Forty nine immortal heavenly passes, large and small, are distributed in the thousands of war areas.

Beyond the dark land of Senluo is the first immortal Tianguan, also known as the "starting city".

It means that those who enter here can be regarded as qualified to continue on the next journey!

"The rules of the starting city are very simple. All killing is prohibited. Violators have only two options."

"One is death."

"One is that he was planted with ten thousand forbidden spells and became a soldier guarding the city. He can't get out of trouble forever."

The green sparrow pointed out, "you've seen the power of the ten thousand forbidden spell. Your two friends are all controlled by this forbidden spell. If so, it's no different from being a slave. It's better to be killed."

Lintian listened silently.

"If my calculation is correct, the forces guarding the city gate now come from the Immortal Emperor family HENGJIA. There must be one ancestor of one way in charge. Otherwise, it is impossible to deter those imperial figures who enter the city."

The green bird said casually, "as for other things, you'll know when you enter the city."

Lintian nodded and went straight to the black altar which looked like a wheel.


With a wave of space, Lintian disappeared.


Heaven and earth are vast and mountains are overlapping.

At this moment, Lintian stood in front of a magnificent ancient city, which was very small compared with the mottled city wall.

Here, you can't see how big the city is, but you can clearly feel the thick vicissitudes of the years.

Lintian turned around and saw that the mountains were vast, the clouds were diffuse, and the rolling mountains could not see the end at a glance.

"Outside the city of origin, there are fierce places, full of strange and unpredictable dangers. I advise you to enter the city at the first time and don't walk around."

The green sparrow reminded him that he had returned to the sachet, saying that he was worried about being identified, which would bring unnecessary trouble to Lintian.

Lintian said well and looked at the majestic city again.

The city wall is full of knife marks, sword holes and mottled historic sites. It is difficult to hide the heavy years, and the heavy atmosphere adds a desolation.

Vaguely, there is an obscure fluctuation of prohibition, which is looming. This is the first immortal heaven pass in Daqian war area. Naturally, there is a Dharma array engraved on the wall to protect the peace here, which has been immortal after thousands of murders and robberies.

The magnificent ancient city gate is made of a rare kind of blue and black stone. Two teams of guards are stationed on both sides of the gate.

They are all firm and resolute, and their figures and faces are covered in black armor. However, from the smell diffused all over, none of them is the existence of the Empire.

The cultivation is probably between the triple of imperial realm and the sixfold of imperial realm.

Even so, it has been extremely amazing. After all, it is a group of great emperors, but now it has become the role of a group of gatekeepers only in front of the immortal Tianguan pass.

According to the Green Finch, these are the roles that violated the order in the city and imprisoned the soul in the past years. They can only be reduced to the guard in the city forever.

Lintian was the only one in front of the towering city gate, so as soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of the two teams of guards.

Lintian stood still and went straight forward.

"Identification plate." A guard with a slender figure, dressed in black armor and holding a huge bronze sword opened his mouth. The killing gas was cold.

Lintian handed out the nameplate.

The guard took it in his hand and looked at Lintian and said, "everyone who enters the city needs to pay 10000 first-class cosmic virtual source crystals. If it's not enough, you can exchange them with treasures..."

Before Lintian finished, Lintian had thrown out a storage bag and the guard checked it. He couldn't help looking at Lintian deeply and said, "it's OK."

Then he returned the identity plate to Lintian.

Lintian nodded and walked straight to the city.

"Remember, don't fight and kill in the city, otherwise no matter who you are, you will pay an unbearable price for it!"

The frigid voice of the guard came out.

Lintian did not look back, and his figure soon disappeared in the city gate.

"If he can break through the dark earth alone, he must be a strong man!"

The guard near the gate whispered.

Only the guard who had checked Lintian's identity plate waved, and a thin guard approached immediately.

"Go to Tianyu Building, find Lord Wen Shaoheng, and say that the target appears."


The thin guard hurried away.


The city is huge and the streets are incomparably wide. Ancient trees can be seen everywhere. Rows of ancient buildings with towering tree crowns are located in the streets and alleys.

There are pills, weapon shops, inns, restaurants... All kinds of things.

The streets were crowded with pedestrians and traffic. All kinds of cries and Hawking sounded one after another.

Lintian was surprised because the figures he saw along the way came from different ethnic groups, and most of his accomplishments were under the Empire!

Some children who are playing and chasing in the street are even able to embark on the path of practice for a short time.

It's unbelievable.

It should be noted that this is a thousand battlefields. If you want to reach this city, you have to break through the ancient nightmare battlefield, the dead soul domain and the dark land. You will be killed in all directions on the way!

All the people in the imperial realm need to take great risks, but most of the people in the city are under the imperial realm

Why not?

The Green Finch soon gave the answer.

In the past years, when many imperial figures came to Daqian war domain, they put many relatives and clansmen into their treasures and planned to go to the eternal real world together.

But the journey was too dangerous. These imperial figures were worried that they would encounter accidents if they went on, so they left these relatives and clansmen in the city.

After countless years of changes, more and more monks were left in the city. They lived and multiplied in the city, which was what Lintian saw now.

Lintian suddenly realized that it was reasonable.

He walked all the way and saw that no matter his cultivation level, he got along well and was in good order. He couldn't see a bully at all.

This is quite similar to the scene in extradition city.

Lintian wandered around the city alone and understood all kinds of situations. Occasionally, he looked up to the sky. There was a mysterious forbidden light curtain covering the whole city. Beyond the light curtain, there was an endless starry sky. The stars swayed in a circle, magnificent and mysterious.

"It seems that you can really choose to break the environment here." Lin xunruo thought.

Other places are too dangerous and accidents will happen at any time. Obviously, there is no need to worry about these problems in this city of origin.

Before long, Lintian looked for an inn. The waiter asked for ten yuan of first-class Zhou virtual source crystal. Lintian was stunned. The price here was too outrageous.

The man also explained that those who can go to the city and live in the inn are all great emperors who don't need money

Lintian couldn't help laughing, but he didn't need money. He left a bag of first-class Zhou Xuyuan crystals and directly booked a room for ten days.

Walking into the room, Lintian could not help nodding. There were all kinds of exquisite restraining forces in the inn, which could not be detected by outsiders.

However, Lintian arranged a prohibition by himself, so he lay lazily on the bed and breathed comfortably.

From entering the ancient nightmare battlefield to now, he has experienced countless murders and dangers, which has made his mind tense all the time. At this time, he relaxed a lot.

For a long time, Lintian suddenly said to himself, "Mi boundless and soft are all in my pagoda. In this case, can Wen Shaoheng feel it?"

The green sparrow said, "the ten thousand forbidden mantra is sensed by the soul, and the power of the treasure cannot be isolated. That is to say, if Wen Shaoheng is in this origin City, he will sense your existence at the first time."

Lintian said, "will he be punished if he disobeys the rules of the city?"

The green sparrow thought and said, "generally speaking, even the great figures of the Immortal Emperor family in the eternal real world rarely dare to do it in the city, but in some special times... Well, even if they do it, they will find some sufficient reasons."

"For example?"

"Touch porcelain."

"Touch porcelain?" Lintian was stunned.

The green sparrow said calmly, "if Wen Shaoheng finds some people to trouble you for the dead ghost, you fight for the dead ghost. In such cases, you say you did it first for the dead ghost, and many people prove this. Who do you think would be punished if you were the master of the city?"

Lin xunluo thought for a while and said, "although this means is more indiscriminate, it is indeed the most direct and effective way."

"However, the key depends on the attitude of the city Lord. If the city Lord acquiesces in this matter, let alone touch porcelain, he will kill you directly or plant a crime on your head."

The green Sparrow's voice was sarcastic. "It's no exaggeration to say that if these immortal emperors want to clean up people from the world like you, there are many ways. But generally, no one will do these things aboveboard."

Lintian thought for a moment and said, "that is to say, if they want to deal with someone, they will choose to do it in the dark and won't let the wind leak out?"

"Yes, but in general, this kind of thing rarely happens. After all, the rules that have survived for countless years can not be broken casually."

"Even the immortal emperors who take turns to guard the city at regular intervals are generally afraid to break the rules set by everyone."

Lintian smiled with deep black eyes and said, "but in my opinion, Wen Shaoheng... Doesn't care about these rules..."

With that, he slowly closed his eyes and began to fake sleep, looking very relaxed and comfortable.

The Green Finch thought for a moment and made no comment.

He knew how much Wen Shaoheng hated Lintian. If he had enough confidence, he would never hold back because it was an immortal pass.


The highest floor of a towering building in the city.

This is Tianyu Building, which originated from the tallest and most magnificent ancient building in the city.

At this moment, Wen Shaoheng, wearing a long robe and a sword, stands against the railing and looks into the distance. The huge city stretches like endless, like cobweb streets, rows of buildings and bustling pedestrians

Most of the scenery, panoramic view!

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