Dragon Ridge Mountain.

Where the Luo family is entrenched.

When the news of Luo Feng's capture came back, the Luo clan shook up and down, all in an uproar.

"Who is so bold that he dares to capture my Luo family?"

"Damn it!"

"I'm afraid it's a big deal if you dare to do so..."

All kinds of comments sounded inside Luo's house, causing panic.

However, these voices are divided into two distinct attitudes.

The people belonging to the branch of Luo family are all angry about this. Although the people of the main branch of Luo family are surprised, they are gloating in their hearts.

Over the years, Luo Feng has bullied the people of Luo's main family, which has already provoked anger and resentment.

In this turbulence, the atmosphere in the main hall of the Luo family is also extremely depressing and dignified.

After Luo Tongtian's disaster disappeared, Luo Chong, who has been in charge of the growth power of the Luo family, now looks gloomy and stifles his inner anxiety and murder.

He has black hair and purple robes. He is tall and thin. He sits at will without anger.

In the main hall, a group of great people from the branch of Luo family gathered together, and their faces were also very ugly.

Although Luo Feng is a young generation, he is the only emperor ancestor cultivated by the Luo family over the years.

His position is so important that he is even far above them!

It's like being caught off guard by this person, but it's like being mugged by that person.

"In this sixth heaven region, those who dare to do so must be immortal emperors. No doubt, I even suspect that the enemy is likely to be the Yao family or the Ling family!"

One person said angrily, "since the ancestors of Yunshan mountain suffered in the fifth heaven, in recent years, these two forces have made frequent moves and eroded the territory controlled by our Luo family. It seems that they have not paid attention to our Luo family, and only they are most likely to take action against Luo Feng."

There was a tumult in everyone's heart.

The Yao family, the Ling family and their Luo family coexist in this Tianshui Shenzhou, like a tripartite confrontation, each according to one side.

Over the past countless years, their three immortal emperors have fought with each other in secret for countless times.

In recent years, the Yao and Ling families have been too lazy to cover up and directly put the struggle on the bright side.

Up to now, in the territory controlled by the Luo family, two Chengdu have been annexed by the two!

The Luo family did not fight back, but it was difficult to stop all this.

The reason is that over the years, the Luo family has suffered some casualties, and its prestige has weakened sharply.

In particular, the fall of Luoyun mountain a few years ago was a heavy blow to the Luo family, which greatly damaged their vitality and had far less power than the Yao family and Ling family.

Under such circumstances, they simply can't get enough confidence to completely tear their faces with the two families.

Even if the territory under his command is lost, he can only pinch his nose and bear it.

But now, Luo Feng and other vital people have been hijacked, which is tantamount to touching their scales and making them unbearable.

"It's impossible to speculate. With the current strength of our Luo family, we can't go to war with the Yao family and Ling family. In my opinion, we'd better find out the news first."

Someone mused.

Such words have made all the people here feel blocked for a while, which is very oppressive.

Long ago, the Luo family was a behemoth standing in the seventh heaven. They were the top forces who dared to break their wrists with the ten immortal giants in the eighth heaven.

But now?

The real river is falling, the tiger is falling and the sun is being bullied by the dog!

"It's all because of the old slave luboya. If he hadn't taken Luo Qingpeng and Luo Qingheng away, how could so many things have happened?"

Some people complain and hate.

"Alas, in recent years, our Luo family has encountered too many difficulties... Is it true that God does not bless our Luo family?"

"If we continue like this, we... Are afraid that we will repeat the mistakes of the past and can no longer stand on the sixth day..."

There was a sigh in the hall.

They are all important figures of the Luo family. How can they not know how embarrassed and dangerous the Luo family is now?


On the main seat, Luo Chong opened his mouth coldly and covered all the voices in the hall, which also awed the hearts of all present.

"Now I just want to know who took feng'er, not listening to your complaints!"

Luo Chong's eyes were like electricity, and his look was cold and frightening.

The hall was silent and everyone looked at each other.

If they knew the exact news, how could they still sit here?

"Patriarch, there's news. There's news from master Luo Feng!"

Suddenly, an excited voice came from outside the hall. A bodyguard rushed in and presented a jade slip.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Luo Chong took a deep breath and put his divine consciousness into the jade slips.

A moment later.


When the jade slips were blown to pieces, Luo Chong's face became ferocious, and his eyebrows were full of anger.

This made everyone realize that it was bad.

"Who sent this jade slip?" Luo Chong glanced at the bodyguard who delivered the letter.

The bodyguard shivered all over and said in a trembling voice: "I told the patriarch that he was an errand vendor in the city of lark. I specifically inquired about it. The vendor said that a stranger gave him the jade slips and gave him 10000 yuan of running expenses."

Luo Chong continued to ask, "where is the vendor now?"

The bodyguard quickly said, "I also realized that something was wrong. I have detained the vendor. Now it's in our clan."

Luo Chong looked a little relaxed, nodded and said, "you did a good job. Go and bring the vendor up."

The bodyguard took orders and left.

"Patriarch, is there a problem with this jade slip?" Someone couldn't help saying.

Luo Chong said expressionless, "the jade slips are no problem. The problem is who handed them to the vendor. If we can find out their origin, we may know who the enemy is."

Just then, the bodyguard had brought the merchant into the hall.

This is a shrewd and alert man. His cultivation is unbearable and worthless.

Luo Chong didn't intend to ask, so he said directly, "I want to see from your spirit who gave you the jade slips. What do you think?"

The man showed a panic on his face, crawled on the ground, and said, "as long as you can help adults, it's a small honor!"

This is called survival desire.

Luo Chong nodded, and the divine consciousness was released. Suddenly, he entered the man's divine soul.

Before long, Luo Chong saw a scene.

On the bustling street, a man found the vendor, negotiated the price, and handed over a jade slip to the vendor.

Luo Chong tried to see the man clearly, but he couldn't see it anyway. It was like looking at flowers in the fog.

What's more strange is that the man seems to be ready to leave

When I opened, I suddenly turned around, looked at the vendor, moved my lips and said a sentence silently.

"Only ten days, remember."

Luo Chong's face suddenly sank. This was not for the vendor, but for himself!

Obviously, the other party had expected that he would search the soul!

Put away the divine knowledge, Luo Chong waved: "take this man down."

The guard hurriedly dragged the merchant who had been scared like a dead dog out of the hall.

The eyes of the adults here are looking at Luo Chong again.

"Patriarch, is the situation bad?" Someone asked.

Luo Chong was silent for a moment and said, "the other party said that we should take ten immortal Taoist soldiers and the book of the limitless God together to 'crack the sky and thunder sea' for exchange in ten days, otherwise we will kill Luo Feng."

The big people here immediately fried the pot, one by one angry and furious.

"Ten immortal Taoist soldiers? What do the other party think these treasures are, broken copper and iron? They're crazy!" Someone was furious.

Immortal Taoist soldiers are refined from all kinds of immortal materials. They are extremely rare and precious. Generally speaking, only immortal characters can control and refine them, and the number is extremely rare.

In the whole sixth heaven region, the number of immortal Taoist soldiers owned by each Immortal Emperor family is also extremely limited.

If there are only so many soldiers left, it's like saying yes to immortality!

"The Wuji divine book is the treasure left by the father of Tongtian. It contains infinite mysteries. It is the property of our Luo family. It is indeed a wolf's ambition and heinous for the other party to make such a request!"

Others also opened their mouths, and their faces were particularly gloomy.

"Save or be saved, treasure... Never give it!"

Someone said angrily, "since the other party has agreed to meet in the thunder sea of cracked sky, it gives us a chance. Let's just kill it directly!"

Some people also suggested: "treasure still needs to be prepared. If the situation is wrong, you can also leave a buffer room."

Luo Chong nodded. He had calmed down and said, "if the other party dares to make such a request, he must have been ready for a long time. Feng ER, who is the emperor's ancestor at the top of the mountain, was silently taken away at the high-profile Taoist Dharma meeting. It is inferred that the person who made the move must be immortal and have no doubt."

"This means that if we go to shatianleihai, we need at least an immortal to lead the team in person."

Speaking of this, he sighed and said, "now, the ancestor of Yunhe is closing the door, and as the patriarch, I can't act rashly. It's a little tricky..."

Everyone could not help frowning and realized the seriousness of the problem.

In the final analysis, today's Luo family is far worse than before. The death of Luoyun mountain has made the situation of the Luo family worse and worse.

"If you give me the limitless book now, I'll help you with this little thing."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice with magnetism sounded leisurely.

Just outside the hall, a graceful and slender figure came pingting.

Her dark hair was in a bun, revealing a dignified and beautiful face without losing its softness. Her goose neck was snow-white and her skin was delicate. Her long dark blue dress could not hide her proud figure. Her every move, every frown and smile, had an inherent noble atmosphere.

Suddenly, all the big people in the audience got up and looked solemn and solemn.

Even Luo Chong, who was sitting on the main seat, was stunned. Then he grew up, squeezed out a smiling face and stepped forward to meet him:

"Why is madam here?"

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