In the room.

Lintian sat cross legged and frowned slightly.

Although a storm outside the door ended, he felt something strange.

Originally, when he saw the scene of Heng Xingwen slapping runyue, he had planned to help. After all, runyue was a maid arranged beside him.

Moreover, if he can get Wan Rou to lead the way this time, he must be grateful.

But when he was ready to take action, Lintian realized that something was wrong.

First of all, hengxinghai has eight major accomplishments of the top imperial realm, while runyue has only six major accomplishments of the ordinary imperial realm.

If you really want to capture runyue, take him away. By means of crossing the sea of stars, you can ensure that runyue will be captured in an instant without making a sound.

But Heng Xinghai didn't do so. He didn't even care if it would cause noise and let others know.

This undoubtedly seems a little strange.

Besides, the place where this happened is also very wrong.

From the moment he stepped on the treasure boat, Lintian had told runyue that he didn't need any service when he practiced in the room.

If there is nothing necessary, you'd better not disturb him.

Now, the treasure boat has been flying on the road for more than ten days. Runyue is really obedient and hasn't come to bother Lintian.

But just today, runyue appeared outside his room and was stared at by hengxinghai.

Even if runyue takes the initiative to seek help after encountering danger, as Wanrou's maid, shouldn't she go to Wanrou for help at the first time?

But she appeared in front of her room

The whole thing made Lintian feel like he wanted to see it on purpose.

This is very unusual.

Because of this, Lintian, who was going to do it, stubbornly resisted the impulse and chose to stand by.

At present, Lintian was thinking, is there a problem with the horizontal Star text or the moistening moon?

Or are they both having problems?

When they make such a fuss, it is clear that they are coming for themselves. However, what purpose are they doing so for?

Test your abilities?

Feel your details?

Lintian thought for a long time and immediately shook his head.

No matter what kind of conspiracy he has, he really offends himself. Just kill him!

In Lintian's eyes, the only master on the whole treasure ship who could be noticed by him was the "Jiao Bo" around Wan rou.

As for others, it was really hard to get into Lintian's eyes.

In these years, he has killed all immortal figures. How can he care about these imperial figures?

Others might be afraid of the power of Heng family, but I'm sorry, he didn't fear any Immortal Emperor since Lintian entered the eternal world!

"Well, it happened on the treasure ship after all. It's better to remind Wan Rou..."

Lintian got up, went out of the room and went straight to the place where Wan Rou lived.

However, when Lintian knocked on the door, the cold smell of runyue came from the room:

"My young lady has a rest. Please come back another day."

Lintian was stunned and said, "please tell your young lady that I have an important thing to talk to her this time."

After a short silence, runyue's voice rang out again: "childe, my miss said, what can I do another day."

Lintian raised his eyebrows and vaguely figured out some flavor. He couldn't help laughing and said, "well."

He turned away.

It's already clear in her heart that Wanrou's reason for shutting herself out is probably to blame herself for not stopping the storm before.

Maybe she thought she was timid?

Or selfish and cold-blooded?

Lintian smiled and didn't care about this little refusal. It was a small matter after all. Even for Lao Kun's face, he wouldn't care about Wan rou.

On the way back to the room, a man waited there. He was dressed in a golden robe. He was vigorous and brave. It was the Heng Xinghai who was crazy about Kendo cultivation.

When Lintian appeared, Wang Xinghai said, "friend, can we talk together?"

"What are you talking about?" Lintian stopped.

Heng Xinghai smiled and said, "don't be nervous. I just heard that my friend boarded the ship through the relationship of Peng family, and Peng Tianxiang and I can be regarded as old friends, so I want to know my friends."

"Really, but I'm not interested in meeting people I don't know."

Lintian smiled and walked straight forward.

Heng Xinghai was stunned. He didn't think he would be rejected like this. Seeing Lintian's back leaving, he couldn't help a cold look on his eyebrows.

The next moment, he also turned away.

"There's a problem with the man of the Heng family."

Back in the room, Lintian thought of Wang Xinghai's invitation and was acutely aware that the situation on the treasure ship was far from as simple as it seemed.

In other words, these cross family people obviously have other plans!

"No matter what you want to do, if you dare to provoke me... Don't blame me for being rude..."

Lintian's black eyes flashed.

He sat at will, abandoned his miscellaneous thoughts and continued to meditate and practice.

In another room.

Heng Xinghai's face was gloomy. His eyes stared at Heng Xingwen like a sword and said, "do you know that Shi Yu's attention has been attracted by your actions today?"

Heng Xingwen disapproved and said, "I just want to test his details, so as not to have any accidents when we take action. Who ever thought that this guy is a timid shrinking turtle. The maidens around him have been bullied and dare not appear. It's really cowardly."

He couldn't help laughing.

Heng Xinghai snorted coldly, thinking of the scene that Lintian had rejected before, he felt a little uneasy and said, "this Shi Yu is not as cowardly as you think. Before taking action, you should take some people to monitor this person. If he dares to make any changes, he will kill him at the first time!"

Heng Xingwen said with a smile: "don't worry, it's a piece of cake."

Heng Xinghai's eyes were as sharp as a sword and said: "it's a piece of cake? If you dare to make any mistakes and delay this action, even if I don't do it, someone will clean you up!"

Heng Xingwen was stunned for a moment. Only then did he show his solemn color on Junxiu's face.

After a few days in a hurry, there were no twists and turns along the way.

This day.

The treasure ship carrying Lintian and them shook violently, and from time to time, there were violent storms and thunder.

"You don't have to panic. Our treasure ship has entered the road to the chaos magic sea. In the next few days, the treasure ship will pass through all kinds of dangerous areas, but as long as you stay on the treasure ship, you will be fine."

On the ship, the hoarse voice of chober sounded.

"Are you going to the chaos devil sea..."

Lintian pushed the door out, walked out of the huge palace like cabin and came to the deck which was comparable to a huge square.

Deck by

At the fence, Wan Rou, Jiao Bo and a group of guards had already stood there.

Some members of the Heng family are also there, such as Heng Xinghai, Heng Xingwen and so on.

When they saw Lintian appear, Heng Xinghai and others only glanced at him, then they moved away and looked into the distance.

"Childe Shi Yu is also here."

Jiao Bo greeted with a smile.

Wan Rou stood there and didn't look back. She obviously didn't want to pay attention to Lintian.

Lintian smiled and said, "the first time I went to the chaos devil sea, I came to have a look when I heard something."

He looked into the distance.

At this time, the treasure ship is driving in a dark sea of clouds. From time to time, there will be thunder and lightning as thick as Python dragon rushing out of the black sea of clouds, releasing dazzling light, and the roar is breathtaking.

One by one, like whirlpools of storms, like demons dancing in disorder, tumbling and roaring in the sea of clouds, tearing the sky, disturbing the universe and sending out rumbling explosions.

In contrast, the treasure ship carrying people is like a drop in the ocean, which is extremely small.

"This is the black devil thunder sea. There are evil and vicious ten thousand devil God thunder. If it is split, ordinary imperial figures can't bear it. And the 'chaotic Yin and vigorous wind' is also extremely ferocious and can blow away people's spirits. It's extremely strange."

Jiao Bo pointed to the distance and explained to Lintian.

Lintian nodded and said, "it looks really dangerous."

He noticed that layers of colorful ripples appeared on the treasure ship, which turned into a light mask and covered all around, so as to avoid the attack of many "ten thousand demon thunder" and "chaotic Yin vigorous wind" on the way.

"For those of us who have been in and out of the chaos magic sea for many years, these are just small tricks. The closer we get to the chaos magic sea on the next road, the more dangerous it will be."

"Like the bloody ghost mountain, which is piled up with the bloody gas that has gathered on it since ancient times. This mountain is 90000 feet high and spans between heaven and earth, which is no different from bloody purgatory."

"Like turbulent Jedi, there are countless long and narrow cracks in broken space. Walking in them, you will be swept by spatial turbulence all the time..."

"There are ghost River, Yangjiao mountain and Baxiong island..."

Jiao Bo talked freely and talked about the ferocious places along the way.

Lintian listened with interest and said, "no wonder this chaotic magic sea is regarded as the first chaotic place in the sixth heaven. Just the danger along the way can stop most monks from going."

Jiao Bo said with a smile, "therefore, the chaos devil sea has become a refuge for those ferocious people. If ordinary people can't live, they will never come to this kind of ghost place."

"Jiao Bo."

Not far away, Wan Rou said, "in half an hour, we will arrive at xuesha mountain. Please prepare the goods in advance."

Jiao Bo immediately nodded, turned and hurried away.

At this time, Heng Xinghai walked towards Wanrou from a distance, looked aboveboard and said with a smile: "miss Wanrou, can I ask you a question?"

"I don't dare to ask. What do you want to ask?" Judo.

Not far away, Heng Xingwen and some guards came towards Lintian. They seemed to be looking at the scene outside the treasure ship.

But Lintian frowned, because after careful observation, the figure of Heng Xingwen and others just formed a barrier between him and WAN rou.

Looking at the WAN Rou close at hand, Wang Xinghai still smiled, but his eyes suddenly became sharp and frightening, and his voice whispered:

"I want to ask, is that piece of congenital bone left by kunzu on Miss?"

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