Hua Ruoxu!

A legendary man comes from the seventh heaven region. The clan behind him is in charge of the heaven order and has a terrible power.

When he recognized his identity, many people nearby were surprised.

Obviously, Hua Ruoxu also heard the news, so he came to check it.

"Little Lord, it is said that this person has a strange face and no one can recognize it. Obviously, he is not a prominent figure from the eternal real world, but an amazing figure from the vast world."

Beside Hua Ruoxu, there is also a beautiful woman in purple with gorgeous appearance and thousands of manners. Her every move flows the breath belonging to the territory of emperor and ancestor, which is extremely dignified.

"From all over the world? It's very good."

Hua Ruoxu said, "this trip, if I can completely fit the law of the great road with my cultivation, when I am really perfect, my ranking will be greatly improved."

His voice was calm, with unique magnetism, calm bearing and unspeakable self-confidence.

"Little Lord, why do you care about this? After all, this ranking is temporary. A role from Daqian battle domain, even if it is a genius, is destined to be unable to compare with you in the future."

The beautiful woman in purple nearby smiled and whispered.

No one felt anything wrong with what she said.

Because it is a legend of Hua Ruoxu, which is enough to make countless great people comity and comity in the eternal real world.

Hua Ruoxu only smiled and was noncommittal about it.

The next moment, they disappeared out of thin air.

Although the news of his popularity was short-lived, it caused a sensation.

There was no doubt that their appearance made Lintian's influence on the mysterious list even greater.

Some peerless figures who originally relied on their identity and didn't care about it could not help but be surprised and began to take this matter seriously.

Everyone vaguely feels that the mysterious man from the world will be a great enemy rising like a big star and will bloom immortal brilliance.


"It's him, it must be him!"

In Taiyi City, a magnificent temple, strands of cold divine awns appeared in Luo Ling's eyes sitting on the main seat.

She had learned the news that had just returned, which caused a sensation in the whole city.


Someone couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's my... Cousin."

Luo Ling's voice was bitterly cold.

In her white and crystal palm, she held a black jade with a small blood stain on it. Although it had dried up, it was still bright red and filled with a palpitating smell.

At the moment, the black jade is producing a slight fluctuation, which seems to be trembling, as if it sensed something and buzzing.

That's the change, which made Luo Ling extremely sure that the mysterious person who left his name on the XUANBANG in front of the boundary war monument must be Lintian!

Because the black jade is stained with the blood breath belonging to the abyss swallowing dome. It is a strange treasure inherited from the Lord of heaven of the Luo family.

This treasure can detect the blood talent in the Luo family's human body. When it senses the breath of the abyss swallowing the dome, it will resonate, which is very magical.

However, the newly added babies of Fanluo's family will be investigated by this stone for the first time.

Now, this treasure is used by Luo Ling to sense and judge Lintian's trace!

"Convey the news to the Heng family and the Wen family and tell them that Lintian has entered Taiyi city."

Luo Ling's eyes showed a sharp edge, "in addition, spread the news that the mysterious person who caused the world shaking vision of the boundary war monument today is Lintian, who is now ranked third in the wanted list!"

In the hall, all the monks under the Luo family showed different colors.

Lorraine's arrangement is nothing more than four words:

killing someone with a borrowed knife

They understood Lorraine's strategy and couldn't help nodding.

Many days ago, Luo Ling arrived in Taiyi city with them, the disciples of Luo family, and immediately released the news that Lintian was bound to appear in Taiyi city.

At that time, it also attracted the attention of the whole city.

The forces of Wen and Liang Jia have already gathered and are waiting for the day.

In addition, many powerful people became interested and said that as long as Lintian, the wanted murderer, entered the city, he would be killed.

In order to get that priceless reward.

Now, Lintian had entered the city and caused the world shaking vision of the boundary war monument.

At this time, expose his identity and tell the world that he has entered the city. You can imagine how many powerful people will covet and kill him!

Immediately, someone took orders and left.


Lintian had already returned to the inn when the outside storm was raging and there was a heated discussion.

"Tell me, what is your ranking on the Xuan list?" The Green Finch was impatient and asked eagerly.


Lintian said it without concealing it, but his eyes looked different.

Previously, when he left his name, he keenly felt a strange force belonging to the boundary war monument, pouring into his body like a tide, and perceiving his Tao, state of mind, will and so on.

This made him instinctively resist. After ensuring that this strange force had no malice, he gradually relaxed.

But when this strange force wanted to touch the original spiritual pulse of his heart, Lintian didn't want to block it directly!

The original spirit pulse is his biggest secret. It is impossible to expose the talent of the second stage of the abyss swallowing the dome.

Even if it is the power of the boundary war monument, he doesn't want to be detected.

So, when he left his name on the Xuan list, he stopped at 918.

According to Lintian's inference, if he didn't stop the investigation of the strange power at that time, his ranking would be

I'm afraid it will continue to climb, which is far from being as simple as 918.

After all, talent is an extremely important part of the inside information, talent, Taoism and will, which has a great influence.

The lack of talent makes the ranking look much behind.

Even so, the Green Finch stayed for a while when he learned.

After half a ring, the Green Finch tut tut exclaimed: "abnormal, indeed it is abnormal. It left its name for the first time and ranked among the top 1000 on the XUANBANG list. These achievements are enough to shine through the ages, put in the eternal real world, and even cause a sensation in the seventh heaven!"

The seventh heaven region is the place where the immortal imperial family forces in charge of the order of the heaven order are entrenched. It can make this world a sensation. It can be imagined that Lintian's ranking is not unbearable, but extremely amazing!

"What is the first time to leave a name? Can we leave a name for the second time in the future?" Lintian asked.

The green sparrow said, "you can't say so. After you leave your name on the boundary war monument with your will power this time, you will walk in the Daqian war area in the future. The achievements you have made and the Taoist deeds you have promoted will be sensed by the rule power of Daqian war area for the first time."

"And you also know that the power of the boundary war tablet can fit with the rules of the thousands of war domains, which means that your achievements and improved Taoism will also be sensed by the boundary war tablet, which will affect the change of your ranking on the Xuan list."

After a pause, the green sparrow concluded: "in short, since then, the stronger your opponent is, the more powerful your strength will change, and your ranking on the boundary war monument will change accordingly."

Lintian suddenly.

This means that the ranking on the Xuan list is only temporary, not eternal.

"Young man, work hard."

"I have heard that in the past years, there was a legendary emperor who raised his ranking to the top 100 before reaching the eternal real world."

"At that time, this matter not only caused a sensation in the thousands of war areas, but also benefited the legendary emperor's position in the universe. His ranking in the thousands of world soared to the top 50."

"How magnificent it is for a person to change the ranking of one side of the universe and create an unprecedented miracle!"

Lintian couldn't help saying, "what benefits can we get from the ranking change of the cosmic plane?"

The green bird's disdain seems to say that you don't even know this. It's too ignorant.

But it patiently explained.

It turns out that the higher the ranking of one side of the universe in the Daqian battle domain, the closer it can be to the position of the Daqian battle domain, so as to change the avenue atmosphere of this side of the universe and become more and more powerful!

Lintian was surprised.

Because according to the Green Finch, the position of the cosmic plane is not fixed, but can be moved and changed like stars!

Like the ancient star path in the beginning of Taigu, it is the first cosmic plane in the Daqian battle domain. Its location was originally the closest to the Daqian battle domain!

However, with the decline of the ancient road in the starry sky, the ranking gradually lags behind, and its position is also occupied, which is farther and farther away from the battle field

After understanding these, Lintian was more and more unable to calm down.

The ranking of Daqian battle field has such a unique relationship with the ranking of battle monument in the field.

Even, it can affect the rise and fall of one side of the universe!

This is undoubtedly incredible!

Lin xunluo thought and said, "so if I raise the ranking to the first place in the XUANBANG list, doesn't it mean that the ranking of the ancient star path I came to will also rank among the forefront of the world?"

The green bird nodded, "that's about it."

After hearing this, Lintian's eyes became strange. He never intended to seek any chance to change his fate for the ancient star path.

But by accident, I had such an opportunity

It's really passive.

Soon Lintian didn't think about this anymore. He didn't intend to be the Savior.

The reason why I chose to leave my name on the boundary war monument is also to prepare for entering the "battlefield of the gods" when I arrive at the 49th immortal pass in the future.

He can't manage so many other things.

"Green Finch, I will enter the ruins of that Avenue in three days. Take this opportunity to tell me something about the ruins of this avenue."

Lintian thought.

The Green Finch readily agreed.

While Lintian was talking with the Green Finch, he was in Taiyi city.

As Luo Ling sent people to spread the news, it also caused an uproar all over the city in a short time.


PS: the fourth change is sent!

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