian sighed lightly: "well, since you are so vigilant and alert, that's all for our conversation. You hand over the soul root of the Cangwu sacred tree, and I'll let you go now."


This chapter contains a little more information. Please pay attention to children's shoes~

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