This scene also deeply shocked xuanxingjue emperor and his party.

Half a ring, Xuanxing Jue emperor whispered, "brother Ling, thank you this time."

Lintian said casually, "last time I owed you a favor in the ancient nightmare battlefield, I'll give it back to you now."

Xuan xingjue was stunned and said with a bitter smile, "brother Ling is joking. The last thing was just that I wanted to take the opportunity to seize some of the life beads of King level nightmare demons."

Lintian said, "so am I. this time I'm trying to capture the Star source buried here."

As soon as he said this, everyone around Xuanxing Jue emperor showed anger and looked ugly.

"Lingxuanzi, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Some people are angry.

"Oh, what a disappointment..."

Someone sighed.

Before, they fought in blood to keep the Star source buried here. They thought Lintian came to help them, but they thought it was the opposite.

This made them very angry and felt cheated.

Lintian's black eyes were like electricity. He glanced at these angry guys and said, "why, I have repaid a favor, but you still don't think it's enough?"

His words were casual, but xuanxingjue emperor changed his face and reluctantly said with a smile: "brother Ling, don't misunderstand. I'll leave now."

Then he left with those people regardless.

Lintian didn't look back until they disappeared. He sneered in his heart. Do these guys really think they are willing to help others?


In fact, from the moment when Xingmu Tian, Kuang Ru emperor, Ning Daozhi, and Xuanxing Jue emperor, these "fellow travelers" deliberately alienated themselves in the starting city and worried about getting angry, Lintian never regarded each other as "fellow travelers" at all!

Lintian didn't blame each other for doing so. After all, they didn't have any real friendship.

Now, Lintian's behavior is also based on this. He has no friendship and resents himself for robbing the Star source?

Are you not afraid to kill in a rage?

If Emperor Xuan xingjue hadn't decisively led these people away at the last moment, Lintian would have taught those bastards a lesson.

He shook his head and waved Lintian's sleeve robe.


Not far away, the black mountain filled with vitality and fluctuation collapsed, and a shining star source flew out and was caught by Lintian.

After looking at it, Lintian put away the Star source and went away.

At the same time.

"Miss, we first discovered the Star source, but it was finally taken away by lingxuanzi. This guy is so hateful!"

In the distant void, a man made a noise angrily.

"Yes, I thought he was kind to help. Who ever thought that his face was so ugly and ugly!"

Others also spoke.

"Shut up!"

Emperor Xuan xingjue could no longer control his anger and said coldly, "first, we have drawn a clear line between ourselves and his lingxuanzi."

"Second, if lingxuanzi hadn't intervened just now, we would not only be robbed of the source of stars, but also doomed to be unable to retreat all over."

"Third, in this case, lingxuanzi took the initiative to help us resolve a conflict, which is tantamount to helping us."

Speaking of this, everyone was silent.

Xuanxing Jue emperor said word by word: "I don't know how to be grateful. At least I have to know right and wrong. What qualifications do you... Have to be angry and unwilling?"

Everyone looked blue and white.

Emperor Xuan xingjue sighed and poured out an unspeakable regret.


The second day of searching for the source of stars in area 6.

Lintian was besieged by a huge lineup when he captured a Star source.

There are three groups of forces working together.

One group was led by a young man with white hair, who was a top seven great emperor with extremely strong combat power, named Wu Tianchen.

Surrounded by three ancestors of Jiujing and a group of emperors.

One group is led by a red robed old Taoist priest. This old Taoist priest is not the supreme emperor, but the cultivation of the nine boundary ancestors has also reached a perfect level, and has mastered all kinds of terrible secret methods, which is better than the snow mother-in-law around Zhiwen Shaoheng.

The third batch

It is a group of familiar faces, but a group of crazy Confucian emperors!

When he started to attack, neither the crazy Confucian emperor nor the people around him were in no mood. He regarded Lintian as an opponent and attacked him with all his strength. He was not polite at all.

Lintian was not angry, and there was nothing unusual.

Finally, Lintian chose to retreat.

But did not leave, standing in the distance, watching coldly.

This made the three groups of forces feel uncomfortable and the situation fell into a strange confrontation.

Lintian's existence was a threat, and for those three groups of forces, no one would give up the Star source buried nearby.

But if the three groups of forces fought with each other, Lintian would take advantage of it.

For a time, the situation was deadlocked there.

Lintian was calm, and the faces of the three groups of forces were a little ugly.

Everyone knows that the longer it takes, more and more competitors will come from all directions, and then the situation will only be more chaotic.

"Brother Ling, we are the same people. If you help us win this star source this time, we will help you next time."

The crazy Confucian emperor suddenly opened his mouth and looked sincere.

Lintian looked sarcastic: "I made a clear distinction with me in the starting city before. How has it changed now?"

After a pause, Lintian continued: "I didn't see you as a passer-by in the fight before."

The mad Confucian emperor looked stiff for a moment and sighed, "this moment is another moment."

But Lintian looked at the leaders of the other two groups of forces and said, "if you work together to destroy this despicable guy, I will leave immediately and promise not to involve in this matter."

In a word, the white haired boy and the old man in red robe were greatly moved.

The crazy Confucian emperor turned pale and said, "brother Ling, you're going to kill with a knife!"

"What's the problem?"

Lintian smiled, "remember, we are not friends or passers-by, but enemies. Of course, we have to do everything to treat the enemy."

The face of the mad Confucian emperor suddenly became gloomy, and hatred burst out in his eyes.

"Lingxuanzi, you join hands with us to kill these guys first, and then you leave. Isn't it beautiful?"

The white haired boy suddenly made a suggestion.

"Good, good."

The old Taoist priest in red robe nodded his approval.

"Of course it's excellent."

Lintian smiled brightly.

The hearts of the crazy Confucian emperor and his party sank to the bottom of the valley and were shocked and angry.

Before, it was the three groups of them who besieged Lintian. It was just a moment. On the contrary, they were regarded as the targets!

"Two, do you really believe lingxuanzi's nonsense?" The crazy Confucian emperor drank and his face was blue.

The white haired boy said calmly, "these are not important. The important thing is to have fewer opponents. It's a good thing for us."

"Do it!"

The old Taoist priest in red robe drank loudly and attacked boldly with a group of imperial figures.

Lintian didn't keep it. He cooperated at the first time and killed the crazy Confucian emperor and others.


The mad Confucian emperor roared angrily and fled with his party. He didn't dare to fight at all.

"You two, it's up to you to compete next."

Lintian didn't let people down, so he laughed and moved the void to chase the crazy Confucian emperor and his party.

Both the white haired youth and the red robed Taoist priest were relieved.

In the blink of an eye, Lintian and the crazy Confucian emperor left, which made the situation clear at once.

As if there was a tacit understanding, the white haired boy and the red robed old man looked at each other, and then they all started to kill each other


The two men led the strong men of their respective camps to compete fiercely here.

Far away under the sky.

Lintian was chasing the crazy Confucian emperor and his party. He was very fast, and he was not polite when he started.




One blood flower after another exploded, scarlet and hot, and I saw that around the crazy Confucian emperor, one emperor after another was killed, like grass mustard, wiped out his life, both form and spirit.

This stimulated the crazy Confucian emperor to go crazy and roared: "lingxuanzi, do you really want to kill them all?"

His eyes are red.

"Did you show mercy when you besieged me with those guys before?"

Lintian looked neither sad nor happy.

"It's just to compete for the source of stars, and you have abandoned the source of stars. Why do you have to do so?"

When the crazy Confucian emperor roared, another figure in the imperial realm was killed, and the blood splashed across his eyes, which made him tremble and his eyes red.

"Do you really think I gave up that Star source?" Lintian felt pity in his eyes.

The crazy Confucian emperor was stunned.

At this time, Lintian rushed violently, and the Wuyuan sword tripod coerced hundreds of millions of heavy light to suppress.


The earth shaking killing was staged, and the area was in disorder. Although the crazy Confucian emperor was strong, it could not be Lintian's opponent.

In just a moment, he was swept by Wuyuan sword, and his body was divided into two parts. He was wiped out in the torrent of sword Qi.

When he was dying, he was deeply unwilling. He didn't understand why Lintian was so determined and ruthless.

"Whoever regards me as an enemy should be eliminated."

Lintian's black eyes were deep and could not make a ripple.

Turn around and return to the original road.

The reason why it takes so much effort is to strive for an opportunity to break one by one.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to resist the joint efforts of the three groups of forces: white haired youth, red robed Taoist priest and crazy Confucian emperor.

Now, the crazy Confucian emperor and his party have been eliminated.

Next, it's time to solve the white haired boy and the old man in red robe.

To Lintian's surprise, when he returned, the white haired youth and the red robed old road had already killed red eyes, and both of them suffered serious casualties.

Seeing this, Lintian almost laughed.

The snipe and clam compete, and the fisherman gains. The ancients sincerely didn't deceive me!


During the battle, when Lintian reappeared, the white haired boy suddenly changed his face, "Why are you back?"

"Damn it!"

The old Taoist priest in red robe obviously understood, and his face was very bad. "We were fooled by this evil barrier!"

Lintian walked in the air, his clothes were fluttering, like a banished immortal, and a bright smile hung on Qingjun's face:

"If you two continue, you'd better lose and burn both jade and stone, so that I can pick up a big bargain without effort."

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