The change of Huang Jianchen surprised the audience. Unexpectedly, Huang Jianchen had not used his real mace. [love ↑ go △ small ↓ say △ net wqu]

But soon, many people were excited. This battle was so wonderful that it was dizzying and beyond imagination.

At this time, Huang Jianchen's momentum changed again and he was about to use real killing moves, which undoubtedly added fuel to the fire and made the whole audience boil completely.

Seeing this scene, Wen Mingxiu, Su, Liu Qingyan, Chu Feng and others were all worried about Lintian.

On the contrary, Qi Yunxiao, Yuan Shu and other people, as well as the children of aristocratic families, are all excited, and a school is eager to rush to the stage to cheer for Huang Jianchen.

They have seen that if Lin Xun doesn't change, he is doomed to defeat!

In fact, at this moment, the whole audience had seen that Lintian had been in a passive resistance situation since the beginning of the battle. Now Huang Jianchen obviously didn't intend to give him another chance and was ready to use his killer mace. Under such circumstances, Lintian would only be in danger.

However, Lintian seemed to be unaware of all this, and his momentum and breath were as ordinary as usual.

Just facing Huang Jianchen's words, Lintian said slightly strangely, "man, did you take the wrong medicine and how excited you are?"

Huang Jianchen was stunned and thought Lintian was sarcastic. He immediately said, "when you are defeated by me, I will ask you what you mean!"

As soon as the voice fell, the wisps of green oil flames surging around him suddenly lit up. If the ghost fire was steaming, he danced wildly in the void.


As soon as the wrist shook, the Yin spirit whip in the palm soared into the air, and I saw that the wisps of green oil flames gathered in the whip shadow and gave a severe shock in mid air.

Woo woo~~

In an instant, the dark wind roared in the challenge arena, the ghost fire raged, and the blue phosphorus fire burned, just like the incarnation of Senluo ghost land.

In a trance, it even gives people an illusion that the whip shadow is driving a ferocious and terrible evil ghost to rush out of the ghost domain and want to bring disaster to the world!

The scene was so frightful that the whole body was terrified.

"Ghosts at night!"

In the box, many big people seem to recognize something, can't keep calm, and their faces change constantly.

"Grandma Feng, what is this skill?"

Liu Qingyan was shocked.

"Zi Mu Yin GUI Jing is an ancient secret method that has been lost for many years. The cultivation conditions are extremely harsh and abnormal. As far as I know, only practitioners who condense rare dark spiritual power pools such as' chain of black prison 'and' sword of dark night 'are qualified to inherit such unique skills."

Grandma Feng's eyes were a little complicated. She didn't expect that Huang Jianchen's killer mace was the son mother Yin ghost Sutra. Lintian would be in danger. Even if he didn't die in the end, he would be seriously injured, and even be unable to recover from it, leaving an irreparable injury!

She didn't tell Liu Qingyan about all this for fear that she would worry.

It's just that Liu Qingyan is orchidic and intelligent. Just look at the look of mother-in-law Feng. This so-called child mother Yin ghost Sutra is a terrible secret method.

"If something happens to Lin Xun, i... I will never forgive myself..."

Liu Qingyan murmured in a low voice.

Granny Feng felt distressed and regretted whether she had gone too far. She just taught Lintian a lesson, but Xie Yutang put on such a fierce array, which really made her feel bad.


"Sure enough, he refused to enter the Obsidian temple. It turned out that he already had the son and mother Yin ghost Scripture. This time, Lintian will be robbed..."

In the other box, Xie Yutang's face was expressionless and his heart was empty

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Think about it.


When the whole audience was shocked, the arena was already gloomy, and the green ghost fire was burning and flying, which was about to drown Lintian's figure.

The scene was so treacherous and frightening that many people were creepy.

This is one of the killing moves in the book of evil spirits of children and mothers, which is like hundreds of evil spirits moving out of hell.

Lintian was finished!

This is everyone's idea.

Even Huang Jianchen thought so. This was the first time he had used it in public since he mastered the son and mother Yin ghost Sutra. He was confident that this move alone could defeat Lintian in one fell swoop!

"With your defeat, you can defeat without regret."

Huang Jianchen has a proud radian on his lips.

But at this moment, Lintian, who was about to be drowned by thousands of ghost fire and wind, suddenly showed a funny smile.

This made Huang Jianchen frown, but immediately his face changed slightly, and he suddenly heard a strange roar.

At first, it was insignificant, but in the blink of an eye, it swept the whole audience like a raging storm and thunder.


As soon as Huang Jianchen's eyes narrowed, he saw that Lintian was like rushing out of a storm vortex, running through the world and spinning wildly, creating a towering power that wanted to devour the eight wastelands and disturb Yin and Yang!

"What is this?"

"What a terrible storm force!"

The audience was shocked and exclaimed. They just thought Lintian would be defeated. Who ever thought that Lintian had shown incredible power in a twinkling of an eye.

Did he hide his real strength like Huang Jianchen before?

Many of the big people in the box couldn't sit still and looked slightly changed. They just looked out of sight! This was very unusual. From this, we could see how deep Lintian was hiding. It didn't break out until this time, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face of everyone present!

Without waiting for a response, the war situation in the challenge arena has changed greatly. Under the storm, all ghost fires and Yin winds are swallowed up and swept away as if they were vulnerable.

Those scenes perfectly interpret what is called "wind and clouds"!


Huang Jianchen didn't expect such an accident. He was caught off guard and was directly hit by the force of the storm. The whole person was thrown up and smashed dozens of feet away. His blood rolled all over his body, and he almost coughed up blood.

His face suddenly changed, and the ghost fire burning in his eyes was extremely blazing. He looked like he couldn't believe it. His "night trip of all ghosts" was destroyed in this way?

He can't accept the result!

What's more, he thought that he knew Lintian's details and could suppress him at this moment, but he never thought that Lintian suddenly broke out!

Isn't this proof that Lintian had never used his real strength when fighting with himself before?

At this moment, the whole audience was in an uproar, completely shocked by this scene, and finally dared to confirm that Lintian did retain his strength, otherwise how could he make a strong counter attack at this moment?

In the box, the excited look of Qi Yunxiao, Yuan Shu and others suddenly stiffened and opened their eyes. How could they look so dull.

"What a deep city!"

Xie Yutang, who had never wavered in his face, was also depressed at this moment, and around him, those aristocratic family members had already been stunned by this scene, like a group of ducks pinched by the neck.

"The wrath of the storm, reverse heaven and earth!"

Chu Feng's nervousness, worry and uneasiness were swept away.

"Master Lintian could bear it. It broke out at this moment. He must have deliberately."

Liu Qingyan is angry

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As he said, a smile had appeared on his white and beautiful face.

"Hum! I know this bastard has a lot of heart. He's more than intentional. He's obviously unkind and deliberately embarrasses those who despise him."

Grandma Feng was cold hum, and her heart was a little different. The power of Lintian's attack was really terrible. It's hard to imagine how his thin body could have such strength.

"After more than a year, this guy is as bad as ever."

At the end of the night, Su smiled and spat, remembering some of the past contact with Lintian.

"I knew it would happen..."

Wen Mingxiu also could not help feeling that Lintian was becoming more and more powerful, and even made her feel hard to reach.

In those years, they were students practicing in the same camp


At this time, Lintian's whole body was covered with blue and unreal luster, which made him more detached.

Combined with the appearance of Lintian before, his image in everyone's mind was mysterious.

Huang Jianchen, on the other hand, was extremely powerful from the very beginning until he showed his "ghosts walking at night", which was shocking.

However, he was frustrated by Lintian at this moment. Compared with Lintian, it became more and more unusual. There was a kind of immovable and unfathomable demeanor.

The exclamation in the field and the strange eyes of the people stabbed Huang Jianchen like a knife at the moment.

He can't accept all this!

He had kept a low profile for too long before. He wanted to use this World War I to completely raise his prestige, but he suddenly encountered such changes. How can he stand it?

"I admit I underestimated you before, but I won't give you a second chance!"

Huang Jianchen got up from the ground with a cold look, and his words seemed to squeeze out from between his teeth. He was ruthless every word.

"You've been saying this since the beginning of the battle. I advise you not to do it again. Really, otherwise once you lose, you'll be beating yourself in the face. It's very embarrassing."

Lintian said earnestly.

Many viewers were shocked when they saw this, but when they thought about it, it was really like what Lintian said. Huang Jianchen was arrogant and looked at Lintian like nothing.

Now, it seems strange to say that again.

Of course, Lintian could have said this at other times, but speaking of it at this time obviously gives people a sense of ridicule.

However, Lintian said so sincerely that people couldn't help laughing and laughing.

In the box, Liu Qingyan couldn't help laughing. For the first time, she found that Lintian was not nervous at all, but still so clever. She was so good at teasing people.

When grandma Feng saw this, she couldn't help but feel nervous. Since she saw Lintian, she became a little different from the past. If only

Mother-in-law Feng shook her head and didn't think about it any more. In case anything really happened, pass her mother-in-law Feng first!

On the challenge arena, Huang Jianchen heard Lintian's words, then looked at Lintian's serious and sincere expression, and a strong impulse rose in his heart. He wanted to smash Lintian's face with a fist!

That's disgusting!

Huang Jianchen hates so much that his teeth are almost broken and his face becomes ugly. Does this guy really think he can't help him?


PS: it's too late today. Tomorrow's monthly ticket will break through 800. Continue to watch for 3. At present, 730. It's up to you, guys!

(end of this chapter)

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