The sixth day.

Ying Fengcheng.

In a restaurant.

Peng Tianxiang sat alone by the window, drinking and drinking himself, depressed.

"You say that the ruthless man in the square inch mountain forest really has the courage to come to the sixth heaven?" There was a noisy discussion in the distance.

"I don't know whether he dares to come. I only know that the immortal emperors such as Wen, Heng, he, Luo and Zhu have become the laughing stock of the world."

Someone whispered.

Many of you look different.

Since Lintian appeared in the first heaven, a group of immortal emperors sent forces. There was a great movement in the sixth heaven, which attracted the attention of everyone.

Countless people are wondering when Lin ruthless will be killed and which Immortal Emperor will die.

But no one thought Lintian could live.

Because the power gathered by the immortal emperors was so terrible that people could not see any hope of living from Lintian.

However, no one expected that Lintian not only miraculously survived this chase, but also killed all the way from the first heaven to the fifth heaven!

What's more incredible is that even though many immortal emperors laid a net, they still failed to kill Lintian in the fifth heaven.

On the contrary, those immortal imperial strongmen who couldn't find Lintian's trace were the first to lose and return after years of waiting and consumption!

This matter has now spread in the sixth heaven, making a lot of noise, which has disgraced the immortal emperors and reduced them to a joke.

"If I were Lin ruthless, I wouldn't come to the sixth heaven. It's too dangerous. After all, this is the base camp of those immortal emperors. They would have put down their cruel words long ago. If Lin ruthless dares to appear, he will die without a whole body."

Someone sighed.

"Anyone can say threats, but the key is that Lin ruthless and other characters can't be afraid of these threats? Don't look at how he came all the way? Whoever is the enemy, no matter what your status and status, you can kill him!"

Someone spoke with admiration.

"If you think he will be the fifth one, he will not dare to stay in the forest. Otherwise, he will not dare to be the fifth one, or he will be exposed!"

Some people analyzed calmly and got the approval of many people.

The sixth heaven is like a watershed, which is completely different from the fifth heaven and the lower heaven.

Just the number of immortal emperors entrenched in this world has reached an amazing 24!

If we compare the vast territory and the number of practitioners, it is far from comparable to the fifth heaven and the lower heaven.

And Lintian offended at least ten immortal emperors, such as Wen, Heng, he, Zhu and Luo.

That is to say, in the sixth heaven, half of the immortal emperors were Lintian's enemies!

Under such circumstances, how could Lintian dare to appear in public even if he entered the sixth heaven?

Not to mention him, I'm afraid I have to shrink even if I change to an immortal existence!

"Brother Lin, Lintian, no wonder you are treated differently by Miss Youran. Who could have imagined that you could make such a great reputation when you were in the thousands of wars?"

Listening to people's comments, Peng Tianxiang couldn't help thinking of the time when he met Lintian in Daqian battle field, and he was filled with emotion.

"I hate that cloud falling Hong. When I was at the ninth immortal heaven pass, I took miss Youran away by force. Otherwise, we wouldn't leave so soon..."

Peng Tianxiang was depressed again.

At that time, Yun Luohong, the ancestor of Jue Ding emperor, appeared and directly took Dugu leisurely away. Peng Tianxiang didn't feel anything at that time.

But it was not until he returned to the eternal world and planned to go to the seventh heaven with the help of clan power to continue to chase Dugu Youran that he suddenly found that even if he was a direct descendant of the Peng family, he could not go at will.

In this way, it is impossible for him to see Dugu Youran again. Until now, he can only sit here and drink muggy wine.


Suddenly, Peng Tianxiang glanced carelessly. Through the window, he saw a familiar figure flashing like a glance on the bustling and bustling street.

But when he wanted to identify it carefully, the familiar figure had already disappeared in the vast crowd.

"Shouldn't it really be..."

Peng Tianxiang frowned and immediately remembered something. He grew up and hurried to the restaurant.

There is a lot of noise and bustle on the street, and the creatures of different ethnic groups gather together. They look strange and diverse. It is undoubtedly difficult to find a person under such circumstances.

But Peng Tianxiang ignored it and chased straight in the direction of the disappearance of the figure, while his heart was filled with unspeakable excitement.

"If it's really him, he's too brave!"

Peng Tianxiang searched while moving forward.

"Peng Tianxiang?"

Suddenly, a figure blocked in front.

Peng Tianxiang stepped down, looked up and saw that he was blocked by a man in red robe with long gray hair and a young face.

He is tall and stands there at will, but like a natural moat, he gives people a sense of oppression that is hard to shake.

Peng Tianxiang's pupils contracted and said, "who are you?"

This is Yingfeng City, which belongs to the territory of Tianqing Shenzhou, and the Peng family is the overlord of Tianqing Shenzhou!

In other words, in Tianqing China, respect the Peng family!

Therefore, although he was stopped by a stranger, Peng Tianxiang was not alarmed.

"My name is Yuting. This time I'm ordered to come and take a message to Mr. Peng."

The man with red robe and gray hair smiled and looked up and down at Peng Tianxiang with a look in his eyes.

This unscrupulous look made Peng Tianxiang feel uncomfortable. He frowned and said, "speak quickly."

The man in red robe smiled disapprovingly, and the palm turned over, revealing glittering pearls the size of pigeon eggs.

Suddenly, Peng Tianxiang's face suddenly changed, as if he had been greatly stimulated. His eyes were red. He stared at the man in red who claimed to be the thunder of the rain and said, "how can these 'boundary news beads' fall into your hands?"

World news Pearl!

It is a kind of supernatural treasure that can transmit messages across the domain. It can transmit the boundary message pearl from this domain to another domain through special secret method.

In fact, it is no different from sending a letter, but the "Jiexun pearl" can be transmitted between the two celestial regions.

The value of these treasures is so precious that one is worth one million first-class cosmic virtual source crystals. Ordinary practitioners are not willing to buy them at all.

"It seems that these

"The world news pearl" is indeed written by you. "

Yu Ting ignored Peng Tianxiang's anger and laughed at himself, but the smile had a taste of ridicule and irony.

"I have to say that you are still infatuated, but your writing is too poor. There are some ugly words between the lines. It's like a fool's dream. It's ridiculous. Fortunately, miss Youran didn't see it. Otherwise, she might be deeply... Disgusted."

"You... You peeped at my world news Pearl!"

Peng Tianxiang felt his head buzzing, and an unspeakable anger poured into his body. The whole person seemed to be out of control, and his face was black and ferocious.

"This is a street. If you get angry and spread it to others, it will be a great crime."

Yuting Shuer raised his hand and pressed it on Peng Tianxiang's shoulder. The latter couldn't dodge, and his strength was firmly imprisoned in an instant and couldn't move any more.

It's no wonder you've been so scared for a year. It's just that you have to calm down. It's hard to tell me why you've been so scared for so long

Yu Ting disdained and said, "if you hadn't been writing these nonsense things all these years, I really thought I would pay attention to you such an overestimated toad?"

Peng Tianxiang's face turned red, and his dignity was greatly trampled and humiliated. He hissed, "what do you want to do?"

Yu Ting's eyes flashed a frightening cold light, stared at Peng Tianxiang and said, "my young master asked me to tell you that miss Youran and other noble people are not something you can care about. If you dare to have some thoughts in the future, you will die ugly."

There was an undisguised contempt in his voice.

Peng Tianxiang's expression was changeable: "did leisurely let you come?"

Yu Ting sneered: "miss Youran, how can you care about these small things? Just remember my words, otherwise the whole Peng family will not protect your life!"

Then, between his palms and fingers, the glittering and translucent boundary news beads were crushed one by one and made a broken sound.

Watching this scene, Peng Tianxiang felt that his heart had been crushed, his eyes were congested and his mind was blank.

The letterheads in the world news beads are all written with his painstaking efforts and the sustenance of his emotions over the years. Maybe they are not important to others, but they have different special significance to him.

But now, they are ruthlessly destroyed one by one!

"Can't bear the blow? Oh, what a poor and pathetic infatuation." Yuting laughed, his eyes were full of fun.

Peng Tianxiang's eyes are about to crack, staring at those broken world news beads. The whole person seems to have lost his soul, and his eyes become gray little by little

There are signs of collapse in the heart of the Tao!

And this is exactly what Yuting wants to see. It's undoubtedly better to kill people without killing them.

"Isn't it fun to play like this?"

When Peng Tianxiang's whole heart was about to collapse, a familiar indifferent voice sounded.

This voice, like a strange magic, turned into a powerful and warm force to stabilize Peng Tianxiang's heart on the verge of collapse.

He was stunned at first, and immediately looked up. In his field of vision, he saw a familiar figure and didn't know when to appear around him.


PS: next week around 5, we will try our best to explode a 10 more!

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